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Ouija no Monogatari, Arc 1: Trials with Spirits, Chapter 1: Possessed | (Started/Not Accepting)


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Fuyu gave Karame a small smile, and looked at her camra. [color=#800080]"I think you're right..." [/color]She said letting go of the board with the assisstance of Karame. It seemed like her camera was the center of attention as Massuu also gestured to it. He said they should take a picture of them since the hadn't had one in a long while. Saying that it wold be a shame to not remember this day for some reason. hearing that Fuyu nodded quickly,[color=#800080] "I completely agree. We should take a picture, even if today has been pretty strange." [/color]Fuyu stood up, [color=#800080]"Lets get started then."[/color]

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Karame gave a small smile as he prepared for the photo. Massu was right in saying that it had been a long time since the trio had been together like this. They has always met plenty of times, but never had anything to capture the evening. That is, until tonight became a monumentous evening they wouldn't soon forget. [color=#008000]"That's sounds beamish to me,"[/color] he replied to them. Karame walked behind Massuu so that he was to his right and Fuyu was to Massuu's left. He posed himself by placing two fingers behind the latter's head and used his other hand to make a waving motion.

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Massuu was extatic that the group agreed with him. As the 3 prepared for the photo Massuu didn't notice Karame's fingers behind his head and simply smiled. 3...2...1...*SNAP* The camera took the photo of the group and made 3 copies of the photo. Massuu seperated the 3 photo's and gave one each to Karame and Fuyu. Massuu held a copy up to the moon, it didn't really bother him at the time that Karame did the two finger sign behind Massuu's head. "Let's go." massuu insisted calmly as the temperature returned to normal and the three progressed down the road.

[b]1 Full Day Later[/b]

Not much had happened the next day, everything was preety regular, the last night's event had basically been brushed under the rug throughout the day, other then when the three were alone together, Their only strange encounter was Yen waiting on the roof of the school where the three had often gone during their breaks, although Yen just simply stayed up there the whole day. He didn't say much to the group, only that he hadn't seen his goona all day and that whatever happened he was going to get to the bottom of, and he merely walked away.

Almost at the same time as the previous nights events, the three sat around the board like object, after a bit of research it was concluded that it was supposedly a paranormal object merely displayed for entertainment, but its origin was unknown

(feel free to post I will do the introduction fo the spriits in my next post, I have brief time on my home computer, my laptop comes back on Friday so please bear with me XD)

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Karame took his photo from Massuu and smiled contently at it's innocence. He grabbed his wallet from his pocket and took out a similar image. They were noticeably younger, but maintained the same positions in it. [color=#008000]"What wonders lie in our past. Our memories of tonight will forever last."[/color] Karame beamishly twirled in place before heading off with the others.

[b]1 Full Day Later[/b]

As the trio made their way to the roof, Karame wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead. Though he was carrying a small enough bag with him, it was the weight of anticipation that was tiring him. As he predicted, his dreams only consisted of retellings and distortions of the previous night with the strange fog present throughout. While lost in his thoughts, he ignored Yen's presence and comments. Soon the trio would find themselves in a small room within the school, the Ouija Board in the middle of their circle.[color=#008000] "Our fortune bodes foul, imagination free. Temptations howl, but not us three."[/color] A hand rubbed his eyes to cope with the dark room. [color=#008000]"Perhaps some light?"[/color] He opened the small bag to reveal several candles.

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Fuyu smiled and took the picture that she was offered. As she looked at it she tried to remember why it looked so familiar. It was almost as if she had seen this very same picture before. Just then Karame reached into his wallet and took out another picture, this one being much smaller than due to where it was being kept. Fuyu noticed that the three in the picture looked exactly like them. Before Karame began twirling again, Fuyu walked off following behind Massuu wondering to herself. [color=#800080][i]'Just how long have I known these two?'[/i][/color]

[b]~1 day later~[/b]

Fuyu remained her quiet self all through out the day, and while most wouldn't have been able to tell the difference, she knew Massuu and Karame would have seen the difference in her behavior. Fuyu was both anxious, scared and excited about what they would be trying today. After doing some research on the object it seemed that she was right in her assumption of it having to do with the paranormal. Now we knew that fog had somthing to do with this board. Fuyu looked down at her camera and fixed the potruding lens cap. After yesterday she had decided to change her camera to one that wasn't as heavy. She may not get the pictures right away but, at least she didn't have that heavy camera around her neck and didn't have the risk of ruining the pictures now.

