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Assassin's Creed: Generation [OOC / Started / Not Accepting]

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Name: Cellizar Kingston
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Appearance: Height is 5'10" and weight is 275 lbs.
[spoiler=Appearance and Templar outfit]
[spoiler= Casual Outfit]
Affiliation: Templar

[spoiler=Personality] Cellizar is not a cold character, neither is he a warm character. He's more of a... cool character. He's normally mellow, listening before speaking. He thinks first, leaps later. His emotions don't normally range farther than the negative of upset and the positive of happy. To him, emotions get in the way of the thought process and fighting. He tends to have a problem understanding people who get emotional, either it be rage, crying, etc. The one emotion he does have a complete understanding of his hate. He hates his entire family, except for his cousin, Serina, simply because they are Assassins. For some reason, he can't bring himself to hate Serina, even though he's sure of 2 things. 1) Serina was too young to remember him before he left (she was 5 at the time) and 2) the family hasn't told Serina about him and his betrayal.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Bio] Cellizar was born into a long line of Assassins. As he grew up, he felt something wasn't right. That something wasn't suppose to be. 10 years ago, as he did research on Templars, it hit him. His destiny laid elsewhere: it laid with the Templars. He took what he needed and fled from his family, joining the Templars. Cellizar has no regrets with his decision, except for one.. You see, he was very close to his cousin, Serina, and he wished he was able to nab her and take her with him, but he wasn't able to. He eventually got over that one regret, now aiming to somehow convert Serina, if he ever got to see her again.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Weapons]During Casual wear: A hidden blade at his right wrist, retractable sword he keeps attached to the back belt loop, and a silenced revolver as a last-resort.
During Templar outfit: When he hits that blue gem on his left shoulder, a full suit of armor comes out of hiding from under his cloak (its retractable, like his sword). He carries with him a sword he keeps at his left hip and a retractable shield at his right. He also has 2 hidden blades at his wrists and plenty of throwing knives.[/spoiler]
Skills: Able to read opponents physical actions, allowing him to react quicker and possibly before they even attempt an attack. He's also skilled in making retractable objects. And thanks to his Assassin training, he's able to scale walls and perform maneuvers just as well as any other Assassin.

Theme Song: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8ekz_CSBVg&ob=av3e"]I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace[/url]

Short Beginning:
[i]They said I betrayed them. Who cares? I'd rather betray them than myself.[/i]

[i]For 15 years, I was being molded into something I didn't belong in. For the past 10 years, I've helped to mold something that did belong. Something that would bring the world peace without blood shed. What about the Assassin's blood? They don't exist. They are merely ghosts of a soon forgotten world. I will hunt them down and kill them all. All but one, anyways. But soon, I hope to bring her to my side.[/i]

[i]My name is Cellizar Kingston[/i]
[i]I am a Templar[/i]
[i]And I will save you, Serina.[/i]

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Name: Sarah Grey AKA Grey Fox
Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: [img]http://i1128.photobucket.com/albums/m489/ArcaneMaster23/Grey_Fox_by_Hastezone.jpg[/img]

Affiliation: Assassins

Personality: Sarah has her moments of cruelty, but over all, she is a very nice girl. This is due to the large fact of she can't remember who she really is, or where she really comes from. But being with the assassin's, she has also developed a more aggressive side. If she becomes cornered, her personality changes. She becomes cold, heartless, and sadistic. It's almost like a second person has taken her over if this happens. She often blacks out during this and has no memory of anything happening.

Bio: Sarah was originally part of an elite group of templars, trained to be like the assassins. Taken at a young age, she learned the ins and outs of stealth, agility, and theft. However, she was instructed that her training be only used for infiltration, never to become an assassin herself. During the last confrontation between her and an assassin, she suffered the loss of her right eye, and left her unconscious in the streets. Hours passed by, and she regained consciousness, soon realizing she wasn't in the streets anymore, but in a very secluded place. Her hand found the eye patch over her eye, and small flashes of her memory started coming back. But due to the head trauma, she only really remembers her name, and for some reason her training to be an assassin spy. Its been 4 years since that incident, and she has never looked back, this is her life now.

Weapons: Grieve Edges that look like claws jutting from her boots. Gloves that cover her hands when triggered, letting steel blades jut from them much like claws. Twin silenced pistols. Her eyepatch also holds a mini infared scope for thermal recon.

Skills: Recon, close quarters fighting, weapon smithing and lock-picking.

Theme Song: Set The World On Fire - Black Veil Brides

Short Beginning:

[i]Some people are born into greatness. Others have it thrust upon them. I...am neither of these types of people.[/i]

[i]I don't remember how the fighting started. I don't even remember asking to be a pawn in the battles. All I know, is I am in fact a part of the fighting. In the early hours of the night, I sit outside in the moonlight, looking over the skyline, and try to remember as far back as I possibly can. I can see faces hidden by hoods and masks. I can hear the sound of steel clashing, sending sparks into the darkness. No, sending them into the fires. Fires which devour the night itself in their blaze. I can still hear the sounds of children crying and screaming for their mothers. They never realized they were alone until it was too late.The holy code was long since broken and led to anarchy in the streets. Innocents bled, left to die as if their lives meant nothing. And I, I caused my share of it. But no longer. These flashes of memories drive me on. I know what is wrong must be righted. The clock strikes midnight, and a familiar scent is in the air. The predators have become my prey.[/i]

[i]My name is Sarah.[/i]
[i]And I......[/i]
[i]I am the hunter of killers.[/i]

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O.0 Am I seeing right? Is Phantom Warrior here? Don't joke with me!!!!!



[quote name='Shooting Star Dragon' timestamp='1316036630' post='5514895']
They lasted 400 years Altair - Ezio >_> it could have been found

and why the f*** do you care if he's a descendant? Look at Subject 16

Kyng, you're starting to piss me off

1 - Fair point.
2 - Originality?
3 - And I care because?

Finally, Chaos, I'd like to update Arn's bio:

[quote]Nowadays, Arn is a reknown assassin among the Brotherhood especially for his track record and his excellent works with technology for his assassin bretheren, making a severe impact to turn the tables against the Templars in combat. Now he seeks to aid the Assassins against their struggle against the Templars, believing his father would be proud.[/quote]

[quote]Nowadays, Arn is a reknown assassin among the Brotherhood especially for his track record and his excellent works with technology for his assassin bretheren, making a severe impact to turn the tables against the Templars in combat. Two examples of which are the Giga-steel alloy, a modified alloy composed of a wide variety of different metals and other elements such as carbo, etc, which has incredible durability but is very conductive to electricity; and the combat suit prototype, a battle suit blueprint constructed to add more muscle power to the assassins' side. However, all of these were stolen by Templar Elena Davies, who then destroyed the blueprints, however, Arn still remains with many sample alloys of the Giga-steel metal.Now he seeks to aid the Assassins against their struggle against the Templars, believing his father would be proud.[/quote]

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