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Digimon: Reset Session (PG13/Not Accepting/Accepting Reserves/Started)


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[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][spoiler='Application'][/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Human[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Username: [/font][/size][/b][color=#ffff00][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Hyd[/font][/size][/color][/font][color=#ffff00]ra of Legend[/color]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Name: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Anett Court[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Age: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]15[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Gender: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Female[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Nationality: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]French/British[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Appearance: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Anett is a small girl, a little less than five feet tall with almost no meat on her bones. She has a heart-shaped face lined by long blond tresses, immaculately coiffed hair and a black headband that carries the bloom of a different flower every day. Her face, though not thin, always seems somewhat weak- as if she's always worrying, or depressed, or thinking deeply about things. Above all, Anett never looks at peace, despite whatever she might say- her wrists are thin and constantly wrung in her hands, her bright green eyes dart around as if in paranoia every so often, and even her thin body looks about ready to get up and run at any time. [/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Anett has been called doll-like once or twice- the sort of person that looks like you'd break them if you handled them too roughly- her clothing choice does little to dissuade them. Anett's primary style of clothing are black dresses, some larger and others almost skirt-like, and she rarely breaks out into bigger or brighter colors; when she does, it's typically in either reds or dark blues. Rarely seen in anything informal, Anett sticks out in almost any crowd for specifically that reason, and is not good at hiding despite her size.[/font][/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Personality: [/font][/size][/b]Anett is a creative, enthusiastic and dedicated girl that just so happens to be cripplingly antisocial. Unable to communicate with just about anyone, let alone children her own age, Anett's always found herself alone for most of her life- and at some point, she started to think that she preferred it that way. Other people always have this perception of her as 'weak' and 'vulnerable', to the point where she's started to believe it herself- apathy had begun to set in, born from the idea that she didn't really have the talent or ability to do anything except whatever she was told. Unable to speak very long or often to other people, she never really dissuaded the impression she gave others, and never really learned from it.[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]That said, Anett is not incapable of making social bonds with people once the initial social awkwardness is gotten over. Indeed, she cherishes the idea of real friends impeccably, and has often daydreamed what it would be like to be able to count on someone else entirely- she is a massive fan of fictional media because of that, especially romances and fantastic adventure. Anett likes to daydream, and even more than that, she likes to see idealism defeat cynicism- because of that, she can be pretty naive, and gets a little upset if things don't fall perfectly into the way she thinks that they should. [/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Biography:[/font][/size][/b] Anett was born in the countryside of France, but soon moved over to Britain where her father's family lived. Though brought up fluent in French, she never really visited her homeland after that point, and grew up in the bustling streets of Manchester. From an early age, Anett found it difficult to speak with others -[i]exceedingly [/i]difficult to speak to others. Largely friendless in the early days of her life, Anett compensated by making up plenty of imaginary friends to play games with; she never needed to think about what Imaginary Friends would think, or deal with their problems, or worry about them at all- for a long time, she was perfectly happy with this replacement. She had more fun by herself than she every could have in a group, she thought to herself frequently, and there was no need to change a situation that was perfect, after all.[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]As she got a little older, Anett outgrew Imaginary Friends to a certain degree... though she could never quite outgrow the idea of a fictional partner watching over her at all times. Her hobbies diversified at that time, and she became increasingly interested in the supernatural- her room boasted a Ouji Board as its most expensive item, and she became almost obsessed with the idea of ghosts. To her schoolmates, Anett was the weird quiet kid in the back who always wore black and visited graveyards, so none could see the earnestness with which she chased after a particularly stubborn ghost, or ooed-and-awed over her morning horoscope. Even though it was obvious most of it was fake, Anett just couldn't shake the idea that someone was watching her. Her search for a higher power was always fruitless... but even so, always there. Like it was beckoning her to something she just couldn't reach yet...[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]D-Vice Color: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Yellow[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Digimon Partner: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Geistmon[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Digimon[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Name: [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Seren[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][spoiler='Digivolution Route'][/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b]*[/b]Attacks marked with an asterisk are necessary for the digimon to create a body and move around in, and as such aren't really 'attacks'.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Fresh - [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Wispmon[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Signature Attack - [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Flicker Flame ; [/i]Wispmon releases a few sparks from its body, which float towards the opponent slowly.[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]In-Training - [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]T[/font][/size][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]amamon [/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Signature Attack - [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Ghostfire [/i]; Tamamon summons a couple small fireballs that slowly fly towards opponents.[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Rookie - [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Geistmon[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Signature Attack[/font][/size][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Possession* ; [/i]Geistmon merges with a nearby object of some sort and forces it to move according to its will. [/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Poltern ; [/i]Summons whisps of ghostly energy together that combine into a large bullet of ghostly energy that can penetrate solid matter without harming it.[/font][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Champion - [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Tarotmon[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Signature Attack [/font][/size][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Foolish Journey* ; [/i]Tarotmon incorporates nearby elements in order to form its outward body and physical form. This is a Mode Change.[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]I - XXI Mystery ; [/i]Variable attack that involves energy channeled nearby elements to create beams of ghostly force that can penetrate solid matter without harming it.[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Ultimate - [/font][/size][/b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arcanumon[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Signature Attack(s) [/font][/size][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]The World Amalgam*; [/i]Arcanumon incorporates nearby elements to supplement its current form.[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Zenith Mystery ; [/i]Forms a cannon of ghostly energy that can change directions on a dime, move through solid objects, be reflected off solid surfaces if necessary and has limited targeting capacities.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Sorcerous Annihilation: [/i]Forms spheres of dark magic that can be broken to form shields of zero-space, absorbing almost any energy attack that comes near it. If tossed, they turn into long spears that can break through most armor due to how thin and concentrated they become. [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Mega - Occultmon [/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Signature Attack(s) [/font][/size][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Manifestation*; [/i]Occultmon channels its form through a physical object.[/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Tongues of Madness; [/i]Tendrils of destructive ghostly energy are summoned, which are incredibly specific about what they target. Enemies who are hit have their minds assaulted as well as their bodies, and opposing spellcasters can be rendered helpless due to a loss of concentration.[/font][/size][/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Void Control; [/i]Portals to a dimension without existence are summoned to act as weapons or shields, negating opponent's energy techniques with ease. In addition, can open a void and pass through it to instantaneously transport to a newly opened void, resulting in what is essentially teleportation.[/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][i]Mental Repeat; [/i]Occultmon uses the basic idea of an attack or ability in order to repeat it mentally into the mind of an enemy that it opposes, causing all the trauma of the original.[/font]