Before long the school day was over and they were in a small, dark room. Little light was offered, but even so they all sat around a small table with the Oijia board being clearly seen at the center of the table. Karame opened his bag to reveal a bunch of candles. [color=#800080]"You came prepared..."[/color] She stated quietly, though even then it seemed like thunder in the dark room.

It was followed by a low whisper, [color=#800080]"I won't be able to take pictures." [/color]Now she was more so talking to herself than the others.

[color=#800080]"Did you bring a lighter as well?"[/color] She asked Karame

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[color=#800080]"You came prepared..."[/color] She stated quietly, though even then it seemed like thunder in the dark room. [color=#800080]"Did you bring a lighter as well?"[/color] She asked. Karame nodded and took out a pack of matches from his hat. With a quick stroke, three of the candles were lit in succession. While it seemed more appropriate to bring more than three, he felt it was more symbolic this way. Each person would have their own candle to look after and be represented with. [color=#008000]"The idea for three came from a dream. Massuu helped out with that."[/color] He shook the match to end the flame and used what was left to carve a small character into his candle. On his was the symbol for 'dream', meant to represent his natural lifestyle. [color=#008000]"I'm sorry for the room so dull. You're little friend must be feeling null,"[/color] he told Fuyu while handing her the burnt match. He broke the stick in two and gave the other piece to Massuu.

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The dark room within the house of Massuu was now lit by Karame's candles. Massuu was slightly confused when given the match from Karame, he then saw Karame engrave the symbol for dream on his candle. Massuu smiled and thought for a second of something to inscribe, he then proceeded to engrave a rectangle on the candle. [color=#ff0000]"My symbol of hope, something we putting everything on the line for, with this shape all our hope's could be fullfillled."[/color] Massuu then proceeded to look at the Ouija Board. [color=#ff0000][i]"All our hope..."[/i][/color] Massuu thought to himself. After hearing Fuyu say that she won't be able to take pictures Massuu shook his head.[color=#ff0000] "it's fine really, he may be just lucky to even see something, nothing may happen anyway it's fine.[/color]" Massuu was usually optimistic about these types of situations but after a while he began to grow more accustomed to a failed device. Although with what happened the day prior to where the three were at was strange, Massuu tried not to get his hope up.

Everything was set up, the board, the candle, the participants, their goals and how they should begin. Massuu turned to the two briefly. [color=#ff0000]“We do this, there may be no turning back...”[/color] Massuu progressed to grab the glass cup the three had brought, all the 3 of the group proceeded to do their own ways of trying to relax, Massuu’s hand noticably shook as he grabbed he glass, he took a long loud gulp.

[color=#ff0000]“Okay we’re supposed to greet it...Uh..H-hello?...”[/color] After no response and no similar change to the street scenario Massuu proceeded to ask again. [color=#ff0000]“I-is anyone there? Any....spirits?”[/color] After about 10 seconds of no response Massuu let his hopes down and turned to the two. A sense of furry suddenly struck him as he called out.

[color=#ff0000]“Hey! Is there anyone there! Answer us!!!” [/color]Massuu turned to the two again. [color=#ff0000]“Maybe we should all call...?”[/color]

In the World of the Living, a group’s curiosity and seek for closure took the centre stage, however within the Quadrants of the Mirror World of Judgement, Purgatory and the Eternal Fire of the Sub World, Jigoku, three other individuals of a completly opposite nature would be bound in a twist of fate to their soon to be opposite hosts. Each have their own unique story, each withh a seperate beginning and without a doubt each with a combined ending.

