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Seraphim's Guide

Lunar Origins

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1 Fairy-type Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned: banish the Synchro material monsters used to Synchro Summon this card. Once per turn: Target 1 banished Fairy-type non-tuner monster; Special Summon it and take damage equal to its Level x 200.

I made the image myself. FAIRY SUPPORT! :D

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I actually don't know what to think of this card.

OCG 1/1: This is good, but I believe that it's a semi-colon instead of an 'and' in between the SS and eff damage
Originality 3/3: Just based on the banishing part of it alone, it's original. The effect basically makes it act like an XYZ, which is awsome.
Usability 2/2: A fairy deck could certainly use another way to banish fairies and bring them back (they didn't need it)
Balancing 2/4: I think that allowing [i]any [/i]Fairy-type monster to be SSed is OPed. Jupiter doesn't even allow the SS of a monster higher than Level 4. It may not be able to bring out a Tuner, but that won't be necessary since you'd rather go for Master Hyperion or Kristya. (not to mention that on top of that, there's a burning effect)

8/10, it's a really nice card, one that fairy decks would probably use.

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Hm, Agent-Earth + Hyperion = this + Hyperion, for 700 lifepoints. A little too powerful especially if Sanctuary in the Sky is out. It does need a bigger drawback. You could increase the 'recoil' or limit the level of the monsters it can summon.

I'm no OCG expert but I think the last part should read 'Once per turn, Target 1 banished Fairy-type monster: Special Summon it; take damage equal to its Level x 100.
Also, I believe the set ID is 4 characters not 5, tiny nitpick.

Other than those, it is extremely well designed and realistic. Definitely a usable card for dem fairies and basically echoing everything AggroDrago said.

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