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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Tea-Party Dash made me laugh harder then I was supposed to xD
I know the joke is a reference to that Gabby Gums episode, at least the way I see it, but Dash's expression is what really sells it.
Also, since were posting random stuff:
The irony of this image, is that it seems totally legit.

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Little Ceasars is my favorite pizza place. I love their cheesy bread, and $5 pizzas are awesome.

[spoiler=Also, I saw some anthro pony pic that reminds me of Gumby.][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/125/3/a/friendship_is_magic_by_sajira-d4ymch2.png[/img][/spoiler]

Also, [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/157/4/3/a_talk_in_the_pub_by_don_komandorr-d3i6yh9.jpg]SPAAAAAAAAAAACE[/url].

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Berserker, that's freeze level. Where do you live that makes that feel like summer?
Here we have a low of around 82ºF, cloudy and humid all day following a power outage from a drenching storm yesterday.
Just what I needed to come home to after 2 amazing weeks up north.

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This is how I imagine the gods acting in the Friendship is Magic universe.
Also, I cannot help but compare Apollo and Celestia. Maybe because of the always waving hair and the golden collar and tiara. And somewhat Artemis and Luna too, even if they are not aestethically similar.

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