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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Don't mess with dwarves.


Okay, my story. Our group of vikings wanted to attack this Frankfish flying castle, I used a series of tree-a-pults to get us up there (I could summon them in midair). How we got off, well, the boss of the area was this Frankish Paladin, super tough. He was kicking our ass, so one of our guys who had harpoons attached to his wrist attached one to the paladin and another to a portion of the bridge of the ship part of the castle, and jumped out the window, taking the paladin with him. The paladin fell into the rotary blades that were keeping the castle flying, but it didn't really kill him so he began to climb back up the harpoon line, still attached to our guy's hand. So we had someone drag the guy back up, and then chop off his hand (he got a new one later), having the paladin fall once again into the rotary blades. This time he got turned into red mist, but he kind of broke the blades so the flying castle stopped flying and we crash landed in the ocean.


Fun times.

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I think we will be moved to Clubs and Organizations if we don't stay on topic.


I wish I had a RP group around. Not online because in other countries they don't have certain natural substances that are legal in my country but not everywhere. Without that, the humor would not be the same, it's a cultural thing.

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Wow, Twilight's good at destroying campaigns.

[spoiler=I'm reposting it here]
Although, I liked Newbiespud's comment:

Don't worry, this session won't be coming to an abrupt stop. It's just going to drift away from Swarm of the Century...

Actually, I did have this whole episode planned out as an arc. See, the Parasprite Swarm wouldn't do very much damage at all to the PCs, but instead they'd have an ability where they'd drain the players' healing surges - their ability TO be healed - along with interfering with their rest and gobbling up all the food. Pinkie Pie's search for the instruments would be interpreted as her character "taking 20" on her complex Streetwise task, which the other characters would consider to be too long to do and therefore too risky, instead favoring a more direct approach. Fluttershy would've kept one parasprite because she wasn't quite savvy enough to realize that they reproduced asexually.

But then I thought it'd be funnier if Twilight derailed the whole thing.

Last minute change... Heh....
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More news on Mane6/Fighting is Magic.

They released shillouettes of three characters that are going to be in the game.




As you may be able to make out, from left to right, that's a Llama (Or maybe an Alpaca), a buffalo, and a deer.

So, still going with the whole "Four-legged creatures" thing, so as not to too greatly change the system, but mostly non-ponies.


Similar news, we don't have to worry about engine problems -  The Skullgirls team is giving Mane6 their engine. For free. No big deal.

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More news on Mane6/Fighting is Magic.

They released shillouettes of three characters that are going to be in the game.




As you may be able to make out, from left to right, that's a Llama (Or maybe an Alpaca), a buffalo, and a deer.

So, still going with the whole "Four-legged creatures" thing, so as not to too greatly change the system, but mostly non-ponies.


Similar news, we don't have to worry about engine problems -  The Skullgirls team is giving Mane6 their engine. For free. No big deal.


is it just me, or they look more like silouettes of new Pokemone in Gen VI?

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*Didn't click the silhouettes from my earlier post*
Pretty much as soon as the game finally sees the light of day- Someone is going to jump at the chance to release a mod for it that turns it back into it's proper game.
Regardless, were all still patiently awaiting it's release =D

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More news on Mane6/Fighting is Magic.

They released shillouettes of three characters that are going to be in the game.




As you may be able to make out, from left to right, that's a Llama (Or maybe an Alpaca), a buffalo, and a deer.

So, still going with the whole "Four-legged creatures" thing, so as not to too greatly change the system, but mostly non-ponies.


Similar news, we don't have to worry about engine problems -  The Skullgirls team is giving Mane6 their engine. For free. No big deal.


Damn they look like Pokemon, but still this could be interesting. Is it a sin that I had never heard of Fighting Is Magic until they got shut down by copyright claims

That Hot-blooded Pinkie is always such a case.


And now I want that Derpy card for all my yugioh token needs. The fact that, again, a name is not included, reminds me of back when she was first censored.



The logic of the suburban at-home moms who complain about offensive things in TV shows

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Pinkie's voice is annoying in every language, I suppose. Makes sense, really.


FINALLY someone else who thinks that Pinkie's voice is so damn annoying,I just can't stand it at all, though I'll admit that she sounds alright in Japanese.

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