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[quote name='⌈Remote⌋' timestamp='1339100986' post='5953559']
I like it, but that's not saying much, considering I've wanted a userbar for a while now.
...May I ask what/how you made it [with]?

Sorry for the delayed response.
Been messing around with my sig trying to improve the userbar.
Updated it with one where I sampled the colours from the sprite's mane instead of an entirely different pic.
Think it improved it a bit as the colours aren't q[u]uite[/u] so simmilar now

But, yeah, response time....

I made it and if you recall the one I had before (with Zoroark) from scratch in GIMP
Only had the sprites pre-made, the rest was done by hand with some tutorial assistance the first time

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Ah, I see. Too bad I don't have GIMP XP
I kinda figured that though, I'll probably download it later when nobody's around.
Yes, I'm paranoid. I've been like that ever since I decided to become a brony.
Which was a year ago.

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[quote name='⌈Remote⌋' timestamp='1339106479' post='5953603']
Ah, I see. Too bad I don't have GIMP XP
I kinda figured that though, I'll probably download it later when nobody's around.
Yes, I'm paranoid. I've been like that ever since I decided to become a brony.
Which was a year ago.

Well, about time you opened up about it then.
Being judged is all about growing up. You gotta face the facts; everyone has their own opinions on certain things.
MLP, like everything else in this world, is just something that certain people like or dislike. Some attack it, some defend it, and some just prefer to stay out of both sides.
But one thing is for sure: If people judge you, then they're merely biased towards what you like in life. If you let them affect you and waver your true desires, then you just aren't ready to grow up yet.
The best thing to do is to step up and face the mass. Show them your true colors. Let them attack you with all they got. Just know that whatever they say, they can't hurt you if you stay true to yourself. In fact, the only person they are hurting is themselves, because their stupidity makes them lose brain cells (and makes their genitals seem smaller.)

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I've gotten over my paranoia mostly, but I've been caught freaking out at sound of people approaching, switching out of whatever tab i'm at. It's wierd, and it's just automatic.
EDIT:just to clarify, I'm not concerned about them finding out as I was in the first few months of my bronyism (Especially after my brother found out, who was essentially the only one I was paranoid about, because I see him all the time), and I'm fine with sharing it,I'm just paranoid at my computer, as it is in the most public part of the house, which is why I want a laptop, for peace and quiet <_<
I've been thinking of getting a Pony shirt for a while, though.

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Depends on what you mean by "Why I say", But I'll give ya both.
(AKA: wee walls of text gogogo)
Why I Say I'm paranoid (Literally): When I hear a sound that sounds like somebody approaching (Usually when watching a video, this happens) I will pause and switch to another tab without thinking, just by instinct from before I manned up. I'm trying to get better.
Why I am paranoid: The first time I watched, I didn't want my bro to know, as he's quick to give me nicknames and mock me with whatever. So when I thought he was approaching, I paused and switched to somewhere else. He got through 1 time, at episode 8, but I gave a short explanation, and he just shrugged and walked away. continued to do this until he found out around when S2EP18 or so was out, and I had EqD open, and he took over the computer suddenly and found out. I stopped being as paranoid, and gradually got better. (Funnily enough, I was fine about sharing my status of bronyism at school[Which has given me 4 nicknames before I left the god forsaken place], just not with my bro. Weird.)

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It's being slow for me too.
But at least I'm not clicking the "Post" button several times like several other people. <_<

Nothing's really changed for me. I've just been listening to a lot of Black Metal and Pinkie Pie.
The two go surprisingly well together, considering most metalheads I've come across worship her.

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And I'm being busy trying to make a userbar in GIMP, failing miserably, and
[spoiler='Wanting to MASH my computer WITH MAH MALLET because it doesn't like me ;_;'][img]http://img196.imageshack.us/img196/140/madbroy.png[/img]
[spoiler='Yes, It's hard to see...'][img]http://img835.imageshack.us/img835/6946/9dd.gif[/img][/spoiler][/spoiler](Specifically, Visitor text doesn't want to show up, and Image does not want to become transparent.)

In not-rage related news,[spoiler='This picture is awesome and there should be a version for somepony'][img]http://www.sixprizes.com/wp-content/uploads/zebstrika.png[/img][/spoiler]

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[quote name='Crimson Thar' timestamp='1339127113' post='5953765']

But what gave the impression that Scootaloo looked like a Chicken? :/
"That's not how you call a Chicken!"
"Oh yeah, then why don't you try?"
"What? No way!"
"Oh, I know how to call a chicken now! 'Scootaloo~! Scoot- Scootaloo~!'"

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[quote name='Crimson Thar' timestamp='1339127113' post='5953765']
But what gave the impression that Scootaloo looked like a Chicken? :/

I believe in one episode the other two CMC's called her a chicken or did something with chickens. Hence she was dubbed a chicken.

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^ I saw that pic. Genius in a pigpen.

[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1339128998' post='5953772']
"That's not how you call a Chicken!"
"Oh yeah, then why don't you try?"
"What? No way!"
"Oh, I know how to call a chicken now! 'Scootaloo~! Scoot- Scootaloo~!'"

Oh, okay. I must have missed that part.
I'd like to watch the whole series over again, but you know, it's 52 episodes and, well, I already have a list of shows I need to catch up on...

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(My leg! I sat down on it so long concentrating on this that it pains!
...Mostly due to technical difficulties.)
Scootaloo was also called a dodo (Return of Harmony P1), and Sweetie Belle a Dictionary(Same episode, actually). They should give applebloom a nickname of an object next season...

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Took a quite a while but finaly back home.
Traveled to a neighbouring town to attend my older brother's graduation, so I've been away almost the entire day.

Super pissed that gif's aren't working as avatars.
Using one right now but (obviously), it's not working

Thought it was a bit cute but made me laugh at the same time (a.k.a I instantly knew this was something I should use as my avatar)

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[quote name='Lazaruz' timestamp='1339180580' post='5954028']
Super pissed that gif's aren't working as avatars.
On the one I'm using right now, Vinyl is supposed to spin around.

It's alright. I personally don't care much for .gif avatars.
They give me a headache.

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[quote name='Voltaire' timestamp='1339183095' post='5954049']

I'm going to leave this here...

I've seen cuter
But if it was in reply to my previous post....

[quote name='Lazaruz' timestamp='1339180580' post='5954028']
Super pissed that gif's aren't working [u][b]as avatars[/b][/u].

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[quote name='Lazaruz' timestamp='1339180580' post='5954028']Super pissed that gif's aren't working as avatars.
Using one right now but (obviously), it's not working[/quote]]iirc they used to work in your profile, just not in the boards, but I guess not anymore.
Sucks, I know. I wish they worked too ;_;

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