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Sugar Cube Corner [Reboot]: Bronies of YCM


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Ehh, I guess...
Though that Halloween episode did prove that Nightmare Moon technically "still exists", as Luna can just become her at will.

So Luna + Nightmare Moon being with part of the same Rank-Up system, or as separate cards, either way works, really.
...Though, with the later, would it be Luna as it's Element(*Assuming Luna has her own element*), or it would be Discord?

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[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1336943765' post='5938872']
Luna herself is Generosity, Laughter, and Honesty.[/quote]
Ahhh, so were doing this like Duel Master now. Neat.

[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1336943765' post='5938872']And can you remind me WHEN Luna turned into Nightmare Moon in that episode?[/quote]
Near the end.
Luna becomes Nightmare Moon(or at least they implied it), just for effect, and to scare everyone.
Pinkie then reminds Luna that its [i]fun[/i] to get scared, and would love it if they did this again next year.

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I think she was just getting all angry and stuff, not actually turning into NM, but I'll rewatch the episode sometime soon to be sure.
And I have no idea what that is, so I can't say.

Basically, Celestia and Luna each have 3 elements, and Unions have all the elements that their members have.

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[quote name='The Real DL' timestamp='1336946899' post='5938912']
Witness the glory~[/quote]
Call Ballooncord -> Search Discord -> ???? -> Call Discord -> His effect revives Balloon -> Balloon searches another Discord.
I like.

Also, with his 'conditions', does it take up your 1 Call-from-your-Hoof for the turn like a Tribute Summon? Or is it an effect that lets you play it when you fulfill said conditions, like Destiny Hero Plasma?

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No we ARE centering the text.
And I don't think we're including Balooncord.

Oh, and one more thing.
Since Celestia, Luna, and Discord are basically the god cards, and it's nearly impossible to get them ALL out at once (You'd need to get Celestia out last, for example), they'll have an auto-win union.

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Speaking of Celestia, there needs to be a cared that Banishes any 1 card on the field to the Moon, if you control Celestia.
Would totally be legit, too.

[quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1337028238' post='5939303']
And I don't think we're including Balooncord.[/quote]
I know, but it just seemed pretty neat how one could easily Call a bunch of Discords if it was included in this game.

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[quote name='Armadilloz' timestamp='1337029016' post='5939312']
[i][b]Speaking of Celestia, there needs to be a cared that Banishes any 1 card on the field to the Moon, if you control Celestia.
Would totally be legit, too.[/b][/i]

I know, but it just seemed pretty neat how one could easily Call a bunch of Discords if it was included in this game.

[b][i]It should be that one attack that she did against the Changling Queen. Dunno what that's called, though.[/i][/b]

That's why Discord's gonna have a limit card number per deck, silly. :P

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Alright, so, totally off topic, I need about 12-14 of what you guys think are the best episodes.
I want to buy them, to watch on an iPod, but Itunes isn't selling Season 2 in bulk yet.

ON topic, we're making all of the Magic element yet, presumably starting with Doctor Whooves (And Dit- Er, Derpy, despite her being the Laughter element, because they have a union card)

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Hola, guys~

You guys did a great job on the cards after I left btw. =o

[s]But Luna's passive effect is kinda.. boring.[/s]

And, Issun. Here's some that came to mind

Discord episodes, Season 2 finales episodes, Season 1 finale episode, Super Cider Squeezy, Secret of my Excess, Putting your hoof down, Suited for Success, Dog and Pony Show, MMMystery episode.

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Hola, Renji =D

Hey, now that you're here, you wanna read my WWE crossover fic? *points to sig*

@Issun: Definitely the first and final episodes of S2, final of S1, and I dunno any others at the top of my head that I enjoyed the most.

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Hmm, that makes sense. So like, the sisters become equal in power and shiz.

And definitely Luna Eclipsed. That was an amazin episode. :3

[quote name='Crimson Thar' timestamp='1337049596' post='5939600']
Hola, Renji =D

Hey, now that you're here, you wanna read my WWE crossover fic? *points to sig*

@Issun: Definitely the first and final episodes of S2, final of S1, and I dunno any others at the top of my head that I enjoyed the most.
I actually saw that you made it and read part of it. I plan to read the full thing at some point.

And there's a certain WWE club host that should totally be in that fic. :3

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[quote name='Renji' timestamp='1337050246' post='5939612']
And there's a certain WWE club host that should totally be in that fic. :3

I know the perfect crossover for you. You probably know who I'm talking about. ;)

Btw, Luna is sexeh.

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Friendship is Magic - Part 1
Friendship is Magic - Part 2
Bridle Gossip
Sonic Rainboom
The Return of Harmony - Part 1
The Return of Harmony - Part 2
Luna Eclipsed
Hearth's Warming Eve
The Super Cider Squeezy 6000
Read It and Weep
Putting Your Hoof Down
It's About Time
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 1
A Canterlot Wedding - Part 2

With Lesson Zero as a close 15th.

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[quote name='Renji' timestamp='1337051943' post='5939637']
Me VS Fluttershy VS Issun, Triple Threat Steel Cage Match for the YCWE Title. Js. :3

I don't have enough people to toss in a title match yet. But it will come eventually. =3

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So, I think I'll be getting...

Both Discord episodes, the S2 Finale(s), SSCS6000, Sweet and Elite, Luna Eclipsed, Winter Wrap-up, A Dog and Pony Show, Hearths Warming Eve, It's about time, Suited for Success, and perhaps The Best Night Ever.

Oh, and, by the way Renji... Remember that thing you promised you'd do once YCM fixed itself?

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