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DEF: One More Shot (New One-Shot: Spliced)

Fusion X. Denver

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Guest Fusion X. Denver



Long ago, an imaginative and whimsical boy thought of an idea, an idea of chronicling a tale commemorating his friendship with two of his greatest friends.

The tale became a minor communal sensation.

On a website.


And now, the tale has come to an end and the boy has become an even-more-imaginative and vigorous man.

With less time on his hands and much less patience and commitment to writing a full-fledged tale.

So then there was this!


A series of one-shots based in the fictional universe of Trio of DEF. Not only were these short stories written by me, we also displayed DEF one-shots written by others for all to read. If you wanted to write a DEF one-shot, you missed your chance!

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Song Parodies:


[spoiler=The Real Wiseman]


May I have your attention please?

May I have your attention please?

Will the real Wiseman please stand up?

I repeat, will the real Wiseman please stand up?

We're gonna have a problem here..


Y'all act like you never seen a guy in green before

Jaws all on the floor like Crab, like Life just burst in the door

and took out her eye, heโ€™s worse than before

Heโ€™s startinโ€™ some wars, the world is like his furniture (Ahh!)


It's the return of the... "Ah, wait, no way, you're kidding,

he didn't just say what I think he did, did he?"

And Inventor said... nothing you idiots!

Inventor is dead, he's locked in my basement! (Ha-ha!)


Feminist women love Wiseman

[*vocal turntable: chigga chigga chigga*]


"Wiseman, I'm sick of him

Look at him, walkin around grabbin his you-know-what

Something โ€˜bout the power of youth," "Yeah, but thatโ€™s Chris though!"

Yeah, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose

But no worse, than what's goin on in El Makeโ€™s bedroom


Sometimes, I wanna get on TV, cancel reruns, but canโ€™t

but it's cool for Tom King to carry large guns

"YMB is so tight, YMB is so tight"

And if youโ€™re lucky, you might just come out of it alive


And that's the message that we deliver to all you guys

And expect them not to know where a woman's clitoris lies

Of course they gonna know at the end Life dies

By the time they hit fourth grade

They got the some sort of brain in there don't they?

"We ain't nothing but the Banned..." Might as well call me damned

cause I cut other people open like spam [sLURP]

But if Fuse can watch his girlfriend die and learn to cope

then there's no reason that Creator and Donovyn canโ€™t elope

[*EWWW!*] But if you feel like I feel, I got the antidote

Women wave your pantyhose, sing the chorus and it goes


'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?



Fuse Denver don't gotta cuss in his raps to sell his records;

well I do, so f*** him and f*** you too!

You think I give a damn about Inventor?

Half of you people can't even stomach me, let alone stand me


"But Wiseman, what if you win, wouldn't it be weird?"

Why? So you guys could just lie to get me here?

So you can, sit me here next to Aka Crab?

s***, pairing Denver and Clair has turned into a fad


so I can now go pair Daisuke Link and El Make

and hear 'em argue over who won Dick of the Day

You little b****, put me on blast on YMB

"Yeah, he's cute, but I think he's married to Crab, hee-hee!"

I should download her audio on MP3

and show the whole world why youโ€™ll never be able to find me [AHHH!]


I'm sick of you little Banned, and Inactive, all you do is annoy me

I set the YMB up cause itโ€™s distractive [bzzzt]

And there's a million of us just like me

who cuss like me; who just don't give a f*** like me

who dress in green; walk, talk and act like me

and just might be the next best thing but not quite me!


'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?


'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?



I'm like a head trip to listen to, cause I only do things

that you joke about with your friends inside your living room

The only difference is I got the balls to do it

in front of y'all and I don't gotta be false or sugarcoated at all


I just get hold of YMB and drop it

and whether you like to admit it [*ERR*] I just host it

better than ninety percent of you crackers out there

Then you wonder how can kids survive these matches, like Ratchet


It's funny; cause at the rate I'm goin when I'm thirty

I'll be the only person in the nursin home flirting

Pinchin Akaโ€™s ass when I'm jackin off smirkin

Cuz I know Chris will get pissed if I violate his girlfriend


And every single person is a Wiseman lurkin

He could be workin at Burger King, spittin on your onion rings

[*HACH*] Or in the Yugo Park, circling

Screaming "I don't give a f***!"


with his windows down and his system up

So, will the real Wisey please stand up?

And put one of those fingers on each hand up?

And be proud to be outta your mind and outta control

and one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?


'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?


'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?

'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?


'Cause I'm Wiseman, yes I'm the real Wisey

All you other Wisemen are just asking to fight me

So won't the real Wiseman please stand up,

please stand up, please stand up?



Ha ha

Guess there's a Wiseman in all of us

f*** it, let's all stand up



One Shots:


[spoiler=Jesus' White is a Cloud-colored Heaven]

Jesusโ€™ White is a Cloud-Colored Heaven


The girl opened her eyes, and brushed her blond hair out of her face. She looked up, dazed. The sky was strangely white, instead of the usual blue. She looked down, and saw she was wearing some sort of white dress. She realized the floors were white as well. They werenโ€™t even really floors, they were justโ€ฆthere, and she was on it.


She yawned. โ€œW-where am I?โ€


She stood up and began walking around, trying to get her bearings. She felt as if she were in the human world, because there were benches, and trees, and even some buildings. But it seemed as if there existed no other color but white. There was also no other people there.


After walking for a bit, she came across a man, just laying on the ground, looking at the sky with a small smile on his face. She blinked, and approached him.


โ€œUmโ€ฆhello,โ€ she said, somewhat quietly.


The man didnโ€™t seem to hear her. She raised an eyebrow, and crouched at his side.


โ€œExcuse me, do you know where we are?โ€ she asked, a bit more loudly this time.


The man turned to face her, with an amused look on his face. โ€œWhere do you think we are?โ€


The girl frowned. โ€œI really donโ€™t knowโ€ฆI just woke up, and I have no idea where I am.โ€



โ€œWhat is your name, child?โ€ the man asked, moving his attention to the sky once again.


โ€œMy nameโ€ฆI donโ€™t remember, now that you mention it,โ€ the girl said, raising a finger to her mouth.


โ€œI expected as muchโ€ฆwell, youโ€™ll find out in due time. Becauseโ€ฆwell, no matter where you go from here, time will be plenty.โ€


โ€œAnd where will I go?โ€ the girl asked.


โ€œThat is for your past to decide. You should find out any moment now,โ€ the man said, with a small chuckle.

โ€œWhat do youโ€ฆ?โ€ the girl began to say, before she suddenly lost conciousness.


โ€œHey, lady, wake up!โ€ a young boyโ€™s voice said.


The girl slowly opened her eyes once again, the blurry figure in front of her coming into focus. She could see it was a small boy, with spiky blond hair, who looked to be around thirteen. There were trees above them, blocking out most of the sunlight. The girl expected there to be dirt, seeing as they seemed to be in a forest, but the floor itself was smooth, but solid. Another thing she noticed was that this place, unlike the previous one, had colors, whereas the other had only white.


โ€œWhoโ€ฆare you?โ€ the girl asked, rubbing her eyes.


The boy smiled. โ€œIโ€™m Calvin, whatโ€™s your name?โ€


โ€œIโ€ฆdonโ€™t know,โ€ she muttered, scratching her head.


โ€œAh, then you must be new,โ€ he said, laughing. โ€œItโ€™s fine, itโ€™ll come back to you.โ€


โ€œSoโ€ฆCalvin, was it? Do you know where we are?โ€


โ€œOf course! We areโ€ฆhere!โ€ he said, spreading his arms.


The girl blinked, then giggled a bit. โ€œI meantโ€ฆspecifically? I donโ€™t think this is Earth.โ€


โ€œOh, itโ€™s not. Itโ€™s the other side,โ€ Calvin said.


โ€œโ€ฆOther side? What do you mean?โ€


โ€œWell, what I mean, basically, isโ€ฆyouโ€™re dead. Youโ€™ve died, and were lucky enough to go to Heaven.โ€


The girl scrunched up her eyebrows. โ€œW-wait, this is WAY too much information to take inโ€ฆyouโ€™re saying I died?โ€


โ€œPretty much. But itโ€™s cool, youโ€™ll like it here.โ€


The girl sighed. โ€œI wonder how I diedโ€ฆโ€


โ€œNo matter how much you think about it, itโ€™ll come back to you eventually, so just leave it out of your mind for now,โ€ Calvin said, chuckling. โ€œMeanwhile, why donโ€™t I show you around?โ€


He took her hand, and led her out of the forest. When they reached the outside, the girlโ€™s eyes widened. In front of them was a large piece of land, that made contact with the water along its outermost edges. The water was clear blue, she could even see the bottom, from the cliff they were on. On the city below there were many houses, some built like modern-day buildings, others crafted to the likeness of medieval European architecture, some even were small huts, or tents. There were all sorts of people walking the streets. Whites, blacks, Asians, Africans, and they all seemed to get along.


The girl took a deep breath of the fresh air. โ€œAh, the air is so clean here! And t-the view, itโ€™s just a city butโ€ฆIโ€™ve never seen anything like it!โ€

Calvin smirked. โ€œYep, this place is awesome. Come on, Iโ€™ll show you my house.โ€


A few minutes later, after they had walked down to the city, they reached a modern-day house, painted a faded shade of blue. Calvin opened the door, and led the girl inside.


She blinked, then looked around. โ€œWow, this seemsโ€ฆstrangely normal. Almost as if we were on Earth.โ€


โ€œYep, thatโ€™s life here. Outside, everything is weird to us because weโ€™re not used to it, but inside our homes, itโ€™s like we never died. I suppose thatโ€™s the beauty of it,โ€ Calvin said, going to the kitchen, then called; โ€œFeel free to sit on the sofa or something, Iโ€™ll be right back with some tea for us!โ€


The girl smiled a bit, and went to sit on a crimson sofa, instantly letting her shoulders droop, as she sunk herself onto it.


โ€œW-wow, this is really comfortable,โ€ she muttered, smiling. โ€œIโ€™m glad I met someone like him here, Iโ€™d be lost otherwiseโ€ฆโ€


โ€œWell, Iโ€™m back!โ€ Calvin announced, carrying two cups of tea. He handed the girl one, then sat in the sofa across from herโ€™s, letting out a small sigh of relief.


โ€œWow, nothing beats talking to a cute girl over a cup of tea while sitting on a comfy sofa, after a long day of exploring the woods,โ€ he said.


The girl blushed, almost letting the tea spill from her cup. โ€œY-you think Iโ€™m cute?โ€


โ€œOf course. Hell, youโ€™re the first girl Iโ€™ve talked to in a while, period,โ€ he said, laughing. โ€œMainly, I just hang out with this guy I met here, a while ago. Heโ€™s an awesome guy.โ€


โ€œReally? Whatโ€™s his name?โ€ the girl asked.




The girl blinked, a frown forming on her face. โ€œNinโ€ฆjew?โ€


โ€œUh, yeah. Why, you know him or something?โ€


โ€œIโ€ฆdonโ€™t know. I might, itโ€™s justโ€ฆI get a feeling somethingโ€™s offโ€ฆโ€

โ€œWhat do you mean?โ€


โ€œIโ€ฆโ€ the girl blinked, staring off into space for a few moments.


Calvin was about to shake her shoulder to see if she was alright, when she suddenly shook her head, and turned to him, her eyes gleaming.


โ€œI remember now! My name, my past, I remember them all!โ€


Calvin smiled. โ€œThatโ€™s great!โ€


โ€œExcept for one little thing,โ€ a voice called. โ€œIsnโ€™t that right, Rosa Seijo?โ€


Calvin and the girl turned to where the voice had come from. There, peeking from the window, was a man with wispy red hair and piercing blue eyes.


Calvin uttered a sigh of relief. โ€œNinjew, bro, you have GOT to stop scaring people to death.โ€


โ€œVery funny, considering all of us are already dead,โ€ Ninjew said. โ€œRegardless, I believe the young lady there recognizes me.โ€


โ€œYouโ€ฆcalled her Rosa Seijo, right? How do you know her name?โ€


Rosa gulped. โ€œW-well, me and Ninjew met. He and myโ€ฆ boyfriend knew each other well.โ€


โ€œAnd now,โ€ Ninjew muttered. โ€œYouโ€™re wondering how I got here before you, seeing as you died before me, right?โ€


Rosa nodded slowly. โ€œY-yeah, itโ€™s a pressing concern of mine right now.โ€


โ€œI think I know why,โ€ Ninjew said, climbing through the window and taking a comfortable seat on an armchair. โ€œWell, I got here soon after I died, though for a second I thought I was going to hell. I had no regrets, though, so my soul was able to part with my body. In your, instance, however, you were perfectly happy, with the boyfriend who you loved, and who loved you back. It seems you werenโ€™t too sad when parting, but somewhere in your mind, of course youโ€™d be sorrowful. Youโ€™d have regrets about leaving Chris all alone. So your soul hung onto your body. And guess what? Your regret was so strong, it held on for around a year.โ€

Rosa bit her lip. โ€œSoโ€ฆa year has passed since my deathโ€ฆ?โ€


โ€œThatโ€™s right. By now, Lifeโ€™s been defeated, and the worldโ€™s in relative peace under Creator.โ€ Ninjew said.


โ€œHowโ€ฆdo you know that?โ€ Rosa asked. โ€œHow can you know somethingโ€ฆfrom after you died?โ€


โ€œI was curious, so I went to the one guy around here who can let you view the world of the living. He has some weird basin that gets direct access to it. You canโ€™t make contact with the people though, itโ€™s impossible. So donโ€™t even try to think about asking to use the basin to talk to Chris.โ€


โ€œI-I wasnโ€™t going toโ€ฆโ€ Rosa muttered, blushing as she looked away. โ€œOkayโ€ฆmaybe I was thinking about it. Butโ€ฆit wouldnโ€™t be right. By now, Chris has probably forgotten all about me, moved on, got himself a new girlfriendโ€ฆbutโ€ฆI can at least see him, right?โ€


โ€œIf you want. But do you really want to see someone you can never touch or talk to again? Trust meโ€ฆitโ€™s not pleasant.โ€


Rosa looked down, her hand tightening around her chest. โ€œYesโ€ฆI want to be able to see Chris!โ€


Ninjew smirked. โ€œThen letโ€™s get right down to it.โ€


Suddenly, he grabbed Rosa and disappeared.


โ€œโ€ฆWhat about me?โ€ Calvin asked.


He looked around, then shrugged and continued sipping his tea.


โ€œHey, Mister Sheng, are you there?โ€ Ninjew called, as he and Rosa stood in front of a small secluded hut in the forest.


An elderly man with a hunched back, and a beard that nearly touched the floor walked out. He supported himself on a cane, and walked quite sluggishly.


โ€œWhat do you want?โ€ he asked. โ€œDidnโ€™t you bother me enough yesterday?โ€


โ€œI have someone who wants to see you. Ratherโ€ฆuse something of yours,โ€ Ninjew said, gesturing to Rosa.

Sheng straightened his glasses, looking up at the girl. โ€œI see, I seeโ€ฆyouโ€™ve come to see into the human world, is that right?โ€


Rosa gulped, then nodded. โ€œY-yes.โ€


โ€œWell then, come inside, I donโ€™t have all day.โ€


โ€œIโ€™ll stay here, you go ahead,โ€ Ninjew said.


โ€œBut I-โ€


โ€œHey, are you coming?โ€ Sheng yelled from inside.


Rosa gasped slightly, and followed him inside.


Ninjew smirked slightly. Sheโ€™s a good kidโ€ฆ I hope she can handle itโ€ฆ


โ€œWell, here it is, peek into it, say the name of the person you want to see, and youโ€™re set,โ€ Sheng said, pointing to the stone basin with clear water inside it.


โ€œIโ€ฆdonโ€™t have to do anything?โ€


โ€œI just said, you have to say the personโ€™s name. Are you deaf?โ€


โ€œNo, I meantโ€ฆto pay you back, Mister Sheng. I-isnโ€™t this a lot of trouble?โ€


Sheng looked at Rosa with his intense green eyes for a few moments, then turned away. โ€œMissy, I lived a long life. Died at the age of ninety. And I have seldom met someone whoโ€™s eyes are so full of purity as yours are. I can tell you have no bad intentions, so look through the mirror. See how your friends and family are doing or whatever. I canโ€™t promise youโ€™ll like it, but itโ€™s still something youโ€™re free to do if you want.โ€


Rosa nodded. โ€œThank you Mister Sheng.โ€


She approached the stone basin, gazing intensely at the clear water slowly moving about it.


โ€œโ€ฆChris Denver,โ€ she said.


Slowly, the water swirled, and formed an image. Chris was sitting next to a large table. D.L. was dancing in the distance, with Clair. Soon, they finished, and D.L. walked over to Chris to talk to him. He couldnโ€™t hear what they were saying, but Chris suddenly stood up and stormed off. D.L. lowered his head a bit, and muttered something to himself.


โ€œS-somethingโ€™s wrongโ€ฆChris seemed annoyed at D.L. or somethingโ€ฆwhy?โ€ Rosa muttered to herself.


Soon, Chris found a girl with red hair and black dress. They only had a few moments to talk before they were attacked by a man with shoulder-length purple hair who carried guns. All the while Chris and the man fought, Rosa could barely will herself to look. Chris seemed to be losing, but despite that, he still protected the girl with red hair. Even as he was hurt, when they were attacked he grabbed her and jumped out of the attackโ€™s path. Fireballs burned his back, but he refused to let go. When he finally put her down, he was saying something to her, then blocked an attack from the man. He shouted something and finished him off with one final attack. Then, Chris fell to his knees, and the water turned clear again.


โ€œW-what in the world?โ€


โ€œIt doesnโ€™t work when the person whoโ€™s name you called is unconscious. Wait until heโ€™s conscious.โ€


โ€œMhmm,โ€ she muttered, not really paying attention. That girlโ€ฆChris was fighting so hard for herโ€ฆI couldnโ€™t hear him, butโ€ฆI could almost feel that overwhelming emotion from him. Thatโ€ฆemotion I long to feel. I still love himโ€ฆand I guess I always will. But I knowโ€ฆfrom seeing thatโ€ฆhe likes that girl. A lot. Iโ€ฆ


Rosa gasped, as she noticed tears were streaming down her face. She shut her eyes tight, rubbing away the tears, but more just kept coming. She gave up and fell to her hands and knees, sobbing.


โ€œIโ€ฆI feel so confused! I want him to be happy! T-to lead a good life even without me! To fall in l-love again, with someone who can m-make him happy! S-so whyโ€ฆ? Why does a part of me not want that?โ€ she bawled, as she slammed her fist down on the ground. โ€œI-Iโ€™m the worstโ€ฆIโ€™m already dead, Iโ€™m of no use to him! I canโ€™t be with him anymore! S-so whyโ€ฆwhy do I want him to myself? Why am I so selfish? I donโ€™t get it! I-Iโ€ฆI know he has to move on! B-but I donโ€™t want him to! I love him s-so much!โ€


Sheng reached out his hand a little, then let it drop back to his side, looking away awkwardly.


Rosa remained on her hands and knees for a while, simply crying. Little by little, the sobs began to lessen, until she finally stood up, sniffing. Her eyes were red, and tear stains could be seen from the corner of her eye to her cheek. She wiped them away, sniffing again.


โ€œI-Iโ€™m sorry, Mister Shengโ€ฆy-you didnโ€™t need to see thatโ€ฆโ€


โ€œItโ€™s fine, childโ€ฆa lot of people are like that. Itโ€™s not bad to be a little selfish. And youโ€™re one of the better ones. A lot of people come hereโ€ฆthey go crazy. They always want to stay here, staring at their loved ones, as if to stay with them forever. But no matter what, we canโ€™t return to that world. This is our world now. Do you understand that?โ€


Rosa nodded. โ€œY-yes, I do.โ€


โ€œThenโ€ฆwhy donโ€™t you sleep over here tonight? Tommorow, Iโ€™ll wake you up when he becomes conscious again.โ€


Rosa smiled. โ€œThank you, Iโ€™ll look forward to it, Mister Sheng! B-but Iโ€™m going to need some pajamasโ€ฆโ€


โ€œOh donโ€™t worry, your friend is plenty fastโ€ฆโ€ Sheng said with a smirk. โ€œLetโ€™s make him run a bit.โ€


โ€œChild, heโ€™s up!โ€ Sheng called.


Rosa instantly shot up from her bed, not even bothering to change from her pajamas. She looked into the basin, as an image of Chris formed into it.


โ€œThere you go, all yours. If you need me, Iโ€™ll be making breakfast,โ€ Sheng said, then went into the kitchen.

Chris had woken up from the hospital bed. He looked outside the window, and saw the red-haired girl, and instantly left to meet her. But he abruptly stopped halfway.


โ€œH-heโ€™s hesitatingโ€ฆโ€ Rosa muttered.


Chris closed his eyes, and turned away


โ€œN-no, he canโ€™t! Chrisโ€ฆI want you toโ€ฆ be happy. I love you, Chrisโ€ฆbutโ€ฆI want you to be happy most of all! A-and I thinkโ€ฆthat is what true love is! S-soโ€ฆI want you to be with that girl! To take that chance! D-donโ€™t throw away this chance! Pleaseโ€ฆpleaseโ€ฆโ€ she muttered, shutting her eyes tightly. Pleaseโ€ฆsomeoneโ€ฆsomehowโ€ฆlet my thoughts reach himโ€ฆn-not even. Let myโ€ฆemotions reach him! I beg of you!


Suddenly, Chris turned again, his eyes gleaming, and his expression completely different from a moment ago. He walked toward the girl, and began talking to her.


Rosa looked away from the basin, and the water turned clear again.


โ€œThatโ€™s all I neededโ€ฆthank you, whoever heard my wish. And thank you, Chrisโ€ฆfor loving me so much, when I was with you. Iโ€™ll always love you,โ€ she said, smiling.




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Guest Yuzuru Otonashi

Black's Book of History

[spoiler=Birth Day]

โ€œDaddy?โ€ Amelia asked her father, tugging at his shirt, as he sat at his desk. โ€œCan I sit with you?โ€ Black looked at his daughter, and smiled warmly, picking her up, and setting her in his lap.


โ€œSure, sweetie. Whereโ€™s your mother? I thought you two were planning your birthday party?โ€


โ€œMommy told me to go spend time with you, daddy.โ€ Black smiled knowingly as she wrapped her arms around her dadโ€™s neck, and almost seemed to be hanging around it, due to size. โ€œSo watcha doinโ€™, daddy? You sit here so much now!โ€ The little girl crossed her arms, and pouted, causing her dad to laugh.


โ€œWell, sweetie, Iโ€™m just writing about all theโ€ฆ โ€˜sillyโ€™ things that your daddy has done, such as when your uncles Elfman, Daisuke, and Chris almost made me miss my wedding. But the one Iโ€™ve been writing lately was a bit more special.โ€


The kid couldnโ€™t resist. โ€œWhat is it daddy?! Tell meeeeeeeee! Please?โ€ She gave the best puppy dog face she could, and Black burst into laughter. โ€œCโ€™mon daddy!โ€ She begged.


โ€œAlright, alright!โ€ He joked. โ€œItโ€™s about the day you were born. Your uncles caused me a lot of trouble that dayโ€ฆโ€ Black began to muse. โ€œLarry, Curly, and Moe almost made me miss you being born.โ€


โ€œThatโ€™s not good, daddy! I bet mommy was really scaredโ€ฆ Tell me the story daddy!โ€ The girl jumped all over the place, not missing a beat.


โ€œWellโ€ฆ Alright.โ€ He ruffled Ameliaโ€™s hair as she squealed. โ€œIt all started whenโ€ฆโ€



5 years earlier

โ€œBlack?โ€ Caeda asked with a groan, taking a look at the clock. โ€œItโ€™s 6 AM... You headed out to your guys weekend today?โ€ She asked, yawning wide, her stomach showing with about 8 months of pregnancy.


As he finished shrugging into his coat, he sat next to his wife on the bed. โ€œYeah, one of use has to drive, and Iโ€™d rather not let any of the others drive. Chances are, theyโ€™ll have some booze anyways. Iโ€™ll probably be back early Sunday.โ€ He leaned over, and kissed Caeda, before rubbing her belly. โ€œYou sure youโ€™re going to be alright? What if sheโ€™s early?โ€ Black asked, almost in a daze as he stared at her stomach.


โ€œIโ€™ll be fine, Black.โ€ Caeda smiled. โ€œI always am, arenโ€™t I? Iโ€™ll just stick around the Powerforce while youโ€™re away. Cherry already had a room set up for me. And the baby isnโ€™t due until mid-April. Itโ€™s March 19th.โ€ Black tried to protest, but was cut off. โ€œBlack. Donโ€™t worry about me. Just have fun with your friends, for me. Alright?โ€


Black gave a heavy sigh, and nodded. โ€œAlright, angel, I will try my hardestโ€ฆโ€ He looked back to her stomach, and began to

that he had been humming to the growing baby, every night. โ€œIโ€™ll see you soon, princess.โ€ He smiled happily, and walked away from the bed, and grabbed his bag. โ€œI love you, Caeda. See you Sunday.โ€ His wife returned his farewell, and he walked out.




โ€œLetโ€™s get on the road!โ€ El beat on the driverโ€™s seat from behind, as Black tried to make sure everything was in order.


โ€œEl, calm down. You and D.L. will have your private bromance time soon enough.โ€ Black retorted, hooking up the GPS. โ€œI am setting this up. Are you idiots sure you have everything?โ€ Chris, El, and D.L. all nodded, and Black finished. โ€œThere we go. Now, we can get driving.โ€


โ€œRemind me again why Iโ€™m not allowed to drive my own car?โ€ D.L. asked, cocking his head. โ€œI mean, whatโ€™s the worst that could happen?โ€ Black simply looked back, and raised an eyebrow, and D.L. gave a silent โ€œOoooooooooh.โ€


โ€œAny other comments?โ€ Black asked before he started the car. When El raised his hand, he replied. โ€œGood. Letโ€™s get going, shall we?โ€ With that, the group of four were off, headed for Thomas Kingโ€™s villa.




Caeda was led to the apartment she stayed in when she was younger by her brother, Dane, at around 3:30. โ€œAre you sure itโ€™s alright for him to be out of town?โ€ Dane asked, concerned though veiled. โ€œI mean, shouldnโ€™t he be with you ri-โ€œ


โ€œDane, I practically MADE him go. Iโ€™ll miss him, but he needs to be able to spend time with his friends, right?โ€ The older sibling nodded begrudgingly as he set his sister down on the couch. โ€œNow, would you please tell Cherry Iโ€™m here while I sit and rest?โ€


Dane quickly left, and Caeda was left, sitting on the couch. She tried to relax, and felt the baby kick. She rubbed her own belly, beaming. โ€œHopefully, youโ€™ll be like your daddy.โ€ As she thought on her child, she heard the doggy door for the apartment flap, and Andeks jumped up with her. Caeda rubbed the dog behind the ears, and said โ€œYouโ€™re Andexโ€™s daughter through and through, arenโ€™t you?โ€ The dogโ€™s ears perked up, and her tail began to wag. Caeda laughed at the dog, and then heard her phone chirp.


โ€œHello? Oh, hey Black. Yes, Iโ€™m here. No, Iโ€™ve not seen her yet. Yes, Iโ€™m fine. Stop worrying, and enjoy yourself. Alright. I love you, honey. Bye~โ€ She hung up the phone, and sighed, resting her eyes as the dog lay its head on her leg.




Around 4 PM, Black parked the car right outside of the rising movie starโ€™s house, and stretched. โ€œWe made it here in record time!โ€ El quipped as he followed Black out, โ€œKing said it would take us 4 hours to get here, and it only took us 6. Great driving, Black.โ€ He grinned sourly at Black, who shrugged.


โ€œThe GPS got screwed up, and Iโ€™d rather not speed, thank you very much. And no, โ€˜It is a hover car, there is no need for speed limitsโ€™ is not a respectable argument.โ€ As Black finished speaking, a light-brown haired man stepped out onto the balcony above, and called out.


โ€œHey, guys!โ€ Thomas waved from above, and Chris saluted him, and screamed something about youth. Never losing face, Thomas smiled, but muttered โ€œBakaโ€ before continuing on. โ€œAlright, come on up! Iโ€™ll give you a tour of the villa!โ€


Once up, Thomas gave a quick tour of the house, before arriving at the last room. โ€œGENTLEMEN, BEHOLD!โ€ He began, โ€œI GIVE YOUโ€ฆ THE THEATER ROOM!โ€ Thomas motioned to a nearby wall, and Chris blinked.


โ€œI donโ€™t get it. Thereโ€™s nothing in here but a refrigerator and some nice chairs, what about this is a theater. โ€œ Thomas glared at the once-upon-a-time hero, and explained in simple terms.


โ€œThis wall is the television. Watch.โ€ He picked up a remote, and clicked it, and the large wall became a blue screen, and Thomas groaned. โ€œThe Blue Screen of deathโ€ฆ My mortal enemy! Well, sorry about that guys.โ€ Thomas laughed nervously. โ€œIโ€™d fix it, but I donโ€™t have time.โ€ When Thomas turned to leave, Black questioned him. โ€œSarah Grace and I are gonna be late for our flight if we leave any later than now. And I plan to propose this weekend, so wish me luck!โ€ He was answered with a small chorus, and, before another question could be asked, he was gone, and the front door slammed shut.


โ€œSo, if itโ€™s brokenโ€ฆ Why do we want it?โ€ El asked flatly, staring at the blue screen. โ€œIf this wasnโ€™t free, it would be the worst idea since D.L. tried to boost our popularity by feeding the tabloids rumors of me being withโ€ฆโ€ He glanced at his friend, rather disturbed. โ€œHIM.โ€


D.L. laughed and shrugged off the insult. โ€œOh come on, it would be marvelous, donโ€™t you think Ecchi?โ€ He taunted, causing El to mutter something about needing a drink and leave the room. โ€œNow, Iโ€™m going to go put my stuff down.โ€


He put his hands on his hips as he walked out, making Chris and Black glance at each other, bewildered. โ€œWell, I think Iโ€™m going to follow suit with D.L., no matter how gay that was. Thank God I only packed one bagโ€ฆ What about you, Black?โ€


โ€œI think Iโ€™m just gonna sit and give Caeda a call, tell her we got here fine and all.โ€


โ€œAlright man, weโ€™ll get to the other stuff later. See ya.โ€ Chris waved, and left for other parts of the large house, and Black sat in a perfectly symmetrical chair themed like a revolver.


