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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Raito-kun' timestamp='1353288677' post='6073036']

Off topic, just wanted to post this here. It even surprised me this was from Zexal. Biased, Anti-brony subbers I presume?

Tea being the head writer.


And Tiarawhy should do better use of his talent, like with that video.

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Eh, even though I actually kinda like R34, I'll admit that Tiarawhy's videos can be a little bit much. The way he does the humans in those videos are just a major turn off for me. So I second Tiarawhy making more dramatic videos

On a change of subject, I just saw the new episode. It wasn't all that good, not the best, but I kinda enjoyed it a little bit.

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My laptop stopped being dumb, so I can post here again.
Mostly, I don't really like to post here unless I have decent content(Usually images, or just my thoughts on something)
I went over to KYM, so you will see later in this post~

[quote name='Raito-kun' timestamp='1353288677' post='6073036']
Off topic, just wanted to post this here. It even surprised me this was from Zexal. Biased, Anti-brony subbers I presume?[/quote]
Its a fan-translation, but still pretty humorous.
Then again, [i]EVERY[/i] villain(or at least the majority of them) tells the hero friendship/bonds/etc won't work, only for it to be thrown back in his/her face that it actually does. Season 1 had Tea's mark(just as an example), GX had Rainbow Neos, 5Ds had Quasar, ZeXal is Astral/Shark/Kaito/etc, teamwork wins games.

I'm tempted to now use this, whenever someone posts something I like:
[spoiler=Also, my feels]
And finally, you all knew this was coming:
Yea, I had to save+re-upload that one, but still.... NIC CAGE~

Don't care what anyone says, it had to be done:
Though, I'm pretty sure someone else beat me to it, but I just [i]HAD[/i] to make this an image.

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Now that I've watched the newest episode:

Pinkie Pies: FUN! FUN! FUN FUN FUN FUN FUN...!
Seagulls from Finding Nemo: ...hey, that's MY line...MY LINE! MY LINE! MY LINE!

And that funny face part... I had to pee pretty badly before that. I managed to make it to the bathroom, but it was pretty f*cking close considering how hard I laughed.

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I had an idea for a random dialogue and will now implement it as a comic.

[b][color=#ff6699]-Hi Fluttershy![/color][/b]
[b][color=#ffd700]-Oh, good morning, Pinkie.[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff6699]-Do you have more of that paté or whatsitsname you gave me for Gummy?[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ffd700]-Is it over? It should have lasted another week. You are not overfeeding him, are you?[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff6699]-Of couse not. I was just curious and decided to try the paté, and ended up eating half the pot.[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ffd700]-B-but... you shouldn't have done that. P-paté is not for ponies.[/color][/b]
[b][color=#ff6699]-But it was pink, and delicious![/color][/b]
[b][color=#ffd700]-I am not feeling well...[/color][/b]

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You know... If were using the logic of that 'Real Ending'~ Who else is in said mirror?
Speaking of that episode:
[spoiler=Also, Metal Gear]
[spoiler=And Dash in the latest Friendship is Dragons made me LOL]

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