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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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There's no implications of arranged marriage being common in Equestrian royals.

Not to mention that it's pretty heavily suggested that Shining Armor's marriage to Cadence was for love, not arranged. 

Maybe that's just me being optimistic about a children's cartoon. Or perhaps you can blame me for not overthinking a children's cartoon.

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I'm a fan of Maggie Vera as a voice actress. She would be the first I would call if I ever did the latin american spanish dub for something. But I'm doubting her aptitude as dubbing director, for one reason. She put herself as the singing voice for Scootaloo, and the CMC song was supposed to be bad, but she's physically unable to sing bad (Am I a fanboy?). The end result is OK at best.



Compare with the european spanish. They really managed to make it sound bad.


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Oh the irony, of Twilight becoming the new Molestia.

Anyway, stuff....
Saikano, this one made me think of you:
(Mostly, its that .gif from an older signature of yours, but in full outfit and everything)
And then someone made some topic thing on OCs, and someone else posted this in it:
Made me laugh harder then it should.

Also, despite the fact I made a status on this earlier, it makes too much sense:

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I remember that OC. It popped in my DA messages once. John Joseco redrew the OC of someone he knows. When drawn by someone who knows how to, even that kind of characters can look not-so-ridiculous. Still it could not beat in battle my OCs Bed Rocker and Cherry Poppins.

And now I wonder the power level of Twilight Sparkle now that she grew a pair (inb4 over 9000).

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So, after being in pain, making me wake up, I dicded to browse TV Tropes, and came across this in the Fridge section of MLP.


It's stated right up front that Princess Celestia raises and lowers the sun. As is pointed out elsewhere on this wiki, the sun continues to rise and set without Celestia actively controlling it. How is she managing it? Well, if you'll go to her Characters listing, you'll notice that the Bishie Sparkle trope is listed, pointing out that she does have a subtle sparkle about her at all times. The only time we ever see these sparkles is when there is magic in effect. * Celestia is using the latent magic in her body to control the sun passively while she goes about her normal business.


• Applejack's name still fits the theme naming in the Apple family, despite not being any specific dish or breed of apple: Applejack, as in jack-of-all-trades. She specializes in apples in general, as evidenced in her variety of different dishes she offered to Twilight in The Ticket Master.

  • Actually no, it fits all too well considering her role as the main cider maker of the apple family in "The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 600". Applejack is actually the name for a strong apple cider made by freeze distillation (the slang term for this type being "to jack something") hence the cider she's been giving to the ponies is actually hard alcoholic cider.
  • Watch that episode again; they are clearly crushing the apples into apple juice, and possibly adding spices. They are also making the cider right there, leaving no time for fermentation, and they certainly don't have a freeze unit. Unless they're doing something magical, there's no way it is alcoholic.
  • Not that cider perhaps. In U.S. English, the word for alcoholic cider is "hard cider", in Imperial English, it's "cider". Then again, given the faces of many ponies waiting to buy, it's quite clear that the creative team knew about this discrepancy and played it to the hilt. Also alcoholic cider is made from a very different kind of apple than soft cider. Alcoholic cider is made from cider apples, which have almost no resemblance to eating apples. It's perfectly possible the Apple family makes and sells hard cider off-screen.


I used to wonder why Spike's crush had to be Rarity, out of all the Mane Six. Then I realized that Spike's Trademark Favorite Food is gemstones, which happen to be Rarity's cutie mark.

  • Fridge Brilliance regarding Spike's massive crush on Rarity; despite being a dragon, he was hatched and raised by a pony. He thinks like a pony. And with all the fairy tales in Twilight's collection...why, Rarity's like the princess from all those bedtime stories. Proof with "A Dog and Pony Show" where he pictures himself a brave knight knocking the ruffians into next week to rescue the pretty mare. Realizing that is what put me right in that shipper camp.
  • Add to that Rarity has the vice of greed (albeit juxtaposed by being the Element of Generosity). Spike, being a dragon, is easily corrupted by greed, and also matures at a faster rate when affected by it. As displayed in "Secret of My Excess", Rarity has the ability to bothprovoke and neutralize this side of Spike. Add to that, being paired with a greedy yet compassionate partner like Rarity would likely lead him to age at faster rate, albeit possibly without the worry of transforming into an outright selfish, feral beast. Under this theory, Rarity makes the ideal "life partner" for Spike he would likely have to worry less about a somewhat tragic Mayfly December Romance with.

