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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1340728674' post='5962700']
Welcome fellow brony. Be sure to watch out for Ishun. Also, new .move episode. And I got to say, hotdiggedy has done it again. So now I am unsure whether I am offended or amused...


Oh, sweet! I've been waiting for this. I can't wait to see it.

And I think the chart is fine.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1340751239' post='5962824']
Oh, and love the DJ sig, Thar.

So do I. Vinyl is my favorite side pony.
Which makes my top 5:

1. Vinyl Scratch
2. Derpy
3. Octavia
4. Minuette
5. Bon Bon

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Saikano, that image reminds me of Celestia. No idea why, it just does.

Also, boredom strikes again:
Found the image on the TF2 wiki, as being in the City on Fire thing.
So, of course, my brain goes into pony mode, and I decide to be random with Photoshop.

[quote name='-Berserker-' timestamp='1340752585' post='5962830']
I still like the brainwash idea more.[/quote]
They are only changelings just to explain where the 5000 of them came from.
though, if you think about it, Ponyville/Canterlot is capable of crowds of that size regardless, so them being brainwashed is still plausible.

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Gee, wonder what could have caused these:

The Pyro isn't a brony, hes just mentally insane.

Though, this, on the other hand, made my day:

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1340903528' post='5963485']
Technically, we have a banner.
I think it was made about, 400 pages ago?

....We just didn't put it up O,o

Aw, seriously?
Cause I just made one seeing the prompt...


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[quote name='Comrade Trollestia' timestamp='1340906367' post='5963500']
So apparently there's thing called BronyCon. Do want.

They had a band called NeighSlayer play there but they kind of suck. :'/
Bronycon has been going on for a while. As for this Neighslayers band, what genre band are they and are they that bad?

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[quote name='Βyakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1340916428' post='5963555']
Bronycon has been going on for a while. As for this Neighslayers band, what genre band are they and are they that bad?

They're not [i]that [/i]bad, and I guess they're a rock band. Like, not hard rock but not soft rock.

I was just disappointed because I read that they were a metal band and expected something epic. They just play songs from the show. Not terribly, but they're not really anything special.

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Oh. Well that sucks if they just remix the songs into a soft metal genre. It would be expected if they just create their own original songs, and I was hoping for a little more hard rock.

but off topic, I've changed by name, so I am now the alter ego of Light Yagami once again.

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So... YCM fixed its lag.

[quote name='Shradow' timestamp='1340905466' post='5963493']
Pyroland is obviously more related to Candyland and the like, it looks nothing like Equestria.
But that doesn't stop crazy fanarts ;)

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It fixed the lag? Now I can come ere
[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1341010006' post='5963961']
So... YCM fixed its lag.

But that doesn't stop crazy fanarts ;)

Oh really? Well now I can actually come here...

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Just a couple more weeks until the latin american dub of Friendship is Magic reaches The Cutie Mark Chronicles.
I don't really follow that version, but I am waiting for that episode.
In that episode Fluttershy has a solo song, and I like the voice of Maggie Vera (her voice actress in the latin american version), and I suppose the won't use another actress for the singing, as Maggie is famous for singing intros and endings of several anime and cartoons.
Here is how she sounds.

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