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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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But Spike doesn't actually grow wings himself. In the episode where he becomes greedy, he grows into a fully mature dragon without wings.

I can see it being a recessive trait though.


[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1327897604' post='5789104']
I drop in, see actual convo, and skip it all


Anyway, goodnight everypony, have sweet, non-perverted dreams~
Good night Fluttershy~

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*Obligatory post about how I missed [X amount] of pages*
I would tell you guys why Albert's(Albert's hair is more red then pink, btw....) theme reminds me of Pinkie Pie, but its a little idiotic, so I'll skip it.
Oh, and my internet is working on my laptop, so I'm now [i]actually[/i] watching the latest episode.

I still find it rather amusing how, althought its clearly not an alchoholic beverage, its impplied that it is.
Srsly, Cider isnt foamy like that, and Pinkie Pie [i]CLLEARLY[/i] isnt getting her "fix" by buying like 8-12 mugs of it.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327897775' post='5789110']
Goodnight, CS/FS/Sploosh.

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1327897813' post='5789113']
I still find it rather amusing how, althought its clearly not an alchoholic beverage, its impplied that it is.
Srsly, Cider isnt foamy like that, and Pinkie Pie [i]CLLEARLY[/i] isnt getting her "fix" by buying like 8-12 mugs of it.
I honestly saw it as apple juice the whole time. I didn't even relate it to alcohol. ._.

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(They were wooden. shoosh)

And not [i]all[/i] cider is alchoholic. I, myself, love apple cider(non-alchoholic, of course).

Also, guys, dragons dont need wings to fly.
Western Dragons(THE ONES WITH THE MUSTACHE) can fly, and they basically slither through the air.
Plus, if Spike [i]could[/i] fly, it would defeat the purpose of his character [i]and[/i] ruin the whole King-Kong asppect of Secret of my Excess.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327898007' post='5789122']
Chere Sploosh. Duh.
Dat makes sense. Your fancy speak can confuse me sometimes~ =3

Idk why, but I just never related it to alcohol. Probably because my sister drinks apple cider(the non alcoholic kind) all the time.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1327898290' post='5789128']
(They were wooden. shoosh)

And not [i]all[/i] cider is alchoholic. I, myself, love apple cider(non-alchoholic, of course).

Also, guys, dragons dont need wings to fly.
Western Dragons(THE ONES WITH THE MUSTACHE) can fly, and they basically slither through the air.
Plus, if Spike [i]could[/i] fly, it would defeat the purpose of his character [i]and[/i] ruin the whole King-Kong asppect of Secret of my Excess.
Those are Eastern Dragons, silly.
They fly with Magic, and they're serpents.
Western Dragons are the Big Ones that flying with wings.
Spike is a Western Dragon, because he's not a serpent, so therefor, Wings are a recessive trait that skipped his generation.

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Alright, at least this time I can understand being confused.
We had a really long discussion about nothing important, and then we started talking about the RP for a little, which you still haven't looked at, PP, and now Arma brought up the fact that the Apple-Cider is beer.
We're also discussing how Shadow Wing is Spike and Rarity's son, and all that.

Night, Renji.
I'll be heading off soon to, but I'll stay on a bit longer.

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Its not much that wings are recesesive, its just.... Spike is comic relief. So if he had wings, he wouldnt fall over/down so much, as he would just catch himself all the time, and it wouldnt be as funny.

Also, did anyone else catch this?:
Maybe I'm just over analying things again, but ehh... What else is new >___>

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1327899249' post='5789143']
Its not much that wings are recesesive, its just.... Spike is comic relief. So if he had wings, he wouldnt fall over/down so much, as he would just catch himself all the time, and it wouldnt be as funny.

Also, did anyone else catch this?:
Maybe I'm just over analying things again, but ehh... What else is new >___>
Well yeah, that's the Development Logic for it, but we're using Show Logic.
We also need reasoning for why Shadow Wing has dragon wings.

[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1327899550' post='5789147']
I forgot how amusing Oran was, whos idea was this?
I think it was FS's, but she was kinda joking... then we decided it was actually a good idea.

[quote name='Pinkamena Diane Pie' timestamp='1327899552' post='5789148']
The new episode:

Fluttershy sleeps in the nude, everyone is drunk, and technology is ether more advanced or stone age, depending on what the writers decide.
The Flimflam Brothers Super Speed Cider Squeezy 6000 was obviously meant to be something that was completely advanced to Ponyville.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327899693' post='5789149']
Well yeah, that's the Development Logic for it, but we're using Show Logic.
We also need reasoning for why Shadow Wing has dragon wings.

I think it was FS's, but she was kinda joking... then we decided it was actually a good idea.

The Flimflam Brothers Super Speed Cider Squeezy 6000 was obviously meant to be something that was completely advanced to Ponyville.

So PV is slow with tech? Poor, poor saps.

Only DJs, and no lightbulbs.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327899693' post='5789149']
Well yeah, that's the Development Logic for it, but we're using Show Logic.[/quote]
Nice Dashface, there...

[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327899693' post='5789149']We also need reasoning for why [b]Shadow Wing[/b] has dragon wings.[/quote]
Non-canon character. Sorry, cant help you.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1327900290' post='5789160']

Non-canon character. Sorry, cant help you.

You deserve this, for posting that image.


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