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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Oh goodie my two favorite things

But anyways does anyone else know that Slugbox had actually left the fandom, I was told this recently. He was one of my most favorite artists, oh well he still is one of my faves.

And just incase you don't know who he is, he did the Cteno blog

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I wish I found this yesterday:
Its still relevant, since... You know.... [b][i]2[/i][/b] days to go.

Also, I thought this was pretty neat:

[quote name='MoogSourceVermona' timestamp='1352321395' post='6063295']
he did the Cteno blog[/quote]
Despite the fact I'm not really a follower of blogs, what was one of his images?

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1352361354' post='6063698']
Despite the fact I'm not really a follower of blogs, what was one of his images?

This is cteno, he did some MLP images but most of them are a little bit suggestive and I don't wanna piss off any people who are anti-Rule 34/anti-clop

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Yo guys activity spikes made me come back again again again, again.
[quote name='MoogSourceVermona' timestamp='1352413890' post='6064087']
I can't blame ya, not everyone likes OCs.
The only good OCs are ones that [i]don't[/i] try to force themselves into any and every relevant piece of canon. OCs that are, for the sake of being, are just fine since they only ever go off and do their own little thing.
And yes, thank you for being smart and keeping your happy-go-cloppy artistry away from my club-that-once-was.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1352414774' post='6064102']
Something I just realized, the changelings are also sort of like kelpies.

The changelings are like a breed of dog? Could you please explain that for me, I don't seem to understand it that much

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Kelpie, the supernatural water horse of Celtic folklore. In some cases they would transform into beautiful women to lure men into their traps. In others they are simply shapeshifters whose favorite form is a horse. They generally worked sort of like mermaids in that they'd lure people to water and then drown them.


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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1352415167' post='6064119']
Kelpie, the supernatural water horse of Celtic folklore. In some cases they would transform into beautiful women to lure men into their traps. In others they are simply shapeshifters whose favorite form is a horse. They generally worked sort of like mermaids in that they'd lure people to water and then drown them.


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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1352417358' post='6064155']

I'm glad my school gets the Hub. We've also got a psuedo MLP club, it's just not official, and we're all going to watch it on Saturday in one of the school's game rooms.
My school has an official MLP club.

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Shame that Keldeo can't learn Transform....

Fluttershy as Crona. Oddly enough, it could work.
And Chrysalis as a Steampunk variant:
Looks absolutely incredible.

And on the topic of clubs, I know I've already mentioned this-
This anime-club, that I go to, has a handful of MLP fans in it. Its awesome.

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