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Lulz, random Exodia deck without Mantiloop.


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Another random idea.



[27] Monsters


[♠♠♠] The Bistro Butcher

[♠♠♠] Nova Summoner

[♠♠♠] Shining Angel

[♠♠♠] UFOroid

[♠♠♠] UFO Turtle

[♠♠♠] Masked Dragon

[♠♠♠] Troop Dragon

[♠♠] Exodia, the Forbidden One

[♠♠] Left Leg of the Forbidden One

[♠♠] Left Arm of the Forbidden One

[♠♠] Right Arm of the Forbidden One

[♠♠] Right Leg of the Forbidden One

[♠♠] Marshmallon


[12] Spells


[♠♠♠] Upstart Goblin

[♠♠♠] Creature Swap

[♠♠♠] Messenger of Peace

[♠♠] Heavy Storm

[♠♠] Giant Trunade

[♠♠♠] Pot of Avarice


[1] Trap


[♠♠] Mirror Force



The very concept of this deck is...pretty bad, actually. >_>

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