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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Trailer seemed pretty amusing.
If you did a documentary on another massive fandom; Pokemon, Homestuck, etc, would likely get another large collective to "spy" on.
Though, its funny-
The fanbase makes as much sense as Trekkies, as far as obsession goes, WHICH IS HILARIOUS BECAUSE FAUST IS ONE TOO.
I dunno', trailer makes me iffy, but also want to see it as well, though to be honest... most of the fans are probably 90's kids at heart ;)

[i]My random speculative-ramblings aside...[/i]

How was your visit, Saikano? Meet anyone/get anything interesting?

Oh, and-
Also this could totally happen:

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1357720720' post='6116035']
Now I remember why I come back here every so often.
This makes me think of Limbo firstly, then I dunno, some game I've never heard of.

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[quote name='Mønkey' timestamp='1357766605' post='6116476']
I think its Shadow of the Colossus for PS2.

SotC does not have chainsaws and leather jackets.

Also, nice P&S lawyer monkey theme. Though you have the word flies in your title misspelled.

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Timberwolves make me think of Metal Sonic from Sonic Heros, in the sense that they have no real true form, and can mix and match their character to be any combination of wolves and/or materials.
Srsly, they have the ability to combine and/or absorb materials around them.
And considering how large the Everfree forest is....
They just lack intelligence, is what I'm getting at.

[url=http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/476/268/1c5]Also I thought this was pretty hilarious[/url]

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So out of curiosity, I decided to look up the contestants for that upcoming show [i]King of the Nerds[/i].
[url=http://www.tbs.com/stories/story/0,,263684,00.html]AAAAAAAAAAND WE GOT A BRONY~[/url]
Literally, my heart stopped for a few seconds, reading his page-

Dear god, his profile + Bio Video.... Its so.... /)(*3*)(\

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