[b]Jigoku, The Sub World – Eternal Pit[/b]

A large area darkend with no source of light but just with the blaze of the fires on the lagre black poles that stood in a cicle around the base of a chain of stairs that led to a large platform in which 7 thrones stood peaked in height within the area. On the platform a demonic creature with light skin and long white hair knelt forward, coughing blood and bruised on it’s face and chest. It wore a robe that had no top and was torn on his chest revealing his quite built physique reminiscent o an average human. His purple robe like pants were torn and broken, he also had two large holes in his back with blood oozing out. The demonic creature looked sad but did not wimper. The chains attached to his hands rattled behind his back ensuring his security being of the highest precaustion.

Either side of the demonic creature stood a large dark purple skinned ripped with muscle creature, it had a dark red and black mask on and had long black hair. In its hand it held a two metre long blade with only 10cm being the grip. The individuals stood at 3 metres in height.

Noticably on the ground below the plight of stairs stood thousands of cheering creatures known to be Akuma of Jigoku. The creatures that stood either side of the kneeling Akuma, also stood around the large group of Akuma on the floor ground.

Suddenly an individual walked from one of the thrones and stod enxt to the kneeling Akuma.

The individual wore a long dark red coat that had no sleeves and had red finger nails and red eyes, he also wore a black tight plain suit underneath the coat. He also wore dark red robe like bottom. The individual threw his arms in the air and screamed out.
“Welcome one and all! To the execution of one of the seven Antichrists, and my older brother, Vaul!!!” A roar of the crowd lightened the individual as he took a few more steps forward and continued. “His treacherouse acts of containing no potential in combat and no willingness to comply with father leads the decision to be precedented and of the highest priority!”

Vaul continued to look at his blood on the ground when suddenly he heard a voice [color=#ff0000]“H-hello?..”[/color] Vaul looked confused. [color=#800080][i]“What was that[/i]?” [/color]He thought to himself.[color=#ff0000] “I-is anyone there? Any....spirits?” [/color][color=#800080][i]“Is someone calling me?” [/i][/color][color=#ff0000]“Hey! Is there anyone there! Answer us!!!” [/color]Suddenly a small crack in the air appeared in front of Vaul.

(You may create a onsetting for your spirit’s or if you like i could, next post will be when they meet)

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Karame looked to Massuu and Fuyu with hopeful eyes. While he was initially frightened by what could possibly happen, seeing his friends forcibly quelled those fears. [color=#ff0000]“We do this, there may be no turning back...”[/color] Despite the seemingly small room, Massuu’s voiced echoed in the slightest of whispers throughout it. Placing his hands together, Karame was soon to respond to his friends comment. [color=#008000]"I'm feeling a little mimsy yet frabjous myself there,"[/color] his voice tried to announce in a calming manner. [color=#008000]"But we won't find the rabbit 'til we go down the rabbit hole."[/color] He followed up by nodding to Fuyu, then giving a thumbs-up.

Breaking the ice, Massuu called out to the Ouija Board for an answer. After failing initially, he came back with a more forceful approach before asking his friends for help. Reassuring him with a short ‘Yes’, Karame tried calling out as well. [color=#008000]“Spirits up high, spirits down far. Answer us wherever thou are. Beckon do we thine tulgey selves. For on this day our hope unshelves.”[/color] After a short while, there was no response. Perhaps they needed to be in sync with their declarations?

[b]Rengoku - Nowhere[/b]

There was but a single word to describe the location a lone figure sat while in complete solitude: Gray. As far as the eye could perceive was the endless color of gray throughout. Neither horizon nor sky nor ground existed there where the figure sat; only the vast emptiness of the world broken by him alone. Even his action of sitting was unneeded as gravity did not exist where he remained. One could simply float on eternally in this world of gray.

Going by the name of Oz, a man of earthen colors was seated with legs crossed on empty ground. One arm held the weight of his head by his chin while the other was resting and tapping upon his knee. Though human in shape, his appearance was anything but. Flesh and bones were instead composed of crude cloth and straw that protruded from his clothes and head, the latter forming itself into wild, unkempt hair. Oz was garbed in simple clothes befitting a farmer; a red, long sleeve shirt with brown, baggy pants. To further his scarecrow likeness, white rope was binding his wrists, ankles, and waist while his face and clothing were stitched together. Bright orange eyes encircled by dark, sunken features were visible under his large, curly hat.

