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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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They said I could be anything so I became a bunny that hops over buckets?

That being said, hi Renji-kun :'D

You're just in time for



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[quote name='~Fluttershy~' timestamp='1326825523' post='5768534']
And I bet you can get lots of reaction shots from the Galloping Gala episode (episodes?) :'o[/quote]
But Fluttershy's infamous "YOUR GOING TO LOVE ME!!" has been done 500 times over O,o

[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1326826145' post='5768539']
The images you make are always so fitting, Arma. :3[/quote]
Its actually not that hard to make them, realy...
Except I alwasy try to be clever in some way.

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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1326827518' post='5768555']
Your videos are always so amazing Fluttershy. The effects are good and the music is touching. =3

I especially love this one since it's SpikeXRarity~


And the next one is a bit lulzy cuz it's Raibow DashxEverypony

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1326827126' post='5768551']
But Fluttershy's infamous "YOUR GOING TO LOVE ME!!" has been done 500 times over O,o

I'm sure there are more reactions from her :'o

Imagine all the ones she makes when being mad at the animals in the beginning for not loving her, and starts chasing them xD

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[quote name='~Fluttershy~' timestamp='1326827691' post='5768558']


And the next one is a bit lulzy cuz it's Raibow DashxEverypony

I'm sure there are more reactions from her :'o

Imagine all the ones she makes when being mad at the animals in the beginning for not loving her, and starts chasing them xD
Please don't make rainbow into a slut
I just read a beautiful fan-fiction about her becoming a mother to Scootaloo, don't ruin this pureness of rainbow for me TT.TT

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[quote name='Rapidfire' timestamp='1326836647' post='5768707']
haha well i feel bad for rainbow dash ....she is gonna be a playah ...XD
If Soundless Voice made people like Dashie more, Spice miiight make them frown at her a bit xD

But it's just such a sexeh song~

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[quote name='Rapidfire' timestamp='1326837011' post='5768716']
haha yah i actually like it ........ur gonna ruin it for me [with the new song ].
Then I'll make up for it with another touching Rainbow Dash song in the future :'D

[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326837493' post='5768727']
Hey look, my computer didn't Blue Screen this time.
Anyway, I'm back, I'll watch the video in a bit.
yaaay :'D

Hi Issu-kun~ *hugs*

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Yeah, just finished it.
I loved it, like always.

Oh, and I remembered something I was gonna ask you guys.
We're building shelves in Industrial Technology around now, but we need a design, and I can't decide between the Kanji for Heaven, and RD's cutie mark.
I like both, and having RD's cutie mark would be awesome, but having to explain it and everything might be a bit strange, y'know?
So what do you guys think?

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[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1326838383' post='5768743']
I think either one sounds nice. I personally would go with the Kanji, since I wouldn't want to confess my broniness.

But that's just me. If you're willing to, then I say dash it up. :3
Wimp >:T

But no, I think you should go with Dashie's cutie mark

I'm not afraid of my pony-addiction, and neither should you, Issu-kun~

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