[size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/spoiler][/font][/size]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][spoiler='Appearance'][/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Fresh - Wispmon[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]A small, flickering blue flame. Looking closely, you can see a tiny indigo eye in the center that doesn't look directly at people. The flame dwindles into almost nothing when scares, and burns brighter when excited, angry or energetic. [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]In-Training - Tamamon[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]A blue, solid-looking flame about a foot high with two curious-looking golden eyes peering out of it. The flame is curled up into the shape of a magatama, with both of the eyes positioned at the thick end; the tail, though it appears to end where the fire peters out, actually extends a good additional two feet past that invisibly, making it very good at grabbing objects. The blue flames are slightly darker than Wispmon.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Rookie - Geistmon[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Geistmon is an odd digimon in that it is entirely invisible. Using its ability to possess inanimate objects, Geistmon can move around and interact with the physical world; otherwise, it doesn't appear to exist. Scanning its data reveals that Geistmon's usual form is a slender, humanoid body that tapers off past the hips, with a long pointed candel-like head and a minimum of features. At the tip of Geistmon's head burns a tiny blue whisp of fire, which is visible no matter what it is possessing at the time- it is this tell that can give away what object is being inhabited by a Geistmon.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Champion - Tarotmon[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Tarotmon's basic form resembles Geistmon's true shape, though colored an opaque white; slender, with a candle like taper instead of legs and atop the head, and a humanoid body. Tarotmon adds a long white cape, worn around its neck with a chain around its neck, on which is a symbol for the number 0. This is Tarotmon's default form, also called Fool Mode; Tarotmon can Mode Change to more powerful varieties by combining with the physical objects in the area, which also drastically changes what it looks like. All of the forms keep the cape, however, which has a number that changes to represent any roman numeral between one and twenty-one, depending on the current mode.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Ultimate - Arcanumon[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Arcanumon is a large white digimon with a shape superficially similar to its predecessors. It has a slender humanoid shape, though around it is an intricate and beautiful ring of power, including all the numbers from one to twenty. Large white sphere with golden centers hover a few centimeters from each of Arcanumon's palms, and a third one burns at the tip of its head, a bright white sun instead of a blue flame. The cloak around Arcannumon's neck has expanded into a sort of longcoat, with wings forming out of part of it and pointing up towards the sky, in angel-style; the number XXI is engraved onto the back. [/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]When Arcanumon incorporates items into his body through The World Amalgam, they float around his ring in a sort of orbit until the main body picks and chooses which items it fuses into itself. Many different items are often absorbed at the same time.[/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][u][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Mega - Occultmon[/font][/size][/u][/b][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Another invisible digimon, Occultmon defines itself through the object it was summoned into. Occultmon is a glowing being of energy with a ridiculous number of tendrils, allowing it to shape any object it requires into the desired form. Occultmon will frequently construct a body, usually an empty suit of armor, to carry around whichever item it was summoned from at that moment. [/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Occultmon will form a bright ring of energy around anything that is containing it, which is why people hoping to see the possible overlord will instead look at ME! [/font][/size][/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/spoiler][/font][/size][/font]
[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][b][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Personality: [/font][/size][/b]Seren is sarcastic, intelligent and always cool. Ready to slick back and watch others play, Seren has a bit of a cruel strike to it and is definitely more likely than its partner to laugh at other people's misfortune. That said, Seren is not totally out there, and can be kind when the time calls for it- especially if it's someone it likes, or someone that someone it likes likes themselves. Seren has relatively little motivation beyond what Anett tells it to do. Aside from that, Seren likes leading others on, especially when their responses would be funny, and especially if others call him out for it. Seren loves attention, and likes getting it no matter what. [/font]