Black dialed the number, and put the phone up to his ear. โ€œHey, sweetie. You at the Powerforce yet? Yes? Did you already see Aneki? Oh, seeing her soon. Are you sure youโ€™ll be fine without me? Iโ€™ll tryโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll try not to worry. Alright, I love you. Bye.โ€ He hung up, and sighed. โ€Their wives are pregnant or have a newborn, too. Why are they not worried?โ€โ€


He decided to walk around the house, seeing as the others were off doing whatever.




โ€œCaeda!โ€ Cherry barged into the apartment, and head straight for her โ€˜sisterโ€™ to give her a hug. โ€œHow are things with you and Otouto? Is he treating you right? I told him Iโ€™d give him hell if h-โ€œ


โ€œHeโ€™s treating me fine, Cherry.โ€ Caeda said with a slight laugh. โ€œAbsolutely fine. He was just worried about leaving me when the babyโ€™s a month off.โ€ Cherry poke Caedaโ€™s belly, seemingly unsure of what to do. She took a seat to Caedaโ€™s right, with Andeks on the left.


โ€œStupid dogโ€ฆโ€ Cherry muttered, looking at Andeks, but quickly looked back to Caeda. โ€œI kinda agree with him. The baby could come early, you know.โ€ Caeda shrugged it off, and Cherry stood up. โ€œWell, sorry for the short visit, but I gotta go, or Clair will be on my case. Hereโ€™s a walky-talky in case you need ANYTHING, alright? Now take a nap or something, you look tired.โ€




โ€œOne more, barkeep!โ€ El said to no one, drunk. He hiccupped, and teetered in his seat, as Chris and D.L. stared at him, bewildered. โ€œ100 bottlesh of beer on da wall, 100 bottlesh of beerโ€


โ€œChris, how long has it been since we went separate ways?โ€


โ€œAbout half an hourโ€ Chris said, glancing at his watch.


โ€œAnd heโ€™s like this already? Dayum.โ€


D.L. and Chris watched him act like the drunken bum he was, sitting on a sofa away from the mini-bar. โ€œโ€ฆ Well, we could alwaysโ€ฆโ€ Chris motioned to a marker on the coffee table, earning him a wicked grin from D.L.


โ€œChris, we are such a terrible influence on you.โ€




Caeda felt the baby kick again, waking her up from her sleep. โ€œOh, how are you feeling?โ€ She said, more to herself than anyone. She felt odd, and then she realized why. Her pants were soaked- her water had broken. She saw Andeks on the floor, pawing the button the walky-talky to bark, and she got it. Cherryโ€™s voice shrieked through, and the dog kept barking. She called out when the dog had the button down, and was being picked up by her brother and Cherry in minutes.




Black walked down a hall, narrating the rooms to himself as he looked in each door he saw. โ€œRed roomโ€ฆ Green roomโ€ฆ Blue Roomโ€ฆ Clairโ€™s Shrine Ro-โ€ฆ Well ,at least they meant CLAIR back then, not Caeda.โ€ Black found the room with the booze at the end of the hall, and saw his 3 friends. Chris was drawing on a drunk Elโ€™s face, and D.L. was literally rolling on the floor laughing. โ€œHey, idiots, you know we have to meet the other guys in half an hour.โ€ Chris and D.L. sobered up, and Black walked off, hearing them scramble.


20 minutes later, the trio was dressed, and dragging El out. โ€œAlright, Black, get the car st-โ€œ Black held up a finger and shushed D.L. as he spoke on the phone.


โ€œAneki, aneki, aneki, calm down! Now, speak slowlyโ€ฆ. HER WHAT BROKE?!โ€ The two sober boys glanced at each other, over the drunk El. They knew that meant nothing good, considering where they were. โ€œAlright, Iโ€™ll be there as soon as I can!โ€ Black snapped the phone shut, and tried to get in the driverโ€™s seat, but D.L. beat him to it. โ€œMOVE!โ€ He snapped


โ€œNo. Youโ€™re in no state to drive right now, due to stress and such. Just ride.โ€ Black argued a bit, but gave up to save time. Chris pulled E.l into the car, and D.L. began to drive. He began to talk to Black to keep him calm, but failed.


โ€œDAMMIT D.L., WATCH THE SKY!โ€ As soon as the words left Blackโ€™s lips, the car hit a tree, and got stuck, unable to move. D.L. nervously laughed as he tried to move the vehicle, and make light of it, as Black sat solemn, looking straightforward. โ€œD.L., Fuse. I am going to kill all three of you, once he gets out of his stupor. You almost ruined my wedding-โ€œ


โ€œTo be fair, that was El hitting on that hooker, and we had no idea she was going to try and mug u-โ€œ




โ€œWell, at least it canโ€™t get worse, Black.โ€ The two sober boys tried to keep him from saying it, and failed. Black groaned in unison with the tree branches, and the car fell out of the sky, with a branch lodging itself in what allowed it to hover, making the equivalent of a flat tire.




โ€œAlright, come on, you can make it.โ€ Clair was consoling her friend as she led her to the car. โ€œYouโ€™ll have a beautiful baby, soon!โ€ Caeda nodded, trying to get to the car. Once they were all settled in, Dane fired it up and shot for the hospital. While Clair sat in the back, comforting Caeda, Cherry did something much less constructive.


โ€œDane, donโ€™t go so fast. Dane, donโ€™t hit those geese. Dane, stay straight. DANE, SLOW DOWN! She wonโ€™t die before we get there!โ€ Dane shot her a glare out of the corner of his eye, and ignored her cries. He was intent on getting his sister to the hospital.


โ€œD-did anyone call Black?โ€ Caeda asked, cringing as Clair held her hand, and Cherry explained she had. โ€œGoodโ€ฆโ€




Black pulled out his cellphone, and punched a number in, as Chris and D.L. tried to wake up El. โ€œYes, Arm? I need you to trace my location and send RDA. Yes, I know Caeda is in labor. Yes, I know I am far away. Ye- ARM, SHUT THE HELL UP, AND SEND RDA. Thank you.โ€ Black hung up the phone, desperate. He looked to see Chris and D.L. taking turns smacking El across the face, and he sighed.


A few minutes later, the mechanized dragon landed, and Black climbed into the pilotโ€™s seat. When he took off, Chris and D.L. were not even buckled up, but he did not have time to waste. โ€œAlright, if we keep going like this, weโ€™ll be at the hospital in no time.




Caeda was on a bed, being pushed down the hall to her room, with Dane at her side. โ€œDane, whereโ€™s Black?โ€ She asked, โ€œDidnโ€™t they say they called him?โ€


โ€œThey did call him. And you know heโ€™d be here if he could be. Something must be preventing him.โ€ Dane saw the fear and tears build in her as she nodded in agreement. โ€œI even had Clair give him another call.โ€


โ€œI-I hope he gets here soonโ€ฆโ€




Black didnโ€™t even hear his phone as he piloted the dragon, headed for the hospital. He heard a groan behind him, and figured it meant El was awake, but what he heard next scared him. โ€œWARNING. EJECTION MODE ACTIVATED.โ€ Black whipped back to see El hit the button with his head.


A moment later, the 4 men were floating in midair, sitting in the seats from the dragon, descending slowly on parachutes.


โ€œWhy the hell was I in that thing?โ€ El asked.


โ€œD.L. crashed the carโ€


โ€œNO, I PARKED IT.โ€


โ€œD.L., you are so full of itโ€ฆ


Black was sitting, arms crossed, eye twitching. โ€œYou idiots, morons, nincompoops!โ€ He snapped. โ€œFind me a way to get down from here, and to get to my wife, who is in the hospital IN LABOR. Get to it Larry, Curly, Moe!โ€


The trio stared at Black, surprised at the outburst. โ€œUm, are y-โ€œ โ€œNO, I AM NOT FEELING ALIRGHT, I AM ABOUT TO MISS MY DAUGHTERโ€™S BIRTH.โ€



Half an hour, a hitchhike, and a hooker later, Black stood outside the hospital, and sprinted in, being led to his wife as soon as he gave his name. He entered the room, right before she delivered, and Dane left, swapping out. โ€œBlackโ€ฆโ€ She called out in between cries.


Black walked over, sat next to her, and held her hand tight. โ€œIโ€™m here, Caeda. Iโ€™m right here.โ€ A few excruciating minutes later, their baby was given to them, already cleaned off and wrapped by the doctors. Caeda held the baby tenderly, looking at the child in her arms. โ€œItโ€™s your daughterโ€ฆโ€ She said quietly, with a smile to Black, who squeezed her hand.


โ€œSheโ€™s just as much your daughter, angel.โ€ He gave his wife a kiss, and held the baby. She began to cry, but Black hummed the song he had been humming to her, and she began to coo happily. โ€œJust like my little sister wasโ€ฆ So, what are we going to name her, Caeda?โ€


โ€œI thinkโ€ฆ Amelia Natasha Black sounds nice. How about youโ€ฆ?โ€


โ€œAmelia Natasha Blackโ€ฆ I love it.โ€ Black said, looking at the tiny, early baby in his arms. โ€œWelcome to the world, baby girl.โ€




โ€œWow! Thatโ€™s the story of how I was born, daddy?โ€ Amelia asked, eyes wide as she sat on her dadโ€™s leg.


โ€œWell, thatโ€™s my side of the story. Your uncles made it hard for me, but I made it in time.โ€




โ€œYes, princess?โ€


โ€œWhatโ€™s a hooker?โ€


Black froze, realizing his mistake. โ€œErmโ€ฆ Youโ€™ll learn about it when youโ€™re older. Now go find your mom. Daddy needs to finish writing.โ€ He kissed her on the cheek, and lifted her off his knee, placing her in the ground.


โ€œAlright daddy!โ€ She grinned wide. โ€œI love you!โ€ She ran off, waving, still young.


Black shook his head slightly and smiled. โ€So much like her mother.โ€


He turned to his desk, and scribbled a note on the story, that he had left out for his daughter.


El got hit on by a guy for what Chris had drawn on his head. This, kids, is why you never hitchhike.



[spoiler=Bon Anniversaire!]

โ€œMommy, daddy, wake up!โ€ Amelia cried as she hopped onto her parents bed. โ€œDonโ€™t you remember what today is?!โ€ She bounced on the bed, in-between Black and Caeda, making Black pull a pillow over his head, and groan. Caeda sat up, and rubbed her eyes with a yawn. โ€œMommy, you and daddy need to get uuuuu-up!โ€


Caeda looked at her daughter with heavy eyes. โ€œSweetie,โ€ She yawned, โ€œWhat time is it?โ€


Amelia looked at the alarm clock to her motherโ€™s right, before answering. โ€œ5 in the morning, mommy. Itโ€™s time to wake up!โ€ Caeda heard Black chuckle from beneath his pillow, and raised an eyebrow.


โ€œWell, Amy, mommy and daddy need to sleep a little more, so daddy will take you back to your room, alright?โ€ She laid down, and Black groaned as he got up.


โ€œAlright, princess, letโ€™s go.โ€ He picked up his daughter, who squealed when he did. She began to go on and on about how excited she was for her birthday, but to Black, it was all white noise when it was that early in the morning. He tucked the little girl in, and kissed her forehead, before closing the door, and returning to bed himself.




Amelia had come back every 30 minutes, and her parents ended up getting up at 7, with the little girl bouncing around them. โ€œCan I have waffles for beakfast?โ€ โ€œI canโ€™t wait for my party!โ€ โ€œCan I open a present now?โ€ and other such things filled the air as she buzzed about.


Black picked his daughter up, and set her on his shoulders as he walked downstairs. โ€œDaaaaaddy, be like a horsey! Pleeeeeaaaase?โ€ The birthday girl begged, holding her dadโ€™s hair like reins.


โ€œAlright, alright.โ€ The man chuckled, as the little girl squealed her satisfaction. He romped about with Amelia tugging, and saying things like โ€œWhoa horsey!โ€. Caeda sat back, watching as her husband and daughter played, smiling to herself.


โ€œAlright, sweetie, you ready for breakfast?โ€ She asked the little girl, who hopped off her dadโ€™s back, and gave him a hug as he stood.


โ€œSee you at my party, daddy!โ€ She chirped, and ran off to the kitchen, while her mother replaced her. As Amelia ran, she dropped her stuffed animal, and scooped it up, asking it โ€œAre you alright, Aslla? You didnโ€™t get hurt, did you?โ€ She smiled a moment later, and was gone.


โ€œI still blame Cherry for her being so attached to that particular stuffed animal.โ€ Caeda looked on. โ€œAt least it wasnโ€™t Krus. Anyways,โ€ Caeda wrapped her arms around Blackโ€™s neck, and kissed him. โ€œIโ€™ll see you later today, hubby, at the Powerforce, after you get your sister, alright?โ€


โ€œOf course, angel, just gotta make one stop after pickinโ€™ Britt up.โ€ He gave his wife another kiss, before turning to shrug on his coat and leave. He stepped out the door, and Caeda headed towards the kitchen.


As the couple had embraced, Amelia was peeking around the corner, just out of their sight. โ€œSee, Aslla? Thatโ€™s where babies come from! When mommies and daddies kiss and hug!โ€ She ran off as the embrace broke, to wait for her mom in the kitchen.




Cherry clapped, and yelled at Arm as he ran about the terrarium. โ€œDammit, Arm, I said red roses, not white!โ€ She sat, arms crossed as the scientist ran about, setting up the garden for Ameliaโ€™s party.


โ€œYes, Queen of Hearts, Iโ€™ll paint them red!โ€ Arm called back to his boss, and narrowly dodged a shoe thrown at him. She groaned about time, and Arm replied, โ€œIโ€™m late, Iโ€™m late, for a very important date! No time to say hello, goodbye, Iโ€™m late, Iโ€™m late, Iโ€™m la- OW!โ€ Cherry threw her other shoe, successful with the second shot.


With a sigh, Cherry stood, and began to leave Arm. โ€œIf I come back, and this garden isnโ€™t perfect, Armโ€ฆโ€ She rubbed the bridge of her nose, knowing it would either be what she dreamed of, or the exact opposite, when she returned. โ€œKnowing Arm, heโ€™ll make it a mecha partyโ€ฆ For a little girl.โ€


Cherry walked down the hall, on her way to make sure every little detail on the ground floor was perfect. โ€Where is Dane?โ€, the god-mother wondered as she looked around. โ€I know heโ€™s no good with kids, but this is his niece. Youโ€™d think heโ€™d be around here somewhere. Then againโ€ฆโ€


She walked into the foyer, and smoothed a tablecloth, before looking over the large table, reserved for Ameliaโ€™s presents. In the middle sat a rectangular box, wrapped up in a red and blue paper. It was about a foot long, and 6 inches wide. Laying her hand on it, Cherry smiled, before walking off. โ€Come to think of it, where is Clair?โ€




โ€œOh, come on, Dane, sheโ€™s your niece.โ€ Clair spoke to the lawyer, as he tried to get away. โ€œI understand youโ€™re bad with kids, but canโ€™t you be there for her?โ€


Dane ran into an elevator, and waved. โ€œItโ€™s not her that worries me.โ€ Clair tried to catch up, but the doors sealed, letting Dane escape. Inside, he slumped against the wall, and wiped his head, remembering how the party had been the year before. โ€Ameliaโ€™s fine, but those other bratsโ€ฆ Ugh.โ€


The elevator hit the ground floor with a ding, and Dane was met with a pink-haired woman staring at him. He shot at the button to close the door, but he was too late. โ€œCherry, donโ€™t make me do thisโ€ฆโ€ The leader dragged Dane out of the elevator by his collar, berating him for his attempts to run and hide.


โ€œClair called down, and told me you were coming, so catching you was easy. Now, go out there, and help Arm set up!โ€ She kicked the manโ€™s rear into gear, quite literally, and shut the door outside behind him. His sigh was heard from the other side of the door, and Cherry clapped her hands together as if a job well done.


โ€œSo, Arm, any idea why Cherryโ€™s dressed up like that?โ€ The lawyer asked his fellow worker.


โ€œI dunno, something about it being a day for a little princess. Now, help me lift this scale model car onto the robotโ€™s head.โ€ Dane looked at the blue robot, with flames on it, standing in the middle of the garden, and he groaned once more.


โ€œArm, what part of princess escapes you?โ€




โ€œCome on, mommy!โ€ Amelia struggled to pull her mother as she ran, to get to the door of the Powerforce faster. โ€œIโ€™m the birthday girl, I need to be there first to host!โ€ Caeda laughed lightly, to disguise a sigh.


โ€I really need to get Cherry out of her head.โ€


The little girl broke free of her motherโ€™s hand, and shot for the door, running into the pink-haired leader, just inside. โ€œOof! Hey there, sweetie!โ€ Cherry smiled wide, and picked up her god-daughter, squeezing her tight. Amelia hugged back, and then pecked at her with Aslla.


โ€œHi Aunt Cherry! Aslla says hi, too!โ€ She nuzzled herself in the womanโ€™s arms, before she was put down. โ€œWhatโ€™d you get me?โ€ She asked, eyes gleaming like diamonds, as Cherry waved her off, because Caeda walked in. The women exchanged a quick hug, and Amelia hopped about around them. โ€œAunt Cheeeeerryyyyyy, whatโ€™d you get me?โ€ She whined, again.


Cherry was about to answer, when Caeda cut in. โ€œYou need to wait, Amelia. The birthday girl should never open a present before all the guests are here.โ€ The little girl pouted, but got no reaction from her mother, so she moved on, rushing for the garden.


โ€œWait, no, donโ€™t go out there!โ€ Cherry chased after the green-haired girl, but slipped, and fell flat on her face. She grumbled something about damn shoes, and looked up, just in time to see Clair scoop the little girl up.


โ€œHow about some lunch for the birthday girl?โ€ The reporter asked the little girl, who smiled after hugging her vigorously. โ€œAnd I assume Asllaโ€™s hungry too?โ€ Clair winked to the other two women, and carried the giddy girl away, leaving Cherry and Caeda.


โ€œWhereโ€™s Black?โ€ The leader asked Caeda, who explained. โ€œAah, picking up his sister. Alright, well, letโ€™s take a look at how Arm and your brother are doing with setting up the party.โ€


โ€œโ€ฆ You put Dane and Arm in charge of a little girlโ€™s party?โ€


โ€œI was short on workers.โ€




โ€œMars!โ€ Black turned to see where the voice came from, and was met by a tackle and a hug. โ€œItโ€™s been way too long since Iโ€™ve seen you!โ€


Black returned the hug to his sister โ€œYeah, it has, http://cdn.pimpmyspa...eh___.png]Britt[/url]. So, howโ€™ being a teacher going?โ€


โ€œOh, itโ€™s fine, and I donโ€™t have to deal with the crazies like the ones here.โ€ Black laughed at his sister, and led her to the car.


โ€œYโ€™know, you could have flown in before today. And you could stay longer than for today.โ€ The young teacher shrugged as she followed. โ€œWell, at least youโ€™re here for her Birthday, so itโ€™s better than nothing.โ€




โ€œHappy birthday dear Amelia, happy birthday to you!โ€ Amelia made a wish, and blew out her candles at the garden party. As each guest took a piece of the cake, and Amelia sat in Brittโ€™s lap, chatting up a storm and Lisa took a seat next to the birthday girl and her aunt.


โ€œSo, what do you think youโ€™re gonna get, Amelia?โ€ Britt asked the birthday girl, who shrugged as she took a bite of her cake. โ€œNone at all?โ€


The little girl shook her head vigorously. โ€œNo, Aunt Britt! Iโ€™m just excited for whatever, though I hope I get a pony!โ€


โ€œThatโ€™s what you wished for, isnโ€™t it?โ€ Lisa asked, speaking up for the first time. Amelia turned red like a tomato, and hid her face, leaving Britt laughing.


โ€œJust like your mother.โ€ The aunt ruffled the little girls hair as Amelia buried her face into her shoulder.


Across the room, Al and Daniel sat, looking at the birthday girlโ€™s group. โ€œWonder why sheโ€™s hidingโ€ฆโ€ Daniel mumbled before taking a bit.


โ€œWell, Iโ€™m sure itโ€™s something to do with make-up. My mom always complains about the stuff. Or shaving her legsโ€ฆโ€ Daniel shot Al a look, making his friend shrug. โ€œJust going by what my mom talks about. Iโ€™d leave her be.โ€


โ€œAt her birthday party?โ€


โ€œYeah, why not?โ€


โ€œโ€ฆ Youโ€™re stupidโ€


โ€œNo, you!โ€

The boys began to bicker, as their fathers watched from the side. โ€œโ€ฆ Maybe Iโ€™ll start believing in Hinduismโ€ฆโ€ El mused, and DL smacked his own face.




As their little spat ended, Daniel and Al wandered over to the girls. Daniel tugged on the bottom of Ameliaโ€™s dress, as Al went to Lisa, and looked up at her, wide-eyed. โ€œHey, Amelia, you wanna play?โ€ The little girl nodded vigorously, and hopped off of her auntโ€™s lap after a peck on the cheek. โ€œSo, whatcha wanna do?โ€


โ€œFollow me!โ€ Amelia said happily, and grabbed her friendโ€™s hand, tugging him along. โ€œHurry up, Lisa!โ€ she called back. The four young kids ran off into the garden, laughing.




Britt snickered as she saw her niece grab Danielโ€™s hand and run off. โ€œWell, well, Mars, look at who has a boyfriend.โ€


Black choked on the sweet tea he was drinking, and began to cough up a storm. โ€œWho has a what now?!โ€ He asked his sister, as his eyes wandered over to the birthday girl and company. โ€œโ€ฆ Iโ€™ll be back.โ€Black stood up from the table, and walked back into the Powerforce. Caeda excused herself, and followed after her husband with a sigh.


โ€œNo, thatโ€™s not itโ€ฆ Maybe here? No... Dammit, where is my lanza?!โ€ Black snapped to himself, as he looked.


โ€œAnd you want your lanza, why?โ€


โ€œErm, oh, hi angel.โ€ Black said, turning to his wife, smiling nervously. โ€œI want toโ€ฆ Make fireworks with it!โ€


โ€œReally? And you were grumbling angrily about not finding it for that reason, hubby?โ€


โ€œOf course! Only the best for my little girl!โ€ The sweat dripped from Blackโ€™s brow as Caeda raised her eyebrow.


โ€œWell, I put it somewhere you wonโ€™t find it. Sheโ€™s 5, and itโ€™s DLโ€™s kid. So, cut it out.โ€ Caeda turned and walked back to the party.


Black groaned. โ€œWell, Iโ€™d best see where she led them off to.โ€




โ€œIn here, guys!โ€ Amelia giggled as she crawled through a small hole in the wall of the atrium. As the children popped through, one-by-one, a small, dome-like room with green walls awaited them. A small blue puppy ran up to Amelia, and hopped up, waiting for her to pick him up. โ€œAndx led me here about a month ago, and decided to make it my clubhouse! See? I put my drawing on the wall! Oh, and I found Aunt Cherryโ€™s Shooting Star Dragon card when I got here.โ€


Daniel just watched as Amelia explained, soaking up the info, as Lisa excitedly agreed with what the other girl said, and Al looked bored.


โ€œCโ€™mon, Amelia, thereโ€™s gotta be something better than this! Like, I donโ€™t know, a mad scientistโ€™s lab?โ€ Al grumbled.


Sitting at the party Arm perked up, and looked around like a meerkat. โ€œDid you hear someone call my name?โ€ Dane shrugged, and Arm settled down into his seat, nervously.


โ€œBut look at this, Al!โ€ The birthday girl squealed, hitting a button on the wall. The ceiling opened up, leading upwards with a small ladder that came down. โ€œIt leads to the kitchen and just about anywhere in the Powerforce! Andx always seems to go to Aunt Cherryโ€™s room.โ€


The puppy yipped, and seemed to smile smugly in Ameliaโ€™s arms. โ€œโ€ฆ That dog is way too smart.โ€ Al glared at the dog, who smiled happily back at the boy.


โ€œAlโ€™s always a stick in the mud, donโ€™t mind him, Amyโ€ Daniel smiled at the girl as he continued. โ€œSo, where should we go?โ€


โ€œJust follow me!โ€ Amelia climbed up the ladder hurriedly, the puppy sitting on her head, panting happily.


โ€œIโ€™m telling you dugs are dumbโ€ฆโ€ Al said, getting the last word.




Cherry slipped out of the party when Black stormed off, and headed for her office. โ€œNo doubt Andx already got into my roomโ€ฆโ€ As she walked down the hall, needlessly sashaying, she saw Black pacing, chin in hand. โ€œโ€ฆ Uh, Otouto? What on earth are you doing?โ€


โ€œThinking about where Caeda hid lanzaโ€ฆโ€ He muttered, and opened the drawer on a random hall table. โ€œI need it to scare the hell out of Danielโ€


โ€œโ€ฆ Otouto, they are FIVE. So what if itโ€™s DLโ€™s kid?โ€ She shrugged, and walked past him.


As she turned the corner, black hit his fist into his palm, and his mouth formed an O shape. โ€œThatโ€™s it!โ€ He ran past Cherry, and shot towards her room, accidentally pushing the woman out of his way.


โ€œWhat the hell, Otouto?!โ€ She snapped, and he waved her off.


โ€œGonna borrow a duel disk, see ya soon!โ€ Cherry groaned, and shook her head.


โ€œSometimes I wonder if itโ€™s him or the dogโ€ฆ Uuuh, Caeda, what are you doing with that?โ€


Caeda held a skillet with 4 autographs on it, calmly walking after Black. โ€œNothing, Cherry, just go on about with whatever you were doing.โ€ Cherry just looked as Ameliaโ€™s mother walked towards her receding husband.


โ€œโ€ฆ I can come back later, what harm could Andx do, anyways? โ€ฆ.โ€ She groaned loudly, and turned back to whence she came, dejected.




โ€œAnd a duel disk, with cards and all?!โ€ Amelia stared at the presents the children had nabbed, most of them open. โ€œI got everything I wanted!... Except a pony.โ€ Amelia sighed, and Daniel sat next to her.


โ€œSorry you didnโ€™t get the pony. You can get on my back, if you want, and Iโ€™ll pretend to be a pony.โ€ Amelia hugged her friend tight.


โ€œThanks, Daniel, but Iโ€™m good.โ€


โ€œGET OFF MY BACK WOMAN!โ€ Al called out, and Daniel sighed, again. โ€œโ€ฆ Blame my dad.โ€


โ€œโ€ฆ Anyways, I got an Aslla Piscu card!โ€ The little girl beamed at the โ€˜adultโ€™ version of her stuffed animal, and each of her friends replied.


โ€œGlad you like it!โ€ Lisa chirped.


โ€œCanโ€™t believe Miss Cherry got a good giftโ€ Daniel mused.


โ€œItโ€™s just a piece of pap-โ€œ Before Al could finish, Lisa smacked him, and Al got teary eyed. She began to chew him out about what he had said. The other two kids laughed at the scene, until Amelia observed.


โ€œUm, where did Andx go?โ€


Meanwhile, the pup sat behind Cherryโ€™s desk, tearing up a document, as his mother laid to the side of the desk, pipe in her mouth. When Andx looked up at his mother, he had a monocle on his eye, looking rather pleased with himself.




Eventually, the kids wandered back to the garden, and Amelia was chirping about the adventure, pulling Daniel along. As they walked out of the hole in the wall, Black sat to the side, a card in his hand, and a disk on his arm. โ€œNow, Iโ€™ll scare that little snot. My very soul, Re-โ€œ


Before he could finish, he was hit upside the head, and was on the ground clutching his head. โ€œWhat did I tell you?!โ€ Caeda snapped at him, and he clutched his head harder.


โ€œOW! Did you have to use my prized Skillet skillet?!โ€ She looked at the signatures, and shrugged.


โ€œDid you have to almost ruin Ameliaโ€™s birthday?โ€




โ€œBye Lisa, Daniel, Al!โ€ Amelia gave each of her friends a big hug. โ€œThanks for coming!โ€ She waved by to the guests and their families, blushing slightly as Daniel blew her a fake kiss. She turned around, and saw her dad, head bandaged. โ€œโ€ฆ Daddy, what happened?!โ€ She cried out, worried, and attached herself to his leg. Blackโ€™s eye twitched at Danielโ€™s gesture, but Caeda squeezed his hand tight, alerting him.


Caeda smiled at the little girl, and picked her up. โ€œOh, he just slipped, sweetie. Sorry we missed you opening your presents.โ€ She kissed her daughterโ€™s cheek.


โ€œItโ€™s fine, mommy, everyone missed them!โ€


โ€œโ€ฆ Whaddya mean?โ€


โ€œI had an adventure today!โ€




โ€œDAMMIT ANDX!โ€ The pup flew out of Cherryโ€™s office, monocle on eye, smiling wildly. He held a Shooting Quasar Dragon card in his mouth, and Cherry at his heels. โ€œDammit, you stupid monocle mutt, Iโ€™ll kill y-โ€œ She stepped on her dressโ€™ hem, and landed on her face, groaning. โ€œI hate you dogsโ€ฆโ€


[spoiler=Trio of DEF: Play the Tape!]

[spoiler=Prologue: The Cards Say...]

Yugo City โ€“ October 21, 2029


โ€œThe cards reveal that you will become a successful member of the government, one day, though you will always be a bit arrogant.โ€ The fortune-teller flipped a last card, and finished his reading. โ€œBut, you will be loved despite it.โ€


Sora scoffed at the man, and stood up, turning for the door. โ€œWhat a waste of my time. Canโ€™t believe I paid money for this.โ€ He exited the tent, leaving the man to gather up his cards.


โ€œAnother night, another paycheck, another crowd of assorted reactions.โ€ The fortune-teller stood, and walked over to a sink, hidden in the back, and began to wipe the make-up off of his face. โ€œAt least there werenโ€™t too many customers today.โ€ As the rest of the make-up was removed, he heard the curtain jingle.


โ€œAnyone here?โ€ He heard a gruff voice ask, โ€œFigured Iโ€™d get my fortune for some kicks.โ€ With a sigh, he turned off the sink, and walked back into the room.