I noticed another interesting thing about the Mane Six - when you pair each pony of the same type (unicorn, pegasus and earth pony), their personalities seem to be quite opposite to each other - which fits perfectly with the idea of them being harmonic.

  • Twilight Sparkle - Rarity: Twilight doesn't care in the least about her looks (she happily wears an unfinished dress made by Rarity, saying that it's simple and practical, like her, and she even dresses as a male wizard for Nightmare Night), whereas Rarity hates it whenever something messes up her appearance.
  • Rainbow Dash - Fluttershy: Rainbow Dash is a tomboy, extrovert and excellent flier, whereas Fluttershy is more girly, shy and more comfortable on the ground.
  • Pinkie Pie - Applejack: Pinkie Pie is a Cloud Cuckoo Lander, Applejack is sensible and down to earth. *


  • Fluttershy is appropriately named for two reasons. Obviously, she's a very shy pony. Less obviously, shying in equestrian terms (The sport, not the magical land) is the act of a horse jumping in fright, usually at a sudden movement or unfamiliar object, something that Fluttershy does quite often.
    • You noticed the jargon-based Bilingual Bonus, but not the one right in front of everyone, and almost lampshaded by Apple Jackexternal_link.gif being named Apple Teeny (Appletini). perhaps a subtle we got crap past the radar on both Hasbro and The show.
    • Ironically, Fluttershy's name is actually a play on "shutterfly", a slang term for someone who likes to take photos. Her G3 persona was a shutterfly, but Lauren Faust changed her personality while keeping her name for the show.
    • Also, "Fluttershy" sounds a suspicious lot like "Butterfly"...Wait, what is her Cutie Mark ? Butterflies.
    • Going all the way back to G1, there was a type of pony called "Flutter Ponies". What's the first thing The Other Wiki tells us about them? "Flutter Ponies are shy..." (emphasis mine) Really, the name is perfect in so many ways...
Being a fan of Fluttershy, I've felt through the series that she's gotten the short end of the stick, getting comparatively little focus compared to the other main characters. But then, she probably wouldn't want so much attention anyway.
It's been noted that all of the mane cast have had Sanity Slippage moments. What isn't noticed is that they all have one thing in common: they occur when a pony's talent with their special skill comes into question. Applejack worked herself to the breaking point because she thought her ability to run Sweet Apple Acres was under fire, Twilight Sparkle started to crack when her magical power backfired, Rarity was depressed when clothes she made were seen as ugly, Rainbow Dash became terrified that she wasn't a good enough flier, Pinkie Pie nearly lost it when she thought her parties didn't make people happy anymore, and Fluttershy flipped out when she encountered animals she couldn't befriend.
  • Redditexternal_link.gif refers to it as Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome, or CMFIS for short.
  • There's also a theme in how each pony snaps during those scenes. When a pony cracks, her personality becomes the opposite of her typical demeanor. Applejack changed from dependable to completely unreliable. Twilight Sparkle is usually logical, but came up with a nonsense plan that had no basis in reality. Rarity is normally gregarious, wanting admiration from others, but became reclusive to the point of considering self-imposed exile. Rainbow Dash is brash and determined, but began literally cowering and quivering in doubt. Pinkie Pie personifies pep, but turned gloomy and cantankerous. And Fluttershy, who is normally very reserved, became explosively expressive.

 Before you renounce Scootaloo or the other two Cutie Mark Crusaders as Scrappies, consider this. Scoot idolizes Rainbow Dash (FYI, I love Rainbow and am not tying to put blame on her) and the older Pegasus doesn't seem to get the whole "discovering who you are" part of gaining a cutie mark either. So Scootaloo isn't gonna get it because Rainbow doesn't get it. and as the de facto leader of the Crusaders, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle are just going to be strung along with Scoot's (innocent) cluelessness until she realizes the right way to get a cutie mark. besides that, Scootaloo is just a KID. We can't really expect her to do the right thing just yet.

  • I don't think Scootaloo should be considered the leader of the CMC. As long as we're assuming one exists at all, Apple Bloom is probably a better fit. Scootaloo is too impulsive and Sweetie Belle too timid. Apple Bloom is the group's jack-all-trades in this respect. She's also had more screen time overall, which should count for something. However, as I implied, I don't think the group acknowledges any kind of hierarchy (even informal). Each filly respects the others' opinions, and no one character is shown consistently acting as a driving force for the others in any of their featured episodes.

