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!*>>*! Volcanic Gadget Deck !*<<*!

Dark Supreme

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[align=center]*Well my first try with a Deck that has Volcanic Monsters, so i added in Gadgets to it* *I got some help, for this whole Deck*




* Monsters * * 21 *



*** Cyber Dragon ***

*** Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch ***

*** Volcanic Rocket ***

*** Volcanic Shell ***

** Green Gadget **

** Red Gadget **

** Yellow Gadget **

** Royal Firestorm Guard **

* Snipe Hunter *




* Spells * * 12 *



*** Shrink ***

** Pot of Avarice **

** Wild Fire **

* Blaze Accerator *

* Brain Control *

* Fissure *

* Heavy Storm *

* Smashing Ground *




* Traps * * 8 *



*** Phoenix Wing Wind Blast ***

*** Solemn Judgment ***

* Mirror Force *

* Torrential Tribute *




* Deck * * 41 *




*Please Fix, Rate and Comment*[/align]

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It's not Netdecked


Is that so?




It's identical, card for card. The cards are even listed in the same order, except that you repositioned Yellow Gadget. Also, that's the first deck listed in the Top Rated Decks section, and the only Top Rated Deck that was made for the September 2007 banlist, so it's far from inconceivable that you could have seen it. It isn't hard to miss if you go to the site.


What say you to that?

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^I did not copy that, 1) i dont visit that site a lot 2) i had someone help me a little since i dont know anything about Volcanic Decks 3) it was not like that when i finished, i found my gadets in an unused deck, than added them with Snipe 4) After a while I added Royal, since i got it from GLAS 5) I used that desgin for many decks.

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I might have bought that if:


1) The cards weren't listed in almost the exact same order (some of which isn't even an intuitive order that someone is likely to come up with on their own, such as listing Heavy Storm between Smashing Ground and Fissure), and

2) You didn't use *'s in the same way that `eXwind used •'s to represent the number of copies of each card that you're running.


As it is, you've posted the exact same deck in the exact same order using the exact same list formatting. It seems a bit too farfetched for it to be a coincidence, no?

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"2) i had someone help me a little since i dont know anything about Volcanic Decks" > He helped me with most and he listed the cards, maybe he copied i dunno if he copied it since he is from YF.


"5) I used that desgin for many decks" > if i wanted to copy a deck, i would actually change some things.


When i found my Gadgets i also told he he recommened some cards so i added them. He did not make the whole deck tho, i wanted to change thesy for another card.

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:( you have the same use of Astrix for cards as are used on the other site. Everything is in near same order. I am very inclined to think it is a copied deck, whether or not you were the one doing the copying it's pretty obviously a copy paste. If you have an exact copy of a deck then -

This is a really good Volcanic Gadget. I can only suggest One Magic Cylinder/Ceasefire, but thats meh.


Good job. =]

isnt royal firestorm guards broken? good job 8.5/10
Id take out a fissure for a vortex. besides that GJ.
id say try to fit in a call but good deck.

yes i think royal firestorm guards is broken

... etc. Sorry if that seemed rude, but seems humorous to me :P. You should also mention before hand if you have gotten help making a deck, if for nothing more than courtesy.

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Why do you say that Thestalos is a bad choice? He is an often underestimated Monarch, but since your opponent almost always has a hand, he's pretty much never a dead draw. And do to his efect, he pays for himself. That means that you do not lose card advantage to summon him, and you do get a free 2400 ATK monster. He also simplifies the game, which make Gadgets easier to play. If your opponent doesn't have as many options, you can better predict and respond to his actions.

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