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Skill Drain Malefics (WOO!...not...)


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Monsters (18):
Malefic Stardust x3
Malefic Cyber End x3
Malefic Truth
Gravekeeper's Commandant x3
Barbaros x3
Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast x3
Effect Veiler x2

Spells (11):
Necrovalley x3
Allure Of Darkness
Trade-in x3
MST x3
Dark Hole

Traps (11):
Deck Devastation Virus x2
Eradicator Epidemic Virus x3
Skill Drain x3
Return From The Different Dimension
Solemn Judgement
Solemn Warning

Stardust x3
Cyber End Dragon x3


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Try adding Malefic World and/or Future Visions. Since Malefics aren't Normal Summoned, they bypass it, and when Beast King or Fusilier are removed by its effect, they come back at their full ATK. Malefic World is the Malefics main searcher.
Neg the RftDD for a Starlight Road or Judgment of Anubis. RftDD doesn't work if trying to bring out SDD or CED with it, since they have to be summoned properly first. Starlight and Judgment give you protection from Heavy Storm and such.
If this is DN, add Number 11: Big Eye to the Extra, since Fusilier is Level 7, iirc.
3 Eradicators get too cloggy. Try it at most 2.

Yea, that's about all I can say.

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