โ€œIโ€™m here, but Iโ€™m closed. You can come by tomorrow, if you wish.โ€


โ€œIโ€™m here now, just do it.โ€


The two stared for a few moments, and the fortune-teller groaned, and sat down, dealing his cards once more. โ€œAlright, alright, thatโ€™ll be 20 dollars.โ€


โ€œ20?! Who do you think you are?!โ€ The burly man asked, and the fortune-teller motioned to the wall.


โ€œAn actual psychic, not a fake. So, either pay now, or leave.โ€ The man slammed down the 20, grumbling, as the reading began.


โ€œThe cards tell me you recently lost your parents. A fire was it?โ€ The man nodded slowly, allowing the reader to continue. โ€œI also take it youโ€™re just out of college, aโ€ฆ Philosophy major? Never wouldโ€™ve thought.โ€ The man nodded more, seemingly nervous.


โ€œHow do you know that?โ€


โ€œJust reading the cards.โ€ He flipped the last card, and shook his head sadly. โ€œThe final reading says youโ€™re going to be dead within the year. It doesnโ€™t tell me how, just says you will die before October 31, 2030.โ€


The manโ€™s face twisted in rage. โ€œWhat? Youโ€™re telling me Iโ€™m going to die?!โ€


โ€œSir, I told you, I just read the cards.โ€


โ€œThen read them differently!โ€ The man roared, and the fortune-teller shrugged.


โ€œI canโ€™t. Iโ€™m sorry for your fate. Make the best of the time you have left.โ€ The man grabbed the reader by his collar, and saw a beeping light on the table. โ€œThatโ€™s to alert the authorities. Rough me up, and see what happens.โ€ With a grunt, the client threw him to the ground, and ran out.


โ€œGlad that hoodlum is gone.โ€ The fortune-teller brushed himself off, and pressed a button, hearing a beep, and a message.


โ€œHey, honey, Iโ€™m running late tonight, so Iโ€™ll get home a little after you. I love you, and Iโ€™ll see you when I get home.โ€ A womanโ€™s voice chirped on the other end as the light went out.


โ€œI knew embedding my voicemail into the desk was a good idea.โ€




Yugo City โ€“ October 31, 2029


โ€œAnd now, the showโ€™s about to begin.โ€ The fortune-teller mused to himself as he turned the sign on the door to โ€˜Closedโ€™. He pulled out a book with a carving like a big red X on the front, and opened the pages. โ€œHere we go, thatโ€™s the spell I want. This yearโ€™s gonna be differentโ€ฆโ€ He closed his eyes, and held back the emotions that began to come out. He took a deep breath and began.


โ€œQuisque mi ipsum, disperdamus eam de usura is ut est sacrificium. Tollite ab eo ultra graves corde meo praesentem diem!โ€ As he chanted, he didnโ€™t hear his curtain move, and three men entered. The man at the front whispered to the other two.


โ€œThatโ€™s the fortune-teller. The kook who said I was gonna be dead by next year. Letโ€™s get him.โ€ The three men moved forward, wielding bats, not noticing the greenish mist gathering around the floor. The leader swung his bat down, and hit the fortune-teller, who fell in the middle of his chant. The green mist grew heavier as the three men closed in on the fallen reader.


The two men who had yet to striker swung down, and green claws made from the mist grabbed the bats, melting them. As soon as the screams were in the air, the mist was on the first two, eating them alive. The man who had his fortune read nights before, backed away, scared out of his mind. He ran, dropping the bat, before the mist got him.


As everything calmed down, the mist went into the fortune-tellers body, nothing but skeletons left of the first 2 men. The fortune-teller awoke, screaming as is sense were overrun, and his eyes glazed over. A moment later he stood, eyes black as coal. โ€œThere we go.โ€ A deeper voice resonated. โ€œJust what I needed. A new body to inhabit.โ€


The possessed man took a glance at the book the incantation had been read from, and raised an eyebrow. โ€œThat incantation canโ€™t call anything forthโ€ฆ In factโ€ฆโ€ He flipped through the pages, reading bits of incantations. โ€œThis whole book is a fake. Heh, stupid human never knew what hit him.โ€ A roar came from outside, and the fortune-teller cocked his head. The book ignited in his hand, and he cast it aside, allowing the carpet to catch fire.


As he stepped outside into the ghetto alleyway the tent was situated on, he saw a large red and black dragon in the sky, breathing fire upward. Moments later, the sides opened up, and fireworks shot out, along with a womanโ€™s voice. โ€œDAMMIT, ARM, I SAID SAVE THOSE FOR LAST!โ€


A wicked chuckle went through the fortune-tellerโ€™s chest as he looked at the sky. โ€œWell, I may not know why I got a chance to be out here, but I do knowโ€ฆ This day, next year, itโ€™s time to raise some hell.โ€ He sauntered off along the street, while a different laugh filled the air.


โ€œEverything is set into motion.โ€ The new voice said, before the night fell silent.



[spoiler=Part 1: This is Halloween!]

October 31, 2030: 6 PM โ€“ Yugo City




The night was alive, kids running the streets in costumes, parents tagging along. Laughter filled the air, and jack-oโ€™-lanterns glowed, giving the traditional sense of Halloween night. In Yugo City, the scene was the same, but busier. Arm stood in front of the Powerforce, Handing out candy to the children passing by and acting silly. Inside, the party was in full swing, with Cherry walking around, talking to different part guests, dragging Clair with her. At a table in the corner of the Powerforceโ€™s cafeteria, a little girl and her parents sat.


โ€œOh, come on, hubby! I know you donโ€™t care for spicy, but this is soooo good!โ€ Caeda pushed the spoon into Blackโ€™s mouth, and his face immediately turned bright red, as he attempted to choke the food down. โ€œSee, isnโ€™t it good?โ€ Caeda asked with a smile.


โ€œโ€ฆ Yes, itโ€™s good, butโ€ฆโ€ Black grabbed his drink, and drank deep. โ€œWay too spicy for my taste.โ€ Before Caeda could respond, their daughter chirped in.


โ€œMommy, Daddy, can me and Aslla go play with my friends?โ€ Amelia, dressed as Carly Carmine, asked, hugging her stuffed bird tight.



โ€œSure, sweetheart, go playโ€ Black gave the girl a grin, and she ran off squealing. โ€œThink sheโ€™s having fun?โ€ He rhetorically asked. Caeda nodded, and put the spoon to his lips again. โ€œโ€ฆ Do I have to?โ€




โ€œDaniel!โ€ Amelia tackled her friend, hugging him tight. โ€œDo you like my costume?โ€ She asked, chirping, holding her bird, and spinning around.


Daniel looked the girl up and down, and shrugged, a slight smirk on his face. โ€œEh, itโ€™s Yu-Gi-Oh!, and the costumeโ€™s just so-so.โ€ He joked, adding on โ€œBut my costume is fabulous!โ€ The Sasuke Uchiha cosplayer, winked at the girl with a sparkle in her eyes, making her giggle.


Al whacked Daniel upside the head with a toy sword as he walked up. โ€œStop acting like that, youโ€™re not a girl.โ€ A vein popped out of Alโ€™s forehead slightly, as he put the sword down. โ€œSo, Iโ€™m Ginjo. Dad conviced me to go as him, for some reason or another.โ€ Al looked to the side, lying through his teeth.


โ€œAnd Iโ€™m a pretty, pretty princess!โ€ Daniel taunted his friend, who shrugged it off.


โ€œI thought we already knew thatโ€ Daniel just stared in silence for a moment, as Amelia stifled giggles. โ€œAnyways, you guys know where Lisa is?โ€


โ€œShe said she was running a little late when I talked to her earlierโ€ The Carly cosplayer fiddled with the disk on her arm as she spoke. โ€œShe should be here soon enough.โ€




El sat at his table, watching the kids run around. โ€œGod, I miss being a kid.โ€ He mumbled, before taking a sip of his drink.


โ€œI thought you didnโ€™t believe in any god.โ€


El turned around, and fell out of his seat, choking on his drink. He rolled around for a few moments, before recovering. โ€œD.L. why the hell are you dressed like that?!โ€ D.L. wiggled his fake tail, a wicked smile on his face.


โ€œDonโ€™t you like it, Ecchi?โ€ The crossdresser purred, making his friend scramble for his seat. โ€œAww, youโ€™re breaking my heart, Ecchiiiiโ€ The man began to pout, making El groan. โ€œAlright, Iโ€™ll stop. Just felt like raping your mind.โ€ He sat next to his friend, tail still moving, Elโ€™s eye never leaving it. โ€œSo, contacts?โ€


โ€œNo, you canโ€™t have them after tonight to go Byaku-Sharinganโ€


โ€œBuuuuut, Eeeecchiiiiiโ€


โ€œAlright, alright, you can borrow them later! So, any idea where Fuse is?โ€


D.L. shrugged, โ€œIโ€™m sure the goofball will be here soon enough.โ€ As D.L. finished speaking, he sighed as he heard the goofball in question.


โ€œEXPELLIARMUS! Ow!โ€ Fuse screamed through the hall as he entered, presumably being hit by his wife. He walked into the cafeteria, rubbing the back of his head, and walking over to the duo, as his daughter ran to her friends. โ€œYo!โ€ The Harry Potter wannabe spoke, robe flowing around him โ€œNice costume El, andโ€ฆ niceโ€ฆ. Costumeโ€ฆ D.L.?โ€


โ€œโ€ฆ Seriously, man? Harry Potter?โ€ El asked, eyes flat, as D.L. laughed at Fusion. โ€œLet me guess, you had your wife and daughter dress like that, too?โ€ The sarcastic question was met by stutters from Fusion. โ€œโ€ฆ Ugh, you are so helpless. If D.L. wasnโ€™t Glameow, Iโ€™d swear he was more normalโ€ฆโ€




โ€œOw.โ€ Blind groaned as he walked into the cafeteriaโ€™s door. โ€œAnd I missed thatโ€ฆ how?โ€ He sighed, and felt fur brush against his leg. โ€œOh, hi Andx.โ€ The blind man spoke to the dog, who gave a quiet bark in acknowledgement. โ€œMind helping me find Black?โ€ The dog barked again, wagging his tail, though the blind man could not see. โ€œGood boy.โ€


A few moments later, Blind gave his welcome, and the dog put his legs on Blackโ€™s thigh, making him look down at the mutt. โ€œโ€ฆ Andx, why the hell did Aneki paint you black like that? You look likeโ€ฆ Brago, that explains itโ€ฆโ€ The dog panted, seeming to smile. โ€œโ€ฆ I donโ€™t even want to know, do I?โ€ Black sighed, and the dog ran over to Caeda, who began to pet him. โ€œSo, Blind, Tosen? You really went with a blind guy?โ€


The other man shrugged and took a sip of Blackโ€™s drink, to which Black shuddered. โ€œโ€ฆ I thought I got Pepsi, not teaโ€ฆโ€


โ€œYou did. I got tea.โ€ Black groaned, and Blind began to chuckle nervously. โ€œIโ€™m blind, give me a break, eheheโ€ฆ Anyways, howโ€™s it been tonight?โ€


โ€œQuiet, really, sans Fusion. The kids are running around somewhere, the dog isnโ€™t screwing with Aneki, and she is dragging Clair about. Justโ€ฆ relaxing more than anything.โ€ Blind nodded, and reached out, grabbing another glass, and taking a sip. He made a face as he tasted the drink. โ€œโ€ฆ That was Caedaโ€™s, wasnโ€™t it?โ€




โ€œWhat were those words again?โ€ The fortuneteller mumbled to himself as his doorbell rang. โ€œThe words to that Halloween songโ€ฆ Oh yes!โ€ He stepped out of his door, onto the porch, where children in costumes waited. โ€œBoys and girls of every age, would you like to see something strange?โ€ The kids nodded, eyes wide. โ€œCome with us and you will seeโ€ฆ This our town of Halloween!โ€ Screams filled the once still night air along the suburban street, before the man walked down the street, blood on his hands. โ€œNow, for the nightโ€™s true events! He walked up the street, headed towards Yugo city, his eyes set on the building where he had seen the dragon the year before. He licked his hands, a grin splitting his face.



[spoiler=Part 2: Roll, Open Your Soul!]

October 31, 2030: 7:30 PM โ€“ Yugo City

โ€œThank you, Mr. Dragon!โ€ A little girl dressed as a bedsheet ghost, no older than four, thanked Arm for the candy, and was led off by her mother to the next spot on the street. Arm smiled to himself and took a glance at his watch.


โ€œHalf an hourโ€ฆโ€ He mused, and his face lit up. He set a bowl of candy on the table next to him, and scribbled a โ€˜2 pieces onlyโ€™ note, leaving it next to the sweets. โ€œGotta go and get ready for the show at 8.โ€ Arm hurried to his lab, not noticing a child walk up to the bowl as he left. The boy, about ten, looked left and right, before grabbing a handful from the bag, and putting it in his pumpkin.




โ€œSo how do you guys like my Hermione costume?โ€ Lisa asked her three friends, spinning around once to show it off. โ€œIt was daddyโ€™s idea, but I didnโ€™t mind at all.โ€


โ€œI like it!โ€ Al blurted without thinking, making Daniel cast him a confused look, before Al corrected himself. โ€œI meanโ€ฆ It looks fine, though your dork of a dad doing that makes sense.โ€


โ€œI like it, too.โ€ Amelia chirped, and Daniel followed suit. โ€œSo, do you guys wanna go trick-or-treating after the show?โ€ The Carly cosplayer asked her friends, who each nodded. โ€œAre your little brother and sisters gonna go?โ€


Daniel shook his head. โ€œThe annoying little girls went with their friends.โ€


โ€œDavie is also out with some friends, I think.โ€ Lisa fiddled with her wand.


โ€œAlright, so we just gotta wait a little bit more!โ€ Amelia squealed, and hugged Aslla tight.


โ€œWonder what kinds of candy weโ€™ll getโ€ฆโ€ Al mused, oblivious to the other 3.




โ€œHand Sonic.โ€ Caedaโ€™s voiced echoed as a digitalized blade extended from her sleeve, above her hand. โ€œHand sonic, version 2.โ€ Her voice reverberated once more, the blade becoming longer, with a diamond-shaped point.


โ€œArm really did a lot with that costume, didnโ€™t he?โ€ Cherry asked, sitting with Andx in her lap, peaceful for once. โ€œI figured heโ€™d do something, but not make you able to use Guard Skills, as an illusion or not.โ€


โ€œWell, only the best for my angel.โ€ Black pecked his wife on the cheek, and held her close. โ€œGo ahead and show them our favorite one.โ€


โ€œAngel wings.โ€ Caeda echoed again, causing a large pair of illusory white wings to come out of her back. They faded quickly, leaving a feather to fall, before disintegrating into bits of data. โ€œI really should thank Arm.โ€ She smiled, and just let her husband hold her, as Marco grumbled.


โ€œOf course it has to do with seeing it. You know, that thing I canโ€™t do?โ€ He said, half-sarcastically. โ€œNext year, do something I can hear or smell, please?โ€Caeda giggled a little, and Black shook his head, patting his friend on the back. โ€œSeriously, it sucks that you guys focus on the eyes so much!โ€




โ€œNothing like a drink and a smoke for the bachelor club.โ€ Nobuo mused, sitting with Sonic, puffing on a cigarette. โ€œThough, I have to askโ€ฆ Why in the hell did you choose Izaya Orihara?! Are you trying to make me beat you?!โ€


Sonic shrugged, and took a sip of his drink. โ€œI just felt like doing it to match. Like you said, bachelor club, Shizu-chan.โ€ Nobuo stared at Sonic for a few seconds, before moving over a seat. โ€œWhat?โ€


โ€œIโ€™m not gay, you bastard!โ€ Nobuo snapped. โ€œJust because Iโ€™m a bachelor doesnโ€™t mean you can go hitting on me like that!โ€ Sonic groaned, and smacked his own face. โ€œโ€ฆ Say, whereโ€™s the other bachelor? Wasnโ€™t Remo supposed to be here?โ€


โ€œYes I was!โ€ Remo popped up from behind the bar, making Sonic choke, leaving Nobuo in a fit of laughter. โ€œWhat? Whatโ€™d I do?โ€ Remo asked, oblivious, as Nobuo wiped his eyes of tears.


October 31, 2030: 7:55 PM โ€“ Yugo City: Outside of Powerforce


The fortuneteller plucked a flower from his most recent victimโ€™s hair, and smelled it, before crushing it in his bloody hands. โ€œNow, now, canโ€™t appear bloody to myโ€ฆ hosts.โ€ He snickered, and grabbed a nearby sheet from a costume to wipe his hands. Once they were clean of blood, he walked down the body-littered, set on the Powerforce. โ€œTeeth ground sharp, and eyes glowing red~โ€


Pulling a sack out of his robe, the fortuneteller tipped it over, and let dust spill out slowly as he walked around the Powerforce, forming a circle on the roads, blood mingling with the dust, giving it a black color. โ€œTime to begin! โ€œ With a sadistic laugh, the chant began, the bloody dust rising off the ground slightly.


โ€œFrange signum in phantasia sit amet turpis! Fac illis fiant qui fingunt esse alium esse simulas, et istorum, qui cum infirma corda! Venite ad me omnes filii sui sanctificabunt natalis!โ€ The chant continued, new verses being added, causing the circle to rise more, and spin fast in front of him, smiling growing ever wider. โ€œIpsum! Huius postremi tenebrae noctis! Gloria stulti, qui eduxit me! Descendite in inferno, flammis!โ€


The circle began to spin faster, until any point on the circle was indistinguishable from any other. It closed in on the Powerforce , and when it touched the walls, the whole building lit up, and screams filled the air from the inside. โ€œAaah, sweet music! The clock strikes 8 in one minute, so Iโ€™ll just mosey insideโ€ A wicked laugh escaped his lips as he walked forward, and burst through the doors of the Powerforce. โ€œHello, kiddies!โ€



October 31, 2030: 7:55 PM โ€“ Powerforce: Armโ€™s Lab


Arm stood back, and admired the, recently upgraded, Red Nova Dragon. The year before, it had malfunctioned as โ€œRed Dragon Archfiendโ€, so Arm had to make it โ€œevolveโ€. With a chuckle, he opened the cockpit. โ€œHopefully, itโ€™s perfect this time around!โ€ He glanced at his watch, 3 minutes before showtime. He climbed into the cockpit, and turned the dragon on, letting it power on. โ€œ7:59, here we g-โ€œ Arm never finished his sentence as the circle hit the Powerforce, a scream escaping his lips inside the machine as he was forced into being one with the machine.


Red Nova Dragon spread its wings wide, destroying parts of the lab with a loud roar, and burned a hole into the ceiling, before flying out, and letting its flames loose erratically. The beast growled, and landed on the roof, still proclaiming its birth.



October 31, 2030: 7:59 PM โ€“ Powerforce: Party


Screams of pain filled Blackโ€™s ears, some of them coming from his own mouth, as the lights failed. โ€What the hell is going on?! Caeda! Amelia!โ€ Black struggled to open his eyes, and saw his wife next to him, seemingly shorter than before. He couldnโ€™t find his daughter in the pain, and let out one final scream, before the pain suddenly subsided. Black stood up, warily, only to have his ears met with โ€œHello, kiddies!โ€


A man stood at the doors, wearing a grin wider than Black thought possible. โ€œIs everyone enjoying this treat I gave them? Or is it a trick?โ€ The man chuckled, seeing the people around. โ€œOh, I hope you like it. I have a personal hell planned for all of you!โ€ Black reached in his pocket, to grab his Lanza, and found nothing.


โ€œWhat the hell did you do?!โ€ He snapped at the hooded man, who just chuckled lightly. โ€œOH, nothing at all, just put a curse on all of you.โ€ The manโ€™s grin grew wider, โ€œYโ€™see, look at yourselves! Notice anything different?! Iโ€™ve turned you into those you pretend to be!โ€ A cackle escaped his lips, and he stood there, laughing his victory as the other people there came to. โ€œThis is Halloween! Roll, open your soul!โ€


Six people stood behind the man, each resembling someone. โ€œSay hello to Kaname Tosen, Carly Carmine the Dark Signer, Ginjo Kujo, Sasuke Uchiha, Tobi, Izaya Orihara, and, last but not least, yours truly- Screwtape!โ€ The man let his cackling resume as it dawned on Black who the 5 were.


โ€œA-amy?โ€ Blackโ€™s voice trembled as he looked at Carly, who seemed to be looking away, sorrow on her face. โ€œAmelia! What are you doing?!โ€ The girl looked at him for a moment, then looked away again, confused. โ€œWhat are you doing you sick bastard?!โ€ He snapped at Screwtape, who shook his head, and shrugged dramatically.


โ€œHaving a bit of fun. My main objective is already complete, so, Iโ€™ll leave you to this!โ€ He walked in between the six, and spoke quickly to each one of them, before walking out. โ€œI have a beast to tame! Oh, and, youโ€™d best take care of these first. Theyโ€™ll prevent you doing ANYTHING to me. Though, if you can find it in you toโ€ฆ Kill all of them, maybe Iโ€™ll wait and see! You have until midnight!โ€ With an uproarious laugh, he walked out, leaving the six to follow the orders they were given.




Amelia closed her eyes, and slapped a card onto her disk. โ€œCome forth, Fortune Lady Light!โ€ A yellow-clad magician appeared from the summon, spinning a staff. โ€œAttack Kanade Tachibana!โ€ Amelia pointed straight at her mother, next to her father, and the monster shot forward, bringing its staff down towards Caeda, before Black jumped in front, and felt his chest rip open.


โ€œHubby!โ€ Caeda shrieked as Black fell to the ground, bleeding all over the place. Amelia commanded Light to finish Black off, and Caeda turned white. โ€Iโ€™ve gotta tryโ€ฆโ€ She said, tears in her eyes. โ€œHand Sonic!โ€ Caeda got between Light and Black, a blade on her arm blocking the staff. โ€œI-it worked!โ€ She called out, surprised. She repulsed the fortune lady, and turned to her husband. โ€œHubby, get up!โ€


Light swung her staff down before Caeda could move, and one word echoed from her lips. โ€œDelay.โ€ Caeda shot to the side, and a digital image of her took the hit, leaving the Fortune Lady wide open. She plunged her blade into the monsterโ€™s heart, causing it to emit a shriek. As the woman disintegrated, Amelia let out a yell, and clutched her heart. She ran out of the building, and a white and burning wolf hopped next to Black and Caeda, saying โ€œIโ€™ll get her. You just take care of Black.โ€


โ€œClair?โ€ Caeda asked, but the wolf was running after Amelia. With a sigh, Caeda began to tend to her husband, rolling him over. โ€œIโ€™ve got to close up the w- What?โ€ She saw there was not a mark on Blackโ€™s body from the hit, just a bare chest where his shirt had been. โ€œWaitโ€ฆ Didโ€ฆโ€ She put her ear to Blackโ€™s heart, and heard no heartbeat. โ€œClair is a wolfโ€ฆ Black has no heartโ€ฆ I guessโ€ฆ We really d-did become the charactersโ€ฆโ€ Caeda breathed a sigh of relief, and sat next to her husband, trying to wake him up.




Cherry called after Clair as she ran off, and spat. โ€œShe got turned into that?! What the hell is going on?!โ€


โ€œWell, it would seem we were turned into the characters we were dressed as, but I thought that was obvious.โ€ Cherry froze at the voice, and turned to see a teen dressed like Brago to be the source of the voice.


โ€œโ€ฆ Andx?! No way in hell you can talk!โ€ she snapped at the dog turned mamodo. โ€œWait, does that meanโ€ฆโ€ She pulled out her book, and read it, eyes wide. โ€œI guess it really did happenโ€ฆ DAMMIT!โ€ She snapped, as Andx just watched here, face flat.


โ€œSuzumushi Nishiki: Benihikลโ€ Blind spoke, moving his blade in a semi-circle, looking at the mamodo and human. As his blade touched a spot in the air, a phantasmal blade appeared, until he had a full wave of blades ready to fire. Cherry looked over to see just in time for the blades to fire, and opened the book. โ€œs***, s***, s***! Uh, here we go! Gravirei!โ€ When the words left her lips, Andx held his hand forward, and all the blades slammed to the ground, black energy holding them down.


Blind nodded, and walked out the door, following Ameliaโ€™s suit. โ€œCโ€™mon, Andx!โ€ Cherry snapped, and the pair followed Blind out. โ€œWeโ€™ll just have to figure out the spells as we go!โ€




โ€œBrother!โ€ Daniel yelled, shooting forward to slice at El, who hopped back. โ€œIโ€™m going to kill you, and avenge our clan!โ€ He sliced more and more, until El found a Kunai, and blocked.


โ€œCut it out, Daniel!โ€ He snapped parrying the blows, but D.L.โ€™s son didnโ€™t let up. โ€œStop it!โ€ El pushed him back, only to see Daniel form handsigns, then shoot a fireball at him โ€œOh for the love ofโ€ฆโ€ El dodged the fireball, watching it raze whatever it hit, before destroying a wall, leading outside. โ€œI wonderโ€ฆโ€ El performed the same signs, and shot a fireball back, only to have his met by another from Daniel. โ€œSo, I really can, huh? Though, this is NOT the place to do itโ€ฆโ€[/i[ El thought to himself, and nodded at a nearby Glameow, before shooting out the hole from the Fireball.


โ€œCome back here, Itachi!โ€ Daniel yelled, and followed after El as he fled. Not far behind the Glameow trotted along, scowling.




Al stood over three bodies- Aka, Rui, and Kari. His blade was covered in blood, and a sinister smile covered his face. Lisa stood, scared beyond her wits, as he wiped his blade off on her motherโ€™s dress. โ€œAl, what are you doing?!โ€ He turned to face her, and grinned.


โ€œLooks like I missed one.โ€ Al walked over, as Lisa backed off, shuddering, until her back hit a wall. โ€œThanks for making it easy.โ€ Al laughed, raised his sword, and swung.


โ€œExpelliarmus!โ€ the blade flew from Alโ€™s hand, reverting back to a normal cross necklace across the room. โ€œLisa, come here, now! Confundus!โ€ Fusion targeted Al again, who clutched his head, and snarled. Lisa ran to her father, and he grabbed her hand. โ€œCโ€™mon, we have to get out of here!โ€ As the two escaped, Al shook off the confusion, and followed.


โ€œYouโ€™re not escaping that easily, you weaklings!โ€




โ€œOh, Shizu-chan, whatโ€™s the matter? Hate to see me again?โ€ Sonic taunted, an evil smile on his face as he locked eyes with Nobuo. โ€œCโ€™mon, letโ€™s have some fun, like old times!โ€ Sonic produced a knife from his pocket, and sliced Nobuoโ€™s chest, met with a grunt. โ€œOh, come on! Youโ€™re making this way too easy for me!โ€ A sadistic laugh began to escape Sonic, before Nobuo grabbed him by the neck.


โ€œI donโ€™t know what the hell that bastard, Screwtape or whatever, did, but dammit, I have no qualms here!โ€ He flung Sonic over the bar, and into the wall, watching the glasses fall around Sonic. Sonic stood up, chuckling.


โ€œThatโ€™s it, Shizu-chan! Thatโ€™s what I wanted! Letโ€™s dance!โ€




Black groaned, and rubbed his head. โ€œC-caeda? What happened?โ€ He asked, and she explained. โ€œWait, how in the world am I alive?!โ€


โ€œWeโ€™ve become the characters. I guess you and I areโ€ฆ Unable to die.โ€


โ€œWhereโ€™s Amelia?โ€


โ€œClair ran off after her, I stayed here with you.โ€ Black sighed, and sat up.


โ€œWell, I guess weโ€™d better head that way, too.โ€ He stood up, only to see Remo standing in front of them.


โ€œGoing somewhere?โ€ Remo asked, voice cold and harsg. โ€œI donโ€™t think thatโ€™s a good idea.โ€ He lowered his head a bit, showing a purple eye with rings going out from the center, and a red eye, with 3 tear-shapes on a ring on the eye, similar to the white mask he wore. โ€œMy orders say you two arenโ€™t allowed to go anywhere out of my sight.โ€


Black began to protest, but Caeda spoke. โ€œHand Sonic, version 5.โ€ Two demonic claws appeared, one on each hand. โ€œFine by me, Remo.โ€ She shot forward at Remo, and he pulled his war fan out, to block the assault. Remoโ€™s red eye shone, and sucked up all 3 of them, dropping them in a bland, dark place, with nothing but squared buildings.


โ€œWeโ€™ll fight here, then. This wayโ€ฆ You arenโ€™t leaving my sight!โ€




Screwtape laughed as he got to the ceiling and saw Red Nova Dragon. โ€œThere you are, my crimson devil. Now, to tame you!โ€ Screwtape began to walk forward, when a pink-clothed, humanoid puppet attacked the dragon, conducted by a man standing to the side. โ€œWho the hell are you?!โ€ Screwtape snapped.


โ€œMy name?โ€ The gold-masked man rhetorically asked. โ€œWell, suffice to call meโ€ฆ Relius Clover or the Puppeteerโ€ The puppet slammed the dragon down. โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Iโ€™m on your sideโ€ฆ at least for now.โ€ Relius spoke coldly, and his puppet stabbed the dragonโ€™s neck, injecting something. โ€œHeโ€™ll be awake by midnight. Now, let usโ€ฆ Discuss.โ€




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Sonic's Super Special Awesome Oneshots and Parodies Post!



[spoiler=Business by Sonic & The Mod Crew]

Sonic sat in his desk in the Mod's HQ and it was getting really boring right now. All he was doing all day was throw the pencils he had up on the roof of the office. Right now there was about thirteen pencils up there right now. "Well, today is so slow. Wish that something would just happen..." he sighed as he threw another pencil at the ceiling.


He was then knocked out of his chair, by Draco Flame as he slammed his laptop on Sonic's desk.


"SONIC! Have you seen Roxas?!" Draco asked, looking very excited...about what Sonic didn't know.


"Unfortunately not..." Sonic groaned slowly getting up. "So what's the deal?"


Draco pressed something on his laptop and said,"A contest...a rap video contest. The grand prize is a million dollars, as well getting the video on Yugo Entertainment Television Network(YET) and MTV."


Sonic smirked and said,"Well, I'm guessing you need some people to do this music vid?"


"Yep." Draco nodded. "I'll film it and the others can be in it."


=A few hours later=


"So Draco, you finish the editing the video?" Sonic asked as he jumped into his bean bag chair, as the other Mods walked into the living room and sat down.


Draco tossed the Dvd in the air and caught it with a smile. "You know it! Hope ya guys enjoy it!" he said as he tossed into the Dvd Player, before pressing the Play Button.

