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Naruto Sheppuden Next Generation Chunin Arc


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[b]Here is he link in case you can not see the picture:[/b] [url="http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=naruto%27s+and+sakura%27s+daughter&view=detail&id=42E49BFD10BAE33AD8A1EC634BE944F74577F298&first=1&FORM=IDFRIR"]http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=naruto%27s+and+sakura%27s+daughter&view=detail&id=42E49BFD10BAE33AD8A1EC634BE944F74577F298&first=1&FORM=IDFRIR[/url]

[b]REFERENCE!! THIS IS MY ORIGIONAL OF THIS RP AND HOW I WAS KIND OF PICTURING IT: [url="http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=403658&start=0"]http://www.chickensm...=403658&start=0[/url][/b]

[b]Plot: [/b]Welcome everyone to Naruto Next Generation! This is an RP that takes place after Naruto Shippuden, so all of your favorite charries are grown up. Which mean that this RP is about their children. From left to right, there's Koinu and Sakai (with dogs Rikka and Hokori, respectively) They're the children of Kiba and Hinata. Next, there's Ando, who's the son of Shikamaru and Ino. Next is Kinata, Naruto and Sakura's daughter. Then it's Isamashii whom Sasuke and Temari sired. And last but not least is Shakino, the older daughter of Shikamaru and Ino.

They're extremely well thought-out characters, each with unique personalities. It's jawsome!

Now for what each character's thinking/doing: It seems that Koinu and Sakai are having a contest to see who can grin bigger. Hokori and Rikka are joining in too X3 Ando, who's best friends with Kinata, but has a major crush on her is rubbing his head, hoping she doesn't see him blushing. Kinata's the only one who's actually focused in the picture, oblivious to the fact that nobody else is focused forward. Isamashii, the angsty one of the group is crossing his arms, glaring off in another direction, slightly irked by Shakino's proximity. Shakino on the other hand, is sidling up next to Isamashii, winking at us. Oh she's sly X3
*YCM and Advanced Clause applys
*[i][b][u]Limited Spots[/u][/b][/i]
*[u][i][b]Be Active[/b][/i][/u]
*fallow the above scenerio as far as things like: personality, parents and so on goes
*be active
*yes, you also have to be their parents and one of the two jonin leaders(DO NOT SCREW UP THE PARENTS!! I WILL FIND YOU!! )
*bear in mind that they are all 16 (Shakino is 17)
*This is a semi-literate RP. which means I expect at last half a paragraph

[b][b]Background Information [u][i](READ BEFORE JOINING!):[/i][/u][/b][/b]
[b]*yes I brought Sora and Sai back in as a Leaf ninja for loss of another jonin leader[/b]
[b]*Kinata and Isamashii have the same relationship as Naruto and Saskue had, though they have no idea of the pair's current relationship to each other.[/b]
[b]*Saskue is still around and wanting power[/b]
[b]*Saskue is the new leader of the new Akatsuki[/b]
[b]*Temari moved to the Leaf with her son[/b]
[b]*Isamashii has the Sharingan[/b]
[b]*Kiba and Hinata's children can have the Byakugan if you think they should......though....it doesn't show in the picture.....[/b]

[b][b]Sub Plot Ideas:[/b][/b]
[b]1) Several years after the down fall of the Akatsuki and lands all over the world have lived in peace. The Leaf has a new Hokage (Naruto) and a new promising generation of ninja have taken center stage. But peace can not last forever. Saskue is still looking for power and there are rumors that the Akatsuki is starting to raise again to finish their mission. Between the threat from Saskue and the sapposed new Akatsuki tensions are running high between the lands and hidden villages. A new war seems unaviodable and old long hidden secrets begin to resurface......[/b]

[b]Team Sora - Ando Nara, Isasmashii Uchila, and Kinata Uzamaki[/b]
[b]Team Sai - Shakino Nara, Koinu Inuzuka and Sakai Inuzuka[/b]

