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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='+Whambulance' timestamp='1329356655' post='5819412']
Issun, you're back! HEY! I'm back.

[spoiler=For Z-ONE][img]http://i42.tinypic.com/9zotqr.jpg[/img] And now you know what I do on a Wednesday.[/spoiler]
Everything requires a party, Wham. :3

[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1329357068' post='5819439']
I'm sorry...I really am...
Are you referring to me, Fluttershy?

Please don't apologize, it's all alright. ^^

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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1329357372' post='5819461']

I was lookin for an excuse to get sad today anyway

But it's fine

glad you're not mad..
Purposely trying to get sad?
That's a new one. I don't think I've ever heard of someone trying to do that.

But then, I've purposely tried to accentuate the negative on things, or purposely get angry, so I'm not one to talk

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1329357562' post='5819469']
Purposely trying to get sad?
That's a new one. I don't think I've ever heard of someone trying to do that.
*clammers up from death* Masochist, noun. [color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]a[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]person[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/color][color=#0055BB][font=verdana][size=1][left]who[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]finds[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]pleasure[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]in[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]self-denial,[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]submissiveness,[/left][/size][/font][/color][color=#333333][font=verdana][size=1][left]etc. *brick*[/left][/size][/font][/color]

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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1329358234' post='5819502']
I don't usually let out my emotions so I just let them out in mild-sized or large burts from time to time...


I'll be fine in the morning
[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1329358440' post='5819510']
Yeah, I'm like that sometime's too.
But a lot of the time, I just... eh, never mind.
You guys feel free to unload your emotions whenever you want too. You can even PM me if you feel like it.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1329358876' post='5819538']
Oh, I know, I just decided that I didn't want to say what I was going to say.
[/quote]but wai?

Regardless, I just noticed

My bedtime is at 11, but there IS a good part to that

YCum starts lag-bombing at 11 xD

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Most of us love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic because of the tolerant, supportive and 20% cooler fanbase. For most of us it is a simple on-line little guilty pleasure. Many of us such of myself like to show our support for the show by buying pony toys that are really badly made, but we do it anyway, because we love what the show and it's community has done for us.

But then a recent event disgusted me.

I have talked before about trolls that are determined to ruin our fun. It is annoying but overall is harmless other then the loss of hours of creative work of videos within the rights of fair-use being taken down.

But what about actual physical harm.

MLP has gone beyond being just an internet meme and is now effecting us in real life in both positive and negative ways. I introduce you to an online friend who goes by SweetieBelle. Who will account to the awful experience he had buying a crappy toy to show support for his favourite awesome show.

Here is the message a 20 year old male brony sent me about his first experience buying a toy.

[i]"I was at wallmart buying a pony and two guys walk up to me and one hits me me down and the other takes my pony toy and opens it and pulls her head off and he hit me in the belly and called me a f** and that "I need to go die". After the beating a kind wallmart guy helped me up and I was so upset I went home and I cried and cried".[/i]

Are you having a good laugh now you a******s! 'he cried and cried'. You think that is funny? I don't believe in hell, but just because of this incident I want one to exist so that you guys can 'cry and cry' in the extremely warm comfort of painful eternal hellfire.

Leave us alone to enjoy our show and give financial support the creators, or else we will retaliate.... with ponies and an over the top ridiculous amount of them.

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[quote name='+Whambulance' timestamp='1329359233' post='5819561']

*ahem* Gentleponies? A toast to FRIENDSHIPAND MAGIC! (yes this is really me. What'd y'all expect?)
Needs captions that say: "LIKE A BOSS!"

[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1329359281' post='5819564']
Oh yes, I'm certain.
It's nothing that's upseting me or anything like that, so it's not something I would talk over.
It's just a little detail that I'd like to keep to myself.
I believe you can tell us anything, Issun. But if you don't wanna talk about it, that's perfectly fine.

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1329359305' post='5819566']
Most of us love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic because of the tolerant, supportive and 20% cooler fanbase. For most of us it is a simple on-line little guilty pleasure. Many of us such of myself like to show our support for the show by buying pony toys that are really badly made, but we do it anyway, because we love what the show and it's community has done for us.