[spoiler=Press Play]



A Few of the Girl Mod


Sonic, sounds like an SOS...


Holy whack, unlyrical lyrics Roxas, you're freakin' right...


To the Modmoblie, let's go...


(Sonic, Sonic)

Chicks and gentlemen, its show time, hurry hurry, step right up,

introducing the star of our show, his name is,

(Sonic), you wouldn't want to be anywhere else

in the world right now, so without further ado, I bring to you,


You're 'bout to witness me be absolutely flawless.

The best kind you'll ever see, I'm being honest.

I'm the hardest, the most purest, known artist,

Chip off the old block, but ol' Mod is, (back)

Looks like Fuse brought his own army, oh great; Xaezon's got his own Life,

With his own private plane, his

Own pilot, set to blow college dorm rooms doors off the hinges,

Oranges, peach, pears, plums, syringes,

*vnn vnn -Chainsaw sound-*

Yeah here I come, Iโ€™m inches, away from you, dear fear none,

Yugo is in a state of 9-1-1, so...


Let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus

In town, let's shut the s*** down and kill clowns, can I get a witness, (hell yeah)

Let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus

in town, let's shut the s*** down and kill clowns, can I get a witness, (hell yeah)


Quick gotta move fast, gotta perform miracles, gee willikers Rox, holy bat syllables,

Look at all the bulls*** that goes on in Yugo when Iโ€™m gone, time to get rid of these rap criminals,

So skip to your lou while I do what I do best, you ain't even impressed no more, you're used to it,

Flows too wet, nobody close to it, nobody says it, but still everybody knows the s***,

The most hated on out of all those who say they get hated on in eighty songs and exaggerate it all so much,

They make it all up, there's no such thing, like a female with good looks, who cooks and cleans,

It just means so much more to so much more people when you're rappin' and you know

What for, the show must go on, so Iโ€™d like to welcome y'all to Roxas and Mod's carnival,

C'mon nowโ€ฆ.


Let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus

In town, let's shut the s*** down and kill clowns, can I get a witness, (hell yeah)

Let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus

in town, let's shut the s*** down and kill clowns, can I get a witness, (hell yeah)


It's just like old times, the dynamic duo, two old friends,

Why panic, you already know who's fully capable, the two capped heroes,

Dial straight down the center eight-zero-zero, you can even call collect, the most feared duet,

Since me and Fuse played career Russian Roulette, and never even see me blink or get to bustin' a sweat,

People steppin' over people just to rush to

The set, just to get to see an MC who breathes so freely, ease over these beat's and be so breezy,

Jeez how can s*** be so easy, how can one Katie be so Levy, turn on these beats,

MC's don't see me, believe me YET and MTV are gonna grieve, when we leave, dog fo' sheezy,

Can't leave rap alone, the game needs me, 'till we grow beards, get weird, and disappear into

The mountains, nothin' but clowns down here, but we ain't freakinโ€™ around round here,

Yo' Rox, what up, can I get a hell, hell yeah, now...


Let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus

In town, let's shut the s*** down and kill clowns, can I get a witness, (hell yeah)

Let's get down to business, I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus

in town,let's shut the s*** down and kill clowns, can I get a witness, (hell yeah)


So there you have it folks,

(Sonic), has come to save the day, back with his friend Roxy,

And to remind you that bullshit does not pay, because,

(Sonic), and the Mods are here to stay

And never go away until our dying day until we're old and gray,

(Sonic), so until next time friends, same shaved head,

Same rap channel, good night everyone, thank you for coming, your

Host for the evening, (Sonic)

Oh, ha...



Everyone was silent as the video ended.


"Yeeeeeeah, Draco..." Roxas began. "That video wasn't the best you've done."


A few of the other Mods agreed with Roxas' statement, chatting amongst themselves. Draco shrugged and said,"Eh, it was worth a shot. The contest ended anyway....it was won by someone named Loud n' Green."


Sonic stood up and shrugged. "Hey at least it gave me something to do today." he chuckled as he walked off, letting the other Mods talk amongst themselves.



[spoiler=DL VS SONIC - BATTLE!]

Sonic: This is it, DL. Me and you. The final battle. The one fight that everyone's been waiting for. I'm not gonna hold back.


DL: You bet, Sonic. This is going to be super freakinโ€™ awesome! I can't wait to see your strength.


Sonic: Well alright then. DL, it's time to spit some rhymes!


DL: Bring it on So- wait, what? Oh donโ€™t tell meโ€ฆweโ€™re starting to do an Abridged Rap Song Parody


Sonic: Alright dude, check it out, it's Sonic the smex, and sad to say, dawg, you're my new test subject, so listen up, here it is, the awesome challenge I suggest, who ever spits the best rap outta' you and me will be the best fighter in the world, and Iโ€™m not to blame. You know I got ya beat but homie don't be lame, this is serious, you got to do it your title says you have to. If you decline the challenge by default that means I beat you. DL I hope you're ready, cuz this is gonna be heavy, and I know you might think it's unnecessary, but that's tough, suck it up dawg, it's something you go to do, or you can leave and lose your throne, its up to you.


DL: Oh, you think you're hot sh*t huh? Ok check this out (Primeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) prime cut ba ch ba ch ca ba ch ch wa ch ch ja-mikity-moe mack daddy what's up (whats up) I said a jiz a bang boom (boom) boom (boom) boom (boom) da diggy dog, I said a dog (a dog) a dog (a dog) a diggity dog. Hey what you say, O.K., your repartee's clichรฉ, forget battlinโ€™, you should just take up ballet, you want to duel don't act a fool or I'll just tell you "b*tch please". The only consolation here is you're not from the seas. So play the damn song punk, 'cause its time to throw down. Other than me, all your friends are clowns. Can't wait to see your face turn to sheer disgrace, when I kick your punk ass right out of this place. My name is Daisuke Link (your crap's really lame) each move is the same, yes they are. Now get yourself set to be ashamed by my x-rays. (rraaaaaayyyysssss)


Sonic: Ha, that was a'ight, but let me lay somethin' fresh on ya.


DL: Uh, Sonic, stop actinโ€™ black.


Sonic: You're about to witness me be absolutely flawless, the best kind you'll ever see I'm being honest. I'm the hardest the most purest known artist. And oh, FYI, DL. Yo mommaโ€™s been in ballet for six years regardless, but let me lay you something fresh dawg what I'm going to do. Im'ma tell you something that's a hundred per-cent true, you're not the smex homie, no, sorry, not you. Itโ€™s your weird psycho friend that's stuck inside you, you're a lazy sucker he does all the work for you, then you claim the fame for all the shiz and stuff he do. Whatcha even doing being inside him anyway. Everyone agrees, dude, that is pretty gay.


Yuki: You know something Sonic? I don't think you know who you're dealing with. Well allow me to fill you in.


Yuki: I'm the mothaflippin smex'. My hair's spiked and my pants are really tight, and I'm sexy (I'm sexy). If you choose to defend I'm gonna condescend cuz my psycho attack'll drive you straight round the bend, I got sweet moves I took from DL, don't believe me? Listen carefully to this ditty. And by the by your moves are sh*tty, and so's your bros. Watch what happens when this Slifer takes on Winged Kuriboh.


Chris: They call me Chris D, and my lyrics will blow your cranium .........umm......uh......


Yuki: Oh come on, dude.


Chris: I'm thinking......um......uhhh...


Yuki: Ugh, and he wonders why I never call him.


Chris: Hang on here I think I got it. They call me Chris D stronger than titanium, sharp as a comedian, here I am sold out all the stadiums. I'm not a lower class Akatsuki member, where did you get that ridiculous conception? Did Life tell you that? f*** Life. Seriously.


Yuki: My raps and smex they, don't make sense, because they all think I'm so intense. And if you fight with me it won't make sense. Because against my moves you've no defense. My attacks are so potent I might seem conceited, in fact all of my opponents could swear that I cheated. Sure, sometimes DL and I swap places... but who cares, so long as my enemies have egg on their faces. Other people diss me, say that I'm a sissy. Why? Why? W-w-why, why exactly, why? There's nothing girly about the my tight jeans, and only real men use wear eye liner! Sonic let's face it, you're second best, I'm sending you all the way to Yu-Gi-Oh! GX, your stance's unbalanced and you act like hobo. Hey... Ho. I'm the mothaflippin'...


Black: He's the mothaflippin'...


Rosa: He's the mothaflippin'...


Thomas: Who's the mothaflippin'?


Yuki: I'm the mothaflippin'... I'm the mothaflippin'... I'm the mothaflippin'... ...MOTHAFLIPPIN'!


Sonic: I act nothing like a hobo!!


Yuki: I think you'll find you do.


Sonic: Do not!


Yuki: Do too...


Sonic: Do not!!


Yuki: Do too times 10!


Sonic: OK that's it get ready pal...cause when I do this one move its over. X-BUR-*runs over by motorcycle* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! *falls* Ow!


Yuki: El what are you doing here?


El: Was trying to find someone to play a card game...


Random People: ON MOTORCYCLES!!


El: By the way, did I run over a hobo?


Yuki: Don't worry...it was only Sonic.


Sonic: I think I broke my coccyx!!


Yuki: Oh walk it off, before I sue!



[spoiler=Rosa Loves the Way You Lie, Chris]

Chris walked into his house, around 5:00 PM, like every other day. However, today...he was still thinking about what Creator had mentioned before about him trying to resurrect his first love: Rosa Seijo. He tossed his stuff on his couch and then sat down on the other end of the piece of furniture.


C-Could he actually bring her back?? he thought, running his hands through his hair. He looked at his keys and then a specific keychain on it. It was a small heart with a picture of her and him, when they were in Japan. Chris sighed and then just walked away. "I-I guess I could just sleep on it..." he said heading towards his bedroom.


Around 10:00 PM, Chris finally fell asleep...but as he did, he began to dream. And what he began dreaming of, well, let's say him still having Rosa...but the two of them going at each others throats.

[spoiler=Part 1&2]


Part 1


Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie


[Verse 1 - Chris]

I can't tell you what it really is

I can only tell you what it feels like

And right now there's Life grippin' my windpipe

I can't breathe but I still fight all I can fight

As long as the wrong feels right it's like I'm in flight

High off of love, drunk from my hate

It's like I'm huffin' paint and I love her

The more I suffer, I suffocate

Right before I'm about to drown, she resuscitates

Me, she f***in' hates me and I love it, Wait!

Where you going? I'm leaving you.

No you ain't. Come back. We're running right back

Here we go again, it's so insane

'Cause when it's going good, it's going great

I'm Wiseman with the wind in his back

She's main dame, but when it's bad, it's awful

I feel so ashamed, I snapped, "Who's that dude?"

I don't even know his name

I laid hands on her, I'll never stoop so low again

I guess I don't know my own strength



Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie


[Verse 2 - Chris]

You ever love somebody so much,

you could barely breathe when you with 'em?

You meet, and neither one of you even know what hit 'em

Got that warm fuzzy feeling, yeah, them chills, used to get 'em

Now you gettin' f***n' sick of lookin' at 'em

You swore you'd never hit 'em, never do nothing to hurt 'em

Now you're in each others face spewing venom in your words when you spit 'em

You push, pull each others hair, scratch, claw, bit 'em

Throw 'em down, pin 'em, so lost in the moments when you're with 'em

It's the fate that took over, it controls you both

So they say, you're best to go your separate ways

Guess that they don't know you 'cause today,

That was yesterday, yesterday is over, it's a different day

Sound like broken records playing over

But you promised her, next time you'd show restraint

You don't get another chance

Life's playin' this like a game, but you lied again

Now you get to watch her leave out the window

Guess that's why they call it "window pane"



Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie


[Verse 3 - Chris]

Now I know we said things, did things that we didn't mean

And we fall back into the same patterns, same routine

But your temper's just as bad as mine is

You're the same as me

When it comes to love you're just as blinded

Baby, please come back, it wasn't you, Baby, it was me.

Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems

Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano

All I know is I love you too much to walk away though

Come inside, pick up your bags off the sidewalk

Don't you hear sincerity in my voice when I talk?

Told you this is my fault, look me in the eyeball

Next time I'm pissed, I'll aim my fist at the drywall

Next time? There won't be no next time

I apologize, even though I know it's lies

I'm tired of the games, I just want her back. I know I'm a liar

If she ever tries to f***in' leave again,

I'ma tie her to the bed and set this house on fire

I'm just gonna



Just gonna stand there and watch me burn

Well that's alright because I like the way it hurts

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry

Well that's alright because I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie

I love the way you lie


Part 2


On the first page of our story, the future seemed so bright.

And this thing turned out so evil, why should I be surprised.

Even angels have their wicked schemes and you take death to new extremes.

But you'll always be my hero, even though you lost your mind.


Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

But that's alright because I like the way it hurts.

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,

But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.

I love the way you lie.


Now this gravel in our voices, glass is shattered from the fight.

In this tug of war, you'll always win, even when you know I'm right.

Cause you feed me fables from your hand,

With violent words and empty threats and it's sick that all these battles is what's keeping you satisfied.


Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

But that's alright because I like the way it hurts.

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,

But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.

Ohhh, I love the way you lie.


So maybe I'm a masochist

I try to run but I don't wanna ever leave.

Til the walls are goin' up in smoke with all our memories.



This morning, you wake, a sun-ray hits your face

smeared makeup as we lay in the wake of destruction

hush baby, speak softly, tell me you're awfully sorry that you

pushed me into the coffee table last night so I can push you off me

try and touch me so I can scream at you not to touch me

run out the room and I'll follow you like a lost puppy

baby, without you, I'm nothing, I'm so lost, hug me

then tell me how ugly I am, but that you'll always love me

then after that, shove me, in the aftermath of the

destructive path that we're on, two psychopaths but we

know that no matter how many knives we put in each others backs

that we'll have each others backs, 'cause we're that lucky

together, we move mountains, let's not make mountains out of molehills,

you hit me twice, yeah, but who's countin'

I may have hit you three times, I'm startin' to lose count

but together, we'll live forever, we found the youth fountain

our love is crazy, we're nuts, but I refused counselin'

this house is too huge, if you move out I'll burn all two thousand

square feet of it to the ground, ain't s*** you can do about it

with you I'm in my f***in' mind, without you, I'm out it



Just gonna stand there and watch me burn,

But that's alright because I like the way it hurts.

Just gonna stand there and hear me cry,

But that's alright because I love the way you lie, I love the way you lie.

Ohhh, I love the way you lie.

I love the way you lie.





[spoiler=The Old Days]

Before Sonic Chao and Roxas entered the fight against Odin and Sora, before they entered Lifeโ€™s fortress, Sonic stood where the Banned gathered. He heard the others talk and argue about random things, but he didnโ€™t care right now. His mind wasnโ€™t here, it was thinking on the past.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Sonic, at the age of 10, sat in his house talking to his Uncle Jose. โ€œSo Uncle, what you bring back from your trip to Japan?โ€ Sonic asked, excited to find out what his uncle brought him from the trip.


โ€œWell, Iโ€™ve heard from your dad youโ€™ve begun to take a liking to Katekyo Hitman Reborn, so I got you these.โ€ Uncle Jose said, as he took a box and handed it to Sonic. โ€œGo on and open it.โ€


Sonic smiled and then grabbed the top to the box and lifted it. His eyes widened and a smile stretched across his face. Inside weโ€™re a replica of the X-Gloves Version V.R. (Vongola Ring), used by the main character, Sawada Tsunayoshi. โ€œTHANK YOU, UNCLE JOSE!โ€ Sonic said hugging his uncle.


Uncle Jose chuckled and said, โ€œAnything for my nephew. Anyway, you go have fun with those.โ€


โ€œI will!โ€ Sonic said as he put them on and ran out of the house. โ€œWait till I show Thomas!โ€


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Thomas, also 10, sat outside on his porch. He was totally bored, just watching the clouds fly by as he twirled his two toy pistols in his hands. Thomas appeared to be in deep thought, but his thought train de-railed as he heard someoneโ€™s voice.


โ€œThomas! Hey Thomas!โ€


Thomasโ€™ eyes drifted from the sky to the front of his parentโ€™s yard and saw Sonic. โ€œOh hey Sonic. Whatโ€™s up?โ€ he asked as he stood up, still twirling his two toy pistols in his hands.


โ€œMy Uncle Jose just gave me these!โ€ Sonic said, enthusiastically. He lifted his hands up and showed Thomas the X-Gloves. โ€œTheyโ€™re the X-Gloves from that anime I like. Exact replicas, kind like your replica pistols that Death the Kidd uses.โ€


Thomas smiled and then stopped twirling the pistols and had his pinky finger on both triggers. โ€œSweetness dude. So wanna go play?โ€ he asked. โ€œI bet Iโ€™ll beat you again with these pistols.โ€


โ€œWill not!โ€ Sonic laughed as he ran off with Thomas chasing right behind him.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The two played for hours until the sun began to set. Sonic and Thomas were now sitting on the porch watching the sunset. โ€œSonicโ€ Thomas began to say. โ€œWhat do you think youโ€™ll do when you grow up?โ€


Sonic smiled and stood up. โ€œIโ€™m going to be just like my uncle! Iโ€™ll be a mod one day just like him. Once I become one, Iโ€™ll make sure Yugo City will be a better place than it is.โ€


โ€œWell when you do that, Iโ€™ll probably surpass god!โ€ Thomas laughed as he stood up as well. โ€œIโ€™ll be a shining star everyone will look up to! Thomas King, the man who surpassed god!!โ€


Sonic and Thomas then gave each other an exchange of glances and laughed. Sonic then bumped fists with Thomas and said, โ€œLetโ€™s make a promise. When we make those dreams a reality, weโ€™ll work together to make this place better.โ€


โ€œItโ€™s a promise!โ€ Thomas said with a smile.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Sonic reached his home and headed up to his room, when his uncle called him from the living room. โ€œYes uncle?โ€ Sonic asked walking into the living room.


โ€œDid you enjoy yourself?โ€ Uncle Jose asked smiling.


Sonic nodded and said, โ€œYes sir, Uncle Jose!โ€


Uncle Jose smiled again and said, โ€œGood. Well itโ€™s getting late, Sonic. Go get some sleep and Iโ€™ll see you in the morning.โ€


โ€œNight Uncle Jose!โ€ Sonic said as he walked out of the living room and upstairs. Before he got to the top of the stairs, he heard his uncle say something.


โ€œNever give up, keep your resolve strong.โ€


Sonic didnโ€™t understand what he meant, but he was also tired at that moment.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Sonic was still thinking of this, making him look a little downtrodden.


โ€œWait, Roxas!โ€


Sonic looked up as he saw that the voice that spoke was Chris Denver. He watched as Roxas turned saying, โ€œWhat is it?โ€


โ€œJust thought you should know we have one more faction with us!โ€ Chris said as he turned to Sonic.


Sonicโ€™s mouth was agape as he just didnโ€™t know what happened. He didnโ€™t know what to say, or if he said anything would Roxas just dismiss him. Sonic sighed a little and then said, โ€œSonic Chao, of the Vongola HQ! My trusty Sun Guardian, Fusion X. Denver is here along with my other guardians, Katie, Zero, and Chase!โ€


He watched as Roxas did but only a nod. โ€œI knew your uncle, he wouldโ€™ve been proud.โ€ Roxas said as he turned around and told the others to move out.


Sonic looked at Chris and talked to him for a moment. He reached in his pocket and pulled out the replica X-Gloves his uncle gave him. Sonic told Chris to take them, who after finally getting consideration from Sonic took them both. After that Chris ran after the others, but Sonic stayed for a moment outside.


โ€œThanks Uncle Jose.โ€ Sonic said as he looked at the sky. โ€œI promise Iโ€™ll become a mod and help make this the world you wouldโ€™ve wanted.โ€ He smiled, quickly ran after Chris and the others. Sonic was no longer fearing what would happen to them, he knew they were going to beat Life and this was the stand to do it.



[spoiler=Sonic Beyond: Return of Wynn]

A few weeks have passed after the final battle with Life and Yugo City has returned to its normal and original self.


OK, not all the way back to normal. Ever since the fight with Life, a few of the citizens who were once allies, have decided to turn to the path of evil. And one of those citizens was none other than Wynn, who has returned to this city as a crazed lunatic and psycho. Wynn has now begun a raving riot upon the city, forcing all the factions who fought Life, to take action to stop his reign of terror.


Now, this story shall begin, as mod Roxas calls the boss of the Vongola HQ.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


Roxas sat in a chair behind a huge desk and behind him a huge computer and other electronics, which helped him keep an eye on the city. He took a sip of soda from a can that was on the desk, before he looked at Sonic Chao. โ€œSonic, showing those skills you used against my brother Soraโ€ฆI have to say your skills are at a five on a scale from one to ten.โ€ Roxas said, putting the can of soda down.


A five out of ten? I am at least a sevenโ€ฆat least I think I am. Sonic thought quietly to himself. He was still nervous about standing in front of a mod like this. โ€œSo what was it you needed help with?โ€ he asked, trying to hide his nervousness.


โ€œGetting right to the pointโ€ฆjust like your uncle.โ€ Roxas said, before pressing a button on the left arm of his chair. Behind Roxas, on the computer screen appeared a picture of a young male with bleached white skin, green dyed hair which was all messed up, and a huge red smile on his face. The male wore a purple suit, a long purple trench coat, and in his hands were a bunch of playing cards. The main one the man was showing in the picture was the โ€œJokerโ€ card.


Sonic looked at the picture and said, with a small chuckle, โ€œYou serious? I have to fight Heath Ledger?โ€


โ€œOn the contrary, Sonic.โ€ Roxas said, waving his index finger in the air. โ€œThe person you see before you is Wynn, one of the many allies we had against Life. Unfortunately his love for the Joker has turned him into a psycho.โ€ Then Roxas grabbed a small device with a type of necklace connected to it and said, โ€œI want you to go and take care of him. Iโ€™ll be here in case you need help.โ€


Sonic gulped a little as he caught the device. He put the small device in his ear and the necklace around his neck, saying, โ€œI wonโ€™t fail you Roxas.โ€ With that he walked out of the room. My biggest moment to prove to everyone I can be like my uncle. I wonโ€™t fail thisโ€ฆnot by a long shot.


As he walked out of the building, Sonic noticed a black motorcycle with the Roman numeral thirteen on the side of it.


โ€œThatโ€™s your mode of transportation, Sonic. Just bring it back in one piece.โ€ Sonic heard Roxas say over the ear-piece.


With that being said, Sonic got on the motorcycle and headed towards the known place that Wynn usually hung out. An old abandoned candy factory known as โ€œLovegood Treatsโ€. Wynn always did love the treats Luna Lovegood made, but every since she stopped, Wynn seemed to be in a depressed mood.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


It was around nine oโ€™clock in the evening when Sonic finally arrived at the Lovegood Treats factory.


Sonic hopped of the back and then took a deep breath in, slowly exhaling it. He then walked towards the front door and tried opening it, of course it was locked. โ€œLockedโ€ฆeh?โ€ he asked with a smirk. With a swift kick with his left leg, he hit the door and it swung open. โ€œUnlocked.โ€


As Sonic entered the factory, he could hear a dark laugh. This laugh sounded like a cross between the great Mark Hamil and Heath Ledgerโ€™s Joker laugh. Sonic felt chills run down his spine, but he shook off the feeling as he continued to walk onward.


โ€œHe sticks the blade in my mouth. Letโ€™s put a smile on that face!โ€


Sonic stopped as he heard that sentence echo through the factory. He looked around and then noticed it was just a recorded voice from the speakers. With a small sigh of relief, Sonic continued to walk through the factory. OK, if this guy has recordings of himself all around the factoryโ€ฆdude has a major problem.


Again Sonic heard another recording, but this time the voice said, โ€œWhy so serious?โ€



This quote freaked Sonic out. It reminded him all to well of โ€œThe Dark Knightโ€ and thought about how Heath Ledger killed himself after the movie was finished. Iโ€™m not letting someone from Yugo City be like their movie star idol. he thought, closing his eyes. Cause if Wynn does thatโ€ฆand I was here doing nothing, I could never forgive myself.


He continued until he walked into another room, which looked like some little kidโ€™s play roomโ€ฆor a psycho kidโ€™s play room. Sonic looked around and then saw a huge machine and some screens on a wall. He pressed a small button on the necklace and then said, โ€œRoxas, you wonโ€™t believe what I found.โ€


โ€œWell Iโ€™ll have to.โ€ Roxas said, in a sarcastic tone. โ€œWhat did you discover?โ€


Sonic moved over towards the equipment and then said, โ€œIt looks like some kind of Death Laserโ€ฆor some kind of rip off of the Eclipse Cannon.โ€


Before Sonic could touch anything, he heard the same dark laugh, but much closer. He quickly turned around and standing ten feet behind him was none other than Wynn.


โ€œGood evening, Mr. Chao.โ€ Wynn said grinning.


Sonic got offensive and then backed away. โ€œWowโ€ฆhave to say that picture did you justice. The way you look in real life is way worse.โ€


Wynn glared at Sonic and said, โ€œYou shouldnโ€™t have said that. Iโ€™m the only ones to make jokes. And that laser youโ€™ve seen Iโ€™ll be using it on the entire city of Yugo and see if that loser Roxas will make it out of thisโ€ฆafter I high-tail it out of here.โ€ His glare turned back into a grin, as he reached into his trench coat pocket and pulled out a knife, pointing it straight at Sonic. โ€œHowever, you young Chao, will not make it to see the fun~ Nowโ€ฆhow about we put a smile on your face?โ€


Sonic began sweating and his heart pounding, he saw Wynn charge at him with the knife. With only seconds to spare, he ducked and then dodged the Wynnโ€™s charge; however the knife had only stabbed the targeting system of the laser.


WARNING! Guidance system offline!


Both Sonic and Wynn heard this emit from the speakers, then looked at the computer screen. On the screen, it said that the next targetโ€ฆwas the factory.


โ€œOh goodโ€ฆthe laserโ€™s attack is gonna hit here.โ€ Wynn said sarcastically. โ€œNow Iโ€™ll have to start this all over. Thanks for wrecking everything kid, see you around.โ€ He then turned around and started walking off.


Sonic saw this and quickly grabbed Wynnโ€™s shoulder. โ€œHold it!โ€ he said, quickly turning Wynn back around.


โ€œOh wise up, junior. GAMES OVER!!โ€ Wynn said, losing his temper.


Sonic, staring right at Wynn, simply said, โ€œIโ€™m taking you in.โ€


Wynn heard this and just simply laughed. โ€œRight!!โ€ he said, before he punched Sonicโ€™s cheek. He saw Sonic now unbalanced, then he proceeded to punch his stomach, then he uppercut his jaw. Wynn was now able to remove Sonicโ€™s hand from his shoulder, then kick him, making him break one of the tables. โ€œYouโ€™re out of your league Sonic, Iโ€™ve memorized all the moves that the mods have usedโ€ฆever since the fight with Life.โ€


โ€œM-Maybeโ€ฆโ€ Sonic said, slowly sitting up and wiping the blood off his mouth. โ€œBut you probably donโ€™t know anything about me.โ€


Wynn chuckled a little and said, โ€œYou? Well whatโ€™s to know, youโ€™re a punk! A rank amateur! An anime loving kid who is taking orders from that senile mod, Roxas.โ€ Wynn then got a series look on his face and he began to roll up his sleeves. โ€œStill, if itโ€™s a whoopinโ€™ youโ€™re a wantinโ€™.โ€


Sonic finally got up and then ran back towards the door.


โ€œThatโ€™s right, better to run and save yourself.โ€ Wynn said grinning. โ€œIf itโ€™s about your speed.โ€


What Sonic was actually doing was heading towards the door to prevent Wynn from leaving. He took his katana out and then slashed the doorknob off the door. He sheathed his katana and then glared at Wynn. โ€œLetโ€™s dance Ledger!โ€


Wynn was about to make the first move, but Sonic ran towards him and then tackled Wynn to the floor. Sonic was about to hit him, but Wynn grabbed a small pipe and trie to swing at Sonic, which failed as he now quickly did a front flip to dodge. Wynn quickly getting up and rushed at Sonic with the small pipe, trying to hit him. Sonic unsheathed his katana and then blocked the pipe, watching the metal clash and seeing a few sparks fly. Using this moment, Sonic pressed a small button and activated the bumping feature his katana held. He moved his katana forward, forcing Wynn back. As this happened, Sonic turned off the bumping feature and then slashed at Wynn, only cutting a small end off his trench coat.


โ€œThis happened to be my favorite coatโ€ฆnow your gonna die.โ€ Wynn said looking at his trench coat. He then threw the small pipe at Sonic, making him dodge. With Sonic dodging, Wynn took this chance to rush towards him and attack. He jumped and brought his hands together, hitting the back of Sonicโ€™s neck. He then punched him in the face again, making Sonic back away.


Sonic back flipped away from Wynn and then wiped the blood off his face. He pressed the necklace again and then said, โ€œHeโ€™s toughโ€ฆany suggestions, Roxas?โ€


โ€œHeโ€™s taken the persona of Joker. Meaning he has become vain and he loves to hear himself talk. Aside from him being completely and mentally insane.โ€ Roxas said, from the other side of the ear-piece. โ€œAll you have to do is block it out and head on in.โ€


Sonic nodded, but then stopped. "Waitโ€ฆIโ€™m like my uncleโ€ฆand Chaoโ€™s love to talk.โ€ he said, smirking.


Wynn had enough of Sonic just standing there, so he moved forward trying to punch Sonic, however missing. He kept this up, until finally he felt Sonic grab his shoulder, and then kneed his gut. โ€œW-What are you doing?โ€ he asked, surprised at this.


โ€œFighting dirty.โ€ Sonic said smirking.


Wynn glared at Sonic and said, โ€œThe mods wouldnโ€™t have ever done-โ€ฆUGH!!!โ€ He couldnโ€™t finish his sentence, as Sonic began to wrench his arm back.


โ€œTold ya you didnโ€™t know me.โ€ Sonic said, then pushing Wynn back.


Wynn stood back and grinned a little. โ€œF-Funny guyโ€ฆโ€ he said before he ran towards Sonic.


โ€œCanโ€™t exactly say the same about you.โ€ Sonic said, as he dodge rolled to his left and then moving behind him.


