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Duel Academy: The Spirit Chronicles |Year 1| (IC/Accepting)


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"Are you sure that's where the cafeteria is. I wasn't exactly able to eat on the boat ride over here." As the two started walking out of the corner of his eye Clark recognized a girl that was standing off in the distance. Clark didn't know where he seen her but he did recognize her face from somewhere. Forgetting that he was hungry Clark walked over to the girl. "Hi, I'm Clark." he said as he held out his hand. "I'm sorry for staring but I seem to recognize you from somewhere. Hmmm, I know you look like one of the cards my friend used to play. Now what was that card called?" Raking his brain for the answer Clark seemed to have misplaced his manners. "Oh I'm sorry, you know what it doesn't matter." taking a breath Clark said "Why don't I start over. Hi I'm Clark." holding out his hand again.

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Aen finished his tea and stood up. "You are welcome to my room, in Obelisk Blue. Since no one is here to keep you company or open the rooms anyway." He then realized that by making Dalst following him in a room with only two people, the spirit might emerge and try to kill the boy once more. It didn't matter. He just wanted a friend right now. "Why don't you tell me about yourself when we get there? Enough talk about insane people....err spirits"

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Dalst looked at Aen. It made since, he had a freaking soul lodged inside him., that probably was difficult to talk about. "Agreed," Dalst stated walking alongside his new friend, even though there was a spirit liable to try and kill him at any time, there was the plan he had made... but pish, posh. It ceased to matter, all that really mattered now was to find the dorm Dalst liked. Although he'd looked at Slifer Red, there were no others in there to meet, or the whole reason he stopped by. Hopefully, there was someone over at Obilisk.

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Aen opened the door to his room and let Dalst in. The room was bigger than the Slifer Red and Ra Yellow rooms. Aen sat at the bed and nodded to Dalst. "I wonder ..... why did you join the academy?" Aen then deided to help Dalst decide the dorm. "Before you answer that, let me tell you something. You are my first friend here.... and when we are done talking...." Aen got up and switched his deck to a Cyber Dragon deck "...I want you to meet someone" Aen then came back and waited for Dalst's reply.

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"Why did I join?" Dalst asked. It was kinda wierd because he thought it sould be a little self-explanatory. "Well, I love dueling and if I graduate from here I'll get paid to do something I love, something I've seen few do." He started thinking. Who was this person Aen wanted Dakst to meet. There were plenty of people on the island, who was so special? "I, obviously, haven't used this deck for twon long however I refuse to say a thing about my old ones." He was still wondering. Who?

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Aen smiled "Yeah. I thought so too when I koined. Beign paid to do what I love. But then, I realised something....." Aen walked towards the window "....The real world.... is here. When you spend a year between these walls you will understand that, you shouldn't ever leave. But the world isn't fair." Aen walked towards the door and nodded to Dalst. "Come, the person I want you to meet is in Ra Yellow".

After some walking they finally entered the Ra Yellow dorm. Aen then pointed a girl that was sitting at the cafeteria, eating a sandwich. "Go to talk to her, she looks like she likes you." He then stood back and watched. He would join them, eventually later.

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[i]Get out! He already knows too much. [/i]Screamed a voice inside Jenis' head. This person may well have know too much - or he may have decided she looked similar to another card, since her own art showed her as looking older than she did right now.

Fortunately the boy dropped the subject, and introduced himself again. "Hi, I'm Jenny," she replied, taking the offered hand. "I don't know anything about a card, although it'd be kind of cool if there was a card that looked like me, I guess." She gave a light chuckle. "I saw you at the exams earlier, although we didn't get a chance to speak. I suppose you must have seen me but not really noticed me on a concious level.

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"No she doesn't," Dalst said to his friend before sitting down in the seat across from the girl and asking, "Hey, my name's Dalst. My friend Aen over there told me that I had to meet someone and you're that so, what's your name?" He extended his arm for a handshake and pleasently waited for the girl to respond. She seemed nice, nothing too strange or wierd, but Dalst in his own mind was one of the most out there people he knew, so that was the least of his worries. What baffled him was this girl, why was she important? Wh was she?

