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[MTG] Mirror-Mad Phantasm


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[quote name='Miror B.' timestamp='1315410281' post='5498183']
This become broken as f*ck.
Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Stoneforge Mystic. Those 2 cards had gigantic impact on metagame, so they were Standard and Modern banned. This might be really abusable, but not degree as JTMS

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[quote name='Noel Vermillion' timestamp='1315409987' post='5498175']

Do that again and I'll [s]kill you[/s] turn you into a Ghost like the OP cards...K?

Actually...Nah figured runing 1 is Too risky...

But Runing 2/3 as CMC 5 in Sheoldred-Pod...Oh the shenanigans...XD

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[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1315410561' post='5498191']
K I sounded too rude..new verson at least is funz...
[quote name='-Venser el Transeúnte-' timestamp='1315410561' post='5498191']
Opinons on this as a Pod Tech?
Seems pretty cool with Sheorld and that new Zombie guy that casts itself from grave

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