[b]Age (jut put 16 and then for Shakino put 17):[/b]
[b]chakra nature:[/b]
[b]rank (all are chunins):[/b]
[b]village (put Leaf for all):[/b]
[b]Team (LOOK ABOVE):[/b]

[b][b]Avaliability of Charachters~[/b][/b]
[b]Kinata - NarutoXSakura - Auralady[/b]
[b]Ando - InoXShikamaru -[/b]
[b]Shakino - InoXShikamaru - Auralady[/b]
[b]Koinu/Rikka - KibaXHinata - Auralady[/b]
[b]Sakai/Hokori - KibaXHinata -[/b]
[b]Isamashii - SaskueXTemari -[/b]
[b]Sora - Auralady[/b]
[b]Sai -[/b]
[b]Naruto - Auralady[/b]
[b]Sakura - Auralady[/b]
[b]Temari -[/b]
[b]Ino -[/b]
[b]Kiba/Akamaru -[/b]
[b]Hinata -[/b]


[u]New Leader~ [/u]Saskue -
Kyugami Orotoshi - Auralady
Ryugo Nekita - Auralady
Aoi Hegani - Auralady

Name: Kinata Uzamaki
Age (jut put 16 and then for Shakino put 17): 16
gendar: female
chakra nature: wind
rank (all are chunins): chunin
parents: SakuraXNaruto
village (put Leaf for all): LEaf
Team (LOOK ABOVE): Team Sora
Rasengan (developing)
Mystical Palm
Multi shadow clone
Scattering flower dance
Great Brakethrough

Name: Shakino Nara
Age: 17
Gendar: female
Team: Sai
Village: LEaf
Chakra nature: not used
Personality: mostly like her mother when she was a Genin but slightly more mature
Jutsus: Shadow imitation shurikan
Mystical palm
Portable water field
Shadow neck bind
mind transfer
mind reader
mind body disterbence
four-corner sealing barrier
Rank: chunin
Parents: ShikamaruXIno

Name: Sora
Age: someplace in 30s
Gendar: male
Team: Sora
Village: LEaf
Chakra nature: wind
Personality: unchanged from Chunin but slightly more mature
Jutsus: Beast wave palm
Beast wave gale palm
Great breakthrough
Flying Swallow
Vaccum sphere
Vaccum wave
Air compression
Rank: jonin

Name: Koinu Inuzuka (Rikka)
Age: 16
Gendar: female
Team: Sai
Village: LEaf
Chakra nature: not really used
Personality: like her mother but more outgoing
Jutsus: Byakugan
Water needle
Chakra needle
Gentle fist
Sixty-Eight trigrams
Rank: chunin
Parents: KibaXHinata

Name: Kyugami Orotoshi
Age: 27
Gendar: male
Village: former cloud ninja
Chakra nature: lightning
Personality: hot headed, cruel, quick to act and rush into things.
Jutsus: Lightning ball
Lightning hound
False darkness
Paralyzing palm
A thousand bolts
Electromagnetic murder
Lightning devestation
Earth flash
Rank: missing nin
looks: [url="http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images2.layoutsparks.com/1/57923/dark-anime-guy-image.jpg&imgrefurl=http://forum.cheatmasters.com/role-play-forum/14777-ninjas-samurai-alliance.html&usg=__drlY6wiWf95ZtuXprGxLI8sCM1A=&h=600&w=800&sz=220&hl=en&start=15&zoom=1&tbnid=pt1zp35DclDYaM:&tbnh=125&tbnw=178&ei=zmZUTZjnEcLqgQfS3sTBCQ&prev=/images%3Fq%3Danime%2Bmale%2Bninjas%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1437%26bih%3D577%26gbv%3D2%26tbs%3Disch:10%2C463&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=685&vpy=260&dur=3042&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=163&ty=124&oei=x2ZUTd6yKsT7lwfdk4iUCQ&esq=2&page=2&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:13,s:15&biw=1437&bih=577"]http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt ... 37&bih=577[/url]

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