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Raito smiled. He had dealt a major blow to his opponent. And with Bolt equipped to Aradanum, he had a major advantage. Even though his Distrotum was switched into Defense Position, Raito had a feeling he'd be fine. As long as Jolt was there, Raito was safe. For now. "Alrighty then, Plauge," Raito said. "I'll end my turn."

F_ M M _ _
_ S S _ _
Hand: 0
Life Points: [Forgot, I'll edit later)


Hachi looked around. No one was near him. Not a student. Not a teacher. No one. "[i]Good[/i]," he thought. Hachi quickly walked through the Obelisk Blue Dorm outside, in a rush. "[i]It's finally ready...[/i]" he thought. "[i]So long have I waited for this very moment...it's recent activity is proof it is time. Time for a new world order...![/i]"

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Sarah took a bite of her sandwich and accepted the handshake. "Hello! My name is Sarah!" She then looked at Aen and cheerfully shouted at him "Hey Aen!!!! Come here!" Sarah looked again at Dalst and replied to his questions "Well, well! Aen told you I am important? Damn right. If it wasn't for he would have like.....ummm" Sarah though for a bit and then replied "....5 less cards in his deck!" She then continued to eat her food.

Aen sat next to her and huged her. "I see you met Dalst, Sarah."

"Yeah! He seems a nice guy. But something is worng about him...." Sarah looked supsiciously at Dalst

Aen as puzzled as Dalst tried to clear it up "In what way Sarah?"

"We need to find him a Dorm!"

Aen smiled. "Yeah, that is why I brought him here. He will listen to girl like you."

Sarah choked on the bite. "What do you mean, a girl like me?"

"Nothing, nothing...."

Sarah stood up and invited the boys to follow her.

Aen was sure Dalst had questions. Like, how they met. He would happily anwer them, if he asked that is.

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"Sorry I'm not used to talking to cute girls." Clark said. "The academy seems sorta empty right now doesn't it." looking around seeing a few people here and there. Clark completely forgot about his hunger and the man he was walking with when he remembered the Store owners words to him, "Don't be afraid to believe in your friends Clark, they can be your greatest weapon." "So why did you decide to come to Dual Academy?" Clark trying to be polite to Jenny. Clark's stomach growled at this point reminding Clark that he was hungry just seconds before he met Jenny. Letting out a chuckle Clark said "I'm sorry I got a little seasick on the boat and I haven't been able to eat."

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Jenny paused for a moment, recalling the stock answer she'd prepared to explain what she was doing there. "I enjoy dueling and want to get better, and a friend offered to cover the costs to come here. This is the best duel school in the world; I couldn't turn down the chance to come." The boy's stomach growled, and he apologised about it. "It's fine," she replied, waving it off. "I'm fairly hungry myself. I'm sure there's a cafeteria around here somewhere, so why don't we carry on this conversation whilst we eat?" She paused for a moment, and then remembered something about human culture. "No it's not like that," she backtracked quickly, "I just thought we could carry on this chat."

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Tyson was sure that the cafetria was in the direction he pointed. Tyson saw that the student he was walking with had left to talk to a girl. It took some time for tyson to relize that that was the girl from a while ago. tyson walked up after she offered to eat lunch. " I love some lunch." he said it in a sacastic tone. Tyson was stomach let out a massive roar. tyson grabed his stomach and said " how's your book going?" tyson looked around hoping that he could make some friends becaues he knew it would be boreing without any. tyson looked at the girl and said, "sorry for rambling my name is tyson by the way."

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The eavesdropper from before joined them, although since he was talking to Clark before she figured it wasn't am issue this time. He eventually introduced himself as Tyson, as well as asking about the book. [i]What book,[/i] Jenny thought for a moment, before remembering what she'd told the boy earlier. "Oh yeah, it's coming along," she replied. "My name's Jenny," she added, "sorry about before, it's just that I tend to get a bit protective over my privacy. Well, how about you come along and grab something to eat with us?" she offered. "Since we're going to be here for the next few years, we may as well be friends, right?" She paused. "So, where's the cafeteria again?"

