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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Yeah, hes trying to sell the Baby Ponies, but no one is buying. I suggested tatooing there flanks, but he didn't like the idea very much.

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1326518861' post='5763617']
[url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/user/539882-stewartisme42/"]MY SPIDEY SENSE IS TINGLING![/url]
....No, I'm not going to do that whenever YCM gets a new member, and his/her avi is an MLP image.
Lol nice find, you should invite him.

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Since were [i]somewhat[/i] discussing .gif images, KYM just had to go out of its way and make me laugh my ass off:
The odd thing about this gif, that I just noticed, is why isn't Fluttershy driving?

[quote name='CM Renji' timestamp='1326522187' post='5763664']
I've looked at the gif a few times and I don't see a-[/quote]
*Goes over to GTM to look for that image someone posted*
*Finds it, and posts it here*
You have to look closely, and his Cutie Mark is actually a knife.
...At least that's what were speculating, as it doesn't look like anything else.

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Well yea, but a [i]knife?[/i]
It just seems really awkward.

Oh, and that guy's account I mention earlier....
[quote name='stewartisme42' timestamp='1326517117' post='5763555']
HE KNOWS HOW TO USE GOOGLE, AND PERHAPS A LITTLE TOO WELL(Or he might have drew this. I don't know yet O,o)
No seriously, the topic in which he posted this, has other cards like this.
Parasprites as Maxx "C" made me LOL

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That Gorz the Emissary of [s]Pie[/s] Darkness

Is smex

Anyone haz thread link? :'D

And I DO find it funny how he actually has a knife for a Cutie Mark when this is a kid's show.

See 4Kids?

This is a knife.

In a kid's show

And no one's foaming in the mouth about it

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[quote name='Tomiix' timestamp='1326551447' post='5763840']

[indent=1]Don't get me started on 4kids. I absolutly hate them.[/indent]

If he made that. He is god.


And I don't HATE 4Kids

I mean...they ARE FOR kids, so they have to make it child-friendly

It annoys me when they edit footage from the show tho, like invisible guns, or turning Japanese writing into squiggles

I love their openings, tho, even if they get a bit old when used for like 3-4 seasons >>;;

Oooh, and I finished the video I was workin on that is part 2 of the story of Soundless Voice :'D

Gonna upload it now x3

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326554065' post='5763887']
On the television, right now.
Oh, and apperantly Mr. Cakes great great great great great grandfather was a Pegasus (Recessive genes, you know) and Mrs. Cakes Great Second Aunt Twice Removed or something like that was a Unicorn.
...wow, that's weird

And I actually need to WAIT for it to be on the net


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I don't think Pinkie is related to the Cakes though.
She just lives in an apartment that's apart of Sugar Cube Corner.
Or something.

Oh and apparently, these kids a f***ing prodigies! The Pegasus can already FLY even though he's only a month old, and the Unicorn can already use Levitation, cause HERSELF to levitate, and make things INTANGIBLE.

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