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][/spoiler][/font][/size][/font]

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@Hydra of Legend: Unaccepted, you seem to have not read all the rules.

@Admiral_Stalfos19: Reserved, but hurry, as I'll only be accepting 6 in total.

@Blackstone Dresden: Sorry, but the villain's going to remain the same.

@Fail_FTW: Reserved, but will unreserve if we reach the total number.

@GreyCat: Accepted.

@Reina Soho: If you want to, but Ultimates will come into this a long time from now, so if you want to wait, be my guest.

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Initiate App Construction Sequence!

Username: [color=#e6e6fa]Admiral_Stalfos19[/color] <-- it's supposed to be lavender in case you can't tell (I can see that it's lavender perfectly fine, but that's probably because of the angle I have my laptop on so the light shines on it better.)
Name: Aiya Garmikodottir
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Nationality: Icelandic
Appearance: She's only 13 years old, but Aiya seems to have the body of a fully-grown woman... give or take a whole half a foot in height. She has bloodshot icy blue eyes, one of which appears diluted, and, when she looks in your direction, appears as though she's seeing straight through you. The normal eye is covered with a crystal blue hair, that Aiya keeps at shoulder length. She also has three long needles pierced into her cheek, a multitude of steel spikes around her eyes that are arranged to appear as eyelashes and a couple of simple studs in her ears. Her breasts and belly button are also pierced. Aiya usually dresses similar to a biker.
Personality: In terms of personality, Aiya is roughly the same as Rika Nonaka from the Digimon Tamers series. She's a tomboy, she's headstrong, she's arrogant, and she certainly hates taking orders from anyone, least of all from those who she thinks has no idea what they're doing. There's a good reason Aiya acts this way though, she's trying to keep her heart rate up any way she can so that she doesn't have anything to fear from that devastating heart condition of hers, and if that means she must act like a total jerk to anyone and everyone around her, then so be it. Her true feelings have been bottled deep inside her for a long time, as she feared that they'd cause her heart rate to drop if they were to be let loose.
Biography: Aiya Garmikodottir was born with a defective heart, that had been struggling to keep a survivable heart rate for an entire 13 years and still has problems doing so now. At times, her heart rate had sunk like the Titanic, and it had taken ages just to get it stable and back up to speed. For the first 5 years of her life, Aiya spent her time in intensive care, rarely getting to see her parents because they had their own lives, and unfortunately weren't able to take her under their wing until she grew up a bit more. At least this way, Aiya's parents would be certain that she wasn't likely to have too many problems in the near future.

However, as she started to do some research into how exactly hearts worked, Aiya started to realize that her emotions were playing a huge part in the drops of her heart rate. From that day forward, she abandoned them completely... for the most part. She had also lost all her friends, seeing as they didn't like this new personality in the slightest. One friend, however, stayed with her even as she grew into her more heartless self. That friend was Aiya's partner, Huskmon, who she had grown to respect a long time ago and has now become a more fateful companion than he's ever been before.
D-Vice Colour: Lavender
Digimon: A male Huskmon

Name: Huskmon
[spoiler=Digivolution Route]Puppymon --> Huskmon --> Sangloupmon --> WereSangloupmon --> Awilixmon
(Out of this line-up, only Puppymon is a Data-type. The rest of them are Virus-types, including Huskmon. In addition, Awilixmon is female only, whilst the others can be either gender)

Bubble Blow: Produces resilient, acidic bubbles to intimidate the opponent.