Despite his mouth being stitched shut, a voice broke through to announce its disdain.[color=#b22222] “How much longer… I’ve been waiting so long… This is complete garbage!”[/color] he emphasized by striking down on himself. Should he have attempted to do so elsewhere, he would have been spinning about by the force of it. [color=#b22222]“I was told 66 years. 66 YEARS!! How long has it been?! 65 years! How do I know? I’ve been counting! What else can I do but think in this torturous void?!”[/color] Unable to continue sitting, Oz stood up with arms outstretched. His speech would fall on deaf ears, but it allowed him to retain his sanity. Or at least what was left of it. [color=#b22222]“Go on already! Send me to Jigoku! I know any realm other than the World of the Living will be my own Jigoku anyway!”[/color] Weakened by his own voice, Oz collapsed into himself. A head heavy with bittersweet memories hung low.

[color=#008000]“-ts up h-”[/color] Springing to life, Oz jumped up at the sound. Living alone in a void forced him to sharpen his senses for anything else that might be present. [color=#008000]“Spirits up high, spirits down far.” [/color][color=#b22222]“Hello? Has my time come? Answer me!”[/color][color=#008000] “Answer us wherever thou are.” [/color][color=#b22222]“I’m in Rengoku! You sent me here!”[/color][color=#008000] “Beckon do we thine tulgey selves. For on this day our hope unshelves.” [/color][color=#b22222]“At last I’m free! I’d rather burn in Jigoku or suffer in Tengoku than waste away here any longer.”[/color] Though still solemn about his overall fate, Oz carried a small sense of hope in his rash voice. [color=#b22222]“Where do I-”[/color] In but a short distance, a crack formed in the air. Easily noticeable in the gray void, Oz took no chances and immediately rushed toward it. The scarecrow stumbled on himself more than once in his desperation, laughing manically all the while.

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Fuyu took the used match, and looked at her candle in slight confusion. What was important to her? Karame had dream, and Massuu had hope...What did she have? Fuyu took a few minutes to think about it, and slowly she traced out the kanji for memories. That's what was important to her. Her memories were the most precious things. With a smile she looked up at the others. "I'm ready now."

“We do this, there may be no turning back...” Fuyu nodded, giving her silent agreement to Massuu's statement. Perhaps it was a slight warning to them as well. Even so, they all have come too far to back out of this now. Massuu attempted to get through first, but he had no response. When he suddenly yelled, Fuyu jumped slightly not expecting it. He suggested that they all try to call, and Karame went next. Fuyu didn't really know what to say, but figured she should give it a try.

"U-um...Hello? Can a-anyone hear me?....If you can...Please say something. Let us know o-of your prescense.." For a brief moment Fuyu wanted to call out for her parents. That was the whole reason for doing this, but she refrained from it. "..I-if you can hear me...Please show yourselves to us.."


In the middle of no where, louging in a random bare tree laid a young looking boy. His short grey hair framed closely around his face, and his eyes were closed in apparent slumber. He laid across a thick branch both of his legs dangling off on either side of the branch. To be honest the position didn't look very comfortable. "U-um...Hello? Can a-anyone hear me?...." A single eye open, ruby red now staring into the dingy, grey sky above. "What...The?.." If you can...Please say something." The boy groaned, "Shut up, you're ruining my nap."  Let us know o-of your prescense.." "Damnit, I said shut up."

Who ever this boy was he didn't seem very happy about the random voice coming out of no where. No matter how cute it sounded.  "..I-if you can hear me..." The boy sat up, a look of pure annoyance on his face, "Unfortunately I can, and thanks to you my nap is ruined." Please show yourselves to us.."  The boy chuckled, "Yeah right." He went to slide out of the tree and onto the ground, but as he did a loud crack sounded in the area and a tear in the world appeared right below him. He only had time to say "Shi-" Before he fell right through the crack.

Ooc: Sorry but my phone won't let me color code.

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Vaul continued question the crack in front of him in the air whilst his brother continued to rant on in front of the thousands of Akuma. The pain Vaul was experiencing was quite intense so he could barely reply to the mysterious request. Vaul had never known anything outside Jigoku, tengoku, Rengoku and The world of the Living were all myths and legends told to him by his father and brothers.

