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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1321212771' post='5638001']
Still, voting isn't the only thing that decides the mod. The mods will still discuss it among themselves before the guy is chosen, and I doubt very many people would vote for someone who'd be bad anyway. Besides, I can't think of a single person who'd be good for the job.
Iirc Fusion wasn't even the top vote for mod. The mods just decided he was the best qualified out of the top 3 voted.

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[quote name='Twilight Sparkle' timestamp='1321213243' post='5638033']
There's always an importance in voting. It's just that when you can't decide between a sh*t sandwich and a giant turd that you should probably not vote.

i know that south park reference :D

:T i dont even vote for president because by the time it comes time to vote its clear who the winner will be (the black one or the woman or something "different")

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Okay, I can't post what I was going to post.

A 15 quote post. So I'll make it as small as I can:

Your not Pinkie Pie, I am.

I love that Cupcakes poster.

Marble, are you a brony?

I'm voting those people for good reasons.

Rainbow, *Cupcakes Image Gif of PDP here*

You'll die if someone will post one.

And Issun, I would.

Or Arma, or Tenta, or TS.

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[quote name='Guardian Ceal' timestamp='1321221100' post='5638636']
Actually all you have to do is lock topics and give ridiculously long warning messages.
One of the ones Pika sent me was 50+ words ~><
Do you really think that's it? Have you seen some of the topics mods have had to purge? Marble once locked a topic in the Deck section because people kept feeding the troll while he was trying to purge the topic.

Plus you actually have to decide if the topic needs to be locked or not.

Oh and guys, Issun doesn't have to vote if he doesn't want to. I'm not voting either so lay off.

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Pretty funny what the fan-base can can come up with, from a simple episode:

Also, I fell in love with this image:

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[spoiler=Speaking of Pokémon...]


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