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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Ζ-ONE' timestamp='1328984746' post='5810667']
The Elements of Harmory were probably founded and gave them immortality when facing against Discord. But according to time.

Discord Reign-->Ponyville founded
That still doesn't explain them being 2 of only 3 known Alicorns in the world.
Obviously Alicorns are special.

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Didn't know they specified

But then again, Ponyville's founding and Discord's reign don't have much in common

and goddamn I cannot stop listening to The Perfect Stallion .-.

I DO feel the most prominent CMC this time around was Sweetie Belle tho, she seemed to have a bigger musical, and non-musical role, all around.

oh, and ready for skype call

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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1328984886' post='5810671']

Didn't know they specified

But then again, Ponyville's founding and Discord's reign don't have much in common

and goddamn I cannot stop listening to The Perfect Stallion .-.

I DO feel the most prominent CMC this time around was Sweetie Belle tho, she seemed to have a bigger musical, and non-musical role, all around.
Well DUH.
Scootaloo's probably not the best pony to handle Love, and neither is Applebloom, for different reasons.
Sweetie Bell on the other hoof...

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I don't think the book hints at the kingdoms of that prince and princess. I mean, The book DOES mention the antidote.

Also, I think odd that being a magic potion, the ingredients are 100% stuff only a pegasus can get. Funny since unicorns are supposed to be the ones doing the magicz.

Oh, and I thought everyone left for over an hour because of some awkward after effect of my post.....

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They were probably gifted it at birth as a special birth defect. I guess is that they were young and had no potential to rule, but they did their jobs as moving the sun and moon.

And I find it funny the book actually had the recipe for the poison that torn the down the kingdom. Since Pegasi are related to Cupid or something, it may be the cause.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1328984979' post='5810673']
Well DUH.
Scootaloo's probably not the best pony to handle Love, and neither is Applebloom, for different reasons.
Sweetie Bell on the other hoof...
..true xD
Tho I DO say, Apple Bloom is a good singer
Just not AS good as Sweetie Belle



[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1328984997' post='5810676']
I don't think the book hints at the kingdoms of that prince and princess. I mean, The book DOES mention the antidote.

Also, I think odd that being a magic potion, the ingredients are 100% stuff only a pegasus can get. Funny since unicorns are supposed to be the ones doing the magicz.

Oh, and I thought everyone left for over an hour because of some awkward after effect of my post.....
Not at all D:

I just had to go help my sister with portuguese homework ^^''

aaand my internet stopped working for a bit anyway :'o

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[quote name='Ζ-ONE' timestamp='1328985171' post='5810679']
They were probably gifted it at birth as a special birth defect. I guess is that they were young and had no potential to rule, but they did their jobs as moving the sun and moon.

And I find it funny the book actually had the recipe for the poison that torn the down the kingdom.[b] Since Pegasi are related to Cupid[/b] or something, it may be the cause.
That is so misaimed I almost vomited out my eyeballs.

[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1328985199' post='5810681']
..true xD
Tho I DO say, Apple Bloom is a good singer
Just not AS good as Sweetie Belle


Because the CMC's are blind as moles.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1328985265' post='5810683']
Because the CMC's are blind as moles.
[/quote]I wuved them in this episode <3

Oh, and it IS funny how all the items are easy for pegasus to get.

....but I never noticed

That Scootaloo couldn't fly O_o

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Well, I guess that was a stupid theory :/

But every new episode pieces a history of Equestria, so we add more later.

[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1328985344' post='5810685']
I wuved them in this episode <3

Oh, and it IS funny how all the items are easy for pegasus to get.

....but I never noticed

That Scootaloo couldn't fly O_o

Of course not. At a young age, she's not used to her wings flying yet. Like Sweetie Belle, she cannot use magic. Until they come of age.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1328985445' post='5810689']
Also, she probably weighs to much in proportion to her wing power.
Admittedly so

[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1328985438' post='5810688']
I always thought that Pegasus was born from Medusa's blood after being beheaded, or something like that.... don't really know much.
Yes... Cupid ;D
If they were related to cupids

ít would be hilarious

Cuz Scootaloo is apparently the least love-smart there

btw, Rarity sounds like a slightly british Pinkie here


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[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1328985893' post='5810700']
Oh random picture time:
Applejack looks annoyed


jeeealous?- *shot*

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Weeeelll I've seen cases where family get's jealous, be it a father, brother, or cousin.... at least in the TV.
and Big Mac DID cry when Applejack left in that other episode, so I should take it that they are pretty close.

did anyone see Derpy in the last few episodes? I know I didn't....

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[quote name='Berry Punch~' timestamp='1328986102' post='5810713']
Weeeelll I've seen cases where family get's jealous, be it a father, brother, or cousin.... at least in the TV.
and Big Mac DID cry when Applejack left in that other episode, so I should take it that they are pretty close.

did anyone see Derpy in the last few episodes? I know I didn't....
[s]I just support ApplejackxBigMac[/s]

They DO seem to be close, regardless

Oh, and she was talking to Doctor Whooves on the right bridge during the zoom-out in the beginning of the song of the new episode :'o

[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1328986110' post='5810715']
Back again. I've done all sorts of chores and stuff so I should be good. You guys started yet?
Get on skype

Then issun will

And it can be me, you, Issun, and Wolfy at first

We can add people as they come along~

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