Wynn glared back at Sonic, not exactly happy at his comment. โ€œImpudent little bratโ€ฆwho do you think your talking to?โ€


โ€œNot a comedian, Iโ€™ll tell you that much.โ€ Sonic said with a smile. His plan right now was to get inside Wynnโ€™s head and start making him lose focus, and so farโ€ฆit was working.


Wynn gritted his teeth and then pulled another knife out again, pointing it at Sonic. โ€œShut your mouth!!โ€ he said, throwing the knife. His knife missed Sonic, but it hit a small rope, which above him had a metal case with a ton of bricks in it. It fell behind Sonic, but the other side of the rope launched upwards as Sonic grabbed it.


โ€œNone of the mods ever talked to you much, did they?โ€ Sonic asked as he finally reached the metal rafters on the roof. โ€œThatโ€™s why your were so fixated on them?โ€ He read Wynnโ€™s profile before, so he pretty much knew why he did what he did. Sonic then pulled out a ninja star and threw it at Wynnโ€™s hand, making him lose his knife.


Wynn yelled in pain a little after he grabbed his hand. โ€œDonโ€™t play โ€˜psycho-analysisโ€™ with me boy!โ€ he yelled up to Sonic.


โ€œPlease, like I need a degree to figure you out.โ€ Sonic said, pulling out another ninja star, this time throwing it at the power box making the lights go out. โ€œThe real reason you kept doing what your doing was you were trying to get a laugh out of Roxas.โ€


Wynn turned around and looked around him, somewhat nervous. โ€œIโ€™m not hearing this!!โ€


โ€œGet a clue, loser! That mod doesnโ€™t have a sense of humor. He wouldnโ€™t know a good joke if it bit him in his Keybladeโ€ฆnot that you ever had a good joke.โ€ Sonic said with a smirk.


โ€œShut upโ€ฆโ€ Wynn said, beginning to lose his patience. โ€œSHUT UP!โ€


โ€œI mean really. Joy-buzzers, squirting flowersโ€ฆLAME!โ€ Sonic said. โ€œWhereโ€™s your โ€˜Aโ€™ material? Make a face; drop your pants, SOMETHING!!โ€


Wynn ran towards the door and tried to open it, but he couldnโ€™t. โ€œShow yourselfโ€ฆโ€ Wynn was starting to get freaked out by this. It reminded him of those old โ€œBatmanโ€ cartoons and movies. This kid is just completely toying with me!! he thought, still trying to open the door.


โ€œYou make me laugh, Wynn. But only cause I think your pretty pathetic.โ€ Sonic said, then began to laugh similar to Wynn.


Wynn growled a little and yelled, โ€œSTOP THAT!!โ€


Sonic moved from a few metal rafters, but continued to laugh like Wynn. โ€œSo after the fight with Life and you got your leg fixedโ€ฆyou decided fall into a tank of acid, get your skin bleached, and chose to be a Joker impersonator. What you couldnโ€™t find a job at the circus?โ€ After he finished his sentence, he continued to laugh like Wynn.


Wynn looked over at a box and then saw a few grenades. He grabbed two of them and said, โ€œDonโ€™t you DARE laugh at me!โ€


โ€œWhy?โ€ Sonic asked, still laughing. โ€œI thought you always wanted to make people laugh!โ€


Wynn yelled and then threw one of the grenades at the rafters, actually hitting the rafter Sonic was on.


Sonic groaned and hit the floor pretty hard. He then glanced over at Wynn, who threw the second grenade towards Sonic. He only had a second to move, but he didโ€ฆthough the aftershock sent him flying near the laser equipment.


Wynn walked towards him and then grabbed a medium sized wood table, pinning Sonic onto the floor. He laughed and then strangled Sonicโ€™s throat. โ€œCome on, Chao, laugh it up now. You miserable little punkโ€ฆ.LAUGH!!โ€ he said. Wynn heard Sonic chocking, but laughing, so he brought his head closer to Sonicโ€™s. โ€œI canโ€™t hear you~โ€ Wynn grinned and then pulled another knife from his trench coat and held it up to Sonicโ€™s mouth. โ€œHow about I help you laugh?โ€


Sonic groaned and then finally said, โ€œHaโ€ฆhaโ€ฆโ€ He opened his eyes a little, just enough so he could see Wynnโ€™s face, then he quickly punched him.


Wynn yelled in agony as Sonicโ€™s fist connected with his face. He held his face for a little while, before falling over and knocking himself out, as he tripped over some debris from the roof and hitting his head on the floor.


Sonic slowly got up and put Wynn on his backโ€ฆand with only five seconds on the clock, heโ€™d have to be fast.


He ran with Wynn on his back, finally exiting the factory with only one second to spare. Then before Sonic, was a huge laser fire as the Lovegood Treats factory was completely destroyed. โ€œR-Roxasโ€ฆI gotโ€ฆhim.โ€ Sonic said, taking a few deep breaths.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Two days after this ordeal, Sonic stood before Roxas again. He really didnโ€™t know what Roxas wanted, but he knew it something about his job with Wynn.


โ€œSonic, I want to tell youโ€ฆwell done on capturing Wynn." Roxas said smiling. โ€œWith the proper corrections, he should return to normal.โ€


Sonic nodded and said, โ€œThanks Roxas. I just hope he doesnโ€™t hate be after that.โ€


โ€œDoubt itโ€ฆโ€ Roxas said, turning his chair around. โ€œAnd by the way, that comment about me not knowing a good joke even if it bit me in the Keybladeโ€ฆโ€


Sonic remembered how he said that during the whole trying to get into Wynnโ€™s head and he face palmed. โ€œYou know I didnโ€™t mean anything by itโ€ฆโ€ he said, nervously.


โ€œI see, well if you talk bad about me like that againโ€ฆโ€ Roxas smirked. โ€œIโ€™ll kick your ass with these Keyblades. Or worseโ€ฆdeciding to โ€œPerma-Banโ€ you. Now get goingโ€ฆI have work to do.โ€


Sonic nodded and then walked out of the room. OK...remind me never to say anything like that when he is listeningโ€ฆ he thought, swallowing really hard.



[spoiler=SWAT Kats - Yugo's Radical Squadron]Exactly two years after the defeat of Life, Yugo City returned to its normal state of peace. Nothing evil was tarnishing its peace and so all the factions that were around when Life was alive, have disbanded and everyone went theyโ€™re own ways.


And now with that, this story begins with two young men working in a junk yard, one begin a well known faction leader; while the other one being one of his best friends.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Yugo City Junk, not the place to see one of the factionโ€™s leaders working, but unfortunately itโ€™s where he was sent to work. Sonic Chao, leaderโ€ฆor rather ex-leader of the Vongola of YCM, was sent here to work after completely disobeying orders and running a jet into a building. Being sent here was to pay off his debt and boy was it a big debt!


Sonic drove the Junk Yard truck through the streets, sighing as he thought about that. I still canโ€™t believe that Roxas sent me to this job just because I didnโ€™t follow his orders while we were chasing after someone who knew something about Xazeon. he thought with a sigh.


He stopped at a stop sign and then heard something out his window. He looked and saw an older man reading a newpaper, while talking to a woman standing next to him.


โ€œEh, what is with these hooligans? These two weirdos acting like those SWAT Kats trying to protect usโ€ฆthink they need to be in the Looney bin!โ€ the older man grumbled.


The woman shook her head and smiled. โ€œI donโ€™t knowโ€ฆI actually like the fact that there are some people out there that want to help and not just ruin stuff up like the Modโ€™s Police Force.โ€


Sonic couldnโ€™t help but smile a little when he heard this. As he did, he drove off towards the Junk Yard.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Pulling into the small workshop in the Junk Yard, Sonic turned off the engine and got out of the truck. โ€œCody! Dude, Iโ€™m here!โ€ he said, calling for his associate who worked with him.


As Sonic called, a Caucasian young man at the age of eighteen walked out of a small room and walked towards Sonic. He had short black hair, ocean blue eyes, and was wearing a type of grease monkey uniform and had a red hat in his hand.


โ€œWell it took you long enough Sonic!โ€ Cody said with a chuckle.


Sonic rolled his eyes and said, โ€œYeah I know. I was a little sidetrackedโ€ฆโ€


Cody shook his head and grabbed a few bags of the garbage and parts in the back of the truck and began unloading them. โ€œYou were over at the Vongola building again, werenโ€™t you?โ€ he asked, knowing where he went.


โ€œYep.โ€ Soinc said sighing. He walked into a backroom and then after a few minutes got dressed in his own grease monkey uniform. โ€œKinda miss the old days like that.โ€


โ€œTrue, but youโ€™d have to fight Life all over againโ€ฆand who knows if you people would be winning that.โ€ Cody said chuckling as he grabbed a newspaper from a small table. โ€œOh and speaking of old days, one of your old friends was just released from prison.โ€


Hearing this, Sonic quickly grabbed the newspaper and began to read it.


Released After Two Years!

The man known as Belphagor Pi was just released from prison after his sentence was over. He was released on good behavior and his bond was paid by an unknown person. Though he says he feels deeply sorry about betraying his friends, including Sonic Chao, the ex-leader of the Vongola of YCM.


โ€œHeโ€™s out?!โ€ Sonic exclaimed after he finished reading the paper. He remembered how Bel betrayed them that day and he shook his head. โ€œI doubt heโ€™s changed.โ€


โ€œYou have to give the guy a chance amigo.โ€ Cody said shaking his head.


Sonic tossed the paper and said, โ€œNot him. He already betrayed me onceโ€ฆI canโ€™t let him do it again.โ€


Before Cody could try and reason with him, a car horn was heard. The both of them looked out front to see theyโ€™re normal customer. Her name was Lauren Yuki and she happened to be the deputy mayor to the current one, Kaito Kuroda. Lauren has long blond hair, light golden eyes, and wore a cute light red dress with a small Winged Kuriboh pin on her left collarโ€™s flap.


โ€œLaurenโ€™s back!โ€ Sonic said, smiling.


Both of them began to quickly fix themselves up before she arrived to them. Why did they do this? A woman walking towards them, basic normal male instinctโ€ฆI suppose.


They finished and saw Lauren in front of them and they both smiled. โ€œGood morning, Lauren.โ€ they both said.


โ€œHello Cody, Sonic.โ€ Lauren said with a nod. โ€œDo you think you both can fix up my car? The engine is kinda messed up a little.โ€


Sonic smiled and took Laurenโ€™s hand. โ€œOf course we can Lauren! Anything for the deputy mayor.โ€ he said, seeming like one of the hosts from Ouran.


โ€œThank you both.โ€ Lauren said with a smile. She then walked off and got into the mayorโ€™s limo which came to pick her up.


Cody saw Sonic still seeming like he was thinking about Lauren. He gave him a gentle slap to the back of the head and said, โ€œSONIC! Stop gawking we gotta fix her ride!โ€


โ€œO-Oh yeahโ€ฆโ€ Sonic said chuckling nervously.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


โ€œYes Mayor Kaito, Iโ€™ll be at Pop Park in just a few minutes.โ€ Lauren said as she was talking with Kaito on the other end.


โ€œWell please hurry! The press is almost here to watch me unveil the new idea for the Yugo City Tower!โ€ Mayor Kaito said on the other end.


Lauren sighed and nodded. โ€œI know. Please be patient.โ€ she said as she hung up the phone. โ€œDriver, please head to Pop Park double time.โ€


The drive didnโ€™t answer, but he pressed on the brake and then turned around. A sinister laugh was heard, which sent chills down Laurenโ€™s spine. โ€œSorry Deputy Mayor, but there is a change in plans today!โ€ the voice said. The driver took off the hat he was wearing to reveal that he was Belphagor. He laughed again and then drove heading somewhere, taking Lauren with him.


T-T-This isnโ€™t good!! Lauren thought as she reached in her purse and grabbed a small remote control like device. Gotta inform T-Bone and Razor!


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


โ€œWAS NOT!!โ€ Sonic said shaking his head.


Cody laughed and said, โ€œYou were too. You were totally drooling over Lauren or my name isnโ€™t Cody Frost!โ€


Sonic rolled his eyes and said, โ€œI wasnโ€™t. And are you sure you should be putting these Turbo plugs on Lauren's engine is such a good idea, Cody?"


"Of course! I say she's gonna have extra horse power in case of an emergency." Cody said with a chuckle as he finished hooking up the plugs and got into the car to start it up.


"I say you're gonna blow the engine."


"Sonic, I'm a pilot. I know what an engine can handle." Cody said starting the engine. "See? Purrs like a kitten." He smirked and then stepped on the accelerator. "Growls like a tiger."


Before Cody could do anything else, a small boom was heard and smoke came from the front of the car. Sonic shook his head and then said, "Blows like a volcano...now what do we tell Lauren?"


"We'll think of something...โ€ Cody said getting out of the car, kicking the front of it a little.


Just then an alarm was sounded inside the building. Cody quickly looked at Sonic, seeming a little serious. โ€œLooks like Lauren is needing some helpโ€ฆ.besides just the engine!โ€ he said as both of them ran towards a small staircase and ran down the stairs.


Cody moved quickly to a small speaker, which was connected to the alarm. He slammed his fist on the button to answer and said, in a slightly deeper voice, โ€œT-Bone here. Whatโ€™s wrong, Ms. Yuki?โ€


โ€œT-Bone!โ€ Cody and Sonic both heard Lauren whisper. โ€œIโ€™ve been abducted by Belphagor Pi! Heโ€™s taking me towards the docksโ€ฆthinking heโ€™s going towards the warehouses.โ€


Sonic gritted his teeth and then said, also in a somewhat deep voice, โ€œDonโ€™t worry Ms. Yuki, weโ€™ll find you and kick the crap outta him!โ€


Lauren sounded like she let out a small sigh and said, โ€œThank you both.โ€ And just like that, the transmission was cut off.


โ€œLetโ€™s go Cody!โ€ Sonic said as he rushed over towards two lockers. He opened the one that said โ€œRazorโ€ and then pulled out a red and blue flight suit and quickly put it on. He tightened his fingerless gloves and then put on a small bandana with eye holes so he could see.


Cody did the same as he opened a locker that said โ€œT-Boneโ€ and pulled out another red and blue flight suit. He grabbed two helmets, matching their flight suits and tossed one at Sonic as they put them on.


Sonic grabbed two devices, tossing one at Cody, while strapping the other to his wrist. He then pressed a button on the wall and the lights turned on, revealing a fighter jet painted all black with a few touches of yellow and red on it.


The two ran towards the jet and jumped into the cockpit, Cody in the front and Sonic in the back. โ€œAlright T-Bone, the small reading from the device Lauren used is over near the docks, just like she said.โ€ Sonic said, calling Cody by his alter-egoโ€™s name.


โ€œGot it Razor.โ€ T-Bone said, as he pushed the accelerator leaver for the jet forward, causing the jet to fly out of a small hangar on the other side of the junk yard.


T-Bone flew the jet above the skies of Yugo City, heading towards the docks. He sighed and said, โ€œRazor, youโ€™ll have to not let this situation get to you.โ€


โ€œNo. If Bel does anything to hurt Laurenโ€ฆIโ€™ll personally make sure he goes down.โ€ Razor said his fist colliding with his open hand.


T-Bone sighed and then continued heading towards the docks.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Meanwhile, someplace else in the city.


โ€œMy lord, Belphagor has called. He reports that those SWAT Kats, he called them are headed this way to rescue the Deputy Mayor.โ€ says a man in a black robe.


The one he was talking to nodded and then said, โ€œTell him to call in the fighters and knock that jet out of the sky.โ€


โ€œAs you wish my lord.โ€ the man in the black robe said, walking away from the one he was talking to.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


T-Bone was almost near the docks, when he heard the radar that Razor had start beepingโ€ฆ.a lot! โ€œRazorโ€ฆwhatโ€™s on the radar?โ€ he asked.


โ€œWell, about ten enemy fighters on our tail.โ€ Razor said as he glanced at the radar, then behind him.


T-Bone smirked and said, โ€œFinally! Time to party!โ€


โ€œJust try not to mess the paint up on the TurboKat.โ€ Razor said chuckling. โ€œI just painted again yesterday.โ€


Soon the enemy fighters began to shoot at the TurboKat, missing completely though.


T-Bone jerked the navigational stick to the left and made the TurboKat make a sharp turn to the left and then made a complete U-Turn. โ€œHurry up and take them out, sure-shot!โ€ he said.


Razor got about three of the enemy fighters on target and said, โ€œLocked on! Deploying Piranha Missiles!โ€ About nine missiles were launched towards the three enemy fighters, and as they were about to hit, their metal casings broke and showed them having teeth, which began to eat at the enemy fighterโ€™s wings. With this, three of the ten fighters spun out of control and crashed below. โ€œBULLโ€™S EYE!!โ€


โ€œDonโ€™t get cocky, sure-shot.โ€ T-Bone chuckled. โ€œThere are seven more leftโ€ฆso weโ€™re gonna have to stay on our toes here.โ€


They were getting ready to deploy another round of missiles, but then a few choppers flew past them, shooting at the enemy fighters.


โ€œAnd right on time, the Yugo City Police Departmentโ€ฆโ€ Razor said, sarcastically. โ€œHow much you wanna bet that โ€˜you-know-whoโ€™ is on duty?โ€


T-Bone chuckled and then said, โ€œWhen isnโ€™t he?โ€


Then the two of them heard from one of the choppers, โ€œSWAT Kats! Stay out of this! This is YCPDโ€™s job!!โ€


Razor pressed a button and then said, โ€œLook Fenrir, weโ€™re helping out too! Not our fault we can do your job better than you can.โ€


Fenrir, the YCPDโ€™s Commanding Officer, looked at the TurboKat and said, โ€œYou vigilantes should just turn around and go home now!โ€


โ€œWhat was that?โ€ T-Bone said as he messed with the communication. โ€œYouโ€™re breaking upโ€ฆ.BYE!!โ€ They quickly hung up and then headed towards a small warehouse where Laurenโ€™s signal was coming from.


Razor pressed a button and said, โ€œAlright TurboKat is on Auto-Pilot and Iโ€™m lowering the rope now.โ€ He pressed another button and the cockpit opened.


Both T-Bone and Razor grabbed the ropes and then descended towards the warehouseโ€™s roof and landed near the window. They saw Lauren tied up to a small beam of the building, with Belphagor standing in front of her, appearing to shuffle some knives in his hand.


Razor pointed his device strapped on his wrist and then shot a small missile from it, making it break the glass and head straight towards Belphagorโ€™s head.


โ€œYouโ€™re right on time.โ€ Belphagor said laughing. Then he moved quickly and threw a knife at the missile, the both of them colliding, making it explode. โ€œUshishishishi, now I finally get to see the two new heroes of Yugo City fight in action.โ€


T-Bone and Razor glanced at each other and then back at Belphagor. Then they jumped in after they grabbed the ropes and landed right in front of Belphagor.


โ€œAlright, now you can release Ms. Yuki right nowโ€ฆโ€ T-Bone said cracking his knuckles. โ€œORโ€ฆyou can just give up now. Either way, you lose.โ€


โ€œUshishishi, you really think so?โ€ Belphagor said as his knives began to float around him.


Razor, having known this trick, smirked and said, โ€œT-Boneโ€ฆdonโ€™t freak out. Thereโ€™s a wire he has around those knives. Just be careful.โ€


T-Bone nodded and then rushed in towards Belphagor, trying to hit him, but Belphagor simply jumped out of the way and threw a few knives towards him. Smirking, T-Bone raised his wrist and then pressed a button on the device strapped to it and shot a missile at the knives.


โ€œWell, wellโ€ฆthis is an interesting turn of events.โ€ Belphagor said grinning.


Razor ran behind Belphagor and then said, โ€œEat Claw Missiles!โ€ Soon two missiles with claws on them shot from the device, heading towards Belphagorโ€™s floating knives.


What? Crapโ€ฆhave to ditch these knives! Belphagor thought as he noticed Razorโ€™s Claw Missiles heading towards his knives and the wire. He quickly let go of the wire and then let the claw missiles take them. Belphagor then held up two more knives and said, โ€œWell, it appears Iโ€™m not messing with any amateurs. Shishishishishi, though your doomed any way.โ€


โ€œWhy is that?โ€ T-Bone asked with a chuckle. โ€œCause it seems you canโ€™t do anything!โ€


Belphagor smirked and then threw the knife to his left and then hit a medium sized container. โ€œThat is a bombโ€ฆI just activated itโ€ฆin a few moments, youโ€™ll all get blown up!โ€ He climbed up a few boxes towards a window and then said, โ€œBye-bi~โ€


Razor glared at Belphagor, about to follow, but T-Bone grabbed his shoulder. โ€œT-Bone, let me go!! I have to get him!โ€


โ€œNot nowโ€ฆwe got to get rid of this bomb. Either that or just get the heck out of here.โ€ T-Bone said seriously.


Razor nodded and then went to untie Lauren and then grabbed the rope from the TurboKat. He stepped on the small hook that was there and he held his hand out to Lauren. โ€œAll aboard, Ms. Yuki.โ€ he said smiling.


Lauren nodded and quickly grabbed Razorโ€™s hand and then held Razor tightly, so she wouldnโ€™t fall.


โ€œT, get us out of here!!โ€ Razor said, as T-Bone had already gotten up to the cockpit and began to pilot.


T-Bone nodded and then flew them away from the docks; just in time for the bomb to explode and destroy have the warehouses.


โ€œT-Bone, can you please take me to Pop Park?โ€ Lauren called up to T-Bone. โ€œThe Mayor is waiting for me.โ€


โ€œYou got it Ms. Yuki.โ€ T-Bone said as he flew them towards Pop Park.


Razor let Lauren down and then he got back into the cockpit with T-Bone. โ€œDonโ€™t say a word, T-Bone.โ€ he said, knowing he was going to start making jokes about him liking Lauren a lot.


T-Bone just chuckled and said, โ€œAlright. Letโ€™s just get homeโ€ฆ.cause this whole ordeal is tiring.โ€


โ€œI totally agree, T.โ€


With that, the TurboKat flew off back towards the Junk Yard.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


โ€œWhat do you mean they didnโ€™t get killed?โ€ a man asked, as he sat on a throne.


Belphagor, who stood in front of him, sighed and said, โ€œI told you, they freakinโ€™ escaped. Not much you can do when they escape.โ€


The man slammed his fists on the throneโ€™s arms and said, โ€œWellโ€ฆthose two wanna be heroes will soon realize the game theyโ€™re playing wonโ€™t be that good. Now next time, Belphagor, you will kill themโ€ฆor Iโ€™ll send you back to prison. I paid your bail, so donโ€™t give me any reasons to send you back!โ€


โ€œI understand.โ€ Belphagor said smiling. โ€œI will not fail you, Lord Browarod.โ€ He walked out of the room and then said, โ€œShishishishishiโ€ฆ.well since Iโ€™m out, I may as well go pay a visit to my dear old boss, Sonic Chao.โ€



[spoiler=ThunderCats - The Yugoian Chronicles]

[spoiler=Part 1 - Beginnings]

These were days of peace and prosperity on planet Earth. When one empire ruled over all others, with a just heart and razor claw. And though omens in the book would be ignored, the tragedy to come was necessary. For it was written that he would be born of fire, a king to lead his people to victory against ancient spiritโ€™s of evil.


* * * * * *


It was another peaceful day in the Yugoian Empire city, with the exception of the few squabbles here and there. In the main square, a hooded man walked along the busy streets with a small cat creature with white scales and a small hoodie following close behind him, both trying not to get run over by the others.


โ€œOh, I really donโ€™t know about this.โ€ The cat creature said, sounding a little worried as he walked with the hooded man. โ€œIf your father finds out your not where youโ€™re suppose to, heโ€™s gonna ring our necks!โ€


The hooded man chuckled as he walked. โ€œYou worry too much Sonic. Father wonโ€™t notice weโ€™re gone.โ€ With that he continued walking, having the creature, Sonic following close behind him.


As they walked towards a small cold damp alley, they saw a couple of muscular cat-humanoids beating up another weaker looking cat.


โ€œP-Please, s-stop!!โ€ the weaker cat whined, as he was beaten up terribly.


One of the muscular cats, laughed. โ€œYou know damn well that thereโ€™s a toll coming through OUR alley. And since you didnโ€™t payโ€ฆyou got the crap kicked out of you.โ€


Another one of the muscular cats glanced over and saw the hooded man and Sonic. โ€œBoss! Got another one!!โ€ he snickered as he pointed at the two newcomers.


โ€œOh no, this isnโ€™t good at all!!โ€ Sonic said as he cowered behind the hooded man.


The gang of muscular cats walked up to the hooded man and growled a little. โ€œAlright, pay up or youโ€™ll end up like him!โ€ the boss cat demanded.


โ€œHow aboutโ€ฆno.โ€ the hooded man said, as he grabbed the boss catโ€™s arm and threw him into another one of his gang.


Furious about what this hooded weirdo did, the rest of the cats ran towards the hooded man. Sonic tried to run for cover, but instead he ran towards one of the cats and then made him trip up and fall right into a small puddle of water.


The hooded man laughed a little as he saw this. โ€œGood timing on that, Sonic.โ€ But his laugh was short lived, as he was quickly grabbed from behind by the boss cat again.


โ€œNot cool, little man!โ€ the boss cat growled, beginning to squeeze the hooded man's chest, making the hooded man's breathing really shallow. "Had enough little man?"


The hooded man cursed under his breath as he felt his breath getting shallow with each passing second. Then a loud โ€œWHACKโ€ was heard and then felt the boss cat let go as he fell to the ground. The hooded man, trying to catch his breath, quickly turned around and saw a blond haired cheetah wearing a light blue skirt and a tank top, showing her mid-drift off, holding a extendable staff in her right hand. โ€œUm, thank you, Rosa.โ€ the hooded man responded, trying to deepen his voice.


The cheetah, Rosa, smirked at the hooded man. โ€œWell I donโ€™t think the king would be happy that his son was engaging in street fights like this, Prince Chris.โ€ she said with a slight smile on her face.


โ€œMan, even with my worst looking cloakโ€ฆI stick out like a sore thumb.โ€ the hooded man chuckled, removing his hood, revealing that he was a brown haired teenaged lion.


The gang of cats moved away and yelled as they ran, โ€œITโ€™S THE KINGโ€™S SON!! RUN FOR IT!!!โ€


Sonic walked over towards Chris and grumbled, โ€œI told you this was a bad idea, but you didnโ€™t listen to me!! Never listen to the petโ€ฆโ€


โ€œSonic, shut up.โ€ Chris replied as he shook his head. He glanced over at Rosa and asked, โ€œWell since youโ€™re hereโ€ฆwanna see what I was really doing down here?โ€


Rosa smirked and then asked, โ€œWill this have any do me doing anything weird? And by weird I mean by doing those exotic dances?โ€


Chrisโ€™ face got real red and he quickly shook his head. โ€œW-What?! N-N-No wayโ€ฆits nothing like that!โ€ Although, in Chris' own mind, he had dreamed about Rosa...but nothing like that. It was more of, him and her on a small date.


โ€œAlright then Chris, I guess Iโ€™ll come along.โ€ Rosa said as she followed Chris and Sonic out of the depressing and damp alley.


* * * * * * *


Meanwhile, in the throne room of the palace, sat three chairs with three other cats sitting in them. One the throne chair sat a white tiger teenage boy, seeming like he was totally full of himself. The tiger wore a princely like outfit, with an unbuttoned collar, showing his chest. The second throne sat a lion male with his black mane around his lightly fair skin. He wore a royal looking outfit with a blood red cape behind him. The final throne sat an older gray leopard, holding a staff in his hands. This one wore somewhat of a mageโ€™s outfit with a cape in the back, same as the lionโ€™s.


The lion growled and then stood up. โ€œWhat is taking Chris so long?!โ€ he asked as he stood up. โ€œThe boy isnโ€™t taking this job as heir seriously!โ€


โ€œWell father, that just proves that Chris doesnโ€™t take anything serious.โ€ the white tiger chuckled. โ€œWould be easier just to give me the crown. At least I can take the job serious.โ€


The older leopard sighed. โ€œDaisuke, we know that. But since you are not a son by blood you cannot inherit the throne. And King Roxas, please calm yourself. You were a lot like him when you were young. And your father wasnโ€™t exactly pleased either.โ€


Roxas sighed and shook his head. โ€œTrue Jose, but at least I took my job seriously!!โ€ He growled again and then sat down on his throne, waiting.


* * * * * * * * * *


Meanwhile, back in the city, Chris lead Sonic and Rosa into a small, beaten down building with a cover over the entrance. It had boards on the windows covering them, for what reason, no one really knows.


โ€œHello! Old man?โ€ Chris called from the outside.


Soon an old looking cat walked out of the entrance. โ€œAh Chris, right on time! Come in, come in.โ€


Chris nodded and brought Rosa and Sonic in after him. He noticed Rosaโ€™s expression, wondering what most of these metal things on the shelves were. โ€œThe old man here has gotten these things from the outside!โ€ he smiled. โ€œThis stuff is called, technologyโ€ฆand everywhere except here has it.โ€


โ€œYeah, apparently Chris has a big thing for it.โ€ Sonic said as he hopped on a small table.


Chris glanced over at Sonic, rolling his eyes a bit. โ€œThink she gets that, Sonicโ€ฆthank you.โ€


Then as Chris was looking at a few things, a horn sound was heard. Chris stopped and then exclaimed, โ€œOH SHI- Iโ€™M LATE!!โ€ Chris put the hood over his head and then motioned for Sonic to follow. โ€œSorry Rosa, see ya later!โ€ And with that, Chris ran out of the building and back towards the palace. Alright, please donโ€™t let my father yell at me much when I arriveโ€ฆ Chris thought as he ran down the streets, with Sonic trying to keep up.


* * * * * * *


In the throne room, Roxas sighed as he finally saw Chris run in.


โ€œS-Sorry fatherโ€ฆI wasโ€ฆout.โ€ Chris apologized, a little nervous right now.


Roxas stood up and said, โ€œChris, you have to take this more serious! You are to be the next king of the Yugoian Empire, so start taking this more like you should.โ€ He glanced at Jose and said, โ€œYou may bring it out.โ€


โ€œAs you wish.โ€ Jose nodded as he raised his hand. Soon a couple of cloaked people, with their cloaks covering most of their faces and the rest of their body, walked towards the three thrones with a pillow in their hand with a cover on it.


As the all arrived, Daisuke smirked and then started flirting a little with the first cloaked figure, which was a girl. Daisuke noticed how the cloaked figure's face, even though most of it was hidden, turned red immediately.