Demonic Howl: A howl that damages the minds of anyone within hearing range, perhaps enough to drive certain victims into insanity. Has little to no effect on unwounded Champion or higher level Digimon.

Sticker Blade: Flings thousands of tiny blades and instantaneously skewers the opponent from within. Strong vs. Data-types.
Black Mind (Level 1): Disassembles its own data and melts into the opponent's shadow.

Toxic Sticker Blade: Stronger than Sticker Blade. Flings thousands of tiny blades and instantaneously skewers the opponent from within. The blades then install a virus which then immediately breaks down the opponent's data. Strong vs. Data-types.
Black Mind (Level 2): Stronger than Black Mind Level 1. Disassembles its own data and melts into the opponent's shadow, before absorbing the shadow as WereSangloupmon's own data.
Shadow Blast: Harnesses the energies of darkness, before releasing it in a volatile surge towards the opponent. The surge is immensely powerful up close, but weakens as it travels down range. Strong vs. Data-types.

Oblivion Sticker Blade: Stronger than Toxic Sticker Blade. Flings thousands of tiny blades and instantaneously skewers the opponent from within. The blades then install a virus which then immediately breaks down the opponent's data and sends it soaring in random directions, striking anything that gets in its path. Strong vs. Data-types.
Black Mind (Level 3): Stronger than Black Mind Level 2. Disassembles its own data and melts into all enemies' shadows, before absorbing the shadow as Awilixmon's own data.
Eruption of the Night: Stronger than Shadow Blast. Harnesses the energies of darkness, before releasing it as a volatile explosion all around Awilixmon. The surge is immensely powerful up close, but weakens slightly as it travels down range. Strong vs. Data-types.
Knighthood from the Moon Goddess: Infects a virus into the Digimon's body. Until this virus expires, the infected Digimon is under Awilixmon's control, and will obey her will beyond a shadow of a doubt. Strong vs. Data-types. Weak vs. Vaccine-types.
Blood for Blood (Aura): Melee attacks launched at Awilixmon harm both combatants[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Appearance]Puppymon: A puppy. What more do you expect?
Huskmon: Looks identical to the common wolf dog, but has lavender fur and blood red eyes.
WereSangloupmon: Bipedal variant of above
Awilixmon: A heavily armoured humanoid Digimon whose helmet is in the shape of a wolf's skull. Her teeth are sharp and blood-stained, and she carries a large great-sword in each hand.[/spoiler]
Personality: Huskmon likes to remain a wild Digimon, and thus is a hard Digimon to boss around. He will only listen to the orders of those who earn his respect. At the same time though, he is a proud and noble Digimon, who'll loyally protect those in need, even those he personally dislikes. When he's provoked however, he won't hesitate to move in for the kill. Huskmon's digivolved form, Sangloupmon, is very powerful indeed; he's even capable of defeating lesser Ultimate Level Digimon such as Jagamon and IceDevimon, sometimes, albeit rarely, without suffering so much as a scratch on himself. Huskmon, however, will always lust for more and more data, and is constantly in search of worthy opponents.

EDIT: App is officially complete.

Anyway, one question: Does it matter how exactly our Digimon Digivolve? I ask because I was planning on having Aiya and Huskmon Biomerge into Awilixmon, and am considering having Puppymon Warp Digivolve into WereSangloupmon.