But then a recent event disgusted me.

I have talked before about trolls that are determined to ruin our fun. It is annoying but overall is harmless other then the loss of hours of creative work of videos within the rights of fair-use being taken down.

But what about actual physical harm.

MLP has gone beyond being just an internet meme and is now effecting us in real life in both positive and negative ways. I introduce you to an online friend who goes by SweetieBelle. Who will account to the awful experience he had buying a crappy toy to show support for his favourite awesome show.

Here is the message a 20 year old male brony sent me about his first experience buying a toy.

[i]"I was at wallmart buying a pony and two guys walk up to me and one hits me me down and the other takes my pony toy and opens it and pulls her head off and he hit me in the belly and called me a f** and that "I need to go die". After the beating a kind wallmart guy helped me up and I was so upset I went home and I cried and cried".[/i]

Are you having a good laugh now you a******s! 'he cried and cried'. You think that is funny? I don't believe in hell, but just because of this incident I want one to exist so that you guys can 'cry and cry' in the extremely warm comfort of painful eternal hellfire.

Leave us alone to enjoy our show and give financial support the creators, or else we will retaliate.... with ponies and an over the top ridiculous amount of them.

I swear, some people have no respect for anything that's popular. What if that poor man was buying it for a sickly child, or his own daughter? How would those muscle-bound ego-sapiens feel? Huh?! Sheesh! I oughta go out and buy some products in spite of myself! What a bunch of sickos! ARRRGH! I didn't know people hated the show that much!

thank me later :3

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The world would be better if those kinda bastards would just not exist

[quote name='+Whambulance' timestamp='1329359233' post='5819561']

*ahem* Gentleponies? A toast to FRIENDSHIPAND MAGIC! (yes this is really me. What'd y'all expect?)
Like a boss is right

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1329359305' post='5819566']
Most of us love My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic because of the tolerant, supportive and 20% cooler fanbase. For most of us it is a simple on-line little guilty pleasure. Many of us such of myself like to show our support for the show by buying pony toys that are really badly made, but we do it anyway, because we love what the show and it's community has done for us.

But then a recent event disgusted me.

I have talked before about trolls that are determined to ruin our fun. It is annoying but overall is harmless other then the loss of hours of creative work of videos within the rights of fair-use being taken down.

But what about actual physical harm.

MLP has gone beyond being just an internet meme and is now effecting us in real life in both positive and negative ways. I introduce you to an online friend who goes by SweetieBelle. Who will account to the awful experience he had buying a crappy toy to show support for his favourite awesome show.

Here is the message a 20 year old male brony sent me about his first experience buying a toy.

[i]"I was at wallmart buying a pony and two guys walk up to me and one hits me me down and the other takes my pony toy and opens it and pulls her head off and he hit me in the belly and called me a f** and that "I need to go die". After the beating a kind wallmart guy helped me up and I was so upset I went home and I cried and cried".[/i]

Are you having a good laugh now you a******s! 'he cried and cried'. You think that is funny? I don't believe in hell, but just because of this incident I want one to exist so that you guys can 'cry and cry' in the extremely warm comfort of painful eternal hellfire.

Leave us alone to enjoy our show and give financial support the creators, or else we will retaliate.... with ponies and an over the top ridiculous amount of them.
I mean no offense, but that is some poor grammar for a 20 year old. Just sayin. :I

That is simply awful. Unfortunately, we have to live in a world with horrible people. I hope they got charged for assault.

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This is why its better to be an [i]employee[/i] at Wall Mart, and then buy things behind the counter, in total secret.
That, and you because you can get first dibs on all the incoming deliveries.

...Ok, serious time: Why the hell would haters go to such an extreme as to harass IRL MLP fans? Hell not even Otakus/weeaboos(Who are basically the same) get that kind of treatment. That's just flat-out idiotic :/

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1329361875' post='5819676']
Some people...
Some people don't deserve to exist.
I'll leave it at that.

[quote name='Great&PowerfulTrixie' timestamp='1329361964' post='5819681']
.......its a shame...there are some people id rather not love or tolerate...and its ones like those....
I can't love and tolerate someone who beats on someone for BUYING A TOY .__.

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