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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Roid Rage image is amazing. His genes are so full of... MAN- er.. COLTLINESS.

[quote name='Sleepy' timestamp='1341976286' post='5973626']
btw people, since when have we not been stickied? =0
Oh, we aren't, are we? I think it's fairly recent after lookin' at the sticky app thread.

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[quote name='Voltaire' timestamp='1342107801' post='5975415']
Hey AJ!

I'll lease this here:


I'll just leave this here too:


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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1342113852' post='5975518']
Scooter-Loo..... Friggin' LOL'd@the image

Thanks. Glad you like it. ^^
I hate how the edges of the mane still have some of the black background stuck on them.
Not even the "select by color" could get all of it. :/

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[quote name='Thar Ablaze' timestamp='1342114054' post='5975526']
Thanks. Glad you like it. ^^
I hate how the edges of the mane still have some of the black background stuck on them.
Not even the "select by color" could get all of it. :/
Photoshop, right?

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Wild Mass Guessing time!

-Luna is only younger than Celestia by some minutes. They are twins like Apollo and Artemis. Also, Apollo is the god of poetry and arts, something ponies like. They are not as atracted to Artemis' stuff, like hunting (or do they?). That would make Luna sad.

-Rarity would be the "mario" of the team (balanced stats without focusing in an specific one) if we distribute an equal number of points in the stats of the six. Rainbow Dash has mostly Speed, Applejack Attack, Twilight Special Attack and Pinkie Pie Hit Points. I don't know Fluttershy stats, but she would have mostly support moves. Earth ponies have a lot more of HP than unicorns, that have a bit more than pegasus. Or pegasus have a bit more hp than unicorns but less defense.

-Pinkie Pie will be involved in our first orbital shot of Equestria.

Luna's moral event horizont was absorbing 2 of the users of the elements, thus becoming an immortal alicorn. Celestia absorbed the other 2, but they convinced her to do it, as Luna had to be stopped, and they were mortally wounded anyways.

-As an educative show, they may have an episode about death. It will involve the cutie mark crusaders and a pet that will not be introduced until that same episode.

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[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1342125180' post='5975770']
My sister was randomly watching the 5th Harry Potter movie, and I realized the changelings from the season finale kind of look like thestrals.

Wow, they actually do. ._.

And that gives me another parody list (some characters are gender mixed, but whatevs)

Twilight: Hermione Granger
Pinkie Pie: Luna Lovegood
Fluttershy: Ron Weasley
Rarity: Nymphado- ...Trunks. <.<
Applejack: Fred/George
Rainbow Dash: Harry Potter
Discord: Voldem- ...you know who. <.<
Chrysalis: Bellatrix Lestrange
Granny Smith: Minerva McGonagall
Celestia: Albus Dumbledore
Luna: Severus Snape

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1342234374' post='5977193']
To lazy to click the video-
Is it a spoiler of Season 3? The scene doesn't really look familiar to me.
Is a scene from season 3. And it's a song!
Fun how a scene in Canterlot depicts only Earth ponies (except for Twily), considering that most of the ponies seen in previous scenes in Canterlot are unicorns.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1342234374' post='5977193']
To lazy to click the video-
Is it a spoiler of Season 3? The scene doesn't really look familiar to me.

Yes it's a new song that will appear most likely in one of the first episodes of the new season :D (if not the first)
I want to think that place is San Diego's Comic-Con, which just so happens to have started yesterday (I live nearby so it'd be benefical to me ^0^ ..... in theory only because I don't have tickets... )

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