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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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[quote name='Crimson Thar' timestamp='1339001819' post='5952984'] Pinkie came back and raged about DL asking about his sex life. It the midst, we commented on how bad we want Season 3 to come, giving some ideas as to what will be on there. Though, I dunno if you were there to see any of that or not, cause I've seen you comment in other places recently. [/quote]

I don't mind not having sex, unlike a leader of this club with R and D in his nickname.

I would enjoy a platonic relationship with a girl or guy.

[quote name='Lazaruz' timestamp='1339014962' post='5953046']
*puts away gun*

Don't make me bring out the bass canon

Oh, hello.

You're our DJ?

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If the club leaders don't do their job and enforce keeping this thing clean and non-spammy, then it will be first unpinned and possibly locked.
As in, no 3 words posts, no 3 words and a picture, no picture and 2 words and a video.

Consider this the first and last warning.

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Pinkie, I'm just going to tell you right now.
You're days here are numbered, and that number is zero.
I recommend you pack your bags now. Chances are, you won't be coming back.
Of course, this is all just speculation. Speculation that Dem will make the right decision.

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[quote name='Î’yakuya Kuchiki' timestamp='1338844684' post='5952050']
Does anyone not recognize I have returned ? ._____.

Yeah Gilda is an a*****e alright. It seemed extremely crude enough to bronies that Fluttershy was being screamed at and ran away crying, but she has been acting like a stereotypical bastard friend and she got what she deserved.

I've been away from this club long enough, that you most likely went away and returned, I still wasn't back ^^"
otherwise I would have noticed ;D


[EDIT... the pic is kind of... yeah. I'll post something else here in a bit xD ]

that pic is something I just randomly found. Lyra seems to be kind of a hot topic lately.
How old is that awkward stuffed lyra of over 700 dollars? O_o

I like the character too much for that but, to each it's own I guess.

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So while you guys are just going crazy and being weird and stuff, I'm just like
[spoiler='im reading, ok'][img]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/5229/imreadingok.png[/img][/spoiler](Mostly reading pony fics and stuff, If you were interested wtf I was reading because I never read by free will!)
(And also being a[quote name='⌈Remote⌋' timestamp='1315004708' post='5487559']FURRY.
WITH [url="http://airridemaster.deviantart.com/art/Ceal-304388332"][Butt][/url] WINGS. [Which I forgot in picture inside of spoiler. Funny how that works. Forgetting one of the most unique aspects of this guy in both his forms]
AND A BOW AND ARROW.[/quote]And sight problems apparently.

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[quote name='⌈Remote⌋' timestamp='1339035859' post='5953223']
So while you guys are just going crazy and being weird and stuff, I'm just like
[spoiler='im reading, ok'][img]http://img507.imageshack.us/img507/5229/imreadingok.png[/img][/spoiler]

I noticed that you draw a LOT like I do.

I haven't been drawing lately. I need to, though. Get my creative juices flowing again.

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[quote name='⌈Remote⌋' timestamp='1339036697' post='5953233']
That was mostly just a quick doodle, actually.
Just to illustrate my point of me being all "Reading, and you guys are being funny, ok."

I'm just the guy that's awkwardly hanging out and trying to have fun, yet find it hard to and resort to crowd control when it gets out of hand.
I can't focus on reading for sh*t. xD

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[quote name='Crimson Thar' timestamp='1339036987' post='5953238']
I'm just the guy that's awkwardly hanging out and trying to have fun, yet find it hard to and resort to crowd control when it gets out of hand.
I can't focus on reading for sh*t. xD
[/quote] crowd control?
What kind of crowd control?
[spoiler='The kind where you flail your arms aimlessly and expect to hit people?'][img]http://img15.imageshack.us/img15/2986/croudcontrol.png[/img][/spoiler](I've also noted I forgot ceals tail last time; or not, considering he could probably tuck it underneath or behind his fluffy frame.)
I couldn't concentrate at first, but you get sucked into it,
[spoiler='Especially when funny dialogue occurs.']Like this![quote]"We understand completely," said Luna. "How about we just prepare you a late-night pre-astronomy snack as your boon instead? Dost thou like pear and chocolate pie?"

"That sounds heavenly," I said, relieved.

"Good," said Luna. "Except we do not have any prepared that we can just teleport here. THEREFORE, PREPARE THYSELF AS I SUMMON THY CONFECTION FROM THE INKY VOID BETWEEN THE WORLDS!"

"No!" I yelled, leaping forward. "I mean… Princess, please don't tear a rift in the walls of reality just to get us a pie."

"But pie is good," stated Luna, blinking at me.[/quote]From [url="http://www.fimfiction.net/story/7508/Observatory-Hill"]This fic[/url][/spoiler]

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I come back and we are pinned and are threatened to be unpinned/locked? Whoever is responsible *cough* Pinkie *cough* Should be warned/banned.

Also, that Lyra thing isn't that bad. I imagine them to be similar to Flashlight holder, drink cozy, sockem boppers or even just a puppet. People go way overboard and assume the worst.

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[quote name='Rainbow Dash' timestamp='1339040365' post='5953270']
Also, that Lyra thing isn't that bad. I imagine them to be similar to Flashlight holder, drink cozy, sockem boppers or even just a puppet. People go way overboard and assume the worst.

Could be because the description leaves little to the imagination

(Though to be fair, It is [b]probably[/b] just Hoppip trolling us)

Also in regards to the spamming, I want to apologize as I might be guilty of it to a certain degree.

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I'm actually torn on what to think about it since, judging it strictly on description (a bad habit of mine), there is parts speaking for it being precisely what it says.
Though, I'm desperately hoping that it is just a hand puppet and the creator just trolled everyone with the description.

On an unrelated note:

Quick question

What do you all think of my new userbar?
(Personaly think the colours may be a bit to simmilar, pulled a cheap shot and sampeled them from her mane in a different pic)

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Came across it on DeviantArt while looking at fan art, and in fact is what inspired me to redo my old userbar (Zoroark was getting a bit old :P)

The sprite is made by [url="http://britishstarr.deviantart.com/"]Britishstarr[/url]
[size=2][s](Hate that the Whatever text you want command seems to be gone)[/s][/size]
(EDIT: Never mind)

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I like it, but that's not saying much, considering I've wanted a userbar for a while now.
...May I ask what/how you made it [with]?

Still reading Tonnes of Pony fics. Mostly Funny ones. not one for drama ;_;
Also considering watching season 2 again this summer, like how I watched all of season 1 in 1 day in summer (And again in spring break. Jeez.)

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