[color=#b22222]"Everyone please gaze upon the Eternal Pit!" [/color]The Brother of Vaul called as he pointed into the ceiling revealing the large whole in it that seemed pitch black within it , the whoe was gated by rows of spikes that moved like sharp teeth.

[color=#b22222]"We will now commence sending the fallen prince, my older brother Vaul's spirit into the Eternal Pit! Where he will rot into Nothingness!" [/color]The akuma all cheered the declaration causing the Akuma in red to grin and smile. "[color=#b22222]That's right cheer I, Kallus, your undeniable ruler!"[/color]

[color=#b22222]Vaul coughed up blood and thought to himself as the crack remained in his face. [/color][color=#800080][i]"F*&^ it..." "I...I'm here..." [/i][/color][i]he attempted to say but could not, his mouth and lips moved but no words came out[/i][color=#800080][i]. "I..Im H-Here!" [/i][/color][i]The voice in Vaul's head grew louder, but he needed a final voice[/i][color=#800080][i]. "...I won't end like this...Bothers....Father...." [/i][/color][i]Vaul took a deep breath then yelled out.[/i]

[color=#800080][i]"[/i]HELP ME!!!" [/color]Suddenly the crack grew bigger, Kallus looked back quickly to see a bright light shine, when the light dissapeared Vaul was gone.

[b]The World of the Living[/b]

Almost simaltanesously as the three made their last calls three cracks appeared in front of each of them respectivly, the cracks quickly grew and revealed a bright light. Massuu quickly covered his eyes. suddenly to him, Fuyu and Karame were still, completly still blocking their eyes. Massuu quickly stood up.

[color=#ff0000][i]"You guys....?" [/i][/color]He for some reason thought to himself, for some reason he couldn't speak, also to him the three cracks became only 1, Massuu tried once again to talk but couldn't. [i][color=#ff0000]"What's going on..." [/color][/i]Noticably the Ouija Board was also gone and the room, became grey including his friends.

His friends completly still and the ouija board gone along with the cracks becoming 1 single crack and the greyness colour of everything, Massuu was completly confused, suddenly, the crack opened wide and a weird creature was knelt before him, the creature was panting and had it's eyes closed, it was also battered and bruised and had its hands chained up. The creature continued to pant, he had violet sking and long white hair and torn robe bottoms.

[i][color=#ff0000]"Wh-What ...are...you..." [/color][/i]Again he couldn't speak, but the creature, Vaul, heard him. Vaul half opened his eyes and grinned.

[color=#4b0082]"Was it you....that saved me...?"[/color] Vaul questioned as he attempted to get to his feet but fell on his gut from the pain. Vaul again attempted to get to his feet slowly. Massuu all the while had no Idea what was happening.

[color=#ff0000]"I-I-I..."[/color] Was all he could master, how could this creature, hear him? And for that matter why could hte creature talk normally and not him?

Vaul while still smirking sighed.[color=#4b0082] "Hmph, bastard....thankyou..."[/color] Vaul for the first time looked up at the standing Massuu whilst he tried to get to his feet, as he was about to stand, the pain grew unbearable and he once again prepared to collapse, however this time, Massuu caught him over his shoulder. Massuu assessed the situation briefly as he looked at the close face of the large creature. What it really safe to....get close to this thing?"

[color=#ff0000][i]"Who....What are you?"[/i][/color] Massuu asked. Vaul looked down and replied.

[color=#4b0082] "Nobody."[/color]

[color=#ff0000]"Everybody's somebody" [/color]Massuu stated causing Vaul to look puzzled.[color=#ff0000] " Y-You just have to find what makes you somebody."[/color][color=#4b0082] [/color]Vaul looked away and smirked.

[color=#4b0082]"You're wierd kid...I like wierd." S[/color]uddenly Vaul's body glowed a dark purpled and seemed to enter as a smoke into in Massuu's mouth. Massuu stood shocked and unable to move.

Massuu passed out.

