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~OW~ Gem Knight Mount - Tri-Gem Dragon


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A card created to support Gem Knights for my fan-fic in planning. I hope to get this thing started soon, but life is in the way alot.

[b][size=6][size=4][color=#000000]Gem Knight Mount -[/color][color=#ff0000] Tri-[/color][color=#0000ff]Gem [/color][color=#ffa500]Dragon[/color][/size][/size][/b]
[size=6][size=4][color=#000000]Level: 7[/color][/size][/size]
[color=#000000]Type: Dragon[/color]
[color=#000000]Attribute: EARTH[/color]
[color=#000000]ATK/DEF: 2500/2500[/color]
[color=#000000]Effect: Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Cannot be Special Summoned except (from your hand) by returning 1 "Gem Knight Garnet", "Gem Knight Sapphire", and "Gem Knight Tourmaline" from your Graveyard to your Deck. This card's Type is also treated as Pyro, Aqua, and Thunder. Once per turn: You can discard 1 "Gem Knight Fusion" to send 1 "Gem Knight" monster from your Deck to the Graveyard and Special Summon 1 "Gem Knight" Normal Monster from your Deck.[/color]

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[quote name='NumberCruncher' timestamp='1315713482' post='5506402']
Why does it gain Attributes?

It's Tri-Gem Dragon. It's made from the 3 Gem Knights that were returned to the Deck. I figured it was a nice touch. Sapphire gives it WATER, Garnet gives it EARTH (Although maybe Dragon should be EARTH and this gives it FIRE), and Tourmaline gives it LIGHT.

EDIT: Changed the effect to give it extra Types instead, which makes more sense.

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