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Brothar's Splices and Recolors [taking a break from splices]


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Haha alright. Here's the other one.

[spoiler=Eevee and Magikarp]



Also. I thought I'd make this.

[left][left][spoiler=Cresseria -Giratina color][/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
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You have potential, but most of those are not that great, remember that spriting is an art, and therefore takes time and practice, not to be quickly slapped together and hastily posted. That said, also remember the goal of a splice is to combine 2 similar sprites (or in some cases even COMPLETELY different) into one compact thing or creature, that equally represents BOTH of the original sprites. And MOST important "SAVE AS .PNG!" as Jappio would always say, some of your sprites are kinda choppy, or less high quality than others, I'm guessing it's because you forgot this simple principle. Anyways, hope to see you progress.

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[quote name='Slicer224' timestamp='1318464474' post='5576572']
You have potential, but most of those are not that great, remember that spriting is an art, and therefore takes time and practice, not to be quickly slapped together and hastily posted. That said, also remember the goal of a splice is to combine 2 similar sprites (or in some cases even COMPLETELY different) into one compact thing or creature, that equally represents BOTH of the original sprites. [i][b]And MOST important "SAVE AS .PNG!" as Jappio would always say, some of your sprites are kinda choppy, or less high quality than others, I'm guessing it's because you forgot this simple principle.[/b][/i] Anyways, hope to see you progress.
Every sprite on this thread is saved as .PNG except for one, which I copied and pasted from Photobucket.
Also, I am quite aware that spriting is an art. I know it takes time and practice, but time is only a factor to make something look precise and accurate, but another thing it requires is patience, which I lack. But I have the practice down, which makes me know how to do it, and that's all that I need to do this on my terms.
If you want to test me further, make a request. Otherwise, thank you for the comment and have a good day.

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[quote name='~Renegade~' timestamp='1318512492' post='5577237']
Alright recolor request:

Pokemon: Kecleon
Color Scheme: Arcanine
An interesting request, but very difficult.
Here is how it turned out.

[spoiler=Kecleon - Arcanine color *REQ]

[img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/bw/352.png[/img] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/JPCIL.png[/IMG]


The thing about Arcanine is that the lighting on the sprite is a lot more obscure than others; whereas Kecleon had just a traditional color scheme where the shading only pointed out where the light doesn't hit it that much. Arcanine has lighted parts that totally throw off the color transfiguration to Kecleon and makes it look crappy with the shading areas that were given.

But yeah. It was very difficult to make it look good.

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It looks good, but not exactly what I pictured. You are right when you said that the color schemes don't match at all making it that much harder. I commend you on your efforts,but it doesn't exactly look like an arcanine recolor. Still nice try and it isn't that it doesn't look good. Just not what I pictured.

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New recolor.

[left][left][spoiler=Aggron - Metagross colo][/left][/left]
[left][left] [/left][/left]
[left][left][img]http://www.pokemonelite2000.com/sprites/bw/306.png[/img] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/GBxjE.png[/IMG][/left][/left]
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[left][left]That stupid center alignment thing is getting very annoying. >_<[/left][/left]

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[quote name='Glitch' timestamp='1318624902' post='5579715']
Splice Request:
Pokemon 1: Walreen
Pokemon 2: Any Flying-Type

[spoiler=Walrein and Aerodactyl *REQ]



I understand if you don't care for the legs, but yeah.

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