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"I think it's this way." pointing in the direction that he was pointing before. Tyson looked at her and he was almost sure that he was right. tyson asked " what dorm are you in anyway?" tyson stomach rumbled agian and this time louder than the last. " you know that duel that between the student and applicant. how did it end?" tyson wanted to know but he had fell asleep on it. tyson then looked around cheacking to see if the cafiteria was around.

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"Well, thanks!" Dalst said to Sarah, standing up ready to follow her. There wasn't anything going through his mind until the one most ackward question squeezed it's way into his mind. "Soooooooooooo," he said looking at Aen and Sarah, "are you guuys dating or something?" Little did Dalst know, he was about to start a s**tstorm because of saying those words. It was surreal of that three seconds of the proceesing of the two, or at least it seemed like three seconds to him, and that was too long.

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Alyssa woke up on the day that new students were arriveing. Alyssa grabed her duel disk and left her room . she walked around the island looking for Tyson most of the day. Alyssa stoped to eat lunch. she stoped under a tree to enjoy the lunch she made for herself. She countned to look for Tyson. She thought of the last time she saw Tyson that he would be a raw yellow. she started towards the oblisk blue dorm. when she got there she saw Tyson with two other students. she rushed behind a tree to hide.

Tyson looked over in her direction. He said, "Jenny did you see that." Tyson continued to look in the direction of the tree that Alyssa was hiding behind.

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"That duel? The new applicant won in the end," she replied, starting to head off in the direction that Tyson thought that there as a place to get food. She didn't get very far, before the boy called out, asking if she'd seen something in what she gathered was the direction of a nearby tree. Jenny was slightly further over, and was looking at the tree from a different angle - an angle from which the sleeve from a Ra Yellow uniform was visible. Moving further over revealed the sleeve's owner to be a girl, perhaps a little older than Jenis herself, who seemed to be hiding.

"Hi there!" she called, waving to the girl, "why don't you join us?"

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Aen laughed and so did Sarah. Sarah replied "No silly! We are siblings" Aen laughed and followed her sister. Sarah was taking them to the dueling field. Aen engaged Dalst into a conversation as his sister led the way "You know, here at duel academy, if a duelist challenges you to a duel, you can't refuse." Sarah also continued "The winner gets a booster pack, paid by the loser of course." As they entered the field, Sarah enterd the arena and activated her yellow pink duel disk. "Well, Dalst, want to win a booster?" Aen sat down and watched.

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Dalst could kinda see the resemblence, yeah that was correct. He quickly reassured himself that the proceeding thought wasn't a lie. He looked at Sarah and began to ask, "in what would I not be ready for a free booster?" He ran towards the arena before jumping onto it. He pulled out his bland Dual Academy duel disk and activated it. "So, you wanna go first?" He questioned Sarah, "I mean I already had an amazing game earlier so I can deal with going second." His Justice Soldiers would have to beat another deck today, but this girl wasn't holding back, she didn't have another soul inside her.