โ€œSeriously, DL?โ€ Chris asked, whispering to Daisuke. โ€œAre you flirting with her?โ€


Daisuke chuckled and then patted Chrisโ€™ shoulder. โ€œBetter believe it, little brother.โ€


Roxas finally stood up and then tossed the cover off the pillow and showed that on it was a sword. The sword had a silver hilt to match the blade itself. In the center of the sword's hilt sat a gem which had a faint picture of three claw marks. He grabbed it and smirked. โ€œThe Blade of Legends. The kings of the Yugoian Empire have used this sword to defend the pride with. Now I will show you how it will work in the PROPER hands.โ€


โ€œHeads up, slacker!โ€ Daisuke warned as he tossed Chris a sword.


Chris was caught off guard as he was given the sword, but it became clear when he saw his father rush at him with the sword. The two swords clashed, but the one in Roxasโ€™ hand sparked up with huge lightning bolts, which filled the entire throne room.


Roxas moved away and then clashed the two swords again. โ€œThis sword was the one that defeated the vile mummy Xazeon. And with this, we keep the peace of our kingdom whenever we go into battle!โ€ He clashed again, this time the lighting bolts sparked even more. โ€œThis is the Yugoian Legacy!!!โ€ Roxas then slashed at Chris, this time making him fall and drop his sword. He handed Chris the sword and moved away from him. โ€œNow, I want you to take this moment and practice with the blade.โ€


Chris nodded a little as he grabbed the hilt of the Blade of Legends and then began to swing it around, pretending he was attacking someone. As Chris swung the blade, lighting bolts sparked from it making everyone dodge a little, well almost everyone.


"YEEEEEOOOOOOW!!!!!" a yell was heard as Sonic jumped up into the air, holding his tail. "Chris, watch that lighting...almost became fried Sonic!!"


Chris smiled sheepishly as he lowered the blade a little. "Sorry Sonic!!" he yelled, before going back to swinging the blade again, making sure he didn't hit Sonic this time. As he brought the hilt to his face, his eyes glowed a little as his mind was now sent into a different world than the one he was in now. Chris then saw before his eyes, a creature with bandages and gauges and wearing a black robe. His skin looked like it was decaying and his eyes looked demonic and had a thirst for blood. The mummy like creature glared at Chris and said,"The time for my revenge....is drawing near."


Chris gasped as this vision faded from view. "I-I saw...something..." he said quietly.


"What was that Chris?" Roxas asked moving towards Chris, along with Jose and Daisuke.


Chris didn't want to tell them about the vision he had seen, so he looked around and then saw something out the palace window. "I said I saw something." He ran towards the window and glanced out of it. Outside were two good looking female cats, holding pots in their hands. "Wow, talk about me-OW!!" he said, before he felt Roxas hit his head.


Roxas sighed and then grabbed the blade. "You have the skills to wield it...but that mind of yours isn't ready for something like this." He shook his head and then left the room.


"Sooooo...." Daisuke said looking out the window. "You give them my name or anything?"


Chris looked away and then walked off as well, feeling a little disappointed that he upset his father....again.


Before anyone could do anything, a horn was heard and then a messenger came running with an important message. "King Roxas! King Roxas!!" he yelled as he stood and then bowed.


"What is it?" Roxas asked, having heard the commotion and returning back into the throne room, only to see the messenger in front of him.


The messenger stood back up and reported. "General Icy has returned and is waiting at the city gates. He brings a spoil of war against the lizards."


Roxas smiled and looked at his two sons. "Daisuke! Chris! Mount up, we're going to welcome back an old friend of mine!"


* * * * * * * * * * * *


The city gates began opening and Roxas, Daisuke, and Chris rode out on an alien-looking horses, as they arrived in front of a wooden cargo car. This car was begin pulled by a bunch of lizards, in chains, apparently the slaves of war. On the wooden cargo car stood a huge meteorite with onyx gems in it, being held down by chains. On top of the meteorite, stood a light blue furred sabertooth-tiger, but with one of his saberteeth totally cracked and broken. At this, he jumped off the meteorite and said,"Roxas! Long time no see, my old friend!"


Roxas halted the horse and jumped off, as he walked towards the sabertooth-tiger. "Icy! I knew it was a good idea to send you to conquer that land. Wait a moment, where is General Draco??" he asked.


"I'm sorry my king..." Icy sighed as he held up two chakrams and handed them to Roxas. "He was defeated in battle against these bloodthirsty lizards. I tried to save him, but it was too late."


Roxas held the chakrams and then sighed. "I see...Draco Flame will be missed. We will have a feast in his honor, and to welcome back you, old friend." Roxas then turned around, leading Icy and the lizard slaves inside the city.


Chris looked at the lizards and then sighed a little. Why do I feel like this is wrong? he thought to himself, as they all rode back into the city. The lizards are our enemies...but yet I feel a little sorry for them.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *


Later that night, in a small Colosseum, everyone gathered to watch the best warriors of the Yugoian Empire battle amongst themselves as they climbed a huge tree, with its roots sticking out from the fertile ground a little, to ring a giant bell at the top of the tree. The losers, if they fell off the tree would meet a very wet landing, falling into a small lake which gave the tree its life.


In a small balcony sat King Roxas, Chris, Icy, and Daisuke as they watched this and also talking amongst themselves. Icy was explaining to them a lot of what happened while he was away on his mission. At the moment, he was telling the three of them how he acquired the lizard slaves.


"So then I lead them into a small alley with a dead end. All I could smell was the stench of alley along with the smell of lizard sweat. And then with them thinking that they had me surrounded, I raised a signal for the ambush and then my platoon captured them." Icy said with a hardy laugh. "Those little monsters had no idea what hit them. Teaches them never to mess with the Yugoian Empire's best General!"


Roxas chuckled, rather interested in Icy's story. "Well that was the only reason I sent you and Draco. Mainly cause you both as a team were the pride of the empire."


"Um, General Icy..." Chris broke his silence and finally spoke. "On your journeys out there...did you happen to see any technology?"


Daisuke sighed and then face palmed. "And here we go again. Chris is always talking about technology this and technology that. You ask me, he has his head to far in the clouds and isn't exactly ready to rule the pride." He chuckled a little and continued. "Probably have someone else lead....like me."


"Daisuke, I'm seeing a lot of myself in you!" Icy said chuckling a little bit, as he nudged Daisuke's right arm. "You have that warrior's heart and you want what's best for the pride. Too bad you aren't a son by blood, otherwise you'd definitely take the throne."


"Hey, we all know I'd make a totally better king than Chris over there." Daisuke smirked. He knew he was pissing Chris off, but he really didn't care right now. Daisuke was telling the truth and he knew Chris didn't like it.


Enraged at this, Chris growled a little and then stood up from the chair. "OH YEAH!? Well prove it, DL!" he said as he pointed to the huge tree. "You and me, right here! Right now!"


Daisuke sighed and then stood up, already knowing the outcome. "Very well, though we both know how this will end up, little brother."


* * * * * * *


A few minutes later, both Chris and Daisuke were at the base of the tree, waiting for the signal.


"I'm going to beat you and prove that I'm ready to be their king!" Chris shouted, with fiery determination burning in his eyes.


Daisuke smirked and responded with a,"And I'll prove to everyone that your a little kitten who is still wet behind the ears." He laughed at his own joke, knowing he really pissed Chris off now.


The two glared at each other, until they heard the signal horn. Chris and Daisuke both ran towards the tree's trunk, beginning to climb it. Daisuke was following right behind Chris, before he jumped and then kicked Chris in the side, making him fall a little down the tree's trunk.


Damn... Chris thought as he quickly rebounded and started climbing back up the massive trunk.


With him now in the front, Daisuke climbed up the tree faster than he did before. Though he paused as he heard Chris shouting at him.




Daisuke sighed and then continued to climb up towards the top of the tree, where the giant bell hung from the tree's limb.


Chris growled as he climbed up after him. Chris finally caught up to Daisuke and jumped up to punch his face, but Daisuke dodged and then kicked Chris in the face, watching Chris fall into the lake below.


Chris swam up to the surface and then saw Daisuke at the top of the tree, on the bell as it rang loudly.


"Told you, Chris!" Daisuke laughed. "I'll always be faster and stronger than you are!!"


Chris growled a little and then swam to the shore, getting himself dried. Next time DL....next time... he thought, as he walked off.



[spoiler=Part 2 - The Yugoian Empire Falls]

Chris sat on the balcony from his room in the palace and saw the citizens enjoying the party that was thrown in the honor of Draco. He looked at Sonic, who was laying on the balcony's railing and then sighed. "Its totally official Sonic." Chris said as he rubbed Sonic's ears. "They think I'm a failure and that Daisuke would make a better king than me."


"Don't think like that Chris!" Sonic exclaimed, seeing Chris starting to go into an emo-like state. "I still think that you'd make a great king. And very sure Rosa would too!!"


Chris looked back at Sonic and petted his head as he smiled. "Thanks Sonic..." He stopped and heard footsteps walking towards him, so he turned around. Before him stood old Jose, with his normal old man expression on his face. "Oh, Jose its just you."


"You expect someone else, Chris?" Jose chuckled as he moved towards Chris, putting his hand on Chris' shoulder. "Do not worry, my boy. I myself think that you will be a king that this empire needs."


Chris shook his head and looked away, seeming upset. "No I won't...Daisuke is right..."


"And yet you have something he does not. You possess the ability of sight beyond sight." Jose moved towards the balcony, to the rail where Sonic laid. "Not meaning just dreams or visions...but also with having a sight for things that aren't, but seeing them as they are. A king like that would definitely help this empire."


"Y-Yeah your right, Jose." Chris replied, before thinking of the vision he saw when he was wielding the Blade of Legends. "Jose, I need to tell you something..."


Jose smiled and started walking away. "Later, my boy. There is a party still going, enjoy yourself."


"Thanks Jose." Chris said, before looking back at the party, then running off.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


The citizens of the Yugoian Empire were having a good old time with the party, enjoying themselves to the fullest. Two other cats, well...kittens to be precise, ran through the party looking for something. The first kitten wore a ragged dress with a long red hair and a maroon colored eyes. The second kitten wore a different type of ragged dress, has light blue hair, as long as the other kitten and has gold colored eyes. They stopped near a cat who looked a little on the chubby side, eating a huge turkey leg. The first kitten tugged on the cat's jacket and said,"Hello there my kind sir. Karin and Kana Shitokage at your service. Would you mind to hear a melody from my sister? She plays the ocarina very well and you won't have to pay, unless you find her music perfectly pleasing!"


The chubby cat glared at the kittens. "Scram, ya strays!" he shouted before going back to his turkey leg.


"Oh but you must at least hear it, my dear sir." Karin said with a smile, as she batted her maroon eyes at the chubby cat.


"I SAID SCR-" the chubby cat began, but he stopped when Kana pulled out the ocarina and began playing a melody that sounded a lot like Lugia's theme from Pokemon. He purred a little and said,"The music...its so soothing...."


Kana looked at her sister and moved her head towards the chubby cat's bag, to pick-pocket it.


Karin nodded and then reached into the cat's bag, pulling out a half eaten bagel. "Ewww, this guy is a total slob." she complained as she fished her hand inside the bag. "OH!" She quickly pulled something out and it was gold coins. "There it is...come on sis!"


With that, both Karin and Kana ran off, before hearing the chubby cat yell,"SCRAM YA LITTLE MISFITS!!"


"Nice work sis!" Kana giggled as she looked at Karin. "Now let's go get something to eat!!"


* * * * * * * * * *


Chris was walking around as the party was still going on. He stopped as he glanced over and saw a couple of teenaged cats throwing tomatoes at two of the lizard slaves that were in wooden stocks. "Hey! Leave them alone!" Chris sternly said as he walked towards the teenaged cats. They ran off, after hearing him, apparently out of fear of him being Roxas' son.


"P-Please...your majesty..." the first of the two lizards hissed at Chris. "Have mercy on...us...."


Chris glanced at the first lizard, with a raised eyebrow. "Why should I?"


"We weren't even attacking...the general...we were just out gathering food..." the lizard replied back to Chris.


"Shut it, Tim. He wouldn't even give us mercy if we were the last lizards on Earth." the second lizard hissed as he rolled his eyes.


Tim, the first lizard, glanced at the other lizard and said,"Thomas! Please hold your tongue!!"


Chris held his hand up and then looked at the lizard, named Thomas. "Hold on...please tell me what you mean."


"Simple...we were out gathering scraps of food when that general of yours captured us." Thomas hissed, before he spat on the ground. "You think that your kind is helping...but all you cats have succeeded in doing was keeping the food and best land for yourselves....leaving us other animals to survive without much." He glared at Chris and then said,"The only thing that was a weakness for us...is we aren't as strong as the cats of the Yugoian Empire."


Chris listened to every word Thomas spoke, but he was snapped out of the trance of listening to this, since Daisuke grabbed his shoulder. "Come on Chris, tell me your not actually believing this load of crap?" Daisuke asked.


Thomas chuckled and said,"Whatever..."


This left Chris with a lot of things on his mind. Were the lizards really bad? Did the General lie? He couldn't figure anything out...and he was wanting to know the truth.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


As the party dwindled down, the happy group of partiers, were now an angry mob. They held pitchforks and torches in their hands, yelling at the two lizards. "Let's stab them!" "No, let's burn them alive instead!" the people yelled ideas as they thought of things to do to the lizards.


Chris, who was walking with Daisuke, stopped and looked at the mob. "We have to stop them..." He began to walk towards them, but he felt Daisuke grab his shoulder.


"Hold it, little brother." Daisuke said as he pulled Chris back a little. "You're not seriously gonna help those cold blooded crazies are you?"


Chris pulled away from Daisuke and said,"Yes. I am." He walked towards the mob and then pushed his was towards Thomas and Tim. "You have to stop this. We don't have to hurt them...they didn't do anything wrong!"


The mob looked at Chris and then one yelled,"HE'S A LIZARD LOVER!!!" The crowd roared a little and then started moving forward, trying to attack Chris. However, they stopped when Daisuke moved in front of them, growling.


"Alright, unless you wanna go through me...you better back up." Daisuke smirked as he cracked his knuckles.


The crowd laughed a little. "Please, its two against all of us. You'll get creamed easily!"


Before anything else happened, a quick gust of wind rushed past them and a figure appeared in front of Daisuke and Chris. The figured that was in front of them was none other than Rosa. "Now its three of us." she smirked as her extendable staff extended in her hand.


"Wow...Rosa is saving my tail again." Chris chuckled a little. "So you following me?"


Rosa looked at Chris and smiled. "That's if you think I am."


The mob finally yelled as they ran towards the three. Daisuke grabbed his weapon, a black and blue whip, letting it smack the ground right in front of the mob. They stopped, but kept going forward.


Daisuke grinned, knowing what he was going to do now. "Faster than you can say, Daisuke!" he said, whipping his whip on the ground, before vanishing before the people's very eyes. "I'm behind you." he said, reappearing behind one of the cats and back handed him to the ground.


Rosa looked at the angry mob and then began to run. As she did, she instantly became a bright flash of light, hitting the angry mob causing them to fall down and not get up.


"Kill the lizard lover!!" the mob yelled as they attacked Chris.


Chris dodged the pitchforks, one right after another. He then began to kick a few cats to the ground, hopefully making them realize that they should stop this at once. Well they stopped, but not by his hands.


A roar stopped them all and Roxas and Icy were seen walking towards them. "What in the name of Simba's whiskers is going on here?!" he demanded, looking at the mob, then averting his gaze at Chris.


"He's a lizard lover! He doesn't want us to kill those lizards!!" one of the mob yelled.


Roxas turned to Chris and was about to say something, but Chris cut him off. "These two haven't done us any harm. I'm trying to keep us from turning into a cold-blooded race, similar to the lizards. No offense to the either of you."


Tim and Thomas nodded. "None taken..."


"And you wanted em to start acting like a king? You have it..." Chris waited to hear his father's response, hoping it would be better.


Roxas sighed and motioned for his soldiers to release the two lizards. He growled, before finally looking at them. "This is an act of kindness...your free to go." He quickly turned around, before glancing back at Chris. "Maybe now you'll take your job seriously."


And with that, Tim and Thomas ran free. Though everyone in the empire were thinking that Chris had officially lost his ever-loving mind.


* * * * * * * * *


The following evening, Chris was in his room messing with some technology he had, trying to see what made them tick. It was no sooner that he began to do this that Daisuke barged in, with his cool acting self.


"You still playing with this crap, Chris?" Daisuke asked, glancing at Chris and then the piece of technology. "Everyone already thinks your a crazy person..." He walked over and looked at drawings he drew of a few pieces of technology and sighed. "When are you gonna start growing up and getting your head out of the clouds?"


Chris finally stood up from what he was doing and looked at Daisuke. "When I do, I hope I don't turn out like you."


Daisuke growled a little, before finally leaving the room.


Well, glad that's over... Chris thought, seeming happy that he stood up to Daisuke like that. But his happiness was short lived, as the alarm horn was blown. W-What's going on? he thought as he ran to where Roxas and Daisuke stood.


Before them were flaming boulders begin catapulted by something beyond their walls. Roxas growled and pounded his fists on the balcony railing. "Lizards!" He glanced over at Chris and then shouted,"See what happens when you start acting nice towards them?! It's no wonder everyone thinks Daisuke would be a better king!"


"I-I was just..." Chris could barely say anything, before Roxas and Daisuke walked off.


Roxas looked at Daisuke and then back at Icy. "You two are coming with me. We'll be out in the battle with the army." Then the three began walking away.


"F-Father, what should I do?" Chris asked, hoping that he'd be able to help.


Roxas turned to him and glared. "You will remain here..."


Chris just stood there, as the three of them left. He sighed and turned his head to see Jose. "I think he's lost all faith in me Jose."


"Just don't lose faith in yourself." Jose said with a slight chuckle.


Sonic walked up and then rubbed his head on Chris' leg. "Don't worry Chris, everything will be just fine!!"


Somehow...I'm not sure it will.


* * * * * * * * * *


The flaming boulders kept raining down in the city, as the citizens were trying to escape into the underground bunker.


"Everyone remain calm! Single file line down into the underground bunker!" one of the soldiers yelled as he helped some of the citizens into the bunker.


While everyone was going in, Karin and Kana were walking out of there. "C'mon Kana, let's get out of here." Karin said as she grabbed Kana's hand, leading her out.


They ran off away from the stairway towards the underground bunker, but then felt a tremble beneath their feet. Both of them turned around fast to see a flaming boulder sitting where the stairway was. "T-That could've been..." Kana said holding her mouth.


"Us..." Karin finished her sister's sentence, before they ran off again. All those innocent people...their gone...I have to make sure me and my sister make it out alive!


* * * * * * * * * *


Roxas walked into his throne room and then grabbed the Blade of Legends and then grabbed a gold claw gauntlet and then put the sword into the small slot in the gauntlet. He looked at Daisuke and Icy, as the three of them mounted on their alien-like horse creatures and rode in front of the army they had. "Today, the Yugoian Empire needs you, its strong warriors to protect it. I just ask that you fight as our ancestors have. Fight for our PRIDE!!"


With that, Roxas and the rest of his army charged out of the city and then out towards the battlefield, where the lizards stood attacking and shooting arrows towards the Yugoian army.


"FIRE!!" Roxas yelled to his army.


Readying their arrows, the Yugoian army began to shoot their arrows at their enemies, causing them to retreat a little. "Keep at it men!" one of the soldiers said, as they continued to shoot arrows at the enemy lizards.


Daisuke watched this, but couldn't help but feel as if something was a miss.


* * * * * * * * * * *


Back inside the city, in the main square, sat the meteorite with onyx stones that Icy brought when he arrived. The onyx stones began to move a little, until one was pushed out and fell to the ground. Inside this meteorite, were another army of lizards, beginning to scurry out of it and release the lizard slaves that were in the prison.


One of the lizards moved up towards a much more sadistic looking lizard and said,"About time we finally got out of there...it smelt of dead reptile."


"Shishishishi....shut up and get to work. We have a schedule to keep." The sadistic lizard turned, grinning widely at the other lizard.


The lizard gulped and nodded quickly. "A-As you wish, General Bel."


Bel's army of lizards scurried around, placing small orb like devices on buildings and a couple statues. Once place, they began to glow green. "Today is when you'll finally fall, King Roxas." Bel laughed as he looked at a statue of Roxas.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


"FIRE!" Roxas yelled as another flurry of arrows was shot towards the lizards, this time sending them running.


The army cheered a little, feeling like they had won this fight, but something was a miss...as the ground trembled underneath their feet. It felt like an earthquake...but it wasn't.


Roxas, Icy, and Daisuke turned their attention towards the small forest that was near the the battlefield and they saw trees falling. It wasn't long after they watched this, they saw it. First it was a metal foot walked out and before the battlefield, then stood a gigantic robots that had a striking resemblance to Protoman from Megaman.


"What type of sorcery...?" Roxas was in awe of seeing these things. But before he knew it, these robots shot missiles from their metallic arm, heading straight towards the city behind them.


Huge explosions were seen in the city, as the missiles hit their targets.


And from his balcony in the palace, Chris and Sonic saw it all. He pulled out a pair of binoculars and watched the carnage. "Sonic, why does this have to happen. Technology was my passion...and now its becoming a nightmare."


"You're not going out there are you, Chirs?" Sonic asked, a little scared of all this.


Chris looked at Sonic and then back at the city. "Have no choice Sonic...but I have to first get some things." With that he ran back to his room, with Sonic following close behind.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *


Back on the battlefield, the Yugoian army retreated back to the bridge that lead back towards the city, but saw that the robots were coming closer towards them.


"Is there any way to stop them?" Roxas asked as he made sure his army got to the bridged safely.


Icy smirked and reached for his side. "There is one way..." He pulled from his side a small pistol and shot a flare into the air, causing the robots to halt in their tracks. Icy turned around and then walked away from Roxas and Daisuke.


"I-Icy, what is the meaning of this?!" Roxas growled, demanding Icy to explain.


Icy stopped as he stood in front of the lizard army and then removed his breast-plate armor and helmet. Under his old breast-plate armor, there was a new one with an Egyptian Pyramid symbol on his chest. He put a new helmet on and then laughed a little. "Well Roxas, you sent me to conquer lands and search for the Legend's Book...but instead I found power!" He motioned for a lizard to bring him with huge hammer, which was cold as ice. He yelled and then slammed it on the ground, causing the ground under their feet to be frozen with ice.


Roxas growled and was about to tell his army to retreat back to the city, but when he turned around, Bel and his army stood their.


"Ushishishishishi~" Bel laughed as he held up a small hand held device with a red button. "Such a sad day when the Yugoian Cats become endangered...I love it~" With that he pressed the red button and the bridge was destroyed, killing all Yugoian army, except for Daisuke and Roxas.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Chris walked into his room and then pressed a loose brick and then watched as a small passage opened. He walked in and grabbed a few things he had kept in here, keeping it away from his father. "People told me that I was crazy to believe in this stuff..." Chris grabbed his bag and then put a few devices in his bag. "But today Sonic, its about to pay off."


"I-I don't know, Chris." Sonic whimpered. "I'm not sure going out there is a good idea."


Chris glanced at Sonic and shook his head. "Sonic, shut up. I know what I'm doing...you just stay here and keep safe." With that, Chris ran off to the stable to mount up his alien horse and go to his father.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Roxas glanced at the blown up bridge and then at the Yugoian Army below. He glared at Icy and growled angerly. "You would betray your own kind for power?!"


"Of course, my king. As the old saying goes...Power is everything!" Icy laughed. "Now, how about you hand the Blade of Legends over quietly."


Roxas growled and then removed the blade from his claw gauntlet and then pointed it Icy. "You will have to pry it from my cold dead paws!!"


Icy smirked and then swung his Ice Hammer towards Roxas, but had it blocked by the Blade of Legends, causing the Blade to unleash some severe lightning at Icy.


Roxas backed away and then noticed something out of the corner of his eye. "Icy...seems you forgot one thing..." he smirked. "You completely forgot Jose and the Yugoian Guard."


"W-Wha?" Icy asked, before looking to his right. Before him he saw a series of dirt flying as someone, or a group of people, were running towards them at crazy high speeds.


Before Icy and his lizard troops knew it, the speedy guard and Jose were speeding around them and starting to take them out one by one. "HOLD STILL, YOU MISERABLE PUNKS!!" Icy yelled tried to smash them with his Ice Hammer. "Damn this is worse than Whack-a-Mole...." Icy growled, before he noticed Roxas and Daisuke about to leave. "One more move, your highness, and your dear friend Draco will die at the Colosseum."


Roxas heard this and then growled as he started to head towards the Colosseum.


"Father! You can't leave the protection of the Yugoian Guard!" Daisuke yelled, following Roxas.


Roxas looked back at Daisuke and said,"And I can't leave my friend to die either!"


Daisuke sighed, as he followed his father towards the Colosseum. As they entered, they looked up top the huge tree and where the bell hung, there stood Icy and next to him was Draco Flame in chains.


"Roxas, you are a fool...just give up!!"


Wait...wasn't he just near the bridge? Daisuke thought, looking back towards the bridge. How the hell did he even get here before us??


Soon before them, lizards holding guns and other weapons surrounded Roxas and Daisuke. Behind the lizards stood the PROTOs, readying their aim at the two cats. Icy smirked as he watched this. "This is where the road ends, Roxas. Neither of you can beat what you can't comprehend!!"


"Luckily I can!" a voice from nowhere spoke. Soon small circular devices landed on the PROTOs, blinking faster and faster. Not long as the devices landed, they exploded, causing the standing PROTO's to collapse and be destroyed.


Roxas looked behind him and then saw none other than his son Chris on an alien horse. Smirking, he turned around and then took the Blade of Legends from his gauntlet and held it in his right hand. "Now Icy, I'll show that the Blade of Legends is the strongest weapon this world has seen!" Roxas raised the sword up and yelled,"FOR THE YUGOIAN EMPIRE!!!" He rushed towards a small group of lizards and then slashed them, causing them to fall, holding their wounds.


"You just don't give up!!" Icy growled as he raised his Ice Hammer. He slammed the hammer down, which it was blocked by the Blade of Legends once more.


Roxas growled and then pushed back, before slashing at Icy's breastplate. He then watched as Icy made his descent to the bottom of the lake, before directing his attention back to Draco. He slashed the chains that bound him and then smiled.


"Y-You....came...for me..." Draco weakly said, as he looked at Roxas.


Roxas smiled and nodded. "I'd fight two armies just to save you old friend." Being victorious, Roxas turned around and then raised his sword up and smiled. Though he was unaware of his fate that was going to unfold.


Draco slowly stood up, and reached for his back....pulling out a dagger.


Chris climbed up the tree to see what happened, but instead he was what Draco was about to do. "FATHER!!!" he yelled, hoping to get to him in time...unfortunately...fate didn't see it that way.


Roxas roared loudly as he felt a sharp pain in his back....from where Draco's dagger struck him. Slowly losing blood, he started falling from the tree...heading towards the lake below.


Chris saw this and then dove into the lake after him. He hit the water, and quickly resurfaced as he grabbed his father's body, bring it back to shore. "F-Father...no...." he said, having tears fill his eyes.


"C-Chris...no matter what I've said..." Roxas said slowly. "You...made me proud...today..." With his last words, he took his last breath and laid motionless.


Daisuke and Chris looked at each other and then looked back at Draco, who was laughing.


"Draco...YOU TOO?! A TRAITOR!!" Chris yelled, angerly.


Draco laughed some more and then looked at Chris and Daisuke. He grinned and then shook his head. "Haven't you ever thought....that if the things from your dreams are real..." He stopped and then his voice started altering a bit, sounding demonic. "That the creatures from your darkest nightmares are real too!" Soon the sky turned purple and dark, with lightning striking. Draco's appearance began to alter as well, his appearance had wraps and gauges with a decaying flesh under it. His eyes became demonic with a deep thirst for blood. The outfit he wore, changed into a pitch black robe which covered his decaying flesh.


"X-Xazeon..." Chris muttered as he looked at the creature.


Jose and the Yugoian Guard finally arrived and then saw the transformation happen. "The day we all feared has come...ATTACK HIM!" he ordered the Guard.


The Guard nodded and they all rushed towards Xazeon and tried to attack him, but he simply turned and then watched as lightning struck them all. All except for Jose, who was saved by another one of the Yugoian Guard.


Xazeon laughed at this feeble attempt to defeat him. "You actually thought that you could stop me? XAZEON! THE EVER LIVING!!!!"


Chris and Daisuke were about to run away from this, but before they could, they were surrounded by more lizard soldiers.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Destruction....complete and utter destruction.


That's how Chris thought of the city as he looked out from his and Daisuke's prison cell. He looked back at Daisuke, who seemed really upset about this.


"This is it...I can't believe that Xazeon would return like this..." Daisuke punched the wall behind him, trying to blow off some steam.


Chris sighed and looked at the ground. "It's my fault...I saw Xazeon in a finish when I was using the Blade of Legends..." By this time, he saw Daisuke get up and grab the collar of his shirt.


"YOU SAW THAT CREATURE IN A VISION AND TOLD NO ONE??" Daisuke asked, furiously. "Things that always happen around you cause us trouble. Your plans always lead us down a road that probably gets us killed!!!"


Before Chris could even respond to this, a hiss was heard from outside of the cell. In front of them was a familiar lizard holding two bowls of what appeared to look like soup or something. "Dinner...its a special type..." the lizard hissed.


"Hey! Tim was it?" Chris asked as he moved up towards the cell's bars. "I let you go, can't you do the same for us?"


Tim looked down and then started walking away.


"Can't even look at me, can you?"


Tim hissed again and said,"Just eat and shut up...."


Chris growled lowly, before he caught a glimmer of something in the soup. He picked up the bowl and then smiled. "Daisuke, said my plans usually get us killed? Well..." he paused and held up what looked to be a key. "This time it brought us a key. C'mon, how much you love your brother?"


"Don't get cocky, Chris." Daisuke sighed, shaking his head.


* * * * * * * * * * * * *


In the palace throne room, Xazeon sat upon the throne, watching as his lizards brought forth a few cats.


"These are all that remain of the Yugoian Guard...." Bel said, before chaining up the one guard to a pillar and pushing Jose to the ground in front of Xazeon.