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Username: [color=#FF69B4]Reina Soho[/color]
Name: Mioh Kuroki
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Appearance: Mioh has long black hair tied up into a bun and bangs over her face, grey eyes behind square glasses, and a skinny, but tall, frame. She normally has on a Japanese school girl, a [i]sera fuku[/i], uniform that is white with a blue skirt, a red bow, and a blue neckerchief, but her skirt is rather long. She also has a backpack advertising a Japanese superhero, or [i]sentai[/i], team on it. Inside is a black laptop with all sorts of various attachments and accessories. Finally, she has on similarly-themed sneakers on her feet, expressing the fact that she is a bit of an [i]otaku[/i]. But she doesn't seem to be all that ashamed of her love for such boyish shows.
Personality: Mioh is very shy and reserved, but quite smart. She is near the top of her class regarding grades, but she rarely interacts with any of the other girls. She is respectful and polite to most people, but she mainly keeps to herself. She is good at computers, and has a lot of knowledge regarding first aid and medicine, but she is terrible at interacting with people, and has been bullied and mocked for most of her life. She has considered suicide a few times, but is determined to instead become a famous, well-renowned doctor so she may be able to surpass her tormentors and help people, just like her heroes on television. She knows it is a bit juvenile, but in the harsh world she lives in, she has to find comfort in something, right?
Biography: Mioh, because of her shyness and the fact that she doesn't really like 'girly things', such as makeup, fashion, and being pretty, has been bullied for most of her life. Even now, in her last year at junior high, she is an outcast due to her tall, skinny frame. Other students rarely talk to her, and she sits against the wall close to the windows, usually in the middle of the class. She makes her own lunch boxes and eats them by herself, since her parents, both mid-level government bureaucrats, are rather busy. Her parents don't understand why their daughter isn't more social, but they have accepted her decision to become a doctor. Mioh has a sister who is a couple of years younger that is much more adored by her parents and her classmates, but Mioh tends to ignore her, like many other things in her life.
She is currently studying to get into a special high school for students who wish to enter the medical field, so she rarely has time to interact with others. However, she does find the time to keep up with her anime and [i]sentai[/i] shows. She adores such shows where a hero or heroes go up against a massive horde of evil, and she dreams of being a hero that can prevail against all odds and save people from evil. When one of the Royal Knights, Crusadermon, appeared in her dreams, Mioh happily accepted the chance to be like her heroes and save both her world and another from an incredible evil. But when she awoke in the Digital World, and encountered her partner, she found that her expectations were not at all what she envisioned...
D-Vice Color: Pink
Digimon Partner: Rabbitmon

Name: Depends on Digivolution
[spoiler=Digivolution Route]
YukimiBotamon -> Nyaromon -> Salamon -> Rabbitmon -> Seramon -> EternalSeramon

Fresh - YukimiBotamon
Signature Attack - Diamond Dust: Spits out a breath of freezing cold air.

In-Training - Nyaromon
Signature Attack - Tail Whip: Puffs up its tail to make the hairs like wires, then strikes the opponent. There has never yet been an opponent observed to flinch from this attack.

Rookie - Salamon
Signature Attack - Petty Punch: Rapidly punches the opponent.

Champion - Rabbitmon
Signature Attack - Carrot Bomber: Throws a carrot with fuse that explodes upon impact.

Ultimate - Seramon
Signature Attack(s) - Solar Flash: Fires a beam of pink light from the gem in the center of her helmet.
Lunar Crescents: Generates golden rings of energy around her fingers, then throws them at her opponents. The discs home in on their targets.
Healing Eclipse: Uses her scepter to create a ring of green energy around an ally, healing them of any injuries slowly, but only for a short time.

Mega - EternalSeramon
Signature Attack(s) - Solar Burst: Fires a powerful beam of pink light from the gem in the center of her helmet.
Crystal Focus Burst: Uses the crystal in her staff in conjunction with the gem in the center of her helmet to fire a concentrated beam of pink energy, trading power for accuracy.
Stellar Impact: Uses her wand to manipulate gravity around a foe.
Great Lunar Crescent: Creates a giant golden ring of energy around her arms, then throws it at her opponent. The ring homes in on her opponent.
Total Healing Eclipse: Uses her staff to create a large ring of green energy around several allies, healing them slowly over several minutes.
Rainbow Fusion Burst: Her ultimate attack. She combines energy-based attacks from both her foes and her friends into her staff, then fires the combined blast at her opponent, though this usually causes her to revert back to normal.




Seramon is humanoid in appearance. She has Rabbitmon's ears, which run down to her shins, and her pink helmet with a silver and gold band similar to Sailor Moon's tiara, complete with a red jewel in the middle. However, the silver markings on her helmet are now white, and she has long flowing golden hair behind her helmet, plus she has spherical red gems set into her ear tabs. Seramon's face is now much more human in appearance, though she still has Rabbitmon's eyes and eye markings. Her body is lithe and slender, like that of an acrobat, with a white top accented with intricate pink designs. Her has a blue sailor-like collar around her neck and a red bow with a pink heart-shaped gem wrapped in a gold container on her chest, with a much bigger red bow where her top and her skirt meet. Her pleated skirt is blue, and she has ribbons trailing from the rear bow to her feet. She has red shoulder guards, pink gloves, and pink boots, all of which have white accents. She carries a pink scepter with another red heart-shaped gem with gold accents, gold designs, and cute angel wings on the sides of the gem.

