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Assassin's Creed: Generation [OOC / Started / Not Accepting]

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Rondine Volo
[b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://i413.photobucket.com/albums/pp220/whitenanayashiki/Anime%20pic/b44257b08b0220a1987416e621ede3ad122.jpg[/IMG]
Height - 6'4"
Weight - 147 lbs
Eye Color - Grey
Hair Color - Grey
[b]Affiliation: [/b]
Rondine has always been an aggressive person ever since he was a child. He is very easially angered and would rather jump head first into a battle instead of careful approach. Although easialy angered he can be sentimental toward other Assassins. However his life at Abstergo has made him stay to himself, he will only talk if spoken to, and he will speak to those he trusts.
Rondine can't remember anything about his life below 20 years old. He awoke in the animus and has never been outside Abstergo. Even though he hasn't been outside of abstergo his experience in the animus has aloud him to see to the far reaches of the world all through a simple computer system.

He has had over exposure to the animus and as a consiquence often finds it hard to find the difference between the real world and the animus. But his overexposure has also given him a perk or two, he can now hack the animus allowing him to access hidden areas invisible to Abstergo, the hacking also allows him to move faster than normal and climb faster than normal. However, in the real world he remains as fast as an average person.
Basic Hidden Blade (Left arm as always), 2 daggers that are designed for both ranged and close combat.
Agile movement, Climbing, Quick reaction time, Eagle
[b]Theme Song:[/b]
[b]Short Beginning: [/b]
[i]Here I am surrounded by lies...Part of a war hidden from plain sight...[/i]

[i]I awoke on a wierd machine they call the animus, they, the Templars or Abstergo as we call them now, said they wished to test me, unlock my potential the said. It feels like the opposite, i feel more alone then i ever have done. I feel more of a prisoner than a science project. They don't call us our names they call us subjects, Subject 24 is my name here. I have promised myself that i will get out of here... and that is what i'll do...[/i]

[i]My name is Rondine Volo[/i]
[i]I am an Assassin[/i]
[i]I will be 'till the end.[/i]

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