Fluttershy and Rarity receive, possibly, the most "clopping" references on Youtube videos featuring them, among the Mane 6. Why do /b/ronies like them so much? Fluttershy is obvious; she fits the "Moe" archetype almost perfectly. Rarity? If this were a harem anime, she'd probably be the Tsundere*

  • Go ahead and write a harem fic if you want. I know I'd read it.
  • Except there is nothing remotely tsundere about Rarity. In terms of harem anime stereotypes she's most definitely Ojou.
  • Rainbow Dash is the likely candidate for a Tsundere.

I've always found it a little strange how Twilight is capable of regularly staying up all night studying without any repercussions. Then I remembered that horses in general only need about 3 hours worth of sleep to function properly.


The Unusual Euphemism "horse feathers." Considering the three pony races spent a long time not getting along, it's entirely plausible that pegasi might molt regularly, and carelessly leave their lost feathers lying around in places where the earth ponies might find them to be a nuisance. Most Real Life profanity refers to something unpleasant, after all.


To be "yellow" is to be scared/cowardly. What color is Fluttershy?


The world of Equestria appears to run on magic, apparently generated by the ponies that inhabit it. Said magic could be at least partially responsible for each pony/race having a unique set of strengths and abilities. Most of Equestria's most dangerous enemies have, so far, been defeated by this same magic. Stealth Pun: Equestria runs on horsepower.


That's all for now.



In Season 1, Spike does not hesitate to mock and poke fun at the misfortune of the Mane 6 while they're under the influence of the Poison Joke. He laughs openly and berates Twilight in her failures to help out in the Winter Wrap Up. Now, in Season 2, Apple Bloom's suffering through the effects of the Cutie Pox disease, running the risk of death by exhaustion or obtaining a cutie mark that could spell instant death for her and the people around her. And Spike is watching with a bag of popcorn, watching nonchalantly.

  • He's rather young, so my belief is that he might just not even be aware of the mortal danger Applebloom is in.
  • It is shown later in Dragon Quest that dragons are extreme Jerkasses in general. Spike may have just had his tendencies muted toComedic Sociopathy thanks to his living with ponies.

MLP: FIM's target demographic are young girls. So surely many innocent little girls would have looked up Pinkie Pie Cupcakes on youtube, just looking for the cupcake song from Call of the Cutie, only to find a horribly gory fanfic. And that would be the day their childhood ended.

  • Consider something else. There is Rule 34 of this. The target demographic is young girls...so imagine what will happen when they look for this only to find pornographic images of ponies. IF that's not bad enough, consider the fact that somewhere out there...there is demandfor this. Someone saw this and thought they wanted to sexualize it. There are people out there who are sick enough to see this show and have sexual fantasies about it.
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TVTropes will someday ruin my life. My productivity at work is lower when I have a sudden surge of curiosity about something that can be found there. I blame whoever installed the cameras in my office, and left a blind spot right where my computer is, making me feel I could slack off and no one would see me.

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Oh why hello there Sugar Cube Corner

Here's a face you haven't seen for a while

Oh well I still haven't watched Friendship Is Witchcraft

But I probably will sometime, just not now

And I watched the Alicorn episode quite a while ago

The only thing that I didn't like about was that I felt as if it was rushed

If you ask me it would of been better as a movie or a two-parter episode


On other news here's something I found that someone had made on their DSi

I figured that you guys might enjoy it:



And here's the original version of it:






Also, despite the fact I made a status on this earlier, it makes too much sense:


Nice find Armz

That video made my least favorite song from the series

(Besides the "You gotta share, you gotta care" one)

More enjoyable Soul Eater + Ponies FTW!!!

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Hotblooded Pinkie is one of the manliest tumblrs around.

And I absolutely love damn near everything that comes out of it.

[spoiler=Two amusing images]
This one made me smile:
And Prime is brilliant here:
Also this is my new favorite image:
Its just... I love it for so many reasons xD
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And I absolutely love damn near everything that comes out of it.

[spoiler=Two amusing images]
This one made me smile:
And Prime is brilliant here:
Also this is my new favorite image:
Its just... I love it for so many reasons xD

Clerks. As ponies.


Welp, that's enough internet for me today. KSmith got pony versions of himself.

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