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Digimon: Reset Session (PG13/Not Accepting/Accepting Reserves/Started)


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At which point the team dynamic goes down the drain.
The loner will get irritated at the leader, and no one will be able to control the joker, so the shy girls will have to go at it on their own, which they will fail at, considering how one of them, my character, is the weakest member of the team, even when you consider that she is starting out with a Champion.

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@Dresden: And he's the villain, meaning he's kinda impossible to use.
Plus, judging from the apps you normally make, your character would throw the team dynamic off even more.
We need a level-headed, positive-thinking, kumbaya character if we want to have the proper synergy.
Yes, I just used the word "synergy". Like a boss.

@GreyCat: Yep. Schist just got real.

@Horesman: True.

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[quote name='Reina Soho' timestamp='1316449283' post='5526055']
So, we have our [s]goggle[/s] sunglasses boy with an Agumon, a loner with a Gabumon/Gaomon analogue, a joker with a magician, a goth with a ghost, and a schoolgirl with a Patamon/Gatomon analogue.
Who else do we need?

A Rika act-alike with the predigivolved form of Sangloupmon, perhaps?

[quote name='Reina Soho' timestamp='1316463117' post='5526535']
We need a lynchpin character. And fast.

@Stalfos: Got that?

Oh I'm not being the lynchpin if that deviates from the above!

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Username: [color=#008000]kin[/color][color=#008000]glion73[/color]
Name: Ryan Parks
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Apperence: He is average height for his age and has an athletic build. He has dyed his hair white for the purpose of he didn’t like his old hair color, while his eye color is a red color. He also has some indication of tearing skin on his hands. He almost always wears an opened up short sleeve button up shirt with a gray shirt under it and blue jeans. He also wears black boots. When he’s not wearing that, he’s wearing a Green t-shirt, grey sweatpants with green, tape around his finger, and gray sneakers. He always keeps his spare clothes in his sting bag on his back.
Personality: He has a tendency to talk his mind even if it hurts other people’s feelings. He also can be the sweetest person at times. He would call himself fearless. He also is always trying to make new friends and relationships. He is pretty smart when it comes to tracking and hunting because his dad taught him when he was young. He also will do all he can to protect others. He can be thought of as a big brother at times. He knows when it’s time to relax and time to be serious
Biography: Ryan was born in Alabama and was raised there till he was 7. While living in Alabama, he was taught how to hunt by his father. When was 5 his parents trusted him enough to allow him to hunt on his own for once. During this he got himself lost for one week. He survived that week by thinking ahead and using his common-sense. When he finally was found he was found in as good as possible shape as possible. He spent the next two years working on getting stronger because of he knew if anyone needed his help he wanted to help. He soon found out he would be moving.
He was 7 when he moved to Seattle because his parents didn’t find it safe for him to live in Alabama. Soon after moving to Seattle, he took up parkour to pass his time. he spent almost all his time practicing it or playing computer games to keep his wits about him. Two years after starting parkour he joined a team which taught him how to use parkour in the woods. He after that team disbanded after a large group argument. After that day he came to the conclusion that he would never let another groupe of his split up. He soon moved to Brazil when he was 13 to live with his uncle. He keep up on his parkour and playing computer games. Hs uncle spent the next year to teach him breaking him as if he was to become a solidiar.
D-vice color: Green
Digimon Partner: ocen
Fresh- dropnetmon
Signature Attack- bubble blast
In-Training- puddmon
Signature Attack- droplet blast
Rookie- Ocenmon
Signature Attack- shell splash
Champion- Liquamon
Signature Attack- Liquid lance
Ultimate- Hydromon
Signature Attack- tsunami cannon
Mega: Seigedramon
Signature Attack- seven seas surge
Fresh : It appears as a water droplet with a leaf on its head. It has yellow eyes and bounces everywhere and it is translucent.
In-training: Its appearance is now that of a larger water droplet without a leaf at the top. It eyes are now green and it also now has a mouth.
Rookie: It appears to be a turtle on two legs. He not slow like a turtle though his shell is pretty weak though. He has is blue where his shell is not. He also has a coral shell.
Champion: He now made almost completely out of a substance that resembles water. He has a long pony tail like thing coming off his head. He also has liquid legs that resemble tree stumps. Even though he’s made out of liquid he can’t separate or change forms.
Ultimate: He is a fish mixed with a liquid form. He is larger than his last form but he can now carry people under water if needed. On top of the liquid he has scales around neck arms and legs and his head resembles a knight’s helmet.
Mega: In mega form he is a knight. Instead of armor he has scale. His hands and feet have fins. He also gets a spear made completely out of water. Last but not least his scales are now a purplish color. You can also unlike his other form can see his eyes through the helmet.
Personality: Carefree but can focus when needed.

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@GreyCat: We're talking Alabama, here.

@KingLion: However, your app does seem to be a bit odd, but that might be due to the fact that your grammar and punctuation are all over the place.
Also, we already have 2 Americans.
But you do seem to fit the team dynamic.
Let's see what Shockwave has to say.

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[quote name='GreyCat' timestamp='1316481114' post='5527414']
Flee! Flee from the terror of gun toting toodlers!

So far, we got a British Viking-lover [s]goggles[/s] shades kid, an American japanese dude who is a lone wolf, a French-British underachiever of a Goth, a weird joker of a Can-Jam, and an insecure, shy Japanese school girl/[i]tokusatsu otaku[/i]. Add one 9-year veteran American hunter who happens to know parkour, and we have a team! ^_^


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