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The Epithet Game (Pokemon Edition)

Admiral Tim

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So I decided to make another game. So all you have to do is name a character and add a title (Epithet) that suits them. Also include why you chose that Epithet and the name of the character.

Right now we are doing pokemon for the sake of organizational purposes. I'll start.

[Spoiler= Pokemon]

[spoiler=Kanto Region]

[spoiler=Johto Region]

[spoiler=Hoen Region]

[spoiler=Sinnoh Region]

[spoiler= 37 - Rampardos]

Username: Majortim
Character: Rampardos
Epithet: Glass Cannon
Reason: Rampardos is a Pokemon with superb attack stats. However its other stats are poor and fragile. The term glass cannon refers to something that can pack a punch but can shatter as easily as glass.



[spoiler= Unova region]


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