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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Wait, why would Equestria have zeppelins?
They would have full fledged aircrafts before that, ironically enough.

Oh, and I found a variant of that image I posted the other day:
Dunno' what it is, but Gabe Newell being in MLP images always causes me to LOL hard.
[spoiler=Also, I love dynamic advertising]

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Guys, I cant sleep:
No, not because of that.
But because its Christams:
Discord is like: Come on, Ponies, your helping me to [i]save[/i] [s]the[/s] Christmas [s]that I wrecked[/s]
AJ doesn't like it.
Rarity wants to stop, because Shes getting tired(or some other complaint).
Pinkie is having the time of Her life.
Fluttershy has no idea why She is even doing this.
Dash wants to go faster
Twilight is all: "JUST SHUT UP AND PULL!"
....At least the way I see it. Its lulzy either way.

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[quote name='-Berserker-' timestamp='1356474144' post='6101916']
Apparently, Keep Calm and Flutter On is episodes 11, 12 and 13, starring John De Lancie or whatever his name was.
>Potential Discord episode

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So... Turns out... Discord really [i]does[/i] come back. Celestia wants to reform him(I LOL'd): Except for Fluttershy, none of the Main 6 want to give him a chance.
The episode's suspense -> [img]http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/466/460/9e3.gif[/img] <- Me

Also this made my day:
Despite the fact Hasbro is smarter then this, now-a-days, its still pretty hilarious.

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WOAH WOAH WOAH... ITS A [i]3-PARTER!?!?!?!?[/i]
Like, the more they reveal about this episode, the better it gets.
Like how after the episode airs, McCarthy said she would reveal the [i]original[/i] episode's name, which is more plot-revealing

Also, saw this on KYM:

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You heard "THIS WILL SAVE THE WORLD!" in your head, in Major Glory's voice.

[quote name='-Issun-' timestamp='1356647329' post='6103712']
Well, it's not entirely impossible to reform him.
He's a god of Chaos, not a god of Evil, and everyone knows that Chaotic Good and Chaotic Evil are two very different alignments.
Discord, way I see it, is Chaotic Neutral.
I mean, hes not evil and hes not good, and his heart was always in the right place(at least, from [i]his[/i] perspective).
Or something like that.

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In my headcanon, Order and Chaos are force that work together, and in the right ammounts, they make Harmony (that's supposed to be good). If one of them is over the other, instead of Harmony we have Discord. The character Discord himself manifests to bring balance once more applying the force opposite to the one on top in the system. Equestria is too Order-oriented, so the results of his Chaos are big there.

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Steven Magnet, made epic:
[spoiler=Also two quickies]
Oh the irony:

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I have to say, the IDW comics are as great as I expected. The style may look weird, with the big wings and stuff, but I really like it. Having a more detailed shading than the cartoon (that was expected) gives us some cool looking scenes. This is a MLP product I will get once it's available in my country (except if Spain does the translation, spanish from spain only works in classical to medieval settings for me, like Skyrim or God of War. That being the case, I would just order the english ones via internet).


New episode is here

For a moment, those timberwolves looked more like CGI than Flash.

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