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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1329363285' post='5819722']
Whaddya think guys? 20 years for these a**holes?

Anyway, since you guys don't seem to be all that active tonight, and I'm tired, I might as well head to bed.

Buenas noches, guys~
Goodnight, Ren-kun <3

And eh

Wouldn't put them to jail either

But I sure hope someone kicks THEIR asses

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1329364654' post='5819770']
I really couldn't do anything about it.
I mean, I'm a sworn pacifist, so it would go against my conscience to do so, but on top of that, I couldn't do anything if I wanted to. I have no real strength, so I couldn't fight back at all.
Same here

I wouldn't wanna fight back

Tho I have practiced 3 martial arts for a bit (few months of karate, 2 years of judo, and 2 years or so of Capoeira :'D)

Anyway, I should get to sleepin too

Goodnight, everypony ^-^

Love yall~

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I must have either horrible timing, or a horrible schedule.... people are sleeping already while I was catching up with the comments (I guess that's what happens when someone tries not to skip pages xD )

anyways.... I have to go to sleep myself anyways sooo.. see you all tomorrow :D . . . .

Oh and one word of advice.
STOP commenting about how inactive the club is.
People are busy, and we are actually the most active club.
At some point, the previous club I belonged to started having a small decrease in activity and half the people actually made conversations about how the club was less active and not the same as before... it eventually made more people bored of the place and leave for good, and the few ones remaining to develop drama.

I especially can't take much depressing-sounding stuff after having starved while waiting for 2 hours for someone that never came. In a rainy day. 2 hours of travel away from home.

ummm... I think I'll just get some rest.. I'm not very aware (if at all) of the gravity of the stuff I'm talking about...
Good night :3

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[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1329367811' post='5819850']
I must have either horrible timing, or a horrible schedule.... people are sleeping already while I was catching up with the comments (I guess that's what happens when someone tries not to skip pages xD )

anyways.... I have to go to sleep myself anyways sooo.. see you all tomorrow :D . . . .

Oh and one word of advice.
STOP commenting about how inactive the club is.
People are busy, and we are actually the most active club.
At some point, the previous club I belonged to started having a small decrease in activity and half the people actually made conversations about how the club was less active and not the same as before... it eventually made more people bored of the place and leave for good, and the few ones remaining to develop drama.

I especially can't take much depressing-sounding stuff after having starved while waiting for 2 hours for someone that never came. In a rainy day. 2 hours of travel away from home.

ummm... I think I'll just get some rest.. I'm not very aware (if at all) of the gravity of the stuff I'm talking about...
Good night :3
This is all very true.

And goodnight, sleepy.

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Since we mentioned MLP toys....
The only one I would get, is a "fully grown" Spike figure.
And only if it didn't really come with anything else.
Srsly, I want my giant dinosaur-Spike, and don't want a Rairty + Cape + "brushable hair" to come with it.
Unless it had a necklace of a Fire Ruby, and you could make the Spike Figure hold her with his tail, so he can be all King Kong-like.

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1329359305' post='5819566']
[spoiler=What tomiix said]Most of us love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic because of the tolerant, supportive and 20% cooler fanbase. For most of us it is a simple on-line little guilty pleasure. Many of us such of myself like to show our support for the show by buying pony toys that are really badly made, but we do it anyway, because we love what the show and it's community has done for us.

But then a recent event disgusted me.

I have talked before about trolls that are determined to ruin our fun. It is annoying but overall is harmless other then the loss of hours of creative work of videos within the rights of fair-use being taken down.

But what about actual physical harm.

MLP has gone beyond being just an internet meme and is now effecting us in real life in both positive and negative ways. I introduce you to an online friend who goes by SweetieBelle. Who will account to the awful experience he had buying a crappy toy to show support for his favourite awesome show.

Here is the message a 20 year old male brony sent me about his first experience buying a toy.

[i]"I was at wallmart buying a pony and two guys walk up to me and one hits me me down and the other takes my pony toy and opens it and pulls her head off and he hit me in the belly and called me a f** and that "I need to go die". After the beating a kind wallmart guy helped me up and I was so upset I went home and I cried and cried".[/i]

Are you having a good laugh now you a******s! 'he cried and cried'. You think that is funny? I don't believe in hell, but just because of this incident I want one to exist so that you guys can 'cry and cry' in the extremely warm comfort of painful eternal hellfire.

