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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='~WULF~' timestamp='1326493567' post='5762833']
Am I really that funny...? All caps...? Is that good or bad, cause I wasn't even trying 0_o
it's good xD

lol means I find you amusing
xD means you made me laugh/giggle
LOL means you made me go "BWAHAHA XD"

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[quote name='~Fluttershy~' timestamp='1326493768' post='5762843']
it's good xD

lol means I find you amusing
xD means you made me laugh/giggle
LOL means you made me go "BWAHAHA XD"

ok...so its good...wait...

Ooh, ooh! *Raises hand* Does that count as a combination of all three?!

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[quote name='Tomiix' timestamp='1326493786' post='5762845']
Yeah Flutter seems to really enjoy your posts ;)

Yeah, Fluttershy really does like my posts... :wub:

[quote name='~Fluttershy~' timestamp='1326493875' post='5762850']
I enjoy everything about him :'D

Cuz he's Wolfy, and he's awesome~

I'm...that enjoyable...? Again, I have that much power0_o...? Thank you, Fluttershy, Thank you

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[quote name='~WULF~' timestamp='1326494040' post='5762856']
Yeah, Fluttershy really does like my posts... :wub:

I'm...that enjoyable...? Again, I have that much power0_o...? Thank you, Fluttershy, Thank you

See what your doing, your feeding wulfy a superiority complex. BAD WULFY! *tries to be seiouse* Aww how can I? *Pets the wittle wulfy*

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[quote name='Tomiix' timestamp='1326494193' post='5762863']
See what your doing, your feeding wulfy a superiority complex. BAD WULFY! *tries to be seiouse* Aww how can I? *Pets the wittle wulfy*

I'd much rather use that power for my friends, anyway... Thanks for the petting...

[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326494208' post='5762864']
Yeah, you are a pretty awesome guy, even in my opinion.
[color=#ffffff]​Must. Ignore. Jealousy.[/color]

*sniff* Awww, thanks guys! Hugs and brohoofs for everypony here! /)*(\
I...am really happy right now...

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[quote name='~WULF~' timestamp='1326494479' post='5762873']
I'd much rather use that power for my friends, anyway... Thanks for the petting...

*sniff* Awww, thanks guys! Hugs and brohoofs for everypony here! /)*(\
I...am really happy right now...
Lolpetting xDD

And yay, Wolfy's happy :'D


...for some reason this reminded me of the fact I see Issu-kun as someone who'd enjoy that kind of 70s pop music that no one in our generation seems to listen to :'o

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[quote name='~Fluttershy~' timestamp='1326494868' post='5762881']
Lolpetting xDD

And yay, Wolfy's happy :'D


...for some reason this reminded me of the fact I see Issu-kun as someone who'd enjoy that kind of 70s pop music that no one in our generation seems to listen to :'o

Yeah...Oh, hai, I almost forgot! The new shipment came in!

[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326494208' post='5762864']
Yeah, you are a pretty awesome guy, even in my opinion.
[color=#ffffff]​Must. Ignore. Jealousy.[/color]

I almost forgot this, too. No need to feel jealous, I think your cool, too. You're all cool. And, Issun, aren't you one of the first bronies I met?

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326495040' post='5762886']
What gives you that impression?
Not that it's entirely wrong, I mean, minus the pop part, but I'm curious.
[/quote]....cuz...idk :'o

you seem old-fashioned

Which, considering our generation, is actually a good thing, most likely.

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326495230' post='5762892']
Yeah, I think I was, and thanks.

I guess that makes sense, Fluttershy. Though 70s pop is a little off... it's more so 60s.
Specifically 60s rock. [size=2][color=#FFFFFF]Specifically the Beach Boys.[/color][/size]
Yay :'D

Even more old-fashioned than I thought~


[quote name='~WULF~' timestamp='1326495080' post='5762888']
Yeah...Oh, hai, I almost forgot! The new shipment came in!

Sllly, you can't drink anymore, and neither can I :'D

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[quote name='~WULF~' timestamp='1326492206' post='5762790']
Youve been bullied too? If its verbal, just ignore it. Eventually they will get tired and stop. If its physical, I'd suggest getting a teacher and being near one at almost all times. Never lose your dignity...no matter what you do.

Are you sure? Sometimes I can give some good advice.

Oh, you poor soul... :'( If you [i]ever [/i]want to talk about it, I'm here for you.
I know...

I've only told RD, sis, and TS.
[quote name='~Fluttershy~' timestamp='1326492433' post='5762795']
Totally off topic...but


this reminded me of the time we were discussing whether an episode like Fluttershy joining the Wonderbolts would be kewl

I was going to put that... I just couldn't find it...

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[quote name='~WULF~' timestamp='1326497204' post='5762928']
I'm still here, renji
I see you Wulf. =D

It's just that I missed like 2 pages of pony chat.. this saddens me. D:


[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326497323' post='5762935']
We're sorry Renji.
We'll try to use most of our awesomeness when you're still here.
Oh, you guys be awesome when you feel like, and I'll make sure to be here. =3

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[quote name='Pinkamena Diane Pie' timestamp='1326497240' post='5762931']
I know...
I've only told RD, sis, and TS.

Well, Im [i]always [/i]here if you ever need me.....This applies to everyone here.

[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326497323' post='5762935']
We're sorry Renji.
We'll try to use most of our awesomeness when you're still here.

According to you guys, my pure awesomeness is always seeping out...and I will spread it out with you all. Cause your all my friends

EDIT: btw, I have to go now. I'll be back on later, k?

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[quote name='-Zecora-' timestamp='1326497835' post='5762955']
Alright, seeya Wulf.

Twilight, that was not a very nice thing to say!
Er... It was nice to Pinkie, I guess, but you know what I mean.

Well Wolfy is still new, so I guess that makes sense

But who prefers Pinkie over ANYONE?

...okay that was a mean joke forgive me ;_;

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