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blue eyes white dragon deck ( since people r intrested in them tonight) what u think?


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this blue eyes deck focusing on getting blue eyes only by getting it out and trashing the field. so what do u think?



3| blue eyes white dragon

2| cyber dragon


1| breaker the magical warrior

1| sangan

2| Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands

2| Senju of the Thousand Hand

3| palidan of white dragon

3| Gene-Warped Warwolf

3| luster dragon


1| heavy storm

1| premature burial

1| mystical space typhoon

2| Stamping Destruction

3| advance ritural art

2| swing of memorys

1| swords of revealing light

2| lightning vortex

2| nobleman of crossout


2| dark bribe

1| call of the haunted

2| royal decree

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i would add in birthright

and take out paladins and senjus and manju as all of them suck

and add in summoners art and ancient rules

add another cyber

maybe a marshmallon

and im thinking mabey make it a fusion deck so future fusion and dragons mirror if thts the case

also megamorph?

i personally would use sheild crush over nobleman

thats all i can say just now


but really dont use the rituals >.<

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yer normaly i would agree with most of what u said but i want this to be a blue eyes deck only so no fusions only ways of getting blue eyes out. i was thinking of anchient rule but if its only for blue eyes it becomes a dead draw aload of the time. i will change shield crush for nobleman.

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Manju is not a bad card, though I agree that Senju is. Paladin of White Dragon is a very good card in any Blue Eyes Deck. Through the Special Summon ability, they make it much easier to get Blue Eyes out. They also have a Mystic Swordsman-like effect tacked on to them. 3 Paladins would be unneeded with 3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands.


Oh, and WTF is a Blue Eyes Deck doing without Kaibaman?


-2 Senju of the Thousand Hands

-1 Paladin of White Dragon

-1 Advanced Ritual Art


+3 Kaibaman.

+1 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands

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hmmm see i am going with experiance here


in ALL the time i have had paladin in my deck wich is about 4 years


i have only EVER SUMMONED IT about 10 times wich is why i find that it sucks terribly >.<


wich is why i prefer summoners art and ancient rules ^_^


Do you run 3 Paladin + 3 ARA + 3 Manju? Because if your setup looks something like 2 Paladin + 2 ARA + 1 Manju, that's probably the problem...

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