Leave us alone to enjoy our show and give financial support the creators, or else we will retaliate.... with ponies and an over the top ridiculous amount of them.[/spoiler]

Seriously. What kind of heartless devil spawn have survived this long?! I hope they were christian, and a serious one at that, because this is denying someone their right of freedom and happyness. This is a direct offense to god and the American society, and MUCH more than that. A whole community, too! If you are so heartless as to deny someone the right to be happy, hell doesn't even BEGIN to explain the bad things that should happen to them. Physical and emotional pain, What the hell is the matter with those b******s. So many quotes, so little time, oooh!

Anyways, how yall doin?

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[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1329367811' post='5819850']
I must have either horrible timing, or a horrible schedule.... people are sleeping already while I was catching up with the comments (I guess that's what happens when someone tries not to skip pages xD )

anyways.... I have to go to sleep myself anyways sooo.. see you all tomorrow :D . . . .

Oh and one word of advice.
STOP commenting about how inactive the club is.
People are busy, and we are actually the most active club.
At some point, the previous club I belonged to started having a small decrease in activity and half the people actually made conversations about how the club was less active and not the same as before... it eventually made more people bored of the place and leave for good, and the few ones remaining to develop drama.

I especially can't take much depressing-sounding stuff after having starved while waiting for 2 hours for someone that never came. In a rainy day. 2 hours of travel away from home.

ummm... I think I'll just get some rest.. I'm not very aware (if at all) of the gravity of the stuff I'm talking about...
Good night :3
That's actually true

But I basically summarized that in "we advanced 70 pages in 5 days" :'o

AKA: We're getting a bit less active, but we're still active as fux >>;;

Good mornin yall

And I wouldn't buy an MLP toy

Mostly cuz I'm 18

And too old for toys anyway .__.

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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1329395037' post='5820191']
That's actually true

But I basically summarized that in "we advanced 70 pages in 5 days" :'o

AKA: We're getting a bit less active, but we're still active as fux >>;;

Good mornin yall

And I wouldn't buy an MLP toy

Mostly cuz I'm 18

And too old for toys anyway .__.

No, you would ask a kid to go buy them for you instead ;D

Though it was embarrasing enough for me to buy a Pokemon Deck at target xD I don't think I have much hope on getting MLP stuff... unless I say something like "it's for my daughter's birthday" which would be a more embarrasing thing, and a lie.... oh what a world =P

Yes you summarized what I said, but I still wanted to emphasize it a little more for good measure :3

Good morning to you all ^-^
27 more pages remaining to the first goal~

Sploosh, is it me, or you have had at least 3 different sigs whithin the last 15 hours? xD

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sorry i missed alot it seems...but no one is too old for toys....its whay u do with em that make em childish or not...colecting isnt childish...

id buy 2 of each of the mane six....one to put up unopened and one to display openly.

and BP...i buy pokemon yugioh and mmtg n places that have bleach and narutoccg i may buy sum there....

i wear my colors proud, i am a card game inthusiast, well a game inthusiast and a brony...my fave is pinkie pie and everyone that hates on the bronies i simply say: "Haters gonna hate, skaters gonna skate, bomber gonna bomb, owners gonna own, and ponies are gonna pwn!"

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You know what would be pretty awesome?
Pack of the main 6, except....
Fluttershy from Best Night Ever
Discord'd Rairty + Tom
Twilight from Lesson Zero
Pinkie Pie from Party of One
Rainbow Dash wearing them sunglasses
And then a normal Applejack figure, with a button that makes her say "Forget you, I can eat all these apples!".

Sales -> Skyrocket

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1329409252' post='5820555']
You know what would be pretty awesome?
Pack of the main 6, except....
Fluttershy from Best Night Ever
Discord'd Rairty + Tom
Twilight from Lesson Zero
Pinkie Pie from Party of One
Rainbow Dash wearing them sunglasses
And then a normal Applejack figure, with a button that makes her say "Forget you, I can eat all these apples!".

Sales -> Skyrocket
I'll take 20.

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[quote name='Lilly Satou' timestamp='1329409601' post='5820563']
I'll take 20.[/quote]
No, seriously, Hasbro could very easily make episode-accurate figures, and all the Bronies would love it.
....Of course, the toys themselves are still bound by the target audience, which is why Celestia is pink.


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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1329409252' post='5820555']
You know what would be pretty awesome?
Pack of the main 6, except....
Fluttershy from Best Night Ever
Discord'd Rairty + Tom
Twilight from Lesson Zero
Pinkie Pie from Party of One
Rainbow Dash wearing them sunglasses
And then a normal Applejack figure, with a button that makes her say "Forget you, I can eat all these apples!".

Sales -> Skyrocket

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