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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[spoiler=Episode Review (WARNING: SPOILERS)]
Well done Hasbro...well done indeed.

However, I'd say I still liked the Royal Wedding more still. And King Sombra did look badass, but due to his lack of speaking, backstory, and interactive action/character development, he is low tier on the MLP villains list, but he did at least have a lot of power to control an empire. The Crystal empire itself was a difficult concept to keep in touch with as well. Here's my historical interpretation:

[i]Long ago, an empire called The Crystal Empire was formed, which included inhabitants of a crystal pony species. The previous ruler before Sombra, led the empire and maintained power of the Crystal Heart, a powerful element that can ward off the most dangerous evils. However, the Crystal's extent could only be used if the power of joy, friendship, and love were abundant. But then one pony, King Sombra, overthrew the previous ruler's position, and harnessed the power of the Crystal Heart itself, by using a negative energy that I'd say would be Shadow Crystals. The Darkened Crystal Heart under Sombra had the power to influence things like amnesia, weakening, and loss of emotions, with no need to eat. He built his empire by enslaving the inhabitants of the Crystal Empire, to strengthen the Negative Crystal Heart. Celestia and Luna eventually heard and stopped Sombra, but as last ditch, he hid the Crystal Heart, and left the remaining empire to be under his influence, as long as the Crystal Heart returns to its normal position. Until then, Sombra was sealed, and the Empire was buried away in the vast icy winds of time. However, 1000 years pass, and the darkness returns. Which was where the story begins...[/i]

In the end, it was just another MLP Special, which could have been done better. At least, it was great enough to get bronies back into business. And I'm sure Sombra fanarts will go soaring soon. As side notes:

-Spike and Applejack sing. :OOOOOOO
-Cadence and Shining Armor return. Does that mean since they adapted the power of love, do they rule the Crystal Empire now?
-Twilight was freaking out too much in this episode. Celestia looked like it wasn't a big deal. *trollface*
-Once again, Luna gets minor screentime, but inferior to Cadence or Shining Armor.
-Spike becomes a hero and gets his own stained glass window. Badass level gone up +20%.
-Pinkie Pie was the only one that kept the hilarity in touch for sure. I never saw it coming with her in a Fluittershy suit. XD
-Why couldn't Twilight use her magic to levitate down or up the staircases? And wouldn't it be easier for Sombra to DESTROY the Crystal Heart? :/

Though this episode didn't entertain me all the way, makes me think season 3's gonna have a lot of potential. Also, next ep is the Pinkie Pie cloning episode. :o[/spoiler]

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Spike: [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]Boy... I sure wish someone could FLY THE F#CK UP HERE AND GET ME!!![/size][/font][/color]

[font="verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][size="2"][color="#000000"]Dash: Sorry, busy.[/color][/size][/font]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]FS: Me too... sorry.[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]==[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]Candance: [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1][background=rgb(240, 243, 252)]Did you just throw me at the sharp pointy crystal bad guy?[/background][/size][/font][/color]

Armor: [color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1][background=rgb(240, 243, 252)]Uhh... yes?[/background][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]Candance: [/size][/font][/color][color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1][background=rgb(247, 247, 248)]I hope you like sleeping on the couch...[/background][/size][/font][/color]

Armor: You uh... put the couch outside... in a garbage pile... and lit it on fire...

[color=#000000][font=verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif][size=1]Candance: [/size][/font][/color]Yes... yes I did.


Also guys?

Putting Applejack in a situation where lying would be unavoidable?

That "Pinkie disguised as Fluttershy" gag killed me. But it was more Fluttershy stepping in...uh...herself that really got me cracking up.


And ewwww.... singing... with spike... and AJ... just... signing.

[quote name='Comrade TentaSparkle' timestamp='1352579137' post='6065862']

It was good, but to be honest, they didn't have nearly enough time to tell the story they wanted to tell.

There was little to no development of characters or the crystal empire or anything. Needed to either simplify it or make it a 4-part premiere.


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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1352585067' post='6065943']
Ending result made my day.
Also, I need to shop Twilight as Saxton Hale.
Its a must.
I'll do it later, though.

TWLIGHT SPARKLE! *smashes though a door*

Now... if you thought the first two pages of my friendship report contained to much bare-hoofed excitement... Then prepare to have your EYES BRIGHTEN, and have your reporting reading hooves... FALL OFF YOUR EVERY ARMS... When you meet with me!

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Also, King Sombra has the same voice as Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat.

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With regards to gak n' junk, this actually seems legit/plausible:
Same with this:
I mean, Sombra basically [i]IS[/i] made of crystal, in his true form. He just roams around as a shadow because he can.

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Ha, I can see her falling down those stairs to that door.

...then down the other stairs after receiving the Crystal Heart.

...then up the same stairs that led to the door. xD

[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1352621440' post='6066298']
With regards to gak n' junk, this actually seems legit/plausible:


I like this because Sombra looks like Gak when he's trying to take back over.

Speaking of Gak...I kinda want some now.

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And now: Image dump:



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[quote name='Mønkey' timestamp='1352660671' post='6066559']
Nice catch!

For me: 7.6/10

The songs. TOO MANY SONGS.

Spike should never sing. Again.

Armz is probably gonna be disappointed at you. Though it he did sound weird. He should sing a bit more to see if it fluctuates a bit better.

And I think it's a fair amount of songs. Shining Armor wife tossing was hilarious. But I just don't get how Cadence still has enough energy to use telekinesis, since she looks dead on magic.

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I finally got the chance to see the newest episode, YES!! Sombre's appearance was so dissapointing it was like "Oh hello there I am here to bring pain and misery upon all of you. Oh noes there's the crystal heart. I'm dead now". And there was quite the ammount of songs. I still think that Chrysalis is the best villian of them all, as well as Trixie.

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[quote name='MoogSourceVermona' timestamp='1352689760' post='6067163']
I finally got the chance to see the newest episode, YES!! Sombre's appearance was so dissapointing it was like "Oh hello there I am here to bring pain and misery upon all of you. Oh noes there's the crystal heart. I'm dead now". And there was quite the ammount of songs. I still think that Chrysalis is the best villian of them all, as well as Trixie.

And discord!

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1352737254' post='6067496']
Speaking of Sombra, I could go into detail about the fact hes still alive.
Of course, it would all just be speculation n' junk.

Unless his power is like Cell's or Buu's from DBZ, he's f******g dead. IN a children's a show.

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