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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327866128' post='5787899']
Why does that surprise you?
There's only so much voice talent in the world.
There's lots of voice talent, silly~

tho...there are the bleh ones :3


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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1327865387' post='5787870']
Also the fact he shares a voice with Double D makes me like him 10% more :3[/quote]
Yea, it took me a minute to realize that the difference between Kicker and Double-D, is the fact Double-D has a nasiely(w/e) voice, sorta' like Tara Strong when she does her Timmy(And Twilight tends to crack into) voice.

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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1327867252' post='5787973']
Love the banner Fluttershy~ <3

And I can't believe that Flim is Double D, and Flam is Hohenheim. Dat's just awesome.


Since we're talkin Vic and Hohenheim and stuff just thought I'd post this


he sounds a lot like Vic o-o

And he's my fav fandubber :'D

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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1327868457' post='5788038']
I've always loved that song, and hearing it in english with a Vic sounding dubber, oh it's just soo awesome~ <3
Inorite? <3

It's such a beautiful song x33

I..actually never finished reading FMA, got to around Fort Briggs...


*goes finish* :'D

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[quote name='Sploosh' timestamp='1327868546' post='5788044']
Inorite? <3

It's such a beautiful song x33

I..actually never finished reading FMA, got to around Fort Briggs...


*goes finish* :'D

Good luck with that, the last chapter is well over 100 pages long xD

Oh FMA.... that sure brings back memories :3


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@AJ - I read over 100 chapters of a manga in a day once


[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1327868843' post='5788061']
I've never read the manga, but I've watched every episode in both series.

Easily my 2nd favorite anime of all time. =3
I watched all the episodes in the first, but I know the manga is different from an early point than the first anime

So I readin it :'D

My favorite anime ever was Clannad tho (one of the funniest, and THE saddest anime I've ever seen)

But FMA is likely in my top 10-15 manga~

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1327869171' post='5788078']
I don't read much manga or watch much anime...
But my favorite anime... Ouran.
*high fives*

Ouran was my 3rd favorite anime for a long while

So now I feel obligated to continue posting Shadowlink-related-to-topic


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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1327869377' post='5788091']
Issun, if you ever get into watching anime, I seriously recommend FMA: Brotherhood. It has wonderful characters, a touching plot, and epic moments. ='D
It has basically anything you can want

Same for One Piece

Sadly, FMA art is far superior to One Piece XD


...actually...Issun kinda sounds like Shadowlink

...so Issun can sound like Vic Mignona?

holy sh*t :'D

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