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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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I haven't memorized it

But I've memorized the opening

My little pony, my little pony
My little pony~
I used to wonder what friendship could be~
My little pony~
Until you all shared it's magic with m-

K, I'm done :'D

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I like the very beginning only because it's like...they MEANT to make it so that we realize this show is totally different from the pretty prancing ponies that the other shows had a reputation of being, by changing the theme to be more upbeat

So I'm glad those first few seconds are there

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1322798165' post='5679951']
As we've discussed in this thread before, most of the main theme isn't bad, it's actually pretty good, but the first few seconds are painful to listen to.
As for the other songs, they're all pretty good, [b]the ones with Rainbow Dash in them.[/b]

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[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1322787665' post='5679326']
Well, I made two pokemon sigs today D:
Can I use the Ho-Oh one please?

I love Ho-Oh. I worked for a week to find a shiny one, and get it too 100.
[quote name='Guardian Ceal' timestamp='1322788536' post='5679371']
GUMMY.[color=#ffffff] CAPTAIN GUMMY O HARE[/color]

SOON Gum... SOON...

I need an image..

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1322799004' post='5679974']
She really does have an awesome voice, doesn't she?
[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1322799004' post='5679974']
She really does have an awesome voice, doesn't she?
Then again

All their voices are awesome and unique

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1322803271' post='5680148']
What... The hell.. did I just find....

Look, we all know Batman has a pie-eating obsession....
Admit it, you laughed,

I am SO glad I'm meant to be up right now..

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Alright, so that .gif I found was a bit much.
I can make up for it with this other image I found:
It looks shopped, but it's still really amazing.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1322806290' post='5680220']
Alright, so that .gif I found was a bit much.
I can make up for it with this other image I found:
It looks shopped, but it's still really amazing.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1322803271' post='5680148']
What... The hell.. did I just find....

Look, we all know Batman has a pie-eating obsession....
Admit it, you laughed,

[quote name='Daemon' timestamp='1322826340' post='5680333']
[img]http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s320x320/387252_250540445005273_100001479582091_697249_42730878_n.jpg[/img] The second sexiest pony evar.

And the sexiest is obviously Rarity, right? :'D

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