Xazeon looked at Jose and had a smile on his face. "You are Jose. The adviser and magician to the dead King Roxas."


"And you, Xazeon, are even more grotesque in person." Jose chuckled.


Xazeon glared at Jose. "Your arrogance will be your end, Jose!" He reached into his cloak and then had a few of his wraps and gauges wrap Jose, beginning to squeeze him to death.


The lizard's from the high up portions of the palace throne room watched with anticipation, hoping to see this cat's guts all over the room. Before long, the lizards were knocked out cold by Daisuke and Chris, who escaped their prison cell.


My whip is gone...so I need something else... Daisuke thought as he looked around. He noticed the lizard's firearm and grabbed it. He pointed at Xazeon's wraps and gauges, he pulled the trigger and watched as the gun's blast ripped through the wraps andgauges, releasing Jose from his grip. "Oh yeah...this is a keeper!" he chuckled.


Chris grabbed one of the banners in the throne room and then slid down and rushed towards Xaezon, quickly grabbing the Blade of Legends, which the blade itself shrunk a little. He glared at the mummified creature and then said,"You took my father's life...but his sword you won't take!!"


"I..." Chris gripped the blade's hilt and swung it to his left, the blade grew a bit. "Will..." He swung it downward, the blade grew some more. "Make..." Chris swung it to his right, the blade now back to its normal size. "A MIRACLE!!!!!!" He held the Blade of Legend's high above his head and then the Gem of Yugo, the precious gem in the hilt, began to glow and unleashed a beautiful green blast at Xazeon...making him hit the wall and end up outside of the palace.


Xazeon slowly stood up and grinned. "You do not...know the forces of with you are dealing with!" He began to move his hands in a very mysterious way. "Ancient spirits of evil, transform this body into, Xazeon...THE EVER LIV-" Xazeon stopped, as he saw a light behind him, the rising sun. He yelled as he tried to cover himself from it, it beginning to burn him a little.


"W-Wha? The boss is hurt!" a few lizards said. The one Yugoian Guard found this to be the best timing. The Guard jumped into the air, leaving her cloak and then kicked both lizard's in the heads. The Guard stood as she landed on the ground, showing herself to be none other than Rosa.


Daisuke stopped and looked at Rosa, jaw dropped. "Rosa?!"


"She's one of the Yugoian Guard?" Chris asked, before attacking another lizard.


Jose looked at them and then yelled,"Let's go!" He moved the torch from the wall and a small doorway opened. He ushered in everyone, well almost everyone.


"WAIT!! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE, CHRIS!!!" Sonic yelled as he ran past a few lizards.


Chris smiled and then saw him get into the doorway. "Why would I do that?"


With everyone now in the secret room, Jose followed them, but soon fell to the ground as he was shot in the back. The door closed and everyone heard them saying to hurry up and follow them.


Rosa and Daisuke grabbed Jose and began to drag him with them. "Stop...we have to do this..." he groaned.


"It can wait until we're out of here.." Rosa said, trying to help her master up towards the stairs.


"NO! It must be done now!" Jose said as he moved away from Rosa and Daisuke. He held up Roxas' claw gauntlet and motioned for Chris. "Your left arm please..." Chris was compliant and gave him his left arm, so Jose would put the gauntlet on it. Jose touched his staff on the gauntlet and then said,"Now Chris...lord of the Yugoian Thundercats, lead your people to victory. Find the Legend's Book...it'll show you how to defeat Xazeon."


Chris nodded and then motioned for Daisuke, Rosa, and Sonic to follow him. "W-Wait! Jose, what about you??"


"I'll hold them off...now GO!" Jose said, before the door near the stairs closed, separating him from Chris and the others.


Chris shook his head and then ran with everyone else, until they reached the surface from the tunnel. They all stood upon a hill that over looked the city. It was in complete ruin and not another cat in sight. "Its only the beginning..." Chris muttered as he looked at this destruction.


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Chris was right, this was the beginning...there would be more battles ahead...and he and the group of friends he had right now would have to journey to find this book. Only it knew the answers to beating the dark mummy. It was only a matter of time to go and find it.




[spoiler=Detective Nero - The Stardust Conspiracy!]

Hey, I'm Sonic Chao! I'm a detective, and a famous one at that. A while back I was enjoying a night out with my friend Lauren Yuki, I noticed some shady stuff happening. With investigating I noticed two men in black acting suspicious. Me being too into this transaction...I didn't exactly know about another one from the crew sneaking up from behind. These men, slipped me an untested drug...and when I awoke, I was shocked when I found out my body had shrunk. Taking Creator's advice, I decided to shield my identity...in case the men found out that I was still alive, they'd come back to finish the job and perhaps end my friends and family's lives. When I saw Lauren again, she pressed me for my name...and that's when I came up with Nero Spade, by taking the names of the famous Nero Wolfe and Sam Spade. To gather more information on my attackers and their boss, I moved in with Lauren Yuki and her father, Detective Ragna Yuki...who isn't at all a very good one. Not wanting to see him mess the good name of detectives, I decided to use my own skills to help and have solved one case after another...though thanks to me, he's become a huge hit. And yet...I was a middle school student again. Trying to keep my head together, I formed YCM's Teen Gumshoes with my three friends: Lisa, Daniel, and Al.


And now, I thank Creator's inventions. With them I've been able to do my job well with them. First, my Wrist Watch Stun-Gun. You flip open the top, lock on target, and fire. The target will fall asleep for a few minutes. Around my neck is my Voice Changer Necklace, and by pressing the small buttons on them I can adjust them to make my voice sound like a child or an adult. And there are also the small badges that YCM's Teen Gumshoes have. This has a built in receiver and transmitter allowing us to all stay in constant contact.


I have a bunch of other tricks up my sleeves...but my brain is my greatest weapon of all. No case will go unsolved while I'm around...with a keen eye for the details, one truth prevails!


* * * * * * * * * * * *


8:30 AM - Doctor Creatorโ€™s House


โ€œNow wait a minute Sonicโ€ฆexplain to me what happened again.โ€ Creator said, as he leaned back in his chair, listening to the fourteen year-old teenaged boy sitting in front of him.


Sonic, or now since he was a teenaged boy called Nero, sighed and looked at Creator. โ€œWell its like I said. I got sick yesterday when Ragna brought Lauren and me on a case, involving a rich man.โ€ he began, recounting the events that unfolded. โ€œBecause of that, the victimโ€™s housekeeper gave me a small thing of Ginseng Root Schnapps alcohol as a medical treatment. After I drank it, my whole body felt like it was burning and I-I couldnโ€™t move.โ€


Creator nodded and commented before Sonic or Nero continued. โ€œWell, if thatโ€™s the case maybe its cause you are in a teenagerโ€™s body and you shouldnโ€™t be drinking.โ€


โ€œFOCUS!!โ€ Nero shouted, sighing. โ€œAfter Lauren and the housekeeper put me in a small room to at least break the fever I had. After they leftโ€ฆI closed my eyes, and the next moment I opened themโ€ฆI had returned to my normal body.โ€


โ€œFascinating! But yet here you are back as little Nero Spade.โ€ Creator said leaning in closer to Nero. โ€œWhat caused you to go back to this body?โ€


Nero crossed his arms and the looked at the ceiling. โ€œI suppose with that, it only was a short cure for thirty minutes. But in that half an hour, I solved the case as Sonicโ€ฆbut after that the burning sensation came back and I hightailed it out of the room and then I found out I returned like this.โ€


โ€œAnd you think the Ginseng Root Schnapps might be the cure?โ€ Creator asked standing up, walking towards his lab.


Nero hopped off his chair and ran after Creator. โ€œIโ€™m positive it is! We need to figure out how to make the Ginseng Root Schnapps a sure fire cure to counter act this drug!โ€ he exclaimed, seeming slightly annoyed.


Creator sighed and looked back at Nero. โ€œIโ€™ll try everything I can Sonic. But for now you have to continue your life incognito as Nero Spade.โ€


โ€œT-Thanks Doctor Creator.โ€ Nero said, being a little bit happier. He said his good-byes and rushed off to โ€œYukiโ€™s Detective Agencyโ€. Stay incognito he saysโ€ฆ Nero thought sighing. He doesnโ€™t know how hard it is to keep my identity a secretโ€ฆespecially from Lauren.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


Nero arrived at the front of the detective agency and noticed that Lauren and her father Ragna walked out. โ€œLauren, uncle!โ€ he called, usually referring to Ragna as uncle. โ€œWhere are you going?โ€


โ€œNero! My dad got another case. This time itโ€™s in the Fic Districtโ€ฆreports of a robbery.โ€ Lauren said as she and her father got in the car.


Nero, knowing Ragna would be helpless without him, got inside the car as well. โ€œSo, who is the victim?โ€ he asked, seeing if he could help in anyway.


โ€œWell, itโ€™s the person robbed was none other than Mr. Cero Bahamut. Heโ€™s a wealthy man and writes a series of stories that are usually published every week.โ€ Ragna stated, slightly annoyed that Nero asked. โ€œAnyway, he says heโ€™s most prized possession, a Stardust Dragon statue has been stolen from his property.โ€


I read about Bahamut, he was always writing stories ever since he arrived in Yugo City. Nero thought, putting his hand to his chin. But why would someone steal a Stardust Dragon statue? He couldnโ€™t exactly think of someone who would want it, but Nero had some ways of figuring things out.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


9:19 AM - Fic District / Cero Bahamutโ€™s Mansion


โ€œItโ€™s so good of you to come Detective Yuki!โ€ Cero said, shaking Ragnaโ€™s hand. โ€œI knew it was a good idea to call you to help.โ€


Ragna chuckled hardily. โ€œWell what can I say? I am the world famous Ragna Yuki!โ€


Oh really? Can we say swelled head? Nero thought, smiling nervously.


โ€œSo what was important about this statue, Mr. Bahamut?โ€ Lauren asked, looking at a few figurine statues in the China cabinet. A Red Dragon Archfiend, T.G. Halberd Cannon, were just two of the many ones he had laying out. โ€œTo me they just look like statues.โ€


Cero sighed and looked at the three. โ€œWell my Stardust Dragon statue was different. Its scales happen to be made of pure diamond and it has real emerald eyes. Truth be told, its sell value is about over nine-thousand dollars.โ€


โ€œOver nine-thousand?!โ€ Ragna exclaimed, moving back a little. โ€œThen why the hell did you have it lying out?โ€


While Ragna and Lauren were talking to Cero, Nero walked around the room. I just need some sort of clue, a small piece of somethingโ€ฆ he thought, until he stopped at the couch. He noticed a small fingernail, somewhat similar to the ones Lauren had. A broken fingernail, this must mean a woman was here recently. โ€œHey uncle, look at this.โ€ Nero said, getting Ragnaโ€™s attention. โ€œThis seems to belong to a girl. And from the looks of it, it has dark purple nail polish. I think whoever committed the crime, happens to have dark purple nail polish.โ€


Ragna glared at Nero, but then nodded. โ€œThat might be right. Mr. Bahamut, do you happen to know anyone with dark purple nail polish?โ€


โ€œWellโ€ฆโ€ Cero said as he scratched the back of his head. "My one friend Katie Kyosuke was over and she had dark purple nail polish on."


"OF COURSE!" Ragna said as he snapped his fingers. "Then we should head to Katie's apartment right away!"


Wait a minute... Nero thought looking at the nail and then at the surrounding room. Something isn't adding up. The windows or door don't seem like there was forced entry. And Bahamut is seeming like this was nothing. So this means either he let the thief into the house...or Bahamut is the thief himself!


Lauren stopped in the doorway and looked at Nero who hadn't moved. "Nero, get the lead out! We gotta get going!!"


"Huh? Oh...r-right..." Nero responded, running after Ragna and Lauren. This whole case doesn't sit well with me...maybe the answer will be at Katie's apartment.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


11:00 AM - C&O District / Katie's Apartment


"Katie Kyosuke! Open the door!" Ragna said banging on the door.


As the banging continued, the door soon opened up and a young girl with raven black hair and steel blue eyes. "Yes? May I help you sir?" she asked innocently.


Ragna cleared his throat and then looked at Katie. "I'm Ragna Yuki, the great detective. May we come in, ma'am?"


Katie was a little hesitant on letting them all in, but she soon ushered them into her living room. "Please have a seat." she said as she sat down in a small chair near the couch. "So, what is the problem sir? Have I done something wrong?"


"Oh no, you haven't we just wanted to ask a few questions." Lauren assured Katie, trying not freak her out. "We just wanted to know where you were last night. Were you at Mr. Cero Bahamut's mansion by any chance?"


A surprised look appeared on Katie's face, as her hands began to shake. "Y-Yes...I was over at Mr. Bahamut's last night." she nervously said.


Nero glanced over at her hands, noticing that one of her fingernails on her left hand was broken. "Excuse me ma'am, but what happened to your nail?" he asked, seeing a slight expression of shock on her face. So, that nail was Katie's.


"I-I broke my nail before I left Mr. Bahamut's mansion." Katie sighed, looking at her left hand.


Ragna smirked and pointed at Katie. "So that explains why you stole his priceless Stardust Dragon statue! You were probably upset at him for something. Why, I haven't figured that out. But it doesn't matter...now show us where your hiding the statue, Ms. Kyosuke!"


"Statue? What are you talking about?" Katie said looking at Ragna. "The Stardust Dragon statue was there when I arrived."


Nero face palmed a little at Ragna's statement and shook his head. There's just no helping him... he thought, before looking over at Katie again. "But how come your nail broke miss? Did you two get in a fight?"


"Y-Yes..." Katie slowly said, looking at Nero. "B-But how did you know?"


Lauren and Ragna looked at Nero too, puzzled at this. "Yeah Nero...how did you know?" Lauren asked, glancing at Nero then at Katie.


"When I saw her hands, she had a couple of bruises on them..." Nero pointed out, taking Katie's hands. "I also noticed the bruises on her wrists. This was indicating that Mr. Bahamut might've been holding her wrists." He put his hand on his chin and closed his eyes. "The only question remains is why they were fighting."


Ragna looked at Nero and then hit the back of his head. "Kid mind your own business!! I'm the detective here!!" he yelled.


Detective? More like abuser to a 14 year old teenager...jerk. Nero thought, rubbing the back of his head.


"Its true...we got in a fight..." Everyone's eyes looked at Katie, as she sighed. "He wanted me to pay him about forty dollars. He usually never asked for this...but when I declined, he pulled out a folder with photo-shopped pictures of me with Mars Black." She had a tear fall from her eye as she continued. "Before I could grab the folder, he grabbed my wrists and attacked me. I broke my nail when I was defending myself. Afterwords, I ran out and left."


Hmm, this still doesn't make a lick of sense. Nero thought, putting his hands in his pockets. We need to get back to Bahamut's mansion and find out what his side of the story is. "Uncle, maybe we should ask Mr. Bahamut about last night too." he said smiling.


"That's a good idea, Nero. Glad I thought of it!" Ragna laughed as he walked out of the apartment.


Lauren sighed and looked at Katie. "Sorry about that. Have a good day Ms. Kyosuke!" she said as she ran after her father.


Nero walked behind them, leaving the apartment with Ragna and Lauren. Man, this stolen statue case is becoming a goose chase...and I hate those.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


11:50 AM - Fic District / Cero Bahamut's Mansion


The trio arrived back at Cero's mansion and approached the door. "Mr. Bahamut! This is Detective Ragna Yuki, we need to speak with you for a moment. A couple of minutes passed, and no answer came from inside the house. Ragna grumbled and pounded on the door. "HEY! Open up the door!!"


Something doesn't seem right...Mr. Bahamut wouldn't be keeping us waiting this long... Nero thought as he ran towards the window. No one was there, but this only peeked Nero's curiosity even more. It seems like no one is in at all. This just sounds weird...did he send his maids home? Then, Nero's thought train was de-railed, hearing Cero's voice from above them.


"H-Huh? What's going on detective?" Cero asked, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He called from a high window on the second floor of the mansion, looking down upon the three.


Ragna, Lauren, and Nero looked above and saw Cero and then Ragna quickly cleared his throat. "Appears there's a problem Mr. Bahamut. Katie was here last night and said she didn't even steal the statue."


"T-That shouldn't be right..." Cero said before hearing the phone ring. "Sorry about that. I gotta take this. Its a very important business call...do you suppose we could talk about this tomorrow?"


Ragna crossed his arms and sighed. "Alright, I guess so. Let's go kids." he said, before turning back towards the car.


"D-Dad!" Lauren ran after her father, but Nero stayed put and looked around again.


This still doesn't fit together. I mean, why would Katie want the statue in the first place? Nero thought, putting his hand to his chin, walking back with Lauren. And why the heck was she even there? And did Cero blackmail her with those photos? These clues just don't make sense... This was one set of clues that didn't at all fit together, and it was puzzling Nero's brain too much. He knew the rest of the day, this case would be racking his brain something awful.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


The Following Day


12:00 PM - Yugo Middle School


Alright...so the clues so far of this case are: Katie's broken nail and the bruises she has...not even enough to convict anyone. Nero thought as he sighed rubbing the back of his head. Alright, maybe he was blackmailing her for stealing the statue...no that's not right.


"NERO! Earth to Nero!! You gonna snap outta dreamland?"


Nero blinked and then looked as he saw three middle school students right in front of his desk. "Oh...sorry about that Al, Daniel, Lisa. Was wrapped up in a case." he said rubbing the back of his head, smiling nervously.


Al shook his head and laughed. "Another one? Jeez you are some sort of young workaholic!"


If he only knew... Nero smiled.


"Well tell us about it." Daniel said pulling up a chair and sitting in it, looking straight at Nero. "If needed, the YCM's Teen Gumshoes will solve it like we always do!"


Lisa nodded and leaned on Nero's desk smiling. "Yeah, I think we can solve it!"


Oh gosh...if Chris knew about his daughter hitting on her uncle, he'd freak..


"So what is the case anyway?" Al sighed looking at Nero.


Nero pulled out a notebook and then took out a pencil, starting to write a few things down. "Alright, first off Mr. Bahamut hired uncle to solve the case about his missing Stardust Dragon statue...which is worth quite a pretty penny. He's positive that Katie Kyosuke is behind it...but she said it wasn't there. And she told uncle about Mr. Bahamut blackmailing her with pictures of her with Mars Black."


"Well then case closed, Mr. Bahamut is framing Katie." Daniel smiled. "His statue is still in his house."


Wow...thank you Shinichi Kudou... Nero sighed, smiling.


Al shook his head, somewhat disagreeing with Daniel's statement. "No way! Why would an accomplished writer like him be trying to frame Ms. Kyosuke? I mean that doesn't seem right."


"Yeah, she's so nice. My dad told me about Ms. Kyosuke before. She was with my uncle, my dad, and Daniel's dad in the faction Vongola of YCM. I know she would never be that bad." Lisa said, remembering what her dad told her about the Vongola.


That's right...upon DL's request, I made her a Vongola Guardian. I should've remembered, seeing the Storm Guardian's ring in her china cabinet. Nero thought, putting his hand to his chin. And what was Cero business call about? Was it for another book...or maybe something else.


The four kids continued discussing the ideas of the case, even as they were walking home. Though Nero didn't say much, mainly cause this was totally bothering him. He used to pick up on the smallest details, but right now...there were none. As the kids kept talking to one another, they saw a few YCM Mod Police Force cars driving past them.


"Hey, they're heading towards Fic District!" Al pointed, everyone noticing the cars turning left at the two way stop.


Nero watched as they turned and he quickly ran after them. Why would they be going this way? Coincidence? No...in the words of Leroy Jethro Gibbs, from NCIS...I don't believe in coincidences! he said, rounding the corner, having the others follow right on his tail.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


12:30 PM - Fic District / Cero Bahamut's Mansion


It didn't take long for the four teens to reach the district and finding out that the Police were surrounded around Cero Bahamut's mansion. They approached the mansion, only to see Police Inspector Draco Flame talking with a maid who worked for Mr. Bahamut.


"Inspector!" Nero called, walking towards him. "What's going on?"


Draco turned and saw Nero and then others, smiling. "Ah, Nero and YCM's Teen Gumshoes! Well kids, just got a call from the staff from the mansion that Cero Bahamut was murdered."


"WHAT?!" Nero exclaimed backing away a little. He walked past Draco and his facial expression changed, becoming motionless and shocked.


There on the floor, near the China cabinet with the statue figurines and there it was. Cero Bahamut's cold lifeless body, resting in a pool of blood. He was facing the ground, with his back facing the ceiling. In his back was a dagger that had designs and colors based off of the Red Dragon Archfiend.


A Red Dragon Archfiend dagger? Nero thought crouching towards the body. And the stab wound is just below the heart. With it being like this...Mr. Bahamut was most likely running away from his assailant, only to be killed right in front of his statue and figurine case.


"Inspector Draco!" one of the crime scene officers said, running up to him with a bag in his hand. "This was near the scene of the crime!"


Draco, as well as the four teens looked at the bag...only to see a lone "Stardust Dragon" card in it. "A Stardust Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh card? Why in YCMaker's name would that be here?" Draco asked stepping back a little.


"There's a better question, Inspector." Nero said, examining the card some more. "Its a Synchro Monster, meaning it's a white card. You'd see blood on it...but this card doesn't have any blood on it."


Al looked at Nero and shook his head. "Dude your full of it. Let me see!" he said, looking at the card with Lisa and Daniel.


"Wow, Nero's right, no blood!" Lisa smiled as she nodded.


Hmm, now the main question that will stand out to me is this... Nero thought, putting his hand to his chin as he and the others walked out, as told to them by Inspector Draco. Is the case uncle was asked to solve intertwined with Cero's murder?


* * * * * * * * * * * *


1:30 PM - Yuki's Detective Agency


"WHADDYA MEAN HE'S DEAD?!" Ragna yelled, after Inspector Draco called him on the phone.


"Look's its as I said. Cero Bahamut was found earlier this morning lying in cold blood this afternoon." Ragna heard Draco explain on the other end. "And all that was left was a Yu-Gi-Oh card, Stardust Dragon. And we don't have any prints on it or the victims blood."


Ragna argued and talked with Draco for a good bit of time, but Lauren didn't care cause she was checking up on Nero, who seemed to have a lot on his mind. "Nero? Are you OK?" she asked walking into Nero's room. There she saw Nero typing on his laptop.


"Hi Lauren!" Nero said innocently. "Yeah I'm alright...just trying to figure something out." He turned his attention back to his laptop and then clicked on a "Stardust Dragon" statue picture. "This is the statue figurine Mr. Bahamut said was stolen right?"


Lauren moved in closer and looked at the picture. "Mmhmm, that's gotta be it."


Nero looked at it and then snapped his fingers. Of course! He quickly opened another tab and quickly typed in the search engine: "Signer Dragons Crime", before hitting enter. He was only given one hyperlink from the search, but luckily this was the one he needed.


"What's wrong Nero? What did you find?" Lauren asked, pulling up a chair to sit next to Nero.


Nero took the mouse and clicked the hyperlink, showing a website that held news stories containing information of the ancient Signer Dragon artifacts. Gotta love 'YCM's Magazine' website! He pointed to a small article and said,"Look, this talks about how some artifacts from other parts of Yugo City and beyond here have gone missing or stolen. And there's also a case from way back when, a double homicide. But left at the crime scene were only two Synchro Monsters: "Black Rose Dragon" and "Ancient Fairy Dragon". Perhaps this cold case and the recent murder are connected."


"That could be true." Lauren nodded, but then quickly looked puzzled. "Wait a minute, that case happened fourteen years ago...how would you know anything about it."


Nero began to sweat, trying to think of a smart thing to say before Lauren had figured out HE was Sonic. "Um, well Mr. S-Sonic told me about it before..." he quickly said, rubbing the back of his head, laughing a little.


"Oh he did? Well that's really nice." Lauren said, smiling as she walked out of Nero's room. "Well if you see him again...please tell him that tomorrow is my birthday..."


Man, that was close. Really dodged a major bullet there... Nero thought, sighing. But it seems she keeps on pointing things out better like that. Gotta be a lot more careful. Wait....tomorrow is her birthday!? Oh crap I forgot all about it!!! He went back to looking at his laptop, until he heard his cell phone ring, it was Creator. "Doctor Creator! I'm glad to hear from you."


"Yes well, I heard about Mr. Bahamut's death. Have any leads on it, yet Sonic?" Creator asked on the other side of the line.


Nero sighed and ran his hand through his hair, shaking his head. "Unfortunately doc...I haven't. Inspector Draco said the card didn't have any fingerprints on it...so we can't identify the killer. But what has me going, is why was it a Stardust Dragon card? If the killer wanted...he could've done Red Dragon Archfiend to match the murder weapon."


"A Stardust Dragon you say?" Creator said. The next sound was a series of typing that was heard on Creator's end of the phone line. "Good thing I have files on things like this."


Those files were probably hacked to get into...typical Creator... Nero thought, shaking his head slightly.


"Ahh, here we are. There was a set of crimes committed, back before the Life battle started. The ones who committed these crimes weren't captured, but they all left Stardust Dragon Synchro monsters." Creator explained. "That was also about the same time people with Stardust Dragon cards were taken in for questioning. The chief of Police thought they were all in on this Stardust Conspiracy."


"Thanks Creator. I'll call back later..." Nero said hanging the phone up. Stardust Conspiracy? Hmm, that only leaves that the killer is or was apart of this group. But what did they attack Bahamut?


* * * * * * * * * * * *


1:59 PM - C&O District / Katie's Apartment


Nero walked up to Katie's apartment room door and knocked on it. "Ms. Kyosuke, are you home?"


After a few minutes, Katie finally opened the door, smiling at Nero. "Oh hello Nero. What brings you here?" she asked, letting Nero inside her apartment room.


"Well..." Nero started, as he began looking around the room. "I'm here for uncle to ask you some questions."


Katie giggled a little and then sat down. "Oh, playing detective are we? Alright then, Mr. Detective, what do you want to ask me?"


"My first question...did you visit Mr. Bahamut last night or this morning?" Nero asked, looking at Katie, waiting for a slight change in reaction. Unfortunately, he didn't see any.


"I haven't, was here all night. And this morning I was here discussing a few things with Mars Black, which was around 11:00 AM." Katie said looking back at Nero, who began to pace near the window a bit.


Black...and the time of the housekeeper finding the body was about 12:00 PM. Nero thought, pacing as he thought of the many possibilities. Which means either one of them could've killed him! Turning back towards Katie, Nero put his hands in his pocket and said,"My second question...do you know of something called the Stardust Conspiracy?" That's when he noticed it. Nero saw a slight shiver of Katie's body when he mentioned this and he smirked. "You know about it...so, do you know if Mr. Bahamut was a part of this?"


Katie looked away and then sighed. "The Stardust Conspiracy...yes I know it. And Cero was an ex-member of the gang...but he quit a long time before the homicides of those two people." she said, looking at her hands. "That was the main reason he threatened to blackmail me."


"It was because you found out he was part of it. Now a journalist for the YCM Magazine, you smelt a story and was wanting to publish it for your lead story." Nero said walking towards her. "Am I correct?"


Katie nodded. "Guess you figured out I'm working for the YCM Magazine too." she said, smiling a little.


"Wasn't exactly hard. When I started researching a few things, one of the YCM Magazine articles happened to be about Signer Dragon artifacts going missing." Nero said, turning away, facing the window. "You happened to be the journalist who got the story up. That happened to be your first story on the Magazine."


Katie stood up and smiled. "Well Mr. Detective, your a smart one. Is there any other questions you have for me?"


"My last question." Nero said, turning back towards Katie. "Did Black and Mr. Bahamut ever get along real well?"


Katie shook her head, sighing a little. "Sadly they didn't, though I really wish they could've been better towards each other."


I thought so. Black and Cero didn't see eye to eye...so perfect reason for murder. Nero thought with a nod. "Thank you Ms. Kyosuke!" he said, smiling as he walked out of the apartment room. But it doesn't explain who stole Cero's Stardust Statue OR killed him. His thoughts were all jumbled right now, when he heard his cellphone ring. When he answered it, the person on the other end spoke.


"Sonic Chao, I presume?"


Nero looked around and then walked into an alley near the apartment. He grabbed his voice changing necklace and edited it to its desired voice. Then, he spoke as he held it up to his mouth. "Yeah this is Sonic...and you, I can guess are the killer of Cero Bahamut, correct?"


"Very perceptive. Wouldn't expect anything else from the famous Yugo City detective." the voice on the other end spoke, though Sonic couldn't tell who it was, since they were using a voice changer. "So, have you figured out my identity yet?"


"Working on it..." Nero said, though truthfully he had no idea who this killer was.


"Well, better figure it out soon. Because I'll be killing another victim tonight...and it happens to be one of your friends." the voice said, but before Nero could ask who, the person hung up.


Nero put his cellphone away and then gritted his teeth. One of my friends...that could be anybody. And the way this person is talking...they aren't fooling. He ran off and then quickly headed back to Yuki's Detective Agency. I gotta solve this case tonight...or I lose one of my friends!


* * * * * * * * * * * *


5:00 PM - Yuki's Detective Agency


Nero was in his room, with papers and his laptop up and running. He needed to figure this out right now...cause if this caller was telling the truth, he would lose one of his friends. I haven't even revealed my identity and yet I'm still gonna lose one of my friends...I can't lose!! he thought, slamming his fist on the desk.


The clues he had right now were: Katie's broken nail, a Red Dragon Archfiend dagger, a Stardust Dragon card, and the fact that Cero Bahamut was part of the Stardust Conspiracy. These clues weren't fitting together at all...and it was pissing Nero off. He always knew that one truth would stand out of all this, but he couldn't figure this out at all.


"Nero, dinner is ready." Lauren called from the kitchen.


Sighing, Nero got out of his room and quickly went to the kitchen. He didn't exactly eat much, this case was racking his brain very badly. This isn't good. I-I might just fail this... he thought, looking grim as he sat at the table.


Lauren glanced over at Nero and looked a little concerned. "Nero, are you feeling well?" she asked.


"Huh? O-Oh...yeah..." Nero said, sighing. "I'm alright...just thinking about a few things." He couldn't tell them why he was like this, but then something came to him. Wait...if this person is wanting to kill one of my friends...then it is one of the people involved with the case...I GOT IT!! Nero thought quickly moving from the table, running out of the door.


Lauren stood up to try and follow him, but she was too late. "N-N-Nero..."


"The hell is his problem?" Ragna asked, drinking a can of beer.


