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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Voltaire' timestamp='1341859817' post='5972038']
Did [i][b]he[/b][/i] have a name change?

Yes. I didn't like Crimson in my name. Sounded too stressed for comfort.
And just plain "Thar" was already taken by a non-validated member.
So I had to include something that wasn't a bunch of crappy decorative characters.

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[quote name='Thar Ablaze' timestamp='1341859879' post='5972039']
The real question is who are YOU?
I am Thar, the heart burner. The phoenix. The wielder of Kevin, the flaming axe.

And Issun, I think he was just questioning my existence in response to the reaction images, which he thinks are lame and stupid.
I am Pinkie Pie of this club.

I was[b] Bull3tM0nk3y,[/b] going to change my name to [b]Rainbow Dash[/b], but then RD said he was going to have the name change, and we talk about it. He told me about the post on the show in the Movies and TV section, and from there we talked about making a club.

Me, RD, TS, AJ, Arma, Tenta, and some others.

I've changed my name because it's one of my current handels. Bull3tM0nk3y, rarely Mozart1337, and Voltaire.
[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1341859922' post='5972040']
I swear...

Yes, he had a name change.

Sleepy doesn't really come here anymore.
Ah. What was it?

[quote name='Thar Ablaze' timestamp='1341860168' post='5972045']
Yes. I didn't like Crimson in my name. Sounded too stressed for comfort.
And just plain "Thar" was already taken by a non-validated member.
So I had to include something that wasn't a bunch of crappy decorative characters.

Sorry we got off the wrong hoof.

You can call me Volt or Pinkie if you like.

Mind if I call you Thar?

[quote name='Thar Ablaze' timestamp='1341859879' post='5972039']
The real question is who are YOU?
I am Thar, the heart burner. The phoenix. The wielder of Kevin, the flaming axe.

And Issun, I think he was just questioning my existence in response to the reaction images, which he thinks are lame and stupid.
I am Pinkie Pie of this club.

I was[b] Bull3tM0nk3y,[/b] going to change my name to [b]Rainbow Dash[/b], but then RD said he was going to have the name change, and we talk about it. He told me about the post on the show in the Movies and TV section, and from there we talked about making a club.

Me, RD, TS, AJ, Arma, Tenta, and some others.

I've changed my name because it's one of my current handels. Bull3tM0nk3y, rarely Mozart1337, and Voltaire.
[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1341859922' post='5972040']
I swear...

Yes, he had a name change.

Sleepy doesn't really come here anymore.
Ah. What was it?

[quote name='Thar Ablaze' timestamp='1341860168' post='5972045']
Yes. I didn't like Crimson in my name. Sounded too stressed for comfort.
And just plain "Thar" was already taken by a non-validated member.
So I had to include something that wasn't a bunch of crappy decorative characters.

Sorry we got off the wrong hoof.

You can call me Volt or Pinkie if you like.

Mind if I call you Thar?

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[quote name='Voltaire' timestamp='1341860404' post='5972049']
Mind if I call you Thar?

Do I mind?
That's what everyone calls me anyway.
So no, not at all.
In fact, I WOULD mind if you called me anything else.
Unless you're Jazzy Turtle.

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[quote name='Dementuo Black Sun' timestamp='1341865563' post='5972144']
Bullet, just shut up and go along with it. You don't need to question every little thing.
[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1341865426' post='5972142']
Ugh. It's another member! Jesus Christ, these things aren't THAT HARD to infer!

Alright, alright... jeez...

I see I'm unwanted....

I'll see you guys tomorrow then.

[color=#ffffe0]I thought you guys were my friends.[/color]

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[spoiler=So. Much. Hate.]

Anyway, this outta lighten up the mood a bit:

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1341876689' post='5972416']
Doesn't, like, season 3 of MLP start this month?
Seems like were all going crazy in anticipation.
[/quote][quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1341876827' post='5972419']
It starts in August.

Yep, so a month from now.
So pumped. Though, it sucks cause my TV isn't attached to the cable box, so I don't get HBO.
Guess I'll just be lame and watch it online. (8-J)

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[quote name='Thar Ablaze' timestamp='1341877008' post='5972427']
Guess I'll just [u]be lame and watch it online.[/u] (8-J)[/quote]
Thats what I do, though O,o

[quote name='-Berserker-' timestamp='1341877285' post='5972433']
Never saw this -Berserker- guy again. Maybe he had to reinstall his Windows and didn't expect the drivers disk to not be where he left it, and just now he got a laptop too small and sensitive for his manly hands.[/quote]
Oh Saikano, your so random.
But still, laptops are cool.

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A laptop makes it look like you are working. But still, the keys are sensitive and small, and that touch panel that moves the cursor is the most despicable thing in my opinion. Anyways, went to an express anime con, this time there were no pony cosplayers, but at least there were pinkie pie shirts.

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1341859922' post='5972040']
I swear...

Yes, he had a name change.

Sleepy doesn't really come here anymore.

Yeah.... sorry about that.
Many reasons include:
-Much of my previously YCM time had often become Fluttershy time.
-Lack of 3rd season in combination of not knowing what people were talking about last time.
-Chores and job hunting.
-Mexican Elections.
-YCM is pretty bad in my computer. It loads everything slowly and sometimes (like this time for example) doesn't even save my post and makes me start writing again, which is not nice for someone that likes spending half an hour on writing a single comment.

but anyways, I want to be active here again. Actually, I never meant to leave in the first place ^^"

I'll post some random images to make up for the lost time =D





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[quote name='Light Υagami' timestamp='1341968664' post='5973552']
Princess Luna: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Princess Celestia: Obi Wan Kenobi
Twilight: Luke Skywalker
Spike: Han Solo
Rarity: Princess Leia
[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1341969118' post='5973557']
Pinkie Pie: Jar Jar Binks

Rainbow Dash: R2D2
Fluttershy: C3PO
Granny Smith: Yoda
Discord: Emperor
Chrysalis: Boba Fett

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btw people, since when have we not been stickied? =0

and more random images:





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