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[color=#000000]Sarah smiled and agreed "Ok, i'll go first!" Sarah drew 5 cards and 1 more for her Draw Phase. "OK! I sumon [spoiler=Skilled Dark magician][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/0/09/SkilledDarkMagicianSDSC-EN-C-1E.jpg[/img][/spoiler] in ATK mode and I activate [spoiler=Magical Citadel of Endymion][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/6/61/MagicalCitadelofEndymionSDSC-EN-C-1E.jpg[/img]Each time a Each time a [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Cards"][color=#000000]Spell Card[/color][/url][color=#000000] is [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Activate"][color=#000000]activated[/color][/url][color=#000000], place 1 [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counter[/color][/url][color=#000000] on this card (max. 3). You can [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tribute"][color=#000000]Tribute[/color][/url][color=#000000] this card with 3 [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counters[/color][/url][color=#000000] on it to [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Special_Summon"][color=#000000]Special Summon[/color][/url][color=#000000] 1 "[/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Dark_Magician"][color=#000000]Dark Magician[/color][/url][color=#000000]" from your [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hand"][color=#000000]hand[/color][/url][color=#000000], [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Deck"][color=#000000]Deck[/color][/url][color=#000000], or[/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Graveyard"][color=#000000]Graveyard[/color][/url][color=#000000]. ATK = 1900 DEF = 1700 [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Cards"][color=#000000]Spell Card[/color][/url][color=#000000] is [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Activate"][color=#000000]activated[/color][/url][color=#000000], place 1 [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counter[/color][/url][color=#000000] on this card. When a card with a [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counter(s)[/color][/url][color=#000000] is [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed"][color=#000000]destroyed[/color][/url][color=#000000], place its [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counters[/color][/url][color=#000000] on this card. Once per [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Turn"][color=#000000]turn[/color][/url][color=#000000], if you would [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Activate"][color=#000000]activate[/color][/url][color=#000000] a[/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Card_effect"][color=#000000]card's effect[/color][/url][color=#000000] by removing a [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counter(s)[/color][/url][color=#000000] from cards you[/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Control"][color=#000000]control[/color][/url][color=#000000], you can remove [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counters[/color][/url][color=#000000] from this card instead. If this card would be [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Destroyed"][color=#000000]destroyed[/color][/url][color=#000000], you can remove 1 [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counter[/color][/url][color=#000000] from this card instead.[/spoiler]." Her monster and field popped up in an instant, looking so real. SDM's staff started to glow "My monster has 1 counter now!" She then played a spell card "I activate [spoiler=Spell Power Grasp][img]http://images.wikia.com/yugioh/images/3/30/SpellPowerGraspSDSC-EN-C-1E.jpg[/img]Place 1 [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counter[/color][/url][color=#000000] on a [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Face-up"][color=#000000]face-up[/color][/url][color=#000000] card that you can place a [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Spell_Counter"][color=#000000]Spell Counter[/color][/url][color=#000000] on. Then you can add 1 "Spell Power Grasp" from your[/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Deck"][color=#000000]Deck[/color][/url][color=#000000] to your [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Hand"][color=#000000]hand[/color][/url][color=#000000]. You can only [/color][url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Activate"][color=#000000]activate[/color][/url][color=#000000] 1 "Spell Power Grasp" per turn.[/spoiler]! Which means that my SDM has 2 counters and Magical Citadel has 2 as well! Thanks to its effect I also take the same card to my hand!" She then played her trump card "I equip my SDM with Magician's Untine! That gives some ATK and DEF points but also now, all my cards have 3 counters!" Her SDM was tributed and Dark Magician entered the field! "The ultimate wizard in terms of attack and defense arrives from my deck!" Then I place 2 cards face - down! Turn end"[/color]

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Clark was wondering who the two were talking about, his stomach had other thoughts though. "Sorry I'll just meet you guys at the Cafeteria." so Clark walked on towards the Cafeteria.

By the time he got there plenty of people have shown up to the island and the cafeteria showed it. Clark eventually got his food and made his way to an empty table. Finally able to eat, Clark was about to dig into his food when his table got bombarded by a group of students claiming that it was there table.

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It was surprising to see Dalst easily overpowered on turn 1, but he could and had to recover from it. He drew his five cards yelling as he drew a sixth, "DRAW!" He looked at the hand. It had to save him, because there wasn't much else he could do. He began his move, "I set two cards and set a monster. That'll be it for now, I end." He didn't have as strong of a hand as last duel, but he still had the other Soldiers, and one kid who Dalst was determained to give age to. He stared at Sarah, trying to read her face, because he needed a little more time.

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Haku was watching over the freshman duel on the first day of school and he found someone who he thought could impress him but was sadly disappointed when he saw him duel a second time. The duel he was watching was turning out to be one sided very quickly. He thought that the Freshman were always overconfident about their skills and it kind of pissed him. Haku was wondering if that kid would try to counterattack soon because if he didn't it would turn ugly quickly. [i]Dark Magician on the first turn,[/i] he though, [i]not bad for a freshman; I'll have to keep that girl in the back of my mind for a challenge later. [/i]He watched intently to see what would happen next in the duel.

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Alyssa walked from behind the tree she said, "he..hello." she looked as one of the two people Tyson was walking with had left on ahead. " i'm alyssa what's your name." she said it while trying to advoid eye contact with this girl she never met before. she then siad, " Sorry to bother you i'll be leaving she started to leave when, Tyson said, " don't leave we were going to the cafiteria. you can come to if you want." tyson started heading towarrds the cafiteria.

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