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Keys to Eternity [OOC/Accepting]


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Hope I'm not too late.

[spoiler=Char App]
[b]Name:[/b] Syfer T. Bukton

[b]Age: [/b]24

[b]Job: [/b]Security Guard / Inspector

Bio:[font=times new roman] Syfer was born on duty. His father drove Syfer's mother to the hospital in a wailing police car, which Syfer could instinctively hear from inside his mother's uterus. He was mothered at home for two years, where it was discovered that he possessed strange powers beyond the average human. His powers were taught to be controlled before he was sent to live with his father, where he was heavily disciplined to follow orders. Since military school was not legal for a boy his age, his father trained him up until he was sixteen, where he signed up for the military and was immediately appointed sergeant. He retired from the Army four years later, finding duty at a school of magic known as Gregory Matthews Academy, where he freely trained his magic of light and spiritual control so that one day he could bring justice where and when it is needed most.[/font]

[b]Personality: [/b]Being a security guard, Syfer is always on his guard, trusting few. A little surprise is enough to throw a fist at the unlucky person, but his self-control keeps him from doing anything stupid. He is a loyal man with little hesitation when in comes to guard duty and criminal investigation. He is gifted with tracking by clues and close-combat with the criminal when he lays hands on him or her. When one gets to know him, he is rather sturdy and cries for nearly nothing, but he shows sympathy for the hardships of one close to him and shares his own stories. Off duty, he works as a gardener for his own hut not far from campus, taking joy in the outdoors and the beautiful weather, and while it's raining, he stays indoors and cooks.


[u][b]Magic Information Name of Magics or Sign:[/b][/u] The Light of Justice Magic.
[b]How you came to learn it: [/b]Syfer learns everything from his father, but some things called for independent work, which allowed him to discover powers that he never thought he had possessed.
[b]Key:[/b] Two iron medallions, one strapped to each palm. Each one has a symbol carved into it; a sword, and a rose. Combined, it symbolizes the balance of life through both peace and war. Together, they balance the power of both attack and defense to serve a purpose that protects the weak and delivers justice to the evil in the world.
[b]Primary Magic Type/[/b][b]Element[/b][b]:[/b] Spiritual / Light
[b]Mechanics[/b][b]:[/b] Syfer's light magic has few limits as long as his soul is in tact. Using the hospitality of others including himself, he can harness the powers of the light around him, even if it's artificial. The particles in a single sunbeam are so fine that the human eye cannot see it, but Syfer can feel every spec and use them to bring justice to the land. Combining his power with his spiritual pureness, he can balance out the forces of chaos and darkness. However, on days where he is depressed or angry, he is forced to hide his power from the world and live an emotional, powerless life until the feelings have surpassed.
[b]Drive[/b][b]:[/b] The Key of Eternity is of little concern to Syfer. But if he were to come across it, the best thing to do is to conceal it and prevent it from getting into the wrong hands.

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[i][font=times new roman,times,serif]made 2nd post. . . teehee :D[/font][/i]

[i][font=times new roman,times,serif]writing in italics is ok i hope. otherwise, it looks waayy too bland. [/font][/i]
[i][font="'times new roman"]Also, i made a mention of another character, a professor in the school, but he will be a NPC. that is ok i believe ?[/font][/i]

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Gah! More of them! I'll have to skip country! Don't think I won't!
By the way, you don't have to use my term Mage (I was going to use practitioner, but I thought about it, and figured I would get tired of writing that every other post, so mage it was, or is.). The way I see it; that would be a cultural or educational thing, dependent on each character.

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[quote name='TwinSeed' timestamp='1316834676' post='5536025']
EDIT: Why isn't my name as large as everyone else's in the "Accepted Apps" spoiler?
If you mean that it is in a Times New Roman font rather than Arial, then blame the templates. That happened every time I applied for roleplays.

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