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Happiness that once eluded him now coursed through Oz's non-existent veins. Feelings of joy of times past raced through his mind like the wind. Straw legs were taking on great burdens to bring him to that promised land in the distance. Slowly but surely in Rengoku's void did the supernatural crack in the air draw ever closer. Greedy eyes focused more and more on that one location. If he could sweat or cry or salivate, he would. All he could muster to show his joy in his current form was the inhuman, desperate laughter of a maniac. A laugh that silenced any thoughts that tried to form.

When gauging the distance and his speed, Oz took the opportunity to crouch down. With one last leap of faith, both physically and metaphorically, the scarecrow lunged forward in his self-induced high. [color=#b22222][i]At last... freedom from nothingness..[/i].[/color] he thought contently while basking in the light of transference between dimensions.

[b]The World of the Living[/b]

Before Karame's eyes, a strange crack tore open the air before him and shone brilliantly. During the trio's personal calls to the other worlds, they failed to notice the cracks form until it was too late. Unable to stare directly at it, Karame was forced to shield his eyes from the light. As it died down, the lad was free to reestablish his surroundings only to find the his sense of color had not returned. No, it was different than that. His sense of motion had also stopped as well. Massuu and Fuyu were gray and motionless, each looking surprised at the cracks in the air before them.

[color=#008000][i]Life is still, gray and dull? Surely a trick over me did one pull[/i][/color][i],[/i] Karame thought to himself as his body remained like his friends'. In the same moment, the crack before his eyes distorted into a spiral then a circle. A figure was quick to lunge from the newly formed vortex and landed only a few from him. Karame hadn't noticed himself slowly being distanced from the table by his corrupted vision. Oz stood tall and elated by his surroundings. While the room remained dark and compact, the scarecrow retained his ambitious attitude toward his change of scenery. Dark shadows healed his eyes from the years of abuse from the bright gray void of Rengoku, while the light from the candles renewed his memories of colors.

Oz didn't have much time to look about the room before noticing Karame, the latter stuck in his surprised position. When the scarecrow slowly walked over to examine him, he slowly regained his ability to move. "[color=#b22222]Oh no... a human. With long green hair? It must a girl then. No wait, women have bosoms. A man, then,"[/color] Oz announced mainly to himself. His time in Rengoku forced him to speak aloud his thought to stave off his insanity. [color=#b22222]"You look surprised in this dark room. Tengoku would never allow this. Perhaps Jigoku? No, you look too healthy. Then... no... yes... Yes, it must be. Yes! YES YES [b]YES YES!![/b]"[/color] Oz seized Karame by his shoulders and shook him violently. [color=#b22222]"I'm in the World of the Living! I can return to my home! I can start again!"[/color]

Despite his abrupt arrival and immediate speeches, Karame was strangely welcoming of this new fellow. His vision was already different and distorted reality, so it wasn't the first time his eyes had forced inanimate objects to come to life. Not to mention that the man before him seemed to be in a happy mood. [color=#008000]"Frabjous, are we not? You wish to leave on the spot?"[/color] he questioned. Undisturbed by Karame's sudden ability to speak, Oz began to shake with excitement.
[color=#b22222]"Yes, back to my home! A vast land of hay and grass! A simple life."[/color]
[color=#008000]"A jubjub bird by nature."[/color] Karame spoke out loud.
[color=#b22222]"Is that 'Jabberwocky'? From olden times... has it been to long I wonder..."[/color]
[color=#008000]"No matter how long the night, the day will follow."[/color]
[color=#b22222]"This world is different that what I remember. Things change, people change. I despise change! The changing times killed me!"[/color]
[color=#008000]"Time only flows as gears turn, else memories become hollow."[/color]
[color=#b22222]"You understand me. Unlike those from my past. They were the monsters! And I became one if only because of them!"[/color] He emphasized by grabbing Karame's collar.
[color=#008000]"Monsters lay only in lies and shells. You lay in wherever your heart dwells." [/color]Oz released his grip and chuckled.
[color=#b22222]"As long as you're here... I may be able to find peace once more."[/color] Oz let out a sigh before becoming a dark cloud, similar in nature to the mist from the night before. The cloud forced it's way into Karame's body through his mouth, paralyzing the latter. His vision blurred once more before he passed out on the floor.

