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Requesting an icy tag


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Before you ask, it's not about IcyBlue; in fact, this will be for another forum entirely. On [url="http://forum.toribash.com/index.php"]http://forum.toribash.com/index.php[/url] I'm part of a clan called Frost, obviously with an icy theme. I'm hoping that someone can make two horizontal tags, one with text saying "Frost". Thanks in advance, whoever.

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I usually would not do a request such as this (with VERY minimal instruction and I generally do not do tags that are going to be shown on other sites for obvious reasons.), however, an abstract request sure does peak my interest.
I actually take time into creating tags, even more so if the tag is an abby, meaning it will take me 2 hours to make a piece that I will get virtually zero credit for.

I'll wait a bit, if no one takes it or I have more time on my plate i'll consider doing it.

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