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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Or, y'know, it's not real, as the bottom of the image would suggest.


Yeah I noticed that too

But still it looks so terrible

It looks like something that would come out of a really bad fanfic

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According to me, Dash and Gilda are in good terms again since the next time they saw each other after the Gilda episode. They probably dindn't even mention their discussion, and no one apologized. Something like:


-Here, ya know, chillin'.

-Wanna go fly?






This monstrosity must be burned. Not even the worst fanfic writers can come up with this amalgamation of crap.

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Was gone all day yesterday, was at Turtle's house.
Anyway, I combed through KYM, and came across some stuff:
[spoiler=MLP/Panty and Stocking]
[spoiler=Scoot says GTFO]
This one has a source[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Your reading this one in Arin's voice]
[spoiler=Discord looks absolutely amazing this way]
[spoiler=Spike as Scott]

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Well... I'm sure this is news to some people, but some of you might already know it. Apparently, there was a book released, which explains, in fact, that Cadence wasn't originally an Alicorn either. She wasn't even a UNICORN. She was a Pegasus, who was turned into an Alicorn because she fully realized the concept of Love, much how Twilight became an Alicorn because she fully realized the concept of Friendship.

I doubt Luna and Celestia are the same way, because they're infinitely more powerful than either of them, and they seem more or less to be actual born gods, rather than ascended, like Twilight and Cadence. If they aren't... who the hell made THEM into Alicorns?

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Was gone all day yesterday, was at Turtle's house.
Anyway, I combed through KYM, and came across some stuff:
[spoiler=MLP/Panty and Stocking]






Well... I'm sure this is news to some people, but some of you might already know it. Apparently, there was a book released, which explains, in fact, that Cadence wasn't originally an Alicorn either. She wasn't even a UNICORN. She was a Pegasus, who was turned into an Alicorn because she fully realized the concept of Love, much how Twilight became an Alicorn because she fully realized the concept of Friendship.

I doubt Luna and Celestia are the same way, because they're infinitely more powerful than either of them, and they seem more or less to be actual born gods, rather than ascended, like Twilight and Cadence. If they aren't... who the hell made THEM into Alicorns?


I think that Cadence not originally being an Alicorn

Is actually an awesome idea




And for something completely different

I found this on Derpibooru


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Nice to see some MLP/P&S, considering it's one of the their oldest crossovers.

And I really like Brutaloo, she's very metal.


Theory: Discord becomes less bad every time he's hit with the Elements. He's better during his last appareance than he was during his debut episode, and, at least from Celestia's point of view, he was actually evil when she faced him.

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Yes. Cadence, like Twilight, was not an Alicorn at birth. She was transformed into one by Celestia when she fully realized the meaning of Love, just as Twilight was when she fully realized the meaning of Friendship.

Before her coronation, Cadence was just a Pegasus.


There's evidence to suggest that, originally, Starswirl The Bearded was intended to become an Alicorn, but failed to meet Celestia's expectations (That is, realize the meaning of friendship to its fullest extent)

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That is kind of plausible, if Cadence discovered the meaning of love and became an alicorn. But then there would have to be some other sort of MLP World Theory of Scientific "Love" and "Friendship" we have to examine on Cadence.


And I'd like to see some more mentions of Starswirl. Like what Ishun said, his studies in friendship were not complete, so he failed to become an alicron, possibly due to early death, or that he didn't have any friends. (:/ :( ) I think he's probably like the Freud or Darwin of Friendship theory.

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Methinks there is a Allspark Equestria almanac somewhere....

[spoiler=Also, Friendship is Dragons made me lol]
It's like, basically Twilight just killed the whole plot to Swarm of the Century by defeating the Parasprites ahead of time, and ultimately wrecking this arc.
Though, it's funny, it's what Pinkie wanted to do right away in the actual episode.

Regardless, the DM will likely call BS and say there were more Parasprites from unmentioned locations.

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Methinks there is a Allspark Equestria almanac somewhere....

[spoiler=Also, Friendship is Dragons made me lol]
It's like, basically Twilight just killed the whole plot to Swarm of the Century by defeating the Parasprites ahead of time, and ultimately wrecking this arc.
Though, it's funny, it's what Pinkie wanted to do right away in the actual episode.

Regardless, the DM will likely call BS and say there were more Parasprites from unmentioned locations.

Ah, the days of D&D... I wish there was something like that for us here.


Issun would always be the bad guy...

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I always do crazy stuff when I rp.


In one game, I was a barbarian viking who got both his legs eaten off by wolves, so I was immobile and surrounded by them. But by that time my rage was so high I was one-shotting them and my damage resistance was raised through the roof. After it was all over I attached to wolf bodies to my leg stumps and had the healer attach them properly, so I had wolf legs, Megazord-style.


Another game I was an old, nature-inclined sort of viking who could summon exploding owls from within people and summon trees for catapults. Don't ask how we got into a flying castle once. Or better yet, how we got off of it. Actually, you should ask, the story's great, but I'll post it later, bit busy.

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