As Nero left the house, he hopped on his skateboard and rode it down towards the apartments. Let's hope my hunch is correct. he thought, making some crazy maneuvers through traffic and dodging people on the sidewalk. He arrived at the apartments and quickly opened Katie's door, no one was home. "No...I'm too late." he said, cursing under his breath. Nero turned around to leave and quickly saw a dark red Chevy Camero, driving off crazily. "THERE!" he said, quickly pulling out his YCM's Teen Gumshoe badge.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


5:18 PM - Pop Park


"I hope Nero is gonna be alright." Lisa sighed, as her Al, and Daniel walked out of Pop Park.


Al smirked a little. "Please, it's Nero we're talking about. I'm sure he's doing fine." He was about to say something else, but he and the others quickly heard Nero's voice from their Gumshoe badges.


"Al! Lisa! Daniel! You guys copy?"


"Yeah we copy, Nero!" Daniel said, looking at his badge. "What's the problem?"


"Tell me do you see a dark red Chevy Camero anywhere?"


They looked around and they saw a dark red blur drive by them. It was the car they were looking for. "Nero! We found it! It's heading towards the abandoned Introduction Warehouses, by the wharf!" the three kids said in unison.


"Excellent!" Nero said, as he put his badge away, skateboarding towards the wharf. C'mon, c'mon...let's hurry up! Gotta make sure Katie isn't killed!! he thought, almost at the wharf. He pulled out his cellphone and then quickly called Creator. "Doc, I need you to pull out a file for me."


* * * * * * * * * * * *


5:28 PM - The Abandoned Introduction Warehouses


Nero arrived at the wharf and hopped off the skateboard, looking around a bit. He looked at his cellphone, before hearing it ring, seeing it was Creator. "Doc, you got the file I asked for?"


"Yes I do, Sonic. But I'll tell you it wasn't real easy to get." Creator sighed on the other side of the phone. You right about this? I mean, I'd believe you any other time...but this seems a little far-fetched."


Nero chuckled. "I'm right Creator. Just send me the file via text message." he said hanging up, continuing to look around for any sign of the killer and Katie.




Katie sat in a chair tied up and gagged with a piece of tape around his mouth.


"So, are you ready to die, Ms. Kyosuke?" a voice asked from the darkness.


Katie frantically shook her head 'no' and quickly tried to jump and move away. However, it proved ineffectual...her being tied up and all.


The voice chuckled and then a knife could be seen in the darkness. "Too bad my dear...but loose-ends need to be tied up. And you are very much a loose-end."


"May I cut in?" a voice asked, from the front of the warehouse door. Katie looked and then saw a familiar teenager standing there. It was Nero, smirking.


"W-What the...a kid? I wanted Chao!" the voice said, seeming a little pissed.


Nero walked into the warehouse and put his hands in his pockets. "So, think I can make a few deductions...I may not be Sonic, but perhaps I'll be just as good."


The voice didn't answer, but finally sighed. "Might as well let you talk before I kill you and her!"


"Aren't you kind." Nero chuckled, before pacing a bit. "Now, I'm gonna talk and you stop me if its wrong. Fourteen years ago, you and Cero Bahamut worked together in a certain gang...being called the Stardust Conspiracy. The other members weren't exactly found...but you two were very good friends." He stopped pacing and then held up a book, from his pocket. The title said: "Yu-Gi-Oh! Armageddon". "This is why you hated Cero. He left the gang to pursue his dream of being a writer, and you didn't like that. But it wasn't just that...Katie, being a journalist, she found out he was in the gang. However, she also found out who you were as well."


"Your getting a little cocky boy..." the voice chuckled.


Nero looked at the direction the voice came from and glared at him. "I'm not finished yet. Uncle was hired to find Cero's missing Stardust statue. But, the night previous, was when Cero decided to try and blackmail Katie. When her nail broke, you thought we'd suspect her. However, you stole the statue later AFTER the fight. I noticed everything seemed normal and nothing was broken. But upon closer inspection on the mansion, I noticed a small opening near the back...which would lead you near the front room where the china cabinet was." He ran his hand through his hair and chuckled. "You set up Katie AND Black for this. Black because, you gave me a good reason to suspect him when I found out that Cero and Black didn't get along. But what threw me for a loop was the dagger and card." Nero paused and walked towards Katie. "But, I figured it out after I thought about it a bit. It was like the double homicide also being fourteen years ago. Except, this time you didn't have a Red Dragon Archfiend card...so you went with the dagger. The card didn't have blood or prints on it, because it was in a laminated casing...and you wore gloves to shield your prints. You placed it there after you stabbed Cero. But finally...I figured all this out after I pulled up someone's file."


"W-What?"the voice asked, seeming a bit scared.


"Yes, I looked up a file of a best friend of Cero..." Nero smirked. "And this best friend happened to be the same person who killed him." He lifted his hand and pointed it at the darkness. "Am I right...Nexev Frohawk?"


There was no response, but soon Nexev Frohawk walked out from the darkness, glaring at Nero. "Well, some big talk from a kid." he frowned, putting the knife away, before pulling out a pistol. "Now, who the hell are you?"


"I'm Nero Spade" Nero said smirking. "A detective."


Nexev cocked the pistol and pointed it at Nero. "So...how do you do under pressure?" he asked chuckling.


"I do pretty well under the circumstances..." Nero said, as he messed with his wrist watch behind his back. Just give it a bit.... he thought, finally seeing Nexev's finger on the trigger. Nero dodged to his left and quickly moved his arm and shot a tranquilizer from his wrist watch.


Nexev saw this and simply ducked out of the way, laughing. "Kid, I've been in way too many battles...you think I didn't see that coming?" he said cocking his pistol again, getting another round in the chamber.


Nero gulped and then quickly dove behind a few crates, as Nexev shot again. He began breathing heavily, a little nervous on what to do next. Dang it...if only I had my katana... he thought, sighing. But he looked to his side and saw a pipe from one of the crates. "Well, time to improvise." Nero said, grabbing it and quickly running out from behind the crates.


"Your making this harder than it has to be kid." Nexev said, shooting again as Nero ran out from behind the crates.


Nero rolled to his right, dodging it just barely, before running up towards Nexev. He saw him shoot again, so he brought the pipe up and it surprisingly blocked it, but it had a dent in it...meaning one strike and it was done. Gotta make this count!! he thought as he slid underneath Nexev's legs and then quickly kicked his one leg, causing him to fall.


Nexev knelt on one knee and yelled, "You miserable little punk!!" He turned a little, only to see Nero rushing towards him again, gripping the pipe tightly.


"TAKE THIS!!!" Nero yelled, though both of them heard it...as if Sonic's voice could be heard. He smacked it right across his face, watching him fall to the ground unconscious. "Case...closed..." he said, smiling a little.


* * * * * * * * * * * *


Well after the fight, Inspector Draco came to the wharf thanks to Al, Daniel, and Lisa. They eventually found out where the statue was, in the secret opening at Cero's mansion. Nexev never took it out of the house...just did it to keep Cero paranoid. Katie Kyosuke was treated for her minor injuries and she's doing alright. Though I begged her to not tell anyone about what I did...so she decided to give Ragna the credit. I do all the work, he gets the credit...the usual.




Lauren sighed and leaned up against her bedroom wall and looked at a picture frame of her and Sonic, when they out goofing off. Sonic...you are always here for me...especially when my birthday comes around. she thought slumping to the floor, still looking at the picture frame. I guess this year...since you left that night...things are different. Lauren couldn't think anymore, as her cellphone began ringing. "H-Hello?" she asked, answering the cell.


"Heya Lauren."


Lauren's eyes widened and she quickly stood up. "S-Sonic?" Tears of happiness welled up in her eyes, but then she quickly yelled,"WHAT IN THE WORLD SONIC?! You don't call or show up anymore...and now all of sudden out of the blue you call?"


"Well, sorry Lauren. It's been one crazy case after another." Sonic's voice said on the other side of the line. Though down a few blocks in a phone booth, stood Nero holding his necklace to his mouth talking on the phone. "Anyway, just wanted to tell you that your birthday present is in your email."


"Email?" Lauren asked, turning her laptop on and then quickly logging into her email. Just as he said, there was an email sent from "Sonic Chao". She clicked on it and saw all that was there was a YouTube Url. "A url? Sonic, are you pulling my leg here?"


"Just click it..." Sonic's voice chuckled from the cellphone.


With that being said, Lauren clicked the url, which sent her to a YouTube video. The video's title was: "For A Friend's B-Day =^-^=", which made her smile a little. She put the cellphone down and put it on speaker, so she could hear Sonic while watching the video. "Pressing play now."


The video started up and the first thing it said was:


So lately, been wondering

Who will be there to take my place


A picture with Lauren and Sonic appeared on the video when they were younger. And then, under the picture, the text said: "We've been best friends ever since I remember".


When I'm gone you'll need love to light the shadows on your face

If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all

Then between the sand and stone could you make it on your own.


"And you've always been there supporting me with whatever...and vice-versa.", the next thing of text said as another picture of them appeared, this time when it was them playing tag.


If I could, then I would

I'd go wherever you will go

Way up high or down low,

I'd go wherever you will go.


A new picture appeared, this time it was when they were in elementary school, during Halloween. Sonic was dressed up as Yugi Muoto and Lauren was dressed up as Tea.


And maybe, I'll find out

A way to make it back someday


"I know I've been a bit busy lately...and I'm sorry about it.", the new text said. Another picture showed, one them walking home from school with autumn trees behind them.


To watch you, to guide you, through the darkest of your days

If a great wave shall fall and fall upon us all


"But it doesn't you don't mean the world to me any less..." the text said, with a new pic of the two of them making funny faces at the camera.


Well then I hope there's someone out there

who can bring me back to you.


The picture stayed, but a new text appeared. "We always have those good times to look back and remember."


If I could, then I would

I'd go wherever you will go

Way up high or down low,

I'd go wherever you will go.


A new picture appeared on the screen, this time being of them dancing at the High School Prom. "No matter what happens, I'll find a way to return to you. And things will go back to normal."


Run away with my heart,

Run away with my hope,

Run away with my love


"And now...with us older, we have all these wonderful moments to have in our memories." Another picture appears, though the two of them were still at the High School Prom, but standing with Chris and a few others.


I know now, just quite how

My life and love might still go on

In your heart, in your mind I'll stay with you for all of time


"So...keep those wonderful moments in you heart and keep me there too." the text says, keeping the picture on the screen.


If I could, then I would

I'd go wherever you will go

Way up high or down low,

I'd go wherever you will go


One last picture showed and it was of them at the beach with the sun setting over the ocean's horizon. "Lauren, please enjoy your special day. And know I'm always with you."


If I could turn back time

I'd go wherever you will go

If I could make you mine

I'd go wherever you will go

I'd go wherever you will go.


The video finally ended and Sonic's voice on the cellphone was heard again. "So, did ya like it beautiful?"


Lauren was heard crying, but she finally smiled and said,"Sonic...I love it. T-Thank you very much."


"What can I say...I aim to please." Sonic's voice said, before Nero hung the phone up. He walked out of the phone booth and looked up at the moon, which shone brightly. Glad you liked it Lauren...just wait a while longer for me.


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[spoiler=Advance Wars: DEF]


Name: Fusion

Age: 16

Birthday: May 10

Height: 5'10"

Hits: Orange Comet, the Springtime of Youth, chocolate

Misses: Black Hole, Banned, Life

Day to Day Abilities: Fusionโ€™s units get a power boost based on when they were built. The turn after they were built the have 110% Base Power. The second day 105%. The third day through fifth day 100%. After that, his units suffer a 90% Base Power.

CO Power: Youth Surge During the turn this power is active, Fusionโ€™s units get a power boost based on when they were built. If itโ€™s been 1 day, 30% boost. 2 days, 15%. 3, 5%. After that, nothing. If itโ€™s been six or more days, his units lose 5%.

Super CO Power: Charge of the Youth Brigade All units built within 5 days get a 40% power boost and a 20% Defense Boost on top of his day-to-day powers. All units built after six days or more lose 30% power and 10% defense.

CO Meter ooOOO


Co Power:

โ€œSpringtime youth, donโ€™t fail me now!โ€



Super CO Power:




The Wiseman strikes again!




Name: Life

Age: 123231343528052058284562562356257

Birthday: Unknown

Height: 6'2"

Hits: Black Hole Army, Death, Sturm, Von Bolt

Misses: Trio of DEF, Fusion X. Denver, Magic

Day to Day Abilities: All of Life's units have an additional 20% to their attack, however, they all lose one square of vision inside of Fog of War. Aside from Fog of War, Life's units are unaffected by weather.

CO Power: Big Bang Blast Life decides that Earth has outlived its usefulness and pulls out a remote control. He presses a single button and all of the opponent's units next to one of his takes 5 damage.

Super CO Power: Desperation Blast Earth is useless. All Life has left to take is space. He sends a single nuclear missile to space. When it comes back down, all units caught in the blast within 5 spaces are destroyed. (Targets are with most expensive units. Your units are deducted from the total cost.)

CO Meter oooooOOOOO


Co Power:

Take this, Trio of DEF!


Super CO Power:

Despair, the End of the World.



The Inactive have claimed victory. Our next goal is your space colonies.




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Spot has been reserved for my Journal One-Shot and random musical remix things I tend to do.


Also, btw, you forgot to mention that the SpaceShips were designed by me as well.


[spoiler=Ab Lib (1)]This parody is based off of "Never had a friend like me" From Walt Disney's Aladdin.


Well Life had him some 40 thiefs,

Jake the Sage had a thousand Tales,

But Denver my man, your in luck 'cause up your sleeves

you got a brand of magic that never fails

you got some power in your corner now

Some heavy ammunition in your camp

You got some Punch, Pizazz, yahoo and how

See all ya gotta do is grab that hammer

and I'll say


Mister Denver Sir,

What will your pleasure be?

Let me take your order

jot it down

You ain't never had a friend like me.

no no no


Life is your restaurant

and I'm your matire d'

C'mon whisper what it is you want

You ain't never had a friend like me.


Yes sir I pride myself on service,

I'm the boss

The king, The shah

Say what you wish

It's yours, true dish

How about some more Chow Mein?


Have some of Item A

Try all of Items B

I'm in the mood to help you dude

You ain't never had a friend like me


Can your friends do this? *Fires Arm MoonStone Cannon*

Can your friends do that? *Proto juggles cars*

Do your friends pull this *Gunblade drawn* out of their little hat?

Can your friends go POOF *DL and El Make appear*


Can your friends go, "Outta mah office" and let 'er rip!

And then make the sucker disappear *Punts DL*


So don't sit there slack jawed, buggy eyed

I'm here to answer all your calls

You got me bona fide, certified

You got an Emperor for your charge d'affaires

I got a powerful urge to help you out

So what-cha wish? I really wanna know

You got a list three-miles long, no doubt

Well all you gotta do is talk like so - and oh


Mister Denver, have a wish or two or threee

I'm on the job, you big nutjob

You ain't never







You ain't never had a friend like me, YEAH!



[spoiler=What if: Code Geass edition]

What if we swapped some of the characters from Code Geass with DEF characters?


(Last scene of Code Geass)

*Creator appears before the parade*

Fusion: Zero!

Christine: Zero?

Sonic: Z-Zero's...

Kaylin: No Way! Enzax is right there!

*Enzax looks ahead in shock*

Kaylin: Could it be... that what Enzax was trying to do was...

*Creator springs into action*

*PROTOs open fire*

El Make: Don't Fire! I shall take him on!

*El feigns attack and is "defeated"*

El Make: Go, masked knight.

*Creator lands in front of Enzax*

Enzax: You Cretin!


Enzax: DL, you shall kill me, as promised.

DL: Do you absolutely want to do this?

Enzax: All the hatred in the world is gathered on me as planned. Then, all you have to do is erase me and put an end to this chain of hatred.

Enzax: The Fake-Type Knights will have the legend of Zero left behind for them. Ice will work for Creator as well. Now the world can be unified at one table, not through military power but talk and negotiation. It can embrace it's future.

DL: And that's...

Enzax: Yes.

*Flashback ends*

Enzax(Thought): Final Requiem...


DL: We understood it back in the other realm, that people desire the future.

Enzax: Well DL, don't you think Geass and a wish are the same?


Enzax: Things that you can't do yourself, you ask for help from others.

DL: Wishes... eh?

Enzax: Yes. I shall gamble with the wishes of other people, for the future.

*End flashback*

*Clair is seen mobilizing the remnants of the Banned*

Black: Enzax, as the price of using your Geass on other people, you...


Enzax: The only people who should kill, are those who are prepared to be killed.

*Flashback Ends*

Enzax(thought): DL, you will become a hero. You will become Creator, savior of the world, who saved the world from the tyrant, Enzax Ishul Aito...

*Creator stabs Enzax*

DL(Creator): E-Enzax...

Enzax: This is also a punishment for you... You will be the defender of justice and wear a mask forever... You will no longer live as Daisuke Link... You will sacrifice all your own happiness, for the world... forever...

DL(Creator): I-I accept... that Geass...

*Creator draws the blade out and Enzax stumbles forward and falls*

Christine: Enzax? It can't be... Brother... you were... all along... Enzax, I love you!

Enzax: Yes... I... destroyed the world... and rebuilt it anew...

Christine: Enzax!

*End scene*


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Guest Fusion X. Denver

Oh yeh.

But guys.


I love that you're all planning on writing something, I really do.

I love you guys for liking my story, I really do.

I love this warm reception, I really do.

But you do know that I posted a new story, right?

Bros Before Remos?

Even if it sucked balls, I want to know, bros .___.


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Guest Remo S. Valentine

[spoiler=Original Post]Nice job an all of your recent oneshots


I'll admit, I nearly got in trouble for the bouts of laughter I occasionally seemed to have


Takes balls to put yourself on the losing side of a love triangle when you're the bro of the group and and the other guy is complete pervert/douche


Nice part with Madara though


Built up some nice anime moments




[spoiler=Seriously Unfortunate - Prelude]

Warning - This First Chapter may either disgust you or may blow your mind


Part 1 โ€“ Seriously Unfortunate




โ€œWhat a b****,โ€ El muttered as he stumbled out of the diner and back out into murky streets of Yugo City. โ€œI mean, all I wanted a f***ing sandwichโ€. He murmured to which D.L. responded, โ€œI mean, she kinda was busy with another person's order and you kinda yelled at her...โ€ he trailed. The group had just returned from a party hosted by the reluctant Velma Crabs. Although they walked into the diner looking for a glass of lemonade to quench their thirst, their simple drink turned into full Philly Cheese steak with a side order of onion rings.


โ€œBullshit! We were way before those posers.โ€


โ€œFOR THE LOVE OF GOD ELโ€ Chris cried in a desperate attempt to gain attention from the two squabbling friends. โ€œIt's late out and I haven't studied for the upcoming quiz in Mr. Angus's class, so I think we should call it a night.โ€ He said, finally bringing the boisterous individuals back into his reality.


โ€œMaybe you do,โ€ Retorted El, โ€œbut maybe D.L. and I wanted to go watch some anime or.....โ€


โ€œBullshit, you two would be at each others throats if it weren't for me. But hey, if you guys honestl-HEY WATCH ITโ€ A hood man wearing a green sweater had rounded the corner without looking. He paid no mind to the person he knocked over and continued running from an unknown assailant.


โ€œYou guys thinking what I'm thinking?โ€ D.L began, and the trio all abruptly joined in chasing the hooded figure. Just as they reached the store they been collectively kicked out of, the man turned left and entered a murky-looking alleyway.


โ€œHEY!โ€ Fuse bellowed at the top of his lungs, โ€œHEY, CREEPY HOODED GUY! WE PROMISE WE WON'T HU-โ€ He was once again cut off, this time by the sound of a gun shot. The trio flinched and turned to see the person who set off the firearm. To their surprise, a hooded figure, no more than 6 feet tall, was standing idly with a smoking revolver at the enterance of the alleyway. The bullet evidently missed it's target as the green sweatered man rounded the corner into the next connected alleyway. Confused, the trio made a run for it in same direction as the green sweatered man. Determined to know if the man had followed them, Chris turned around to get a better look. Indeed, the hooded man began to give chase to the green hooded person, and by extension, the trio themselves. It was then that Chris saw the intensely bright red dragon logo on the upper left side of man's cloak along with a small,metallic glimmer within the hood which seemed to suggest an earring. Red dragon and an earring? This person seems an awful lot like Xaezon if you ask me. Chris pondered as he rounded another corner. He turned around again and discovered that they lost him in the labyrinth of alleyways. Determined that he would get to the bottom of this chase, Chris lunged forward and tackled the hooded figure that was before them. To his surprise, the hooded man was actually a teenager with walkman-style headphones that looked like they were from the early 90's. The annoyed glare he gave wasn't enough to falter Chris's gaze, which was locked on solidly to the small box that was in the teen's possession.


โ€œWell, well. Look what we got hereโ€ El murmured as he bent down to further examen the box and culprit who apparently tried to rob it.


โ€œYou think that guy with gun may have had something to do with you running away with a suspicious box?โ€ El questioned, returning the cold gaze the teen gave him.


โ€œNo answer? Fine, we'll just let the man with the gun decide.โ€ El remarked and in turn, turned and nodded to D.L. and Chris.


โ€œUh, hate to rain on your parade El,โ€ Chris began, โ€œleaving him for dead in a murky alleyway on the run from a suspicious looking hooded man with a gun isn't the best idea you've had to date.โ€


โ€œRelax Chris. We'll just call the Mods and notify them that he's here. I'm not about to carry some random kid all the way across the General Sector. Here, just hand me your belt.โ€


โ€œMy what?โ€


โ€œYour belt, to tie his hands.โ€ Several muttered curses later, Chris finally managed to unfasten his belt and handed it over to El.


โ€œI swear Chris, if a chick was here...โ€ D.L smirked as he observed El trying to tie a struggling teen down with a leather belt.


A frustrated El turned to D.L. and Chris. โ€œGuys, this isn't working, you got anything else?โ€


Both began to dig into their pockets when a realization came to Chris.


โ€œWhy not just use my tie?โ€


โ€œYeah, I've been meaning to ask, why did you bring a full suit and tie to a party?โ€ El questioned as he was handed the purple and green neck tie.


โ€œWould you guys get off my back already?โ€ Chris fumed โ€œ I thought it was formal, and Aka told me to look nice..โ€


โ€œWhatever bro, El looks about done so I'm going to head off.โ€ DL said as he turned and walked off away from curious image of a teen tying down another teen while another teen patiently watched.


โ€œJust make you sure you actually study instead playing more Chibi Knights this time.โ€ Chris called out to the figure that was shrinking into the mist that seemed to have enveloped Yugo City.


Two days later


โ€œOrder! Order in the court!โ€ The judge cried as he simultaneously struck the mallet repeatedly.


โ€œThis new information answers so many questions and yet, it brings some many more.โ€ the blond prosecutor taunted as he paced before the dejected looking Chris, a former shadow of his usual exuberant self.


โ€œYou claim that you chased down a teen, simply for the purpose of exacting revenge for crash-โ€


โ€œI never said we wanted to get revengeโ€ Chris abruptly retorted, his posture slightly improving.


โ€œThen on what grounds did you justify chasing him down and tying him up?โ€ The prosecutor further questioned, cocking his eyebrow to suggest genuine interest.


โ€œWe based our actions on the grounds of severe suspicion, isn't that enough for you pompous a******s?โ€ El cried from the defense side of the court.


โ€œMr. Striker, I will not have such language while I preside over this case, have better control over your clients.โ€ The judge severely warned as he shot an intense glare of dissatisfaction towards El.


โ€œEl, you've got to be more P.C.โ€ Mr. Striker whispered to El as he pulled him to the side.


โ€œWhat does a computer have anything to do with this?โ€ El retorted, barely above a whisper, which earned him another glare from the judge.


โ€œNo, not a personal computer, P.C. as in Politically Correct. You don't use those kind of words in a court room.โ€ Mr. Striker finished and proceeded to wave his hand at El so as to indicate that they were done talking.


โ€œNow that that little interruption has ended, you mind explaining yourself, Mr. Denver?โ€ The prosecutor continued.


โ€œIt's kinda as El said, we just suspected him, seeing as he was being chased and was holding a box in his hands...โ€ Chris trailed. The glimmer in the prosecutor's eye suggested that he had Chris were he wanted him.


โ€œSo you thought it was a wise idea to chase him down a murky alleyway, tackle him, and then proceed to tie him in the hopes that the mods will find him?โ€ The prosecutor continued, further ensnaring his grip on his prey.


โ€œWe did contact the mods. So it's not they were blindly searching...โ€ Chris further trailed, knowing where the prosecutor was taking this testimony.


โ€œYou tied him up knowing a man with a gun was chasing him? A man who you claim looked like Lord Xaezon when His Honor gave us the privilege of giving us his alibi for the night when you heinously murdered-โ€


โ€œListen, we never murdered anyone! You can't connect the murder weapon to us!โ€ Chris interjected, a look of terror washed over his face.


โ€œWe found your tie, a tie given to you by your girlfriend, sister of His Highness, in gutter along with marks on the wrist that suggest he was tied. And on top of that, you yourself just explained that you bound him up.โ€ The prosecutor further taunted, preparing himself for the finale. Chris remained silent and once again slumped in utter gloom.


โ€œYou story has far to many holes for me to accept. You claim that you detained him for the authorities and yet, only moments ago, you were being shot at by a hooded figure whom you identified as Lord Xaezon. The worst part is, you claim you were being chased by a man with a gun but the wounds and cuts look almost exactly like the product of the Nugora Sword, Elfman's personal weapon. Not only have we established a possible murder weapon connection as well as a hole in your testimony, we have a possible motive. You see, the victim of this brutal, execution style murder was none other than Santiago Aringarosa, son of Rodriguez Aringarosa, former Colonel in Lord Life's Army and current Secretary of War of Lord Xaezon's World Federation. Being a former enemy on the battlefield, you sought to finish a job you never got a chance to complete. This is what probably happened: You were at a party-'โ€


โ€œNo.โ€ Chris murmured


โ€œYou and your friends got drunk.โ€




โ€œYou went out to get a sandwich with your buddiesโ€




โ€œYou found and chased down poor Santiagoโ€




โ€œThen, you tied him down and had him brutally execu-โ€


โ€œNO, NO, NO, NO! I TOLD YOU, WE NEVER KILLED ANYBODY! IT'S ALL A HOAX! THIS JUSTICE SYSTEM IS BULLSHIT! WE WERE FRAMED AND YOU HAVE THE WRONG PEOPLE! XAEZON JUST WANTS REVENGE FOR WHAT HAPPENED IN THE WAR! THIS IS ALL JUST REVENGE!โ€ Almost like an explosion, Chris hurled insults at the new regime and at the court itself. By the time Chris's built up rage had subsided, it been followed by a series of sobs and tears. The Court, now in an uproar, forced the judge to postpone the final defense for tomorrow. But from behind all of the noise and uproar between the crowd, Chris sat dumbly in the witness stand as he reached a state of realization that his options had just been dramatically cut. The world they thought they had liberated from Life had returned. The world of cruelty had returned and had been revamped as a world of lies and deceit. This case had brought about the establishment of the distrust of the Banned and the long and arduous rein of Xaezon that is to come.


โ€œThis...is just revenge.โ€

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Guest Fusion X. Denver

I'm thinking of titling the next part "Remo Becomes A Man" because your character really shines through. I'm liking him more the more I write with him.

And I'm really glad you of all people liked it. Out of all my readers, I felt you were one of the ones who truly loved the story more than anything, despite how your character got the screentime shaft.

So I'm going to aim to please with the next one-shot and everything else to come.


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Guest Remo S. Valentine
  On 9/20/2011 at 12:12 AM, Fusion X. Denver said:

I'm thinking of titling the next part "Remo Becomes A Man" because your character really shines through. I'm liking him more the more I write with him.

And I'm really glad you of all people liked it. Out of all my readers, I felt you were one of the ones who truly loved the story more than anything, despite how your character got the screentime shaft.

So I'm going to aim to please with the next one-shot and everything else to come.




But for once in my life


I kinda against Remo on this one







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Guest Fusion X. Denver

You mean like you don't want him to get Aka?

Or you want him to stay with her?

Either way, of course they don't last long, but how it ends is something remaining to be seen.

I know how it'll go down, it's all about the execution.

And I like Aka a little more too. She's more than just a plot device to me now =P

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Guest Remo S. Valentine



as in


She's apparently hot (bonus points) and lonely (fanatsy bonus points)


But Fuse always kinda liked her


So I'm just as mentally messed up as the next guy


Did you write the Wintry Bird?

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Guest Fusion X. Denver

Yes, I did indeed write Wintry Bird.

A while ago actually, but it didn't get much attention.

You can tell it's a while ago because the song parody isn't the best at spoofing .-.

Actually, this is Aka's bio (finished, but the main thread was locked before I could add it).

[spoiler=Aka Crab]




Age: 16

Birthday: August 13

Height: 5'4"

Likes: Attention, seafood, reading

Dislikes: Doubt, prejudice,

Personality: Aka is straight forward in most matters, preferring the direct approach and hands-on experience when handling something. Sheโ€™s open-minded and easily befriends people. She despises isolation and likes being around people as well as being there for those who are alone.

Fighting Style: Aka fights with a staff that she usually uses for pole vaulting and/or cornering her opponent before wailing on them with her taijutsu. She's extremely flexible, which allows her to land a hit more easily and to dodge attacks.

Bio: Aka was kidnapped by her dad when she was just a little girl as insurance against her mother if she ever thought to expose her husband. During her incarceration, she was taught how to fight and study by specialists, so her athleticism and intelligence are above average. She fought with Chris once, but was defeated due to the fact Chris didnโ€™t realize his masked opponent was a girl. Aka was also present at the abandoned warehouse where she and her brother fought Jake and Thomas respectively. It was when her mother and the Sannin came to confront her father that she decided to break free from the Inactive and rebel against Life.




Oh right, I forgot to add image links for new people like Benedict :T

One sec.

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Guest Remo S. Valentine

*High fives Fuse*


one of us is gonna get of that tonight!


Or tommorow


Or the day after


but if it's you Fuse, make sure she doesn't die....again

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Guest Fusion X. Denver

Hell naw, one girlfriend dying is enough torture, right?

The only guy I've seen go through sh*t like that more than once is Batman.


Holy f*ck.




*stickies mental note*

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