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Who do you hate the most?


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I'm suprised no one sed enything about me!I'M FUGITIVE KALEB!!!of course,I don't spam enymore,I just did that before becouse I'm crazy!SO HATE ME!!!(chops head off...)(My Soul):But plees don't ban me or think this is spam,cuz I just want forgivness... :oops: (gose to Hell becuse He was a bad boy...)

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Nutty, you are a spammer and I don't know why you continuously come back to the site with a new account every time you get banned. If I was a mod on this forum, I would permanently ban you.


liglis, just don't even try acting all innocent because you are not. You have made plenty of accounts and your just as guilty as Nutty is.


Masta, if you're reading this, why are you asking me what you have done? Sure HORUS did a bad thing, but everthing you have done combined is much worse. You have posted the most ignorant comments I have ever seen on any forum, apparantly you have cursed out members via PMs, you are the biggest troll I have ever seen, you lie, and you are just an overall jerk and I don't know why you come to this forum. Is your life so pathetic you come on here just to annoy the crap out of everyone?

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Well guess who I hate I hate my f*cking brother he always annoys me when im doing homework playing with my friends and everything. Im baby sitting him now and he got all p*ssed and everything and now i locked him in his room, GOD I hate him and now im losing my voice from yelling. ;:Cough:;

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