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The only thing that corsed through Takeo's veins was something akin to annoyance. How the hell did he get mixed up in this mess? All he wanted to do was sleep nd mind his own buisness. Was that so bad? But no, some soft voice idiot had to go and call out, creating a portal and him falling through it. He had all the rotten luck. A bored sigh escaed the red eyed demon as he continued to pass through the grey portal. He didn't have a choice but to continue forward, towads the shining grey infront of him.

~World of the Living~

Fuyu was surprised by the crack in the air apparing so sddenly, and like the others she saw it only too late, sheilding her eyes from the bright glow that spilled from the rift. Whe her eyes opened all movement, and even time seemed to have stopped. A dull, and dead grey was al that awaited her eyes. Both Massuu and Karame still stared forward in frozen shock. "Guys..." Fuyu whispered, jumping as her voice echoed around the silnt space loudly.

"Tch, pathetic. I can't believe you actually created a tear in the demension." Fuyu jumped again, just now noticing the young man standing before her. His hair was short, and that of the purest white. Contrasting his hair were blood-red eyes, which were set in an annoyed glare at Fuyu's direction. He wore a white t-shirt under a thin, black, longsleeved jacket as well as black pants. He didn't look no older than 18, maybe 19.

"What the hell are you staring at?" He growled out, his annoyance with Fuyu quickly reachIng it's peak.

Fuyu gulped, and tried to gather her courage but in the end she only managed a faint whisper, "I..W-who are you?"

The boy crossed his arms, "What's it to you? Why did you summon me?"

A sudden spark of anger rose in Fuyu, "What's it to you?" She said returning his previous statement. "I shouldn't have to answer your questions if you wont answer mine." Just as quick as the anger came it went, leaving Fuyu looking down blushing at her outburst.

The boy scoffed and turned his head. Silence followed before Fuyu said, "...My name is Hinuzaki, Fuyu...What's your name..." She didn't thing h woul answer her since he glared, but was surprised when he did. "It's Takeo...." It was then he smirked, "Well since you did manage to bring me all the way here, it only fair that I have some fun. And you are pretty cute, even if you are a bit boring. But I can easily fix that." Fuyu didnt have a clue what he as talking about.

Takeo's body turned to a deep red colored smoke, the entered Fuyu's mouth and eyes. Moments later Fuyu joined her friends in darkness.

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[center][center][i][size=7][color=#b22222]Chapter 2: Alter-Egos[/color][/size][/i]

[spoiler= Chapter 2 Overview]
The 3 friends begin to notice that the events of that fateful night are more then just effective in their memories, they notice their personalities at times changing unwillingly along with their appearances. These new habits need to be controlled as more threats await in places as simple as their own classroom where they will meet several colourful individuals.[/spoiler][/center][/center]
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[size=3]Massuu awoke the next mornign in his bed, his head was ringing with pain as he slowly sat up noticing he was still wearing the same clothes he wore the previous night rather then his nightly attire. Massuu rubbed his forehead quickly got dressed in his uniform for school and made his way downstairs. Massuu quickly had a look at the room in which the 3 had performed the paranormal. Noticably no one was there, Massuu figure he must have passsed out due to fear and his friends had helpped him to bed. Massuu sat for a second and pondered the previous nights events, he remembered that creature... that strange being that Massuu came into contact with.

[color=#ff0000]"What was he?"[/color] Massuu thought to himself as his grandmother progressed to fixing his breakfast. Massuu made his way to the table and with a simple [color=#ff0000]"Morning...[/color][color=#800080]the F&^$?![/color][color=#ff0000]"[/color] Massuu stopped right in his tracks his grandmother staring at him with shock, she wasn't one to accompany foul language...but then again neither was Massuu...

[color=#ff0000]"W...what did I say...?" [/color]Massuu smiled apollagetically and called [color=#ff0000]"Sorry!" [/color]as he made his way out the house and towards the park where he would meet Fuyu and Karame. Whilst walking towards the small park Massuu continued to wonder whether or not he meant to say that...he had no reason to, but why did he say it?

