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awsome drawing deck


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for some wierd reason i decided to name it TYPE 0, but anyway it make your opponet draw too much, making him deck out, well i also have appropitate that allows me to draw 2 cards when my opponet draws giving me more cards and they normally have to discard about 3 cards per turn, which sucks for them, so any suggestions on cards to add, or change



3x Chainsaw Insect

3x Cyber Dragon

3x Destiny Hero - Defender

2x Gora Turtle

2x Sasuke Samurai #3

3x The Bistro Butcher

3x Hiro's Shadow Scout

1x Morphing Jar

3x Needle Worm



2x Pot of Avarice

3x The Gift Of Greed

1x Card Destruction

3x Dark World Dealings


traps :

3x Compulsory Evacuation Device

3x Conscription

1x Gravity Bind

3x The Gift Of Greed

3x Appropriate

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You're giving your opponent way too many options. Mill decks should be about milling the opponent's deck, not letting them draw it. Needs more Morphing Jar #2. Also, several of the Dark Scorpions (Don Zaloog, Cliff the Trap Remover, and in a watered-down way Gorg the Strong) have effects that mill the opponent's deck better than some cards that you listed, such as The Bistro Butcher.


Needs more Necromill.

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