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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Decided to lurk DA for a minute~
I forget if I posted this before:
This one made me smile:

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Red Spy song deserves all of my internets. Dead serious.

[quote name='-Berserker-' timestamp='1355514186' post='6093097']
That robot looks really great as a pony.[/quote]
As I noted before, its actually Knockout:
He, more or less, has the same personality as Rarity.
In addition to being psychotic/sadistic/Decepticon-Medic

[quote name='-Berserker-' timestamp='1355514186' post='6093097']Why so lazy Hasbro?[/quote]
They decided to fix it for once?

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(I could explain it better, but its silly)

Also, as far as that episode goes:

...And this is the 2nd time Dash is with the Wonderbolts as a closing.
We know she is a Bolt, assuming she officially is one by now since her training will be done by next episode-
(I don't want to nitpick at the episode, I liked it, but its [url=http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/458/698/055.png][b]continuity was janky[/b][/url])

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That's the scene I'm referring to in my other post. Maybe there is an explanation and they didn't feel like mention, just letting the ones who care about little details (like us) guess what happened based on what we know can be done as it was done before.

And I don't think she is actually she's part of the team now. More like "Congratulations, you passed a 1-week flying course approved by the Wonderbolts. That means your application will not be inmediately rejected when you send it, and when we make auditions for new members we will send you a letter, so you can compete with the other fifty candidates we always have."


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The cloudwalking spell was never used on Rarity. That was just a sub-effect of having those wings.
But now if you look at the scene from last episode again, you can see Rainbow takes a big area of clouds and gets them all together in a smaller grey cloud. She actually condensed it enough to hold her friends for a second, and when they touched it, she squeezed it so they would be sent upwards again.

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Alright, jokes over Saikano.
You can take the mask off now, we know your Faust.

Aside from that~
The guy on Brickshelf who makes those MLP models made some stuff-
Party Cannon:
And he calls this one 'It's Brushie Tiem':
Lol Colgate

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The CMC getting a new member didn't affect a thing in the show. No one cares about Snips and Snails being babies. Rainbow beings Scoot's godmother will just end up meaning they'll hang out more often, mostly off-screen. Rainbow passing the WB academy doesn't mean she's be part of the actual WB team and will be sometimes training with them or out of the area for a show.
I like to think all of these things, but they may be actually torching the franchise and running, as I suggested before. They will change the status quo so much, anyone trying to continue the show will not know how to go. The changes are subtle now, but we have some episodes left, and if this feeling is right, we'll have several coming-out-of-the-closet, weddings, new cutie marks, movings, and maybe some death. Of course all of that happening is ridiculous.

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Not all of that is ridiculous.
Just most of it.
Coming out of the closet is borderline stupid. Any and all evidence of characters being homosexual is strictly fans over reacting. Hell, Rarity has been attracted to no less than two male characters thus far.
Weddings are also out, because none of the main characters have love interests. Well, RartiyXSpike is debatable, but the show really doesn't want to let us know if that's official or not.
New cutie marks are certainly possible. Doubtless the CMCs will get their CMs eventually, even if we have to wait until late-final-season to see it happen.
Death is also possible, but not very likely, and not for a main character. Granny Smith maybe, but just, almost, barely maybe.

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I don't actually think they'll kill any character. As an educative cartoon, they should include death, but I would RAEG if they killed Granny. If they want to include a chapter about death, the best option would be a CMC episode in which they get a little pet (can be some insect or mollusk) and it dies that same episode.

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