Massuu didn't notice but his hair was half black and half white rather then just black.[/size]

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Foggy memories began to whisk by Karame like whispers in the winds. Instead of the candlelit room, he now stood on a grassy hill by a purple sky overlooking a deep void. It was apparent that he was now dreaming of the night before, the hill not unlike his treasured one. Yet this particular one rose high into the night sky by several miles with clouds acting as the fertile ground below. Karame tried to make sense of what had happened to him and his friends over the last couple of days. First they found a Ouija Board, which in turn emerged a large tablet before him. Not missing a beat, he casually pushed open a makeshift door through the board and continue walking uphill. Next, they were visited by an ominous fog that blanketed the area around him. Perhaps the strangest of all was the man, or rather the thing, he conversed with a minute earlier. Attempting to phase through the image of that man like he did the others, he was stopped and forced back by the impact. Oz stood tall with arms crossed, giving a stern look that radiated anger. Without warning, he kicked Karame from the hill where the latter fell into the cloud beneath them.

Abruptly rising and shaking his head, Karame looked out to his new location. His body was resting comfortably in a small wooden room, illuminated by the morning sun. Barren save for a bookshelf and his bed, it echoed his startled yelp. Through reasons unknown the lad found himself back in his room at his grandparents' house. He was already dressed for the day in almost the same outfit as yesterday, save for a copper leaf-shaped pendant instead of his usual gold star-shaped one. Karame hopped from his bed and immediately left his room, making his way to the front door.

"Hello, dear. Sleep well?" an elderly woman asked, kneeling at coffee table and drinking tea. She was Peririi Kaakara, his grandmother of 77 and healthy shape. Like her grandson, she had aged, untidy green hair falling past her knees and a cheerful expression. Peririi was always seen in her sky-blue kimono, decorated with white clouds. His grandfather, Josunjo Kaakara, had already left to begin his morning routine. [color=#008000]"Yeah fine. I'm going to the park,"[/color] he barked in an unusually angry tone. "Skipping breakfast again? You know it's bad for your health," she responded while wagging her finger. "Try to have a good day. Say 'hello' to Massuu and Fuyu for me alright?" [color=#b22222]"I will! Get off my case!"[/color] An unconscious hand slapped himself, forcing him to recall his words and tone. [color=#008000]"S-sorry Peririi,"[/color] he whispered before running outside. Karame preferred to address everyone close to him by their name.

Karame held his breath while he ran to the park. Why would act that way toward his loving grandmother? The thought pestered his mind as he rubbed his head during his run. Unbeknownst to him, pieces of straw began to fall out of his strangely stiffened hair. Seeing the park in sight, the lad rushed forward and jumped onto the grassy field. In another strange yet unnoticed moment, he murmured about the olden days. He awaited Massuu and Fuyu's arrival in his daydreaming state.

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Fuyu walked quietly to school looking thoughtfully at the camera she held in her hands. The events of the day before was blurry to say the least. She remembered going to the room, and the candles but trying to remember anythign after that would give her a major headache. She simply sighed. She wished she had been able to take pictures. It always bothered her when she couldn't remember events like that. It was already hard enough not knowing about half of her life. On the other side of the stree was a park with kids playing. Fuyu raised her camera but just as she was going to take the picture someone bumped into her messing up the shot.

"O-oh sorry." The boy said.

However, before the boy could even walk away Fuyu reached out and grabbed the collar of his shirt, [color=#0000cd]"The hell! Watch where you're going next time!!" [/color]The next second later Fuyu jumped back in surprise, [color=#4b0082]"I-i'm s-sorry. Sorry, s-so sorry."[/color] She continued to apologize while bowing. The boy looked at Fuyu as if she was crazy but said, "Thats ok..I guess.." Fuyu quickly turned away wondering why she had acted like that. It definately wasn't like her to go off on anyone.[color=#4b0082] "What's going on?..."[/color] She wondered to herself. Fuyu was going to keep walking before she realized the park she was heading to, was the same one she tried to take a picture of. Fuyu crossed the street and before long she found Karame daydreaming as always, and laying down. With a smile she snapped a quick picture of him then sat down beside him. [color=#4b0082]"Morning Karame..."[/color]

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