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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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I remember the LPS cartoon of the 90's. It had hidden adult humor, like any respectable cartoon of the time, but of course not even a fraction of what could be found in Spielberg cartoons. I will give the show a chance, considering the goldmine FiM actually was. The problem is, with so many voice actors in common, and with so many different personalities, more than one character will seem to be just an expy of a FiM character, and it will be hard for me to be unbiased if that happens. Also, the character desings are ugly.

Back to MLP. Have you seen my avatar? *all the eyes move to the avatar* Well, [b][color=#ff0000]DONT LOOK AT IT[/color][/b]. It's a screencap of the video I posted and thus is a spoiler. You were warned.

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The internet has already bombarded me with images of your avi, Saikano. As long as nobody posts like actual storylines n' junk, I'm fine with an occasional spoiler image.
Speaking of spoilers-
Also, I forget if I posted this here or not:
[spoiler=Shed.Mov + Ed, Edd, and Eddy]

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1351870846' post='6059434']
I don't remember if this has been posted before, but:

Now that brings back some childhood. And very accurate to the contemplating mind of Calvin.

Also, haven't posted here for ages, and I changed my name to a simpler version of "Light Yagami". Just sayin...

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I was sad when I realized Calvin and Hobbes Wasn't being made anymore. It's one of the few comics I like ;_;

Anyway, I found a Pony Comic I thought was amusing...

The anime-esque style is neat too :U

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[quote name='Number 0: Manic Mønkey' timestamp='1351895315' post='6059797']
Thank you Doc.
Oh right, that was me once. It took me a minute to realize you meant me.

One webcomic I've been reading is Sandra and Woo, it reminds me quite a bit of Calvin and Hobbes and it's great.

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Monochrome Dash actually [i]does[/i] sound pretty cool.

Oh, and The Hub likes to troll everyone:
...I still love this commercial regardless.

Anyway I found this pretty amusing:

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So finally, someone made this:
And just some goofy image:

[quote name='Number 0: Manic Mønkey' timestamp='1351988799' post='6060596']
What, and why?[/quote]
Older Spyro games.
Spyro's HP is dependent on Sparx.
Sparx HP can be recovered if he eats butterflies.
Game 2 and onward, he could eat butterflies even if he was at full HP; golden, eating 10 butterflies gave you a 1-up.
I feel old for having to explain this.

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Hi everypony I just remembered it's my birthday, and I decided to come and say hello cuz it's been a wile.
I want someone to steal this from Rarity for me for my birthday.:3

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1352011535' post='6060761']
So finally, someone made this:
And just some goofy image:

Older Spyro games.
Spyro's HP is dependent on Sparx.
Sparx HP can be recovered if he eats butterflies.
Game 2 and onward, he could eat butterflies even if he was at full HP; golden, eating 10 butterflies gave you a 1-up.
I feel old for having to explain this.

Don't feel bad, you did a fine job tossing your little balls around.

Plus, never really liked Spyro.

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