EternalSeramon looks very similar to her previous form, but there are several changes. Her helmet and ears are now white with gold plating, and her "tiara" has several more gems. Her top is the same, but her bow is now made up of angel wings with a golden heart-shaped locket in the middle. Her pink shoulder pads are now spherical with gold markings, and her collar is blue with gold markings. Her skirt has a V-shaped pink belt and three layers, the top layer gold, the middle layer pink, and the bottom layer blue. Her gloves and boots are now much longer and are white as well with pink borders. She also has a pair of angel wings on her back that allow her to fly, and her rear bow has been replaced by a smaller set of wings, though her rear ribbons are still in place. She has a pink and gold scabbard for a sword-like baton that is pink and gold with a guard shaped like angel wings, and a holster for her new scepter, which is primarily composed of a much bigger red gem.
Personality: Rabbitmon may be small, usually being carried around in Mioh's arms, but she acts like an older sister to Mioh, wanting to protect her and take care of her, though Mioh is a bit disgruntled in the fact that Rabbitmon is not only a Champion, but a rather weak Champion to boot, when she was expecting something much bigger and more powerful. Rabbitmon is also energetic and extroverted when it comes to being around other Digimon, and is therefore quite social. Rabbitmon wants to help Mioh, though Mioh doesn't necessarily want it...for now...

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[quote name='Reina Soho' timestamp='1316404077' post='5525430']
I can't seem to open your app.

The frustration of the new system never ceases, does it? I fixed the problem I think, you should be able to open it now.

[quote name='Decepticon Shockwave' timestamp='1316410225' post='5525580']
@Hydra of Legend: Unaccepted, you seem to have not read all the rules.

Or I did and forgot about the ridiculous checking measure because I was too busy trying to get the editor to [i]not [/i]randomly wreck up every piece of code that I copy and pasted by screwing with the settings. Either or. Fixed in any case.

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[quote name='Hydra of Thunder' timestamp='1316402755' post='5525351']

[font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=3][font=arial, helvetica, sans-serif]Occultmon will form a bright ring of energy around anything that is containing it, which is why people hoping to see the possible overlord will instead look at ME! [/font][/size][/font]


I can't remember if I wrote this when I was almost dead from exhaustion, or if some extraterrestrial entity edited my post and screwed around with it.

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[quote name='Reina Soho' timestamp='1316449283' post='5526055']
So, we have our [s]goggle[/s] sunglasses boy with an Agumon, a loner with a Gabumon/Gaomon analogue, a joker with a magician, a goth with a ghost, and a schoolgirl with a Patamon/Gatomon analogue.
Who else do we need?
...Umm, the shy one?

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We have two of them: the goth and the schoolgirl.
We need someone level-headed who can keep the team together, and can make sure the others don't get on each other's nerves, especially with the likely rivalry between the lone wolf and the shades kid. We need someone who can also cheer up the goth and the schoolgirl, and keep the joker in line.
We need a Tea.

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[quote name='Ĝǿĺđëŋ Ħǿŗďēšmãŋ' timestamp='1316461391' post='5526442']
i'll agree with that one, Reina. we need a team leader.

Umm...you, the [s]goggles[/s] shades kid, are our leader. Your charisma and stubbornness will push us forward towards our mutual goal.
We need someone who can keep the team from fighting so much, but also help the team out in a jam, sort of a Sora/Yolei/Henry character.

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My app will be finished today, once my class is over and I can finish working on it. Do I need to describe all of the evolutions right now? Can I just do the first 3 discriptions for now, and then finish the rest of the digimon descriptons later? I plan on doing an original digimon.

Also I was reading the other OOC posts...Do we have to have the criteria of the Shy/level headed character?

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@Fail: You definitely stand up to your name, don't you? Yes, we have two shy characters, but none that are really level-headed. As stated, we need the tritagonist role, the role of the big sister/brother who keeps everyone in line, and preferably someone with a plant Digimon, an aquatic Digimon, or a mechanical Digimon, since we seem to be lacking those.

@Dresden: What's with you and Dorbickmon?

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