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[REQ]Sig and avatar (Willing to accept any reasonable price)

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Dark Magician avvy and Evil HERO Malicious Edge sig.

No text on either.

Don't know the size of a forum avatar. *feels stupid for not checking*
Sig to be 400x200 please.

[spoiler=Dark Magician Render][img]http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt318/DAD_Academy_Banners/Renders/DarkMagiciancopy.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Evil HERO Malicious Edge Render][img]http://i623.photobucket.com/albums/tt318/DAD_Academy_Banners/Renders/EvilHeroMaliciousEdgecopy.png[/img][/spoiler]

Willing to pay any reasonable price. (Likely up to 1500-2000)

As for how they're done, I prefer to leave that up to the artist's judgment, as I'm far from an expert on it, nor am I particularly picky on the style.

Thanks in advance.

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