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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Why do I suddenly get the feeling they are going to use Spike to fill the gap for Rarity, and use the Elements-
>Elements destroyed, remember, Arm?
Hmmm.... Good question.... How to save Rarity.....

Anyway, KYM was being all Samurai Jack:
Jack shouldn't be a pony; He makes it look too adorable and it's giving me diabetes.

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Samurai Jack looks kind of weird as a Pony, I don't know it might just be me, though I tend to find that a lot of ponified characters look weird, maybe it's just because I'm not used to seeing the characters as ponies.

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The thing I never understood is why most humanized ponies have a pale coat.

It doesn't look good.

It doesn't look normal.

Most ponies don't have that color of coat.

Choose a color that works for that character.

For example, I once saw an Edward Elric pony that had human-skin colored coat, but wore a red coat. No, you don't do that. You just make the actual hair covering his body red. That makes so much more sense!

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Some stuff~
[spoiler=Spike + Laptop]
[spoiler=This is the most awkward ship I have ever seen]
[spoiler=Brace yourself]
[spoiler=And Robotnik]
[spoiler=Fair warning]
[spoiler=Last chance, turn back now]
[spoiler=I warned you]

.....Only really posted this, cuz I thought it was silly.
Still, its.... I don't even know.[/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler]

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That actually reminded me.

It didn't occur to me until yesterday how... nonsensical the ship of Berry Punch and Colgate is.

I get Vinyl and Octavia, they're both music ponies. I sorta understand how people stretch Lyra and Bonbon, because they're always in the same shots together.

But let's think about this.

Berry Punch, aside from being an alcoholic pony, is a type of fruit juice. Colgate is toothpaste. If you brush your teeth, then drink fruit juice, it's going to taste FUCKING HORRIBLE. I don't know if that's the joke the fans were going for, or if they just didn't realize that.

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It's one of the less popular ones, but nobody ships them with anyone else, so, y'know.


Personally, I'm really not a fan of most ships to begin with, and I'm not really into the fanon much.

The only exception I make is things related to Doctor Whooves, because I find the fanon around him to be the most interesting.

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It's one of the less popular ones, but nobody ships them with anyone else, so, y'know.


Personally, I'm really not a fan of most ships to begin with, and I'm not really into the fanon much.

The only exception I make is things related to Doctor Whooves, because I find the fanon around him to be the most interesting.


Eh I dislike ships as well though the only exception that I make is Vinyl x Octavia, because I think that their largely different tastes in music would make them cute with each other.

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Had some slight laptop issues, so that's why I didn't make a post here yesterday.
Anyway, found this pretty amusing:
I've seen a ponified Batman+Robin version of this meme, but never a full fledged version with different MLP characters O,o
[spoiler=Casual discord]
[spoiler=IDW cover featuring Big Mac]

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And probably all of you already saw this



I just saw that not too long ago, it was pretty awesome,, Octavia really can kick changeling ass for sure

but anyways I found a pic of Scootaloo being all metal, I'm gonna start calling her Metaloo when she's portrayed as a metalhead


I'm probably the only one here who loves this image

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Speaking of that potential Season 4 footage, .gif version:
Funny thing is, I could totally see them doing this.
what with Twilight learning how to fly and all.
I mean, I would have trouble flying too if my wings were larger then my body.

Anyway, here's Fluttershy as Yoshi:
And randomly, Twilight Prime:

Also as far as my Avatar goes... I'll look for another Spike-related image later.

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Better than MLP Party.

The most friendship destroying game in existence in a show all about friendship.


Mario Party is not quite Dokapon Kingdom level of friendship-destroying, yes?




Gregor's